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The authors examined the relationship between meaning in life and college adjustment in a sample of 96 college students. In line with previous research on meaning in life and positive psychosocial functioning measures, presence of meaning was positively correlated with adjustment, whereas searching for meaning was negatively correlated with adjustment. However, the degree to which students were actively searching for meaning moderated the relationship between presence of meaning and adjustment. Recommendations for college counseling services are discussed.  相似文献   

Graduate students compose an important segment of university and college populations. However, institutions of higher education often have not addressed adequately their status as adult students with different developmental and life issues and concerns. This article defines and describes the needs of graduate students, discusses implications, and makes recommendations for college counselors to more effectively address their range of needs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe law students' psychological symptoms, assess the role of law school stress in students' symptoms, and suggest ways college counselors can help this population. More than half of the 316 participants displayed symptoms of depression and psychological distress, and nearly half showed symptoms of anxiety. Law school stressors significantly predicted students' symptoms. Workload, peers, and low instrumental support most impacted students, thus providing specific directions and implications for college counselors.  相似文献   

This study examined levels of wellness among 403 undergraduate students on academic probation. Total wellness, 5 secondary categories of wellness, and 17 third–level categories of wellness are reported within this article. In addition, this study offers norm–group comparisons and demographic influences of wellness in regard to undergraduate students on academic probation. The results indicate that individuals on academic probation achieved higher levels of wellness in several areas of wellness than did the norm–group population.  相似文献   

The roles that pets play in the lives of college students have received little attention in the college counseling literature. This article will review four topics related to college students and pets that have implications for counselors: (a) the separation anxiety that students experience from not having their pets at college, (b) the devastating impact of losing a pet, (c) requests from students for emotional support animals, and (d) the use of animal-assisted interventions on campuses.  相似文献   

The authors describe psychosocial factors that predicted college adjustment of 1st-year undergraduate students on the basis of studies conducted in 2 universities of differing size, focus, and geographic location. Academic self-confidence, positive attitudes toward the university, and faculty and peer support significantly predicted more successful adjustment to college.  相似文献   

This explanatory case study researched the writing experiences of 11 community college students who differed subculturally and who were all part of the African diasporic community. The theoretical perspectives used for this study were Arthur Chickering's (1969 Chickering , A. ( 1969 ). Education and identity , (2nd ed.) . San Francisco , CA : John Wiley & Sons . [Google Scholar]) classical concept of academic competence and community dialect theory (Baxter & Holland, 2007 Baxter , M. , & Holland , R. (2007). Addressing the needs of students who use a nonstandard dialect. Adult Basic Education and Literacy Journal , 1(3), 145153. [Google Scholar]). Academic competence is a stage in college that explores how students learn acquired skills for educational attainment. Community dialect theory argues that African American dialect writers have a low-to-some awareness of how their dialect differs from standard English in the area of subject-verb agreement. Two research questions guided this inquiry: (a) How does Black English influence writing anxiety in academic settings? (b) Why should college counselors have a strategy to assist students who express fears of enrolling in remedial English? A mixed method strategy was used to gather the data. This strategy consisted of a qualitative interview, and two educational tests. The study found that most of the students had a low awareness of how their dialect differed from standard English. Furthermore, Black English directly induced writing anxiety in academic settings for this group of community college students. Their writing anxieties and insecurities were detected by the words and situational experiences these students related during the interviews. In addition, college counselors should have an intervention strategy in place for this population of students to reduce the gap between academic competence and students of African descent who are dialect writers with writing anxieties and linguistic insecurities in academic settings.  相似文献   

The authors present a review of literature examining dating violence among college students. They describe 6 key issues related to dating violence among college students that affect college counselors' work. These key issues relate to the incidence and prevalence of physical, sexual, and psychological violence in college students' dating relationships, risk factors and relationship dynamics associated with dating violence, and counseling issues—including related psychological symptoms and college students' reporting of dating violence to professionals.  相似文献   

