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This study analyzes the theoretical and practical political frameworks behind the two main approaches to civic education in America, 'civics' and 'service'. The first focuses on educating students about the formal political process. It is associated with liberal political theory and also with a justice-oriented, distributive politics that in practice has increasingly become consumer-oriented--fights over 'who gets what'. The second, 'service' (or community service or service learning) is associated with communitarian political theory and also with politics known internationally as neo-liberalism or the 'Third Way'. Neither liberalism nor communitarianism has been able to mount a significant alternative to what editors of a recent CJE issue call 'educational Darwinism' in education, in which less powerful groups are losers; to the spread generally of marketplace ways of thinking in every arena of society; or to the increasingly militarist and unilateralist foreign policy of the United States and the UK. Only the articulation of a different politics--best described as populist or civic populist in the United States, and 'popular democratic' in South Africa and elsewhere--can generate the power, political energy, and vision of a serious alternative. Populist politics has a different definition of politics itself, including productive as well as distributive dimensions. It has a different view of civic education, focused on the habits of public work, the skills of empowerment, and democratic organizing for cultural change in government, as well as educational and other mediating institutions. Finally, it has a different foreign policy, based on a patriotism that is internationally oriented and cognizant of global interdependence.  相似文献   

后"9·11"时代,美国积极发展新形式教育外交,以软实力理论为理论基础,强调将教育作为软实力的资源生产者和重要平台,发挥美国文化、政治价值观念和外交政策在全球的吸引力、感召力和同化力。美国既注重培养美国公民的全球素养,又注重塑造他国精英的美国精神,在双重维度下构筑并实施教育外交政策体系。借鉴美国的教育外交战略,中国需将教育外交纳入中国特色大国外交体系,从教育自觉走向教育自信,发挥在全球教育治理中的重要作用,注重培养中国国民的全球素养,并塑造外国精英的中国精神。  相似文献   

陈平 《外国教育研究》2007,34(10):66-70
美国学校的公民教育历史悠久,且深入人心。在9.11事件之后,美国学校公民教育的特点主要表现为:深化爱国主义的内涵,寻求国民身份共识;联邦与州政府通过立法、立项,加强对学校公民教育的管理与支持;学校注重围绕公民知识、公民技能、公民气质,进行综合培养与训练。  相似文献   

当今众多小说家以“9·11”事件为背景或题材进行创作,形成21世纪文学中一个独特的文学群类,即后“9·11”小说。此类小说从书写“9·11”事件及其带给人类的集体或个体悲剧性体验、创伤后心理、精神危机等问题,刻画“9·11”事件之后蔓延整个西方世界的焦虑与恐惧,谱写21世纪以来人类面对生存危机之全景图。  相似文献   

高校辅导员的工作是一门艺术,也是一门学问。辅导员要全面正确的认识自己,全面了解自己的工作内容和要求,全面了解95后大学生的思想状况,结合实际,具体行动,才能更好的与95后大学生相处。本文简要介绍了辅导员应如何实现与95后大学生的有效沟通。  相似文献   

The research reported in this paper examined what role working in a union or nonunion college has in influencing faculty perceptions of control over their work. Using data from the 1993, 1999, and 2004 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty, this study explored the relative importance of variables in influencing perceived control among full-time teaching faculty in unionized and nonunionized community colleges. Union status was not found to be predictive of perceived control.  相似文献   

对90后大学生思想性格特点和行为特征进行分析,认为90后大学生对高校辅导员的人格魅力提出了新要求,且辅导员人格魅力提升对90后大学生有重大影响,进而提出高校辅导员提升自身人格魅力的方法。  相似文献   

Parental discriminatory experiences can have significant implications for adolescent adjustment. This study examined family processes linking parental perceived discrimination to adolescent depressive symptoms and delinquent behaviors by using the family stress model and incorporating family systems theory. Participants were 444 Chinese American adolescents (Mage.wave1 = 13.03) and their parents residing in Northern California. Testing of actor–partner interdependent models showed a significant indirect effect from earlier paternal (but not maternal) perceived discrimination to later adolescent adjustment through paternal depressive symptoms and maternal hostility toward adolescents. The results highlight the importance of including both parents and examining actor and partner effects to provide a more comprehensive understanding of how maternal and paternal perceived discrimination differentially and indirectly relate to adolescent adjustment.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,了解”95后”在校大学生的创新创业认识大致为:追求独特出彩人生观渐成主流,自我奋斗意识增强,创业创新成前卫和时尚,社会创造力在孕育递增。但毕业选择创业的比例依然很低,创新的谋略胆量不足。影响大学生创新创业的有主观因素和环境因素,提出高校思想政治教育培养大学生创新创业意识的路径:树立新的就业理念、精心设计创新创业教学环节、思想道德素质是创新创业成功的基石。  相似文献   

80后与90后大学生价值观系统比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过问卷调查的研究方法,从职业价值观、婚恋价值观、消费价值观、人生价值观、政治价值观、道德价值观等六个维度来分析80后、90后大学生价值观上的共性与差异,以期推进大学生价值观研究走向深入.  相似文献   

This study examined data from a random sample of 500 White students and 500 African American students who have taken the Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire to determine which factors in the environment impact their career preparation. The results showed that interaction with faculty had the strongest impact on career preparation for all students. Counseling services were significant for African American students. The African American students indicated they put more effort into student-faculty interactions and peer interactions than White students, and they reported greater gains in career preparation.  相似文献   

One hundred-Fifty American Indian and fifty non-Indian 11th- and 12th-grade students were surveyed to assess self-reported problem areas and persons perceived as potential sources of help. Problems indicated by Indian students in metropolitan, rural, and boarding schools are noted, as well as those of non-Indian students. Problems likely to be discussed with counselors or with significant others are identified and different patterns of persons nominated as providing help are described. Although we caution against over-generalization, the findings are intended to increase the understanding of those concerned with training counselors to work with Indian youth.  相似文献   

Recognition of the nontraditional student in higher education is valuable because it promotes an awareness of issues particularly relevant to the community college student population. While research that categorizes students by age is a practical way to study a unique population within community colleges, this approach may not be the most preferred way to examine the complexities of community college students. This study focused on community college students' self-perceptions of their primary roles as students, employees, and parents, thereby offering an alternative to utilizing predefined categories in order to distinguish between groups (e.g., based on age). The findings also shed light on unique characteristics that differentiate among students who identify their roles primarily as students, employees, or parents. In fact, this study shows that even students often considered “traditional” may have qualities that are typically considered nontraditional.  相似文献   

美国大学生社区志愿服务与职业生涯发展关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社区志愿服务已成为美国青少年开展志愿活动的主要形式.本文通过介绍美国大学生社区志愿服务的主要形式--服务学习的实践现状及其管理模式,探讨社区志愿服务对大学生就业能力及职业生涯发展的影响与效能,以期产生有益的启示.  相似文献   

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