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创建和谐校园是实现办学目标的前提条件,高素质的辅导员队伍是创建和谐校园的重要力量,但辅导员队伍的现状不能适应创建和谐校园的需要,加强辅导员队伍建设要严格入口关、把好定位关、强化专业关、抓好激励关。  相似文献   

文章就构建和谐高校的目标要求和内涵进行了阐述,并提出须从以人为本、校园文化建设、学生思想教育、校园稳定、民主决策等方面下功夫才能见到实效。  相似文献   

The present paper outlines the process through which a local authority Psychological Service developed a team of educational psychologists able to provide intensive, short-term counselling to children and their families. The rationale, the operational procedures and current evaluations are provided. It is hoped that this article will inform and assist other Psychological Services to develop similar approaches.  相似文献   

文章分析了我院目前校园的安全形势,讨论了创建平安校园的重要性和必要性,着重提出了一些建设性的意见和详细可行的创建措施。还强调了为实现此目标必须全员参与、共尽其力。  相似文献   

当前我国大学校园人际关系的现状、存在的问题,应该从老师、学生这两个主体的视角进行分析和解决,积极寻求建立教师与学生之间、学生与学生之间的和谐人际关系的方法。营造以学生为本、以教师为本的校园环境,构筑一个充满生机活力、富有科学理性而又体现人文关怀的和谐校园。  相似文献   

一校多区、研究生扩招、后勤社会化造就了相对独立的研究生社区。社区是学生课余活动的主要空间,也是思想问题“多发地带”。数千研究生集中在一个社区,各种思想产生的集聚效应不可忽视,因此社区研究生教育管理工作亟待加强。由于学生与社区管理机构在行政和组织上没有直接的隶属关系,所以社区开展研究生教育管理工作必须以思想政治工作为龙头,实行条块结合, 齐抓共管。  相似文献   


This qualitative case study analyzed how one large high school created a community of care for ninth-grade students. Data were collected during the 2006–2007 school year, including observations, individual interviews, and focus group interviews of 1 female teacher and 9 of her students. Findings suggest the Freshman Focus teachers and program helped to establish three caring relationships (teacher to program, teacher to student, program to student) that promoted a community of care. The development of positive teacher beliefs about students, supportive teacher–student relationships, and the promotion of academic and life skills may help create a caring community in which students are the primary receivers of care.  相似文献   

在全球越来越变暖的今天.发展低碳经济大力推进节能减排是我国积极承担环境保护责任、化解日益严峻气候问题的必然选择。高校作为重点耗能单位之一,应提高建设低碳校园的思想意识,积极探索建设低碳校园的方法途径。教育引导广大师生参与到低碳校园建设当中,营造低碳、生态的校园环境,做节能环保、降碳增效的践行先锋。本文从创建低碳校园必要性和校园非低碳现状出发探析了我校在低碳校园建设中存在的问题,提出创建低碳校园建设的对策。  相似文献   

This article describes the use of self-study as a frame for professional learning that grew out of a professional development program for teachers examining their practice in a dual-language K-4 school. Located in the center of the rural state of Iowa, the school's development of a bilingual program for native speakers of both English and Spanish created challenges for the educators involved. The authors reflect the spectrum of collegial partnerships fostered by the experience, representing two classroom teachers, a program coordinator, and two university professors. They present their analysis of the development of a dual language program and the impact of their collegial self-study on how they thought about their practice, how they engaged with others, and how they were able to achieve change within and across their practice.  相似文献   

和谐的育人环境,是构建和谐校园的保障,也是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,要营造良好的校园育人环境,必须处理好依法治校与宽松教育、提高科学文化素质和培养思想道德素质、多元价值并存和主流价值取向、榜样示范作用和群众性创建活动、学校引领示范与社会大力推动五个关系,做到五个和谐统一.  相似文献   