以经典阅读引领大学生的生活,有助于大学生养成教育目标的实现。读书育人是学校育人的主流途径,高校辅导员在学生工作中,要指导学生以经典阅读促进素质教育和心理健康教育。高校辅导员指导大学生阅读的原则是:将指导学生和自身阅读结合起来;注意阅读方法的指导。  相似文献   

以经典阅读引领大学生的生活,有助于大学生养成教育目标的实现。读书育人是学校育人的主流途径,高校辅导员在学生工作中,要指导学生以经典阅读促进素质教育和心理健康教育。高校辅导员指导大学生阅读的原则是:将指导学生和自身阅读结合起来;注意阅读方法的指导。  相似文献   

依恋理论孕育着丰富的心理健康教育思想。依恋的内部工作模式影响个体的认知、情绪及行为产生。大学生负性情绪已严重影响他们的学习和生活。有关依恋与负性情绪的关系研究为如何调节大学生负性情绪提供了参考。  相似文献   

心理育人工作是高校思想政治工作重要组成部分,是辅导员工作职责和内容,对学生全面发展具有重要的现实意义。高校和辅导员要从丰富心理学知识、增强心理育人能力、完善系统培训机制等入手,在育人理念、概念认知、工作实践、技能提升以及制度创新等方面,推进育心与育德有机融合,提升心理育人质量,加强对学生的人文关怀和心理疏导,培养培育理性平和的健康心态。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of acculturation, beliefs about mental illness, and selected demographic variables on the help‐seeking attitudes of 120 Turkish students who were attending college in the United States. The authors maintain that if mental health professionals increase their understanding of Turkish international students, they can then develop more effective services for this population.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationship of Verbal Protocol Patterns (VPP) to the core facilitative conditions of Accurate Empathy (AE) and Warmth (W) described by Truax and Carkhuff. The specific question addressed is: “What is the degree of relationship of certain verbal protocol patterns of college resident counselors to the variables of Accurate Empathy and Warmth?” The findings suggest that in this study more reflective, non-judgmental counselors were rated as providing a better counseling relationship when the measures of the relationship were the Truax Accurate Empathy and Warmth Scales. Interpretations of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors collected narrative data from 11 African American female college students at a predominantly White institution using the Career Construction Interview (Savickas & Hartung, 2012 ), the Future Career Autobiography (Rehfuss, 2009 ), and a qualitative career experiences questionnaire. Using the constant comparison method (Strauss & Corbin, 1990 ), the authors uncovered 4 overarching themes based on the unique experiences of participants. The authors present insights for college counselors providing career development services.  相似文献   

通过分析导致当前高校辅导员和学生关系异化的原因,认为过分疏远与过分亲近是二者关系异化的突出表现,对师生恋这一敏感问题进行了剖析,将其归类为“深度忽略师生双方角色差异的极端表现”,并分别从辅导员自身、学生及外界环境三个层面探讨了构建高校辅导员与学生和谐关系的可行性方法与举措。  相似文献   

导师与研究生的关系在研究生教育过程是最基本最核心的教育关系。认为共同需要、平等互信、优势互补、教学相长是导师与研究生命运共同体理念的内涵。在分析师生关系现实问题的基础上,提出了以制度建设保障师生共同需要,以平等对话实现师生身份平等,以自身发展促进师生共同提高,以合作互动促进师生发展共赢作为命运共同体的构建路径。  相似文献   

The authors investigated the relationship between students' ethnocultural person‐environment (P‐E) fit and college adjustment. They hypothesized differences between P‐E fit of ethnocultural minority versus majority students at a predominantly White university but did not expect differences in adjustment. Furthermore, they explored the effects of ethnicity and sex on P‐E fit and adjustment. Findings generally supported the hypotheses. The authors provide recommendations to increase college counselors' effectiveness in working with diverse clients.  相似文献   

对加强高校大学生生活园区德育环境建设的思考   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
大学生生活园区是大学生生活、学习、休息的重要场所,也是大学生接受素质教育的重要阵地之一。高校要重视大学生生活园区的德育工作机制、外部环境、文化氛围、互联网等建设,不断优化大学生生活园区德育环境,为高校全面完成教育任务提供有力的保证。  相似文献   

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