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现代课程传统积淀的课程崇拜是外语教师主体性暗隐的潜在因素,而主体性形塑是外语教师发展旨趣的精神源泉。外语教师发展要走出静态的课程规约,在工具理性与交往理性、系统与生活世界等二元关系中走出一条辩证之道,其间须在超越工具理性、解构学科神话、改塑课程崇拜和建构话语互动的愿景中,动态整体地批判性解读现行课程文本,创造性理解课程话语,从而复归自身作为课程主体的话语权。  相似文献   

文章以批评性话语分析的视角,在Halliday系统功能语言学的理论框架内,从及物性、情态动词和转换方面探讨政治语篇的话语功能,以便更好地掌握批评性话语的分析方法.  相似文献   

论批评话语分析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文论述了批评话语分析的基本理论,原则和方法。批评话语分析的出发点是对语方和话语本质的重新认识:语言不是中立客观地再现真实的手段,语言和话语的有效建构,调节并控制知识,社会关系和机构。本文分析了话语、权利和意识形态之间的关系,通过语方实例从几个方面讨论了批评话语分析的语言机制和方法,并指出批评话语分析的意义和提高语言批评意识的重要性。  相似文献   

本文拟从定义、哲学理论基础、原则与方法等视角对批评话语分析和积极话语分析做简要的对比分析,以期探索更加有效的话语分析新途径。  相似文献   


The urban education typology put forth by Milner (Urban Educ 47(3):556–561, 2012) offered a conceptual demarcation of three different, yet interconnected types of urban school districts (i.e., urban intensive, urban emergent, and urban characteristic). Nearly one decade after Milner’s seminal urban education typology, few empirical or conceptual articles have operationalized this typology across multiple school districts in one region. We enter this scholarly space to reaffirm the typology and its utility in identifying the conditions that create varying educational inequities and transformative opportunities. Through a critical race spatial analysis, we attempt to capture, crystalize, and expand Milner's typology by examining a multitude of data points and intentionally drawing on geospatial data from five linked school districts in Harris County, Texas. Our findings, as viewed through lenses of Critical Race Theory and the Chicana Feminist conceptual framework known as borderlands, accentuate two major implications; (1) while there are physical spaces of restriction inside and around schools and school districts, regularly school districts contend with identical challenges despite their urban education typology categorical classification; and (2) when employing the urban education typology, it is imperative that researchers deeply contextualize the physical, temporal, historical, social, and racialized spaces that schools and school districts exist in.


The purpose of this study is to explore teacher education policies in different countries of Latin America and North America through the comparison of policy documents. The training of teachers, a key component of education, faces educational challenges as a result of various reform policies in different countries. Critical discourse analysis offers the possibility of illuminating certain aspects of educational policies in specific historic moments. A comparative perspective allows researchers to explore similarities and differences between political statements from a number of governments and agencies, in order to characterize general elements and particularities of teacher education policies in the context of late capitalism. The corpus of this study consists of a selection of recent educational policy documents at national and international levels. This study continues a line of previous studies which apply critical discourse analysis to the research of educational policies.  相似文献   

罗秀霞 《海外英语》2012,(5):256-257
新闻反映社会问题和意识形态,是批评性语篇分析的主要对象之一。该文旨在介绍批评性语篇分析的概念和理论框架,并运用该理论分析《纽约时报》上的一篇新闻报道来论述、解释语言、权利和意识形态三者间的关系。  相似文献   

This paper aims to explore the underlying ideologies as well as the relationship between news discourse and ideology by analyzing a news report on Saddam Hussein's capture in New York Times from the perspective of critical discourse analysis. While making the analysis, this paper studies the details of linguistic features, transitivity, modality and thematic choice which are based on the three metafunctions of language proposed by Halliday in systemic-functional grammar, so as to reveal how news discourse is used by powerful groups to reinforce dominant ideologies, and to gain profound insights about the stance and attitude maintained in news reports.  相似文献   

黄茜然 《海外英语》2014,(13):246-247
Different Scholars have different views of the definition of Discourse Analysis;it’s a research method that can be used by scholars with a variety of academic and non-academic affiliations,coming from a variety of disciplines,to answer a variety of questions.Critical Discourse Analysis is a branch of Discourse Analysis;this paper introduces its development,guidance theory and approach of it.As Positive Discourse Analysis is the extension of Critical Discourse Analysis,this paper introduces the production and main theories of it.At last,a comparison was made between them.  相似文献   

