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The validity of estimating maximum oxygen uptake from AAHPER Youth Fitness Test items was determined utilizing 87 adult subjects. Multiple correlations were obtained utilizing the motor fitness items as independent variables. Three dependent variables were investigated for relationship to the independent variables (gross O2 uptake, O2 uptake/kg body wt., O2 uptake/kg lean body wt.). The multiple correlation of the AAHPER items with O2 uptake/kg body wt. (0.760) was higher than with the other two variables. It was determined by multiple regression techniques that a subset of four of the independent variables could be used to get an estimate of O2 uptake/kg body wt. with an associated standard error of ± 12 percent of the estimated values. This was compared with the standard errors of more complicated estimation methods.  相似文献   


One hundred high school girls (N = 20 per group) were initially given 10 trials on the Bachman ladder-climb task; each group was given a different length of lay-off (10 min., or 1 day, or 1 week, or 4 weeks, or 13 weeks) before being retested with another 10 trials. Correlations between individual differences across the lay-off decreased as the length of the lay-off period increased (from r = .89 to r = .69). Correlations between adjacent trials remained relatively constant at r =.90 as practice progressed. As remoteness increased, the relation decreased regularly, from r =.92 to r =.68. Individuals became increasingly different from each other as a result of motor learning; intraindividual variance did not change appreciably.  相似文献   

花鼓灯健身舞集花鼓灯传统因子与现代健身元素于一体,它的创编与推广既为农村舞蹈文艺的现代传承提供了新的思路,更为特色健身项目开辟了新的路径.采用文献研究等方法,分析我国农村舞蹈文艺面临的困境与出路、传统花妓灯文艺到特色健身舞项目的成功转型,最后得出两点启示,为其它农村舞蹈文艺的复兴与发展提供参考.  相似文献   

本文阐明了创建“青少儿康体俱乐部”的必要性、可行性,并对“青少儿康体俱乐部”模式进行构想。“青少儿康体俱乐部”是“全民健身计划”按产业化方式推进的有益尝试。  相似文献   

This study aimed to evaluate the between-day reliability and usefulness of a fitness testing battery in a group of youth sport athletes. Fifty-nine youth sport athletes (age = 17.3 ± 0.7 years) undertook a fitness testing battery including the isometric mid-thigh pull, counter-movement jump, 5–40 m sprint splits, and the 5–0-5 change of direction test on two occasions separated by 7 days. Usefulness was assessed by comparing the reliability (typical error) to the smallest worthwhile change. The typical error was 5.5% for isometric mid-thigh pull and 3.8% for counter-movement jump. The typical error values were 2.7, 2.5, 2.2, 2.2, and 1.8% for the 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40 m sprint splits, and 4.1% (left) and 5.4% (right) for the 5–0-5 tests. The smallest worthwhile change ranged from 1.1 to 6.1%. All tests were identified as having “good” or “acceptable” reliability. The isometric mid-thigh pull and counter-movement jump had “good” usefulness, all other tests had “marginal” usefulness.  相似文献   

对新疆克拉玛依五中76对男女学生的铅球和实心球测试中发现,初三女生掷实心球平均得分高于推铅球12.4分。 2000-2003年的中考体育,女生参加实心球的测试人数由59%增加到70%,而且还有增长的趋势。女生选测不同的投掷项目其结果差异显著。  相似文献   

2016年中共中央发布的《"健康中国2030"规划纲要》,明确指出"健康中国"已经成为国家发展战略。青少年作为中国可持续发展的源泉,如何运用"互联网+"技术为促进青少年体质健康服务,指导现代体育教学改革,并广泛应用于学校体育教育的各个领域,是体育教育工作者需要关心的新问题,已成为现代体育研究的新课题。本文运用文献资料法、理论分析法等研究方法,在阐明"互联网+"与青少年体质健康促进关联的基础上,从学校体育、家庭影响和社会涉入三个方面描述了"互联网+"在青少年体质健康实施中的具体应用,并阐述了"互联网+"与青少年体质健康发展的策略,旨在为新时代背景下提升青少年体质健康,提供快捷有效的途径。  相似文献   