和谐的育人环境,是构建和谐校园的保障,也是构建和谐社会的重要组成部分,要营造良好的校园育人环境,必须处理好依法治校与宽松教育、提高科学文化素质和培养思想道德素质、多元价值并存和主流价值取向、榜样示范作用和群众性创建活动、学校引领示范与社会大力推动五个关系,做到五个和谐统一。  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会,加强社区建设是基础.煤矿社区有别于社会的社区,它是企业办社会的产物之一.因此,煤矿社区的建设,即关系到企业的生存和发展,又与社会的和谐稳定息息相关.煤矿创建和谐社区,就是要让社区努力达到组织和谐、文化和谐、利益和谐、人际和谐、环境和谐.同时还应是一个能够与小区居民、其他企业、当地政府处于良性互动和...  相似文献   

Social justice education within the community college setting has not been an academic focus to date; yet, community colleges remain an environment for a diverse student population due to their low cost, open access, and variety of course delivery methods. Rural community colleges, however, may pose an interesting challenge to those wishing to implement social justice initiatives within coursework and existing programs. This article provides an example of a social justice training program that was developed for resident assistants on a midsized, rural community college in the Midwest, with a booming residential student population, and the challenges encountered during the phases of the project. Results of pre- and postassessments with the participants of the training suggest that a quality training program can equip students with the tools needed to feel more confident in their abilities to perform their job well.  相似文献   

构建基于校园网的虚拟学习社区   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在信息时代,人们不仅在学校里接受教育,在家庭和社会中也同样可以进行学习。网上虚拟学习社区(virtuallearningcommunity,VLC)提供了人们随时随地进行学习的环境。而且,通过VLC还可以把学校、家庭和社会紧密结合在一起。本文介绍了如何构建VLC,描述了VLC的一些基本特征,同时还给出了一个使用Groove软件来构建VLC的案例,最后对案例的结果进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

The author describes the process for developing a new Community College Leadership (CCL) curriculum for a certificate, master's, and doctoral degree in adult and higher education. The article details the research strategy in learning about Oklahoma's community colleges, existing national community college leadership programs, relevant courses needed for a leadership emphasis, and the desired methods to deliver such courses. The author describes the additional steps undertaken to create a relationship with Oklahoma's community colleges and their leaders. A qualitative study was conducted to learn from the community college presidents what challenges, knowledge, and skills future leaders needed to possess. The overarching theme that emerged from the study was the political nature of community colleges and leadership. This political theme placed all other themes secondary to the necessity of leaders being cognizant and skilled at being political beings. Even the theme of inadequate funding was linked to politics. The article concludes with detailed information on the new curriculum and future research and practical application.  相似文献   

从和谐校园建设的背景、内涵以及构建和谐校园的重要性和途径等方面进行研究,探讨新形势下高职院校的思想政治工作。  相似文献   

根据教学网的特殊要求,讲述了在校园网下实现创建一个独立子域的方法。  相似文献   

As we approach the second decade of the new millennium, there is a renaissance of innovation in education, a resurgence of interest and experimentation that begs for analysis and review. To that end, the League for Innovation in the Community College proposed to conduct a national study on the nature of innovation in the community college using recipients of its Innovation of the Year award from 1999 through 2008 as a data set. With funding from MetLife Foundation, researchers examined these innovations and explored the perspectives of the winners of these awards. In September 2009, a survey created by the researchers with assistance from a focus group—field-tested on a sample of winners not included in the project and vetted by a national advisory committee—was distributed electronically to the 400 award winners; 117 respondents returned surveys for a return rate of 29%. In addition to the survey, more than 40 of the award winners were interviewed using interview questions created by the researchers and vetted by the national advisory committee. The full report and all project findings can be accessed at www.league.org/natureofinnovation. Based on the findings from this national study on the nature of innovation, this article addresses the challenge of creating a culture of innovation in the community college. The characteristics of a culture that support and encourage innovation and the role of leaders in shaping that culture are featured in the article.  相似文献   

ASP是近年来最为流行的Web程度解决方案之一,而IndexServer则是实现校园网搜索引擎的捷径,本文讲解了ASP的概念及其应用实例,并结合IndexServer,介绍了实现校园网搜索引擎的两种实用方法。  相似文献   

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