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美国社区学院热门专业管窥   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文结合美国社区学院协会对2000年热门专业的调查,分析了学生、社会对各类学科、专业的兴趣,从中反映出美国社会需求与学院专业建设的热点。  相似文献   

Self-plagiarism is a contentious issue in higher education, research and scholarly publishing contexts. The practice is problematic because it disrupts scientific publishing by over-emphasizing results, increasing journal publication costs, and artificially inflating journal impact, among other consequences. We hypothesized that there was a dearth of empirical studies on the topic of self-plagiarism, with an over-abundance of editorial and commentary articles based on anecdotal evidence. The research question was: What typologies of evidence characterize the literature on self-plagiarism in scholarly and research journals? We conducted a scoping review, using the search terms “self-plagiarism” and “self-plagiarism” (hyphenated), consulting five social sciences research databases, supplemented by a manual search for articles, resulting in over 5900 results. After removing duplicates and excluding non-scholarly sources, we arrived at a data set of 133 sources, with publication dates ranging from 1968 to 2017. With an interrater reliability of over 93% between two researchers, our typological analysis revealed 47 sources (34.3%) were editorials; 41 (29.9%) were conceptual research (including teaching cases); 16 (11.7%) were editorial responses; 12 (8.6%) were secondary research; and only 8 sources (5.8%) were primary research. There is little guidance in the available literature to graduate students or their professors about how to disentangle the complexities of self-plagiarism. With primary and secondary research combined accounting for 14.4% of overall contributions to the data set, and primary research constituting only 6% of overall contributions, we conclude with a call for more empirical evidence on the topic to support contributions to the scholarly dialogue.  相似文献   


Noncredit community college enrollment accounts for approximately 40% of all enrollment in the two-year sector, or five million students (American Association of Community Colleges, 2016). Yet, this population is seldom discussed in the higher education literature due to inconsistent definitions, funding, and data reporting at the state level. Many of the structural elements (e.g., funding, enrollment) have not been documented recently or completely. This study used data from the 2015 Survey of Access and Finance Issues, administered annually to the National Council of State Directors of Community Colleges. The authors calculated noncredit enrollment by function and frequencies on funding mechanisms, funding by function, noncredit data reporting, and the measures captured at the state level. The study also employed polychoric and polyserial correlations examining the relationships among structural, contextual, and perspective-based items. This was done to capture the national landscape on this important community college function through the lens of state-level community college leaders.  相似文献   

Given the increasing influence of technology and the explosion in data collection demands, the acceptance and assimilation of new paradigms and technologies require today's educators, researchers, and evaluators to consider alternative tools, and apply them effectively. One of these alternatives, handheld computers, also known as personal digital assistants (PDAs), makes the benefits of computerized data collection more accessible to field-based researchers. An evaluation of handheld computers as data collection tools in research settings requires an understanding of their use from different perspectives in existing research. This review examines the willingness of teachers to adopt handheld data collection systems by focusing on 5 main features: (a) ease of use, (b) usefulness, (c) subjective norms, (d) intention to use, and (e) dependability.  相似文献   


While coteaching is not a novel or even new approach in P–12 classrooms, its application in teacher education contexts has become increasingly prevalent. Coteaching in teacher education has been touted for its potential to promote collaborative classroom practice, connect theory and praxis, counteract sociocultural disparities in classrooms, and improve outcomes for teacher candidates as well as P–12 students and inservice teachers. This article presents a scoping review of the 103 empirical studies focused on coteaching in teacher education to enhance conceptual clarity and heighten understandings of the nature and extent of such research. We map the methodological characteristics of these studies that serve to the breadth and depth to which coteaching in teacher education has been examined. Next, we describe the outcomes and phenomena explored by the 103 studies to reveal the intended results as well as points of tension for coteaching in teacher education. Finally, we couple an analysis of coteaching definitions within these studies with an analysis of the ways in which coteaching is implemented in teacher education. Notable findings of this scoping review include the extensive range of ways coteaching is implemented across the preservice teacher education curriculum, the variety of aims for coteaching in these contexts, and the need for continued grounding in frameworks to enhance understandings of coteaching practices and impacts for stakeholders including P–12 students, inservice teachers, teacher candidates, and university faculty.  相似文献   

Men's alcohol expectancies are an important cognitive-behavioral component of their consumption; yet, sparse research details such behaviors for men in two-year colleges. Selected for inclusion with the current study were 563 men from seven Illinois community colleges. Logistic regression analysis indicated four significant, positive relationships between binge drinking and alcohol expectancies related to ice breaking, connectedness facilitation, having fun, the sexiness of women, and one inverse relationship for men's sexiness. Programmatic initiatives and individualistic approaches to treatment and education are proposed.  相似文献   

高校家庭经济困难学生勤工助学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在讨论关系营销和马斯洛需要层次论的基础上,分析了在勤工助学中引入以上两种理论的可行性。接着,讨论目前高校家庭经济困难学生勤工助学存在的主要问题及原因。最后,阐述关系营销和马斯洛需要层次论对高校家庭经济困难学生勤工助学的启示。希望能为高校的勤工助学工作提供一些新思路,推进改革与创新。  相似文献   

