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This article critically analyzes the narratives of 62 White male undergraduates at a single institution about their views on race and experiences with racism. It is framed by Mills' (1997) conception of Whiteness that is founded upon an inverted epistemology or an epistemology of ignorance. Therefore, this analysis centers the ways in which White male undergraduates concurrently downplay the contemporary significance of White privilege while examining the role college experiences have at reinforcing this structured ignorance. The themes from their interviews included: (1) White ignorance and White identity as meaningless; (2) Evasive White racial ignorance; and (3) Racial arrested development and racial regression. These findings emphasize the need to creatively challenge White males to develop their racial selves, especially because their ignorance fuels the linguistic and physical violence Students of Color regularly experience.  相似文献   

心理健康问题已成为阻碍当代大学生学习、生活、成长、成才的重要因素之一.本文在研究本科院校学生存在的心理障碍及其成因的基础上,提出了加强本科院校学生心理健康教育的途径和方法.  相似文献   

The experiences of Black counseling students at Predominantly White Institutions are well documented. Using a transcendental phenomenological environmental research design, we explored how 12 Black counselor education graduates experienced their respective institutions across three types of academic institutions—Predominantly White Institutions, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Hispanic Serving Institutions. Three salient themes emerged—(1) exposure, (2) real-life exposure, and (3) cultural oasis. The researchers also discussed implications for counselor education programs and future research.  相似文献   


The student population in American public schools has become increasingly diverse; however, the teacher workforce remains primarily White (80%). The purpose of the current paper was to examine the relationship between student-teacher racial composition and perceptions of school climate and the impact of Whiteness on the educational outcomes of minoritized students and their counterparts. Findings from the study indicate that more than 90 percent of the minoritized students in the sample are being educated by a majority White teaching staff. White students’ perceptions of cultural acceptance and connectedness increased as the number of White teachers increased. However, there was no effect for minoritized students. For minoritized students, perceptions of school climate did increase as the number of minoritized students increased. Recommendations for addressing ways to create more equitable learning environments for minoritized students and address and reduce teacher bias are discussed.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题是就业率与就业质量的统一,就业质量是当前中国大学毕业生就业问题的核心所在。目前中国大学生就业质量不高,主要体现在就业的稳定性长期处于较低水平,就业匹配质量较低,就业期望与就业岗位的偏差较大。为此,需要以就业质量为导向创新中国高等教育发展模式,发挥不同主体对大学毕业生就业匹配度的调整功能,科学规划和调整自身职业生涯与就业期望值,提升个人就业效用。  相似文献   

近年,随着大学生服务意识和奉献精神的不断提高,以友爱、互助、进步为核心内容的志愿服务正在成为该群体社会实践的重要组成部分,有效弥补了大学生社会体验的缺位状况,对其就业能力的提升也起到了良好的促进作用。  相似文献   

我国的高等教育已进入大众化阶段,高职生的就业市场发生很大变化,就业竞争激烈,用人单位对高职生的能力要求日趋提高,高职生必须提高就业能力来应对当前的就业形势.高职院校应把提升就业能力作为人才培养的目标,通过强化就业指导,多渠道增强学生实践能力,来提升高职生的就业能力.  相似文献   

Reading comprehension is a complex skill that places significant demands on students, beginning with elementary school and continuing through the secondary grades. In this article, we provide an overview of possible factors associated with problems in reading comprehension among secondary students with learning disabilities. Discussion underscores the fact that comprehension problems are evidenced by a heterogeneous group of students. We argue that it is important for teachers to align an intervention with a specific area of difficulty (e.g., teaching prefixes and suffixes to increase reading vocabulary). We highlight research‐based interventions advocated by the National Reading Panel and offer ways that teachers can match specific strategies with the individual needs of students with problems in reading comprehension. Finally, we emphasize that whatever strategy is selected, it should be structured, explicit, scaffolded, and intense ( Williams et al., 2005 ).  相似文献   

This article examines minority teacher recruitment policies and programs of the past two decades and explores their influence on the racial/ethnic makeup of the teaching force in elementary and secondary public schools. The results show that while important progress has been made toward increasing the overall number and proportion of minority teachers in the public schools, those gains have been eclipsed by the rapid growth of the minority student population. As a result, the racial/ethnic gap between students of color and their teachers has actually increased over the years. The authors provide an overview of current minority teacher recruitment state policies and introduce the Teacher-Student Parity Index, a new metric for comparing the proportions of teachers and students from different racial/ethnic groups to gain a more textured understanding of the demographic reality of today's schools than is presently found in the literature. The authors conclude with recommendations for policy and research.  相似文献   

