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媒介融合直接导致了新闻出版组织结构和生产方式的急剧变化.这种变化使得新闻媒体绩效考评中隐藏的悖论被放大,其中,考评主体、考评方式和考评结果应用的悖论显得尤为突出.文章认为,我国新闻媒体绩效考评主体方面存在着多头考评与媒体法人自主权的悖论,数据考评方式本身存在着公平悖论,考评结果应用方面的片面性和考评信息的多元性形成悖论.  相似文献   

信息悖论与图书馆管理的革新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄玉梅 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(1):29-30,34
通过对信息技术在图书馆的应用的分析,提出图书馆变革管理的目标、新的业务流程、管理机制,并对知识管理系统的选择提出了一些原则。  相似文献   

The future is unknowable, but public libraries have been adapting to changes in technology, demographics, economics, and culture since they began. The author explores five elements that shape today’s library: These are inspired experiences that spark curiosity and learning; buildings that become destinations; high-tech, high-touch environments; preservation and cultivation of our cultural narrative; and constant preparation to face future developments.  相似文献   

王波伟 《编辑之友》2017,(12):44-49
新媒体时代信息量的增多伴随质的参差不齐,带来的是信息转化为知识量的不确定性.在对新媒体时代易于混用的知识和信息观点纠偏的基础上,总结分析新媒体时代知识传播的独有特性,进而探究新媒体情境中知识传播的五重悖论,如知识表象的超载与知识接收的欠载、异质性的知识传播与同质化的知识获取等.最后,从知识传播的理念和实践层面,为悖论的现实困境提供消解之道.  相似文献   

本文探讨了社交媒体时代选举中的信息危机的组成、技术原因、政治后果与专业影响,并以美国2020年总统选举为例,揭示其背后信息与权力的复杂关系,讨论社交媒体在"元新闻"领域引发的焦虑,寻求应对信息危机的政策与行动路径。社交媒体带来的信息危机,导致错误信息、虚假信息和不良信息的泛滥。在美国,广泛使用的用户分析和定向分发算法技术,正在有力地影响选民的意见和选举决定,泛滥的虚假新闻正在危及民主进程。信息危机已然正在造成不信任、恐惧和分裂,也造成了"信息道德恐慌"。究其原因,虚假新闻与数字媒体的发展密切相关,技术平台使得政治选举中虚假新闻得以更大规模地生产、传播和放大。虚假新闻是复杂社会关系、权力博弈的折射,是嵌入选举的复杂关系中的一种信息现象,也是使假新闻成为可能的社会技术条件和赋予其意义的解释性话语。监管与平台自律存在自由与治理的多重矛盾,需要多利益攸关方采取联合行动,共同应对信息危机、治理社交平台。  相似文献   

田景  张晖 《兰台世界》2016,(1):96-98
为顺应民主化潮流,巩固抗日民族统一战线,中国共产党在抗日战争时期,创造性地提出并开展了"三三制",将民主观念融入到政治实践当中。"三三制"的价值不仅仅体现在对中国共产党及革命根据地建设的积极意义,更在一定程度上影响着中国时局之变化和民主之进步。  相似文献   

公共图书馆--民主进程中的指示灯及催化剂   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:5  
兰小媛 《图书馆》2006,(1):20-23
文章指出公共图书馆作为民主进程中的指示灯,可以反映出一个国家民主程度,结合我国图书馆服务现状,探讨了我国民主发展现状;着重阐述了公共图书馆在促进民主进程中的三大作用,并号召中国图书馆界为营造“学习型社会”做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   

"谎言悖论"的发生,乃是误施推理于"非命题"及以含混概念颠覆逻辑规律的结果.因此,"谎言悖论"并不是什么形式逻辑体系所固有的、无法消除的内在矛盾;依靠逻辑自身的力量,完全可以将"谎言悖论"排除掉.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Public and academic reference librarians play a vital role in the informational needs of a democratic society. The importance of law and government to daily life negates the philosophy of legal bibliography solely for special librarians. Traditional views have stifled the intellectual growth of nonlaw librarians. Outlining the significance of legal reference resources to the democratic process attempts to raise the consciousness of nonlaw librarians untutored in their use. The interest and support of public and academic reference librarians is needed to encourage administrators to provide staff development to close this informational gap.  相似文献   

The present study, as an international application of an agenda-setting model, investigates how campaign agendas of issues are constructed in an election. The Korean Congressional election of 2000 provided rich empirical data for this study; the political party agenda, the civic agenda, and the news agenda were measured in terms of issue salience at two different data points in time during the official campaign period. The results of the cross-lagged rank-order correlations between different agendas indicated the following. First, the party agenda as a whole had little impact on the formation of the news agenda. The party–news relationship, however, showed a different pattern at an individual newspaper level. Specifically, a more conservative newspaper was more susceptible to those parties’ agenda-setting than was its progressive rival. Second, a nationwide civic movement for political reforms slightly influenced the formation of the news agenda, especially that of the reformist newspaper agenda. Both newspapers, on the other hand, substantially influenced the civic campaign's issue emphases. Finally, there existed no significant interactions between the party and the civic agendas.  相似文献   

This article uses a case study to contribute to the debate on media-political clientelism and its relation to the theory of media systems. It proposes a cross-disciplinary approach between the fields of communication and political sciences and thus analyzes four dimensions to observe the evolution of these practices in the area of television policies during Spanish democracy: license granting, television ownership regulation, politicization of the public service, and partisan news coverage. The period analyzed includes conservative and social democrat governments, trying to find differences in clientelistic practices among the different political parties. The analysis demonstrates how partisan relationships have evolved and what mechanisms have been put in place to maintain clientelistic ties.  相似文献   

有序与混乱——网络空间的矛盾与冲突   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
网络空间是现实空间的延伸,是对现实空间的虚拟,是现实空间的映射。网络空间与现实空间的差异是导致网络信息传播中矛盾与冲突的根本原因。其矛盾与冲突表现在八个方面:网络开放性与网络安全性;信息主权与信息霸权;信息超载与信息短缺;信息污染与信息有效性,信息共享与信息垄断;个人隐私与社会监督;信息利用与知识产权保护;信息自由主义与社会责任。  相似文献   

民国初年,一批以实现民族独立国家富强为己任的政治精英拉开宪政救国的序幕,其中张耀曾便是杰出代表。第一届国会期间,他围绕《大总统选举法》的选举方法和大总统职权展开激烈争论,然而在袁世凯强力干涉之下,宪政理想轰然坍塌。民初的宪政虽以失败而告终,但留给后人的启示是久远的。  相似文献   

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