针对高校各部门信息系统之间信息共享不同步、数据更新不及时等问题,提出了高校数据中心的建设问题,建设内容(机房建设、网络建设、安全系统建设、数据备份与恢复系统建设),及建设中的注意事项.  相似文献   

我国高校专业评估:历史、问题及发展策略   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国的高校专业评估工作自开展以来,已经历了零星实践、试点和扩大试点并逐步推开三个阶段。在取得巨大成就的同时,它在评估的体系、标准和主体等方面还存在着一些突出的问题。为了更好地发挥专业评估的作用,应积极构建科学的专业评估体系,不同类型、层次高校的专业评估要分类进行指导,专业评价主体要从单一走向多元,“按类招生”的专业评估要突出学校自我评价。  相似文献   

Offering academic programs that meet community need has long been a core mission of community colleges. However, determining which job skills and credentials are needed for employment in the community is challenging. In order to facilitate a holistic and community-based perspective, our 2-year community college developed a structured curricular planning model to guide programmatic decision-making based on regional economic and labor-market data. These procedures cumulatively inform comprehensive curricular planning related to program offerings and describe the relationship of this process to integrated planning. This model can assist other community colleges with designing processes to refine programing mix.  相似文献   

Following World War II, North Carolina created public junior colleges and industrial education centers to meet the educational demands of veterans and expand the technical skills of the state's workforce. Despite the creation of these campuses, in the early 1960s North Carolina ranked 47th in the number of citizens in college, and 66 counties in state possessed no campus to serve the local area. A system of comprehensive community colleges created in 1963 to extend education in the state comprised 56 campuses that enrolled 387,000 students by 1972. Few of the leaders or upper administration of the rapidly expanding community college system possessed doctoral education. Created in 1966 Department of Community Colleges. ( 1966 , December ). Comprehensive community college system in North Carolina [Internal Report]. William Dallas Herring Papers, 1957–1980 (Carton 69, File Box 253, Folder 253:05). North Carolina State University Special Collections Research Center , Raleigh , NC.  [Google Scholar] to alleviate this problem, the Community College Internship Program was designed to provide an intensive two-year doctoral training for personnel from the community college system. The program played an instrumental role in the early development of the state's community colleges and the professionalization of its leadership.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

人才培养是高等学校实现可持续发展的核心战略,人才培养方案的改革创新及与时俱进对提高人才培养质量起着先导作用。对于独立学院而言,要立足于其独具特色的应用型人才培养目标,实现人才培养方案创新,就必须正确分析其现实境遇,破解阻碍人才培养方案创新的难题。要以人才分型培养模式为指导,精心设计培养类型,激发学生成长动力;合理分析专业能力,科学制定课程体系;鲜明凸显实践教学,培养学生应用能力。  相似文献   

While stress has always been present in the teaching profession, recent trends such as standardized testing and school and teacher accountability may be making teachers’ work more stressful. Teacher satisfaction research has emerged as a popular lens through which to understand how teachers experience their work. This scoping review sought to summarize the literature related to physical education teacher satisfaction published between 1987 and 2016. A total of 20 articles that reported research from 11 different countries were identified for inclusion. Thematic analysis of the study results led to the construction of four themes: (a) levels of physical education teacher satisfaction vary by level and context; (b) demographic variables do not reliably predict satisfaction; (c) intrinsic and psychosocial variables influence job satisfaction; and (d) the workplace and interpersonal relationships influence job satisfaction. Results are discussed and recommendations provided, particularly related to a theoretical basis for future research and methodological diversity.  相似文献   

This article addresses the need for a comprehensive counseling center to be housed on each campus of community colleges. Counseling helps to improve student academic success and retention, transfer, and graduation rates. Current research also illustrates an increase in psychological and emotional disturbances among college students across the nation, which, at times, results in acts of campus violence such as those that have occurred at Virginia Tech, Northern Illinois University, Henry Ford Community College, and the University of Alabama at Huntsville. This paper discusses the needs of the 21st century student body that result in the case for comprehensive college counseling centers. Recent legislation related to counseling at institutions of higher education is examined, recommendations are given, and components of a comprehensive counseling center are described.  相似文献   

对话阅读方案是由美国纽约州立大学Whitehurst博士于1988年首次提出的.该方案视阅读为促进儿童语言和认知发展的契机,旨在通过成人-儿童在图画书阅读过程中的相互作用来促进儿童前读写能力的发展.对话阅读作为成人和儿童共读的阅读方式,其最大特点就是角色转换:儿童是讲述故事的主角,成人是听众,是儿童的交谈伙伴和促进者.本文从对话阅读方案的理论基础、具体内容、贡献,以及对对话阅读方案的评价等几个方面,对对话阅读方案作了较为系统的述评.  相似文献   

高职教育的培养目标是培养具有创新实践能力的高技能人才。因此,重视实践就成了人才培养的关键。开放实训实验室有利于创新实践能力的培养,有利于多出人才、快出人才、出好人才,是高职院校办学的必然选择。  相似文献   

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