通过揭示语篇中权利和意识形态之间的关系来加强读者的语言意识,是批评语篇分析的主要目的。基于批评语篇分析理论进行批评性阅读教学可以提高学生的阅读理解能力。教师可以讲授常用的批评语篇分析工具,使学生学会对语篇进行批评性分析,从而培养学生进行批评性阅读的能力。  相似文献   

Critical Thinking and Science Education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is widely held that developing critical thinking is one of thegoals of science education. Although there is much valuable work in the area, the field lacksa coherent and defensible conception of critical thinking. As a result, many efforts to foster criticalthinking in science rest on misconceptions about the nature of critical thinking. This paper examines some of themisconceptions, in particular the characterization of critical thinking in terms of processes orskills and the separation of critical thinking and knowledge. It offers a more philosophically sound and justifiableconception of critical thinking, and demonstrates how this conception could be used to ground scienceeducation practice.  相似文献   

教师群体活动中涌现的话语,作为教师生活质量和当前教育话语的反映形式,具有日益重要的研究价值。门特话语围绕初任教师和有经验教师的群体活动展开,相关文献研究的回顾体现门特话语分析对教师群体活动和专业发展的意义。通过批判话语分析理论的介绍和门特话语中常用的评课体裁范例的批判性分析,揭示了门特话语和教师教育话语的本质特征。  相似文献   

会话分析和批评话语分析都将自然话语视为对社会的反映,都以话语为媒介考察社会对话语生成的影响,但由于对话语及社会本质的认识不同,二者的方法论也不尽相同。梳理两个流派的异同点可加深对话语社会特性的认识,同时也有助于整合话语分析各流派的理论及研究方法,推动话语研究的深入发展。  相似文献   

In this article, I explore a case study of the special education referral process as an institutional site of exploring the intersection of power, discourse and subjectivities. I engage with critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) (Fairclough, Critical Discourse Analysis: the critical study of language , New York, Longman, 1995; Language and Power , London, Longman, 1989) as an analytic and social tool to uncover the webs of discursive practices involved in institutional decision-making. I focus on the process through which identities are constructed through discourse. I present three different interpretations from the beginning of the referral process: (1) the classroom teacher, (2) the remedial reading teacher, and (3) the parent of the child who was referred. In juxtaposing these interview texts I demonstrate how the teachers and June Treader, the parent, perceive the intention of the referral process differently. The school views the referral process as definitive while the mother views the referral as exploratory, to learn more about her daughter. I call on CDA--particularly the domains of discourse and style--as a means to explore and explain the differences in assumptions at the beginning of the referral process. This analysis demonstrates that despite the differences in interpretation at the beginning of the process there is remarkable similarity between the three participants around the values, beliefs and assumptions of 'schooled literacy'. This research suggests the need to expand on frameworks that conceptualize 'conflict' between discourse practices to consider the consequences of alignment.  相似文献   

教师话语是大学英语课堂的重要交际媒介.它是教师执行教学计划的工具,对学生语言习得产生重要影响,直接关系到教学效果的好坏.本文通过对大学英语教师话语批评性语篇分析,对大学英语教师话语和课堂互动进行评述,得出英语课堂中的权力关系,提倡教师应转变传统角色,适应"以学生为中心"的英语课堂教学模式.把话语权归还给学生.以达到最佳的表达效果.  相似文献   

面对20世纪90年代的新环境所表现出的不适应、知识分子自身的边缘化与后现代思潮的影响,是文学主体性理论于80年代末淡出而未能在90年代得以继续延伸发展的重要的因素。知识分子面对自身的不断边缘化期望通过抢夺话语权回归文化中心,这导致了文学主体性话语的被冷落。后现代主义对“元话语”的反对以及对传统人道主义的颠覆对文学主体性话语的发展完善起着制约作用。  相似文献   

在信息全球化的当今,提高学生的批评语言意识显得越来越重要。批评语言分析的原则和理论框架研究也相应完善。语篇的分类系统、及物系统、情态系统和转换四个方面可以揭示语言形式在语篇中具有的意识形态意义,运用实例详细阐述了该理论框架在英语教学中的应用。  相似文献   

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