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The issue of defining and measuring professional obsolescence among physical educators is examined through a comparison of the current knowledge base of graduating physical education seniors and physical education practitioners in Pennsylvania. In a previous study, the “Inventory of Recent Knowledge in Physical Education,” a 260-item sample of current knowledge as defined by content experts was developed by the authors and administered by mail to the population of 2,737 male professional members of the public school districts' departments of physical education in Pennsylvania. In the present study, results from the first study were compared with those from an administration of the same instrument to 462 female and male physical education majors graduating from nine Pennsylvania higher education institutions. Both studies employed multiple-matrix procedures for item-person sampling and data analysis. An analysis of the results for both groups showed essentially similar performance profiles on the Inventory. Average scores of the two groups tended to be low and neither met preestablished minimum standards for defining up-to-date or nonobsolete performance. These results point to a clear conflict between what experts think up-to-date persons in the field of physical education should know and the knowledge performance of practitioners and students.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which gender ratio and patterns of collegiality intersect among physical educators in higher education. An indirect measure of patterns of collegiality was obtained from an examination of the gender of authors and of author teams. Specifically, the investigator focused on publication rates, gender of primary authors of mixed teams and dyads, and size and gender composition of author teams. The data base consisted of articles published by physical educators in 14 research-based physical education journals 1980–1984. In addition, a measure of change was obtained through a comparison of selected data of 1980 and 1984. The results showed that although on the average, women and men had published the same number of articles, type and degree of collaboration differed significantly. Women tended to publish alone while men tended to publish in groups. The data also indicated that men were accorded senior authorship of mixed sex teams significantly more often than were women. In addition, the longitudinal data indicated a decrease in the number of women who were senior authors. The results were explained in terms of the numerical and institutional domination of men physical educators in higher education.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the prestige of physical education graduate departments where faculty obtained their doctorates and the prestige of physical education graduate departments where faculty are now employed. Based on previous research in other academic disciplines, it was expected that graduates from the most prestigious departments tend to be employed at the most prestigious institutions; that their proportion declines as the institutional prestige of the doctoral granting institution declines; and that the institutional inbreeding of doctoral graduates in physical education will be the highest among the most prestigious institutions. Subjects (N = 795) were regular resident faculty with earned doctorates who were employed at any one of the 58 highest physical education doctoral degree producing institutions. A multiple regression analysis revealed a significant relationship (.01) between prestige of doctoral granting department and prestige of employing department. Data indicated that faculty positions at institutions ranking in the top 20 were available almost exclusively to graduates from the top 20, and that the higher the prestige of a department the greater the inbreeding of the faculty. Findings clearly supported the “sponsored” model of career mobility patterns rather than the “contest” model.  相似文献   

对我国部分省、市高校的152名体育教师的心理挫折情况进行了调查研究。结果表明,我国高校中的部分体育教师存在着较严重的心理挫折;挫折程度随年龄增大呈下降趋势,并具有青年教师的挫折程度显著高于老年教师和女教师显著高于男教师的特点;体育教师心理挫折的成因可归纳为客观和主观8个主要因素。针对致挫原因,提出了缓解与消除心理挫折的措施和方法,旨在更好地调动广大体育教师的工作积极性。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to inquire into the validity of certain aspects of the public image of the physical educator through the use of selected psychological test instruments, and to assess these factors in a group of administration oriented physical educators. The performances of the physical educators differed significantly from those of a group of classroom teachers on each of three psychological measures. The direction of some of the differences provides support for the public image of the physical educator. Conclusions must be modified by the fact that a high degree of overlap exists between the performance distributions of the two groups and by the observation that the differences were altered sharply by experimental changes in the membership of the physical education group.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined National Board certified physical education teachers' (NBCPETs) perceptions of change as a result of certification. Randomly selected NBCPETs (65; women = 53, men = 12) were interviewed. Analysis was done through the lens of Lawson's (1989) Model of the interactive factors Influencing workplace conditions for the Physical Education Teacher Several themes connected to teachers' views of themselves as NBCPETs surfaced. In particular more teaching reflection and a greater focus on student learning and assessment, including an increased emphasis on individualizing teaching were described. An elevation in their perceived status and credibility and expanded opportunities within the educational community also emerged. Alternatively, several NBCPETs explained that the certification process had little or no effect on their teaching  相似文献   