本文主要探讨体适能在青少年体育培训中的运用,通过针对青少年的体育培训模式,帮助青少年树立健康意识和观念。  相似文献   


This experiment was undertaken to determine the effects of a six-week progressive weight training program on the development of strength and muscle hypertrophy, using one exercise, the deep-knee bend, with varying repetitions. Thirty students were chosen by random from beginning weight lifting classes at Michigan State University. Following a two-week conditioning period the subjects were divided into three groups of ten each for the controlled training period. The programs were as follows: Group A—3 sets of 9-10 repetitions, Group B—3 sets of 5-6 repetitions, and Group C—3 sets of 2-3 repetitions. Individuals in each group handled maximum weight loads for the number of repetitions each was required to perform. The effectiveness of the program was determined by three measurements: (a) thigh girth, (b) dynamic strength as measured by one RM on the deep-knee bend, and (c) static strength as measured on the dynamometer. The results were graphically analyzed and percentages calculated. The data were also statistically-treated using analysis of covariance. No significant differences were found between the three systems of training. All training procedures resulted in the improvement of static and dynamic strength.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法和比较研究法,以日本政府颁布的有关青少年体育发展的政策及主要措施为依据,对二战后日本政府促进青少年健康机制进行了社会学分析,对日本政府振兴社会体育的政策进行了研究。研究发现,在各项基本法律的颁布和实施下,保障了日本学校体育的和谐发展,日本政府对学校体育的重视和资金的大量投入,是日本青少年体质健康得以大力改善的主要原因。认清当前战略机遇与主要挑战,积极借鉴日本青少年体育规划的成功经验,提高认识、紧抓主题、统筹协调以促进我国青少年体质健康的发展。  相似文献   

对目前国家体育锻炼标准中单杠引体向上和双杠双臂屈伸的评分标准提出了修改建议。用实验研究方法,提出了应以体重分级,按学生拉引次数进行评分。  相似文献   

峰值摄氧量(pVO2)是国际公认的青少年有氧能力评估标准,尽管有近八十年的青少年数据,但对它的解释以及它与青少年儿童成长和成熟过程中其他健康相关变量的关系,仍存在争议。有关青少年有氧能力可训练性的争论从未停止,仍然需要解决训练导致变化的因果机制以及根据年龄、生物性成熟、性别等因素进行调整。青少年日常体育活动的特点是间歇性进行和强度的迅速变化,但大多数青少年很少进行用来确定峰值摄氧量的强度和持续时间的体育活动。在这个背景下,肺部摄氧量的瞬态动力学就可以最好地反映青少年的有氧能力。对不同强度运动开始时青少年肺部摄氧量动力学的严格研究非常少,而在运动强度的阶跃变化中,实足年龄、生物性成熟和性别因素的影响并没有得到充分证实。了解青少年肺部摄氧量动力学参数的可训练性主要基于对运动员和非运动员的少量比较研究,对训练导致变化的根本机制仍需进一步探索。文章的目标是对成长和成熟过程中的有氧能力提供简要概述,提高对其评估和解释争议的认识,找出知识差距,提出10个相关的研究问题,并指出未来研究的潜在领域。  相似文献   

对中国足球运动员体能测试的两种方法(12min跑和YOYO测试)进行了认真的分析和深刻的反思,认为这两种测试方法都存在评价标准过于统一,无视体能与技术的关系等问题,提出足协应改革足球管理体制,把体能测试的权力下放给各俱乐部,并预言体能测试最终会退出中国足球的历史舞台。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、体质测量、数理统计等研究方法,对高职院校学生的身体形态、机能和身体素质三个指标进行测试。结果表明,实验组通过12周的运动干预,其健身效果显著,验证了运动干预内容、方法和手段能有效地达到增强青少年体质的目的。  相似文献   

目的:通过总结、梳理HIIT对健康肥胖和运动员青少年身体成分和心肺适能的影响研究,以及HIIT应用于青少年课堂的可行性研究,为后续相关的研究提供依据。方法:在PubMed、web of science、中国知网、万方、维普数据库检索2000年至2021年2月的相关文献,选取13篇文献进行综述。结论:HIIT能够改善青少年的体脂率,肥胖青少年体重和脂肪则更容易被改善,HIIT还能够有效改善青少年的心肺适能;应用于青少年的HIIT干预方案的工息比通常是1:1,运动持续时间从10s-30s不等,内容通常是冲刺跑,负荷监控指标有HRmax和MAS等;青少年对HIIT感到满意,参与HIIT时出勤率也较高,同时,HIIT还能提高青少年的创造力、幸福感和社交能力,因此将其应用于青少年之中具有可行性。  相似文献   

As the prevalence of childhood obesity increases, it is important to examine possible differences in psychosocial correlates of physical activity between normal weight and overweight children. The study examined fatness (weight status) and (aerobic) fitness as Enabling factors related to youth physical activity within the Youth Physical Activity Promotion Model (YPAP). Youth ages 9–11 years (N = 1,103) completed the Children’s Physical Activity Correlates survey and the Children’s Physical Activity Questionnaire. Structural equation modeling was used to analyze the relationships among variables. Overweight children reported lower scores on global self-esteem, perceived competence, attraction to physical activity, and parental influence (Cohen’s d ranging from .23 to .45 for girls; Cohen’s d ranging from .31 to .43 for boys). Weight status showed a small positive direct effect on physical activity (standardized path coefficient = .11), but did not show effects on psychosocial correlates (p > .05). Furthermore, aerobic fitness proved to be a stronger Enabling factor (standardized path coefficient = .26) than weight status within the YPAP model. Future research using the YPAP model may extend its utility as an evaluation framework for youth physical activity intervention studies.  相似文献   

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