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In this article, we analyze the variation in math achievement trajectories of Black male students to understand the different ways these students successfully or unsuccessfully navigate schools and the school characteristics that are associated with their trajectories. Using longitudinal student-level data from a large urban US city (n = 7,039), we analyze Black male students from one cohort to identify trajectories. We find a lack of growth in standardized math scores, suggesting that, on average, math proficiency among Black male students in our sample is declining over time. We found that the 4th-grade standardized math scores of subsidized-lunch students were somewhat lower than those of nonsubsidized students and those of retained students were substantially lower than their counterparts. The average math score of a Black male student's cohort appears to be the only variable amenable to policy manipulation that has a sizeable association with the growth of their standardized math scores, suggesting that putting Black male students in more challenging learning environments may be the best way to increase math proficiency over time. By themselves, other policy decisions (reducing student mobility, teacher turnover, or special education classification; increasing attendance or spending on after-school programming; or hiring more qualified or experienced teachers) all appear to have no or negligible associations with growth in math scores.  相似文献   

This article is a historical look at the struggle to integrate feminist knowledge into the mainstream higher education curriculum in the UK. The research presented is based on interviews with academics and students of an 'old' university during the late 1960s to the mid-1980s. It forms part of a larger research project on the history of women's studies in higher education in the UK, and is a case study of one institution which resisted the integration of feminist knowledge into the mainstream curriculum. Through an examination of the social relations of the University and the structure of the curriculum, it is argued that feminist knowledge was 'silenced' to a certain extent. The factors which contributed to the resistance of feminist interventions serve to illuminate various aspects of the culture of higher education in the UK, which has historically viewed feminist knowledge, and women's studies, with a degree of ambivalence.  相似文献   

随着近年来以提高学生认知能力为中心的学习日益发展,从元认知角度出发,根据自我调节、专业自我意识对学生成绩具有直接和间接预测能力的研究,考察了英语与数学自我意识、自我调节对学生成绩的直接和间接预测能力。结果表明,自我计划和自我调整对学生英语成绩具有直接的预测能力,而自我监控通过对自我意识的影响而对学生数学成绩具有间接的预测能力。不同年级学生自我调节能力有显著差异。根据实验结果,提出提高学生自我调节以及专业自我意识的教育措施与方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates whether children’s preschool experiences are associated with later achievement via enhanced learning behaviors using data from a German longitudinal study following children (N = 554) from age 3 in preschool to age 8 in second grade. There were two main findings. First, results suggest that more positive learning behaviors at school entry mediate effects of teacher–child interactions in preschool on second-grade achievement. Second, these effects varied by parental socioeconomic status (SES) indicating that low-SES children benefited the most. The findings highlight the role of preschool classroom environments in shaping the school readiness of children with socioeconomic risk factors.  相似文献   

试论象牙塔里的导师冷暴力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
象牙塔里的导师冷暴力尽管出发点各异、表现形式多样、并有一定的隐蔽性,但其具有普遍性。其原因可以用人际交换理论、人际冲突理论、文化认可理论来分析。导师冷暴力是对研究生精神与心理的摧残,同时也会影响导师自身的教学效能感。为此,学校、导师、研究生要采取各种积极的措施予以化解。  相似文献   

走出"象牙塔"之后:大学的功能与责任   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“走出象牙塔”后的大学的功能和责任都在扩展。严格地说大学的“职能”与“功能”是有区别的,但又是相互联系与转化的。继教学、研究、服务之后,“交往”正在成为现代大学的第四功能。现代大学的概念具有多义性,也是发展着的。守护大学理念,创新大学制度,是大学薪火传承的根本保证,也是大学应有之社会责任。  相似文献   

程育真,作为上世纪40年代东吴女作家群的一员,其作品充满着独特的梦幻气息和浓郁的基督教色彩。围绕着梦的编织和破碎,这个走出象牙塔的寻梦人,一直在作品中试图宣扬基督教的平等博爱。虽然有时脱离实际,过于理想,但是她清新的文笔还是给文坛抹上了一道亮色。  相似文献   

The achievement gap in mathematics between African American and Caucasian students has been observed for several decades, though previous research has been unable to fully explain why the gap exists. Using a sample of 56 kindergarten and first grade students, this study examined the role that cognitive developmental level plays in the achievement gap. Results indicated that African American students scored significantly lower than the Caucasian students on a test of mathematical achievement. Furthermore, proportionally more African American students remained in the preoperational stage of development as compared to their same-age Caucasian peers. Finally, after controlling for cognitive developmental level, the achievement gap between the two groups became statistically indistinguishable, suggesting that cognitive developmental level mediates the relationship between ethnicity and mathematic achievement.  相似文献   