缄默知识是英国学者波兰尼于1958年首次提出的1个概念。20世纪70年代后缄默知识理论引起了英语国家各种管理人员以及一些心理学家,社会学家的关注并开始在西方流行。现在缄默知识理论已经波及到了人类文化几乎所有重要的方面,如科学、伦理、政治、法律、经济、教育等并产生了重要的影响。但是目前缄默知识理论在体育教学中的应用还不多见。文章简要地介绍了缄默知识及其特征和作用,对体育教学中的缄默知识及其作用进行了粗略的分析,为人们认识体育教学中的缄默知识提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Physical education is critical to addressing childhood obesity, yet many school-based programs do not meet established quality standards and teachers are called upon to change. Little is known about how change is initiated and its associated internal and external factors. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate physical education teacher change that was self-initiated and externally initiated and to examine dispositions toward the change process relative to initiation. Method: A random national sample of physical educators representing each SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators regional district participated in a survey measuring past programming changes, primary initiators of change, and teachers’ dispositions toward change. In total, 2,423 teachers (46% response rate) completed electronic, paper, or telephone questionnaires. Results: Teachers most often made minor curriculum changes, and they added/subtracted student assessments (primarily informal assessments) least often. Self-initiated (bottom-up) change was most frequently (83.1% of the time) reported. Externally initiated (top-down) changes were less frequent and were most often associated with professional development. Teachers reported principals’ involvement in both top-down and bottom-up change processes was minimal. Teachers who were more disposed to making future changes reported making significantly (p < .01, η2 = .046–.119) more past changes than those who were less disposed to change. Conclusions: Physical education teachers primarily self-initiated minor programming changes without involvement from administration. Externally initiated change was infrequent and mostly involved professional development. Dispositions toward change were individual and enduring such that teachers who had made more past changes were more likely to also make future changes.  相似文献   

孔军 《湖北体育科技》2007,26(5):586-588
在知识转移视角下对传统体育教育状况进行剖析,分析传统体育教育中存在的问题,并提出了知识转移视角下对传统体育教育组织工作的改进策略.  相似文献   

知识经济与体育院校教学改革   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
本文从社会经济发展的角度介绍了知识经济的基本原理和特征,论证了当今高等院校在知识经济中的地位和作用,分析了我国体育院校教学改革面临的困境,提出了冲出困境的对策  相似文献   

为给中学体育的进一步研究和发展提供参考,本文采用可视化分析法、文献资料法、数理统计法等研究方法,以2019年以前在核心期刊和CSSCI期刊上发表的有关中学体育研究的论文为研究对象,运用Cite Space V可视化分析软件绘制出关于中学体育研究的知识图谱并进行分析和解读。结果表明:(1)我国中学体育研究领域的论文发文量整体上呈现出不规则的倒"V"字型;(2)我国中学体育研究领域的学者合作不够密切,大部分学者处于各自为战的状态;(3)我国中学体育研究领域科研机构之间松散的合作局面不利于该领域的发展;(4)中学体育领域的研究由集中化向多元化方向发展,且该领域的研究热点大多分布在中学体育的主体、中学体育教学、不同地区的中学体育、中学体育的发展4个方面。  相似文献   

学校体育及身体保健设问精解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对学校体育及身体保健方面许多常识性问题上存在的认识偏误,设置40问并从体育基本理论的高度分别进行了简明解说。  相似文献   