阅读是小学语文学科教学的关键任务之一,既关系着小学生语言能力的发展,也影响着小学生终身学习能力的形成,同时也关系着学生精神财富的不断积累与完善。在知识经济时代下,善于阅读、勤于阅读的学生更易于实现自己的人生价值,所以小学语文教师要切实关注学生自主阅读能力的形成与发展,且要通过科学引导去培养学生的自主阅读能力。本文将结合笔者的教学经验,去分析提升小学生阅读能力的有效策略。  相似文献   

加强和改进高校学生教育管理是素质教育的必然要求.要加强和改进高校学生教育管理,必须实现学生工作目标和内容、学生工作模式、学生工作评价等方面的转变,并相信学生,充分发挥学生的主观能动性,尊重学生,善于听取学生意见和建议,关爱学生,引导和教育学生树立正确的人生观、世界观.  相似文献   

就业工作是所有高校的一项重点工作,而就业服务对于就业工作的开展有着决定性的意义。对于医学高职生来说,就业服务质量的提升需要从落实措施,完善工作机制;紧贴市场,促进适销对路;整合资源,加强指导工作三个方面进行着手,从而促进就业服务质量的有效提升。  相似文献   

薛棋文  金晓娟 《海外英语》2011,(12):112-113,123
随着大学英语教学改革的深化,越来越多的独立学院开始对大学英语课程进行系列改革和创新,对非英语专业学生口语表达能力的教学也提出了新的见解和思考,传媒类独立学院非英语专业学生口语能力日益受到关注。概括分析了传媒类独立学院非英语专业学生大学英语口语课教学现状,并从五方面分析了其原因,最后就改革思路及提高策略进行了初步探讨,提出了培养具有传媒特色的应用型复合型人才的新目标。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化的发展,英语在日常生活及对外交流中的作用日益凸显。现阶段,我国越来越多的合资企业崛地而起,同时亦有更多的外资企业入驻中国市场,在劳动力需求进一步扩大的同时,对于劳动力质量的要求也进一步提高。英语作为我国基础教育的必修课程,进一步地体现其在社会发展中的重要地位。而作为技能人才培养基地的高职院校,将担负着为企业培养更多高质、高量的全面性人才的重要使命。然而,在现阶段高职院校的英语教学中,学生对于英语的学习掌握程度仅限于基础层次,而并不能够深入地学习与应用,在毕业生的就业中不具备竞争优势。如何提高高职院校英语教学质量成为提高高职学生就业竞争力的关键所在。  相似文献   

在大规模的研究生招生热潮中,如何争取优秀生源成为地方高校面临的挑战.针对现阶段地方高校生源质量存在的第一志愿生源不足、生源覆盖范围小、生源学术研究态度欠缺、生源质量欠佳等问题,文章从完善研究生招生宣传体系、优化复试选拔机制、发挥特色学科优势等方面提出建议,以求不断提高地方高校研究生生源质量.  相似文献   

写好“三笔字”是师范生的基本功,然而对“三笔字”训练重要性的认识并不到位,且训练方法不当,造成学生书写水平难以提高,影响了教育教学质量.从汉字文化和训练实践相结合的视角,提出技能与涵养兼顾的“三笔字”训练策略和方法,以期实现提高学生书写水平和塑造高尚人格的目的.  相似文献   

邵佰东 《成人教育》2016,(11):63-66
以往探讨成人教育现象都局限于成人教育类型特点,从国家层面,从院校层面,从社会层面谈成人教育的现状,而往往忽略第三方教育培训机构对成人教育的影响.文章通过研究成人教育培训机构和机构报名学员这两个群体来探讨成人教育现存的一些问题,以及针对这些问题提出的对策.  相似文献   

"说"是思想、信息的口头输出与表达,是最基本的言语交际活动,但却是美院学生最需和最难提高的一项语言技能。通过调研和测试分析了影响美院学生口语能力提高的几个主要因素并根据美院大学英语口语教学目标,在"自我实现"理论的指导下提出了符合美院特色的促"说"策略。  相似文献   

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