Drawing on the perspectives of 11 education lecturers, this paper examines what it is like to work in the Education Department of one small denominational College of Higher Education (CHE) in England. From what these lecturers say, it seems that the college teaching staff are located as either academics or as non-academics (educationalists); a binary which has been constructed over time. This positions teacher education lecturers who work in the CHE in structural contexts where it would be extremely difficult for many of them to perform any of the accepted traditional roles of academia. Although the focus in this paper is with lecturers who teach on a 4-year undergraduate primary teacher training programme, it could be argued that similar dilemmas of status differentials impact on all those who teach teachers. Thus, the paper argues that, to a large degree, educationalists are excluded (and perhaps work to exclude themselves) from participation in the academy and inhabit another world which perhaps more accurately mirrors the school room rather than the lecture hall. Teaching in higher education, in England as elsewhere, is therefore not of a piece; it is highly differentiated and internally divided.  相似文献   

Using policy discourse analysis, the author analyzed 21 diversity action plans issued at 20 U.S. land-grant universities over a five-year period to identify images of diversity and the problems and solutions represented in diversity action plans. Discourses of marketplace, excellence, managerialism, and democracy emerged and served to construct images of the diverse individual as a commodity, entrepreneur, and change agent. These findings suggest that the dominance of the marketplace discourse may situate the diverse individual as a resource to be exploited and inspire entrepreneurial endeavors rather than change-making activism. Diversity action plans in their current form may unintentionally undermine the achievement of their equity goals.  相似文献   

走出“象牙塔”:大学知识资本化的文化张力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两次学术革命促使大学从象牙塔走进公众的生活,朝着社会化的方向重新定位自己的角色。特别是在商业文化深层次地介入大学之后,学界与商界从曾经的分离开始走向嵌合,学术文化与商业文化从曾经的冲突开始谋求共生,一种大文化观正在生成。  相似文献   

Wu  Huimin  Guo  Yiqun  Yang  Yingkai  Zhao  Le  Guo  Cheng 《Educational Psychology Review》2021,33(4):1749-1778
Educational Psychology Review - The reciprocal relationship between academic self-concept (ASC) and academic achievement has been documented in multiple studies. However, this relationship has not...  相似文献   

Many studies have reported that twice-exceptional (2e) students were vulnerable in psychological traits and exhibited low-academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy. Such vulnerability may cause their academic failures. This study applied interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA), a qualitative approach to investigate the perceptions of academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy in six 2e students from a Singapore secondary school. Results demonstrate that 2e students could possess high-academic self-concept and academic self-efficacy that empower their academic success. This study suggests strategies such as focusing on the 2e students’ strength areas and developing their interests in particular academic domains to enable their development of high-academic self-concept. We also recommend practices such as creating the experiences of success, practicing effective parental and teacher support, and providing positive peer influence to foster 2e students’ high-academic self-efficacy.  相似文献   

An account and an analysis of the success of the Glasgow School of Art/Strathclyde Regional Council Artists in Schools Project 1990-1996  相似文献   

In this study, the relationship between adolescents’ difficulty in mathematics and reading and the influence on academic self-concept and school grades was examined. The participants (N = 585; 299 girls, 286 boys) were one age group of ninth-graders whose mathematics and reading skills were assessed at the end of comprehensive school at age 16 years. Five student profile groups were found using cluster analysis: best achievers, normal achievers (NA), the reading difficulty (RD) group, the mathematical difficulty (MD) group, and the learning difficulty (LD) group. Post-hoc tests revealed that the RD group and the LD group had a higher academic self-concept than the MD group. In school grades history, surprisingly, the NA group and the RD group performed equally well across all school grades. Students in the MD group performed as poorly as the LD group. The results emphasise the prolonged and generalised effects of especially MD on students’ academic careers.  相似文献   

Enterprise in Higher Education and related programmes are having an increasing influence upon the curriculum and practice of undergraduate teaching, yet there has been a curious lack of a detailed critique of their underlying principles. Two forms of justification can be found for Enterprise in Higher Education: the ideology of the marketplace, and individual self-development. The tension between these two justifications lies at the root of the problems with the scheme.  相似文献   


The effects of cluster registration upon various aspects of student experience at the University of Utah were studied. From among first quarter freshmen, undecided as to academic major, seven groups of students were identified who had registered for the same general education courses and who could be kept together for the duration of the quarter in their respective groups (clusters) by assigning them to appropriate course sections. A control group was used. Findings led to the conclusion that cluster registration (used in this investigation) did not improve the quality of the university experience of these entering college freshmen.  相似文献   

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