体育教师对体育教学策略进行知识管理,对体育教学实践和体育教师专业发展具有重要意义.它可以使体育教师的隐性教学策略知识外在化,有助于变革传统的体育教学管理模式,创建学习型体育教学文化,提升体育教师的专业素养.体育教学策略的知识管理是体育教师对体育教学策略知识进行采集与整理—存储与积累—传播与共享—运用与创新,是一个周而复始、螺旋上升的运动过程.实现体育教师对体育教学策略的知识管理,需要诸多条件的支持,诸如发展型体育教师的培养、自觉性的体育理论学习、反思式的体育教学实践与共享型的体育教学文化等.  相似文献   

对179名中学体育教师的工作积极性进行了认真调查分析.结果表明:当前中学体育教师的工作积极状态水平总体偏低;反映出随年龄增长而提高的趋势,且呈"双峰"状态;具有男教师高于女教师、重点中学教师高于普通中学教师、职称学历高的教师高于低的教师等特点体育教师工作积极性偏低的成因主要可归结为六个方面,并针对现状提出了若干改进措施和建议.  相似文献   

采用文献分析法,深入剖析后现代主义,探究知识管理及体育教师教学知识之间的关联性,理出体育教师后现代教学知识观的脉络图,后现代教学为学校体育课程改革提供了全新的审视视角,对继续深化体育课程改革与发展具有很好的启发与借鉴作用。本文综合归纳出高等院校教师后现代教学知识观主要包括以下几个方面:1)赋权增能的多元价值,2)竞合策略的学习要领,3)体育评价的典范转移,4)资讯媒体的虚拟运用,5)差异化的学生主体观,旨在推动体育教师个人的体育及运动知识转换为对学生、对学校有帮助的力量,以达成体育教育的目标。  相似文献   

采用文献法、问卷调查法 ,对福建省 132名中学体育教师预防艾滋病 (AIDS)认知水平以及学校预防AIDS教育状况进行了调查。结果显示 :我省相当部分中学体育教师对AIDS相关知识缺乏认识 ;学校开展预防AIDS教育意识淡薄 ;绝大多数教师对中学开展AIDS和性教育持赞同态度。  相似文献   

高校体育应适应知识经济发展的需要, 转变思想观念, 树立新的指导思想, 积极推进素质教育, 发展学生的体育素质, 并进一步深化体育教学改革。  相似文献   

Physical education teachers and the programs that prepare them find themselves in the early part of the 21st century in a public policy environment that differs significantly from that of the 20th century. This policy environment is grounded in an ideology that postulates that schools and teachers, rather than social forces, should be held responsible for academic outcomes, and in turn, economic success. For the first time, physical education teachers are being held accountable for student learning in the same way as their classroom peers. Improving the effectiveness of teachers is seen as the primary mechanism for improving student learning. In discussing how teaching effectiveness has evolved, I describe a relationship among the process–product paradigm, the ecological paradigm, and a neo-ecological paradigm called the instructional core. The latter paradigm extends our understanding of teaching effectiveness in new ways by describing the dynamic and interdependent relationship among teacher, student, and content in the gymnasium. It has significant implications for the professional development of teachers and the conduct of teaching effectiveness research. I conclude by discussing why content is so critical to conceptions of teaching effectiveness.  相似文献   

试论知识经济与高校体育教育专业教学改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是一个知识经济时代,知识经济的到来对我们的国家既是不可回避的挑战,又是不可多得的机遇。文章从知识经济的视角入手,对知识经济与高校体育教育人才培养及课程设置的关系进行了初步探讨,为高校体育教育专业学改革提供参考。  相似文献   

高校体育教师个人知识管理评估方法初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘汉生 《体育与科学》2011,32(2):107-112
随着信息时代和知识经济时代的到来,高校体育教师个人知识管理已成为我国高校体育创新教育发展的重要趋势之一。在对个人知识管理和高校体育教师个人知识管理重要性和概念模型研究的基础上,构建了一种包括个人知识存储和累积、个人知识构建和完善以及个人知识应用和创新的高校体育教师个人知识管理体系,并对360度高校体育教师个人知识管理评估方法进行了探讨。为我国高校体育教师队伍建设提供参考。  相似文献   

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