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Current research explores adaptability by gathering teachers' reflections on their adaptations. However, the field knows little of what the term adaptability means to teachers who currently teach in today's educational context. In this article, adaptability is discussed from the perspectives of 3 practicing classroom educators, teaching in various contexts (geographic region and grade level). Teachers' voices of adaptability are examined and a definition of adaptability is discussed. Obstacles are presented in these teachers' efforts to adapt their instruction in their respective contexts. Teachers then discussed the ways in which they navigated these obstacles to modify their instruction to fit a variety of learners and experiences despite these constraints.  相似文献   

The career development and disability knowledge of 97 students with learning disabilities from three postsecondary institutions in the Midwest was examined through semi‐structured interviews. Students with disabilities who were eligible for services while in high school generally did not engage in transition planning as required by federal law. Their career development activities were limited despite having unique career needs. The majority of students had difficulty describing their disability and its impact on their career exploration and planning. For students with learning disabilities at the postsecondary level, career development services should be provided, including training in self‐advocacy and career exploration in the first two years. Instruction in career self‐management skills should be ongoing.  相似文献   


In their own words, 50 students in two Los Angeles area schools reveal their feelings about litter, graffiti, and the appearance of their schools. The analysis includes a discussion of the research in environmental psychology as it pertains to overcrowding, noise and pollution, design and appearance, and their effects on productivity. Excerpts of students?? writings are included in their own words. The article concludes with solutions proposed by the students to create a clean and attractive school: more trashcans, nicely painted walls, and maintain landscaping.  相似文献   

Teachers unions are among the most powerful, yet least studied, actors in public education today. Although public attention focuses on the influence of national unions, the policies that most affect teachers and schooling are bargained by local unions and school boards. Interviews with 30 recently elected local union presidents reveal that these leaders balance competing interests and obligations, from the concerns and priorities of their members to pressures from state and national affiliates. Although these presidents reaffirm the traditional union agenda, most also advocate an expanded agenda of teacher professionalism and more collaborative approaches to collective bargaining and contract management.  相似文献   

建构主义强调学习者在学习过程中的主动建构作用.这对作为成人学习者的高校英语教师的启示是,他们要提高自身素质,就要做到一个"树立",两个"学会",三个"重视".  相似文献   

自主学习被公认为是教育的最终目标。随着教学体制的不断改革,招生人数的增加,大班教学之普遍,有必要采用自主学习的教学方针,将学习自主权还给学生,培养他们自主学习的能力及学习策略,使他们真正成为学习的主人。  相似文献   

我国的经济发展出现了全民创业的大潮流,这种发展趋势有利于大学生的择业和创业。大学生要获得创业成功,应把握好以下几个关键问题:第一,打好扎实的创业基础,做好充分的准备;第二,要务实,从小事做起;第三,要有勇气,要敢于尝试。  相似文献   

高校学报走特色化办刊之路不仅是必要的,而且是必须的,是其办刊宗旨的客观需要,被学报办刊实践所验证。应综合考虑学校类别属性,学科优势,地域性,民族特色等几个方面,仔细分析学校各种主客观因素,科学决策,才能形成自己的特色。在学报特色化办刊实践中,学报编辑要增强特色意识,通过设置特色栏目,体现学报特色。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查和词汇测试相结合的方法,对非英语专业在校大学生进行为期三个月的跟踪研究,旨在探讨其在英语系统课程学习结束后的英语实词磨蚀的特征,为大学英语教学提供相应参考。研究发现,在汉语语境下,实词磨蚀非常显著,但并未表现出词性效应;就词长而言,单词越长越容易磨蚀,但复合词虽长却相对不易磨蚀;从词频效应看,高频词并未出现显著磨蚀,低频词磨蚀显著,低频词较高频词更易发生磨蚀。  相似文献   

大学生应该有自己的思想。陈果自焚事件,应该成为当代大学生的一面镜子。我们的教育不能只限于知识和结果的追求,教育更应深入学生心智,注重对事实的体验与探究,这样才可能思想坚定。  相似文献   

对大学生开展创业教育,大力培养学生的创新能力和实践能力,提升大学生就业、创业的市场竞争力,已成为高等教育改革和发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

创业型大学逐步兴起,高校教师角色正由"学者"向"创业者"转化。为此,政府出台一系列政策鼓励高校教师离岗创业,但收效甚微。为揭示阻碍高校教师创业动机产生的主要因素和前因构型,文章以高校教师为研究样本,通过问卷调查的方式收集资料,采用多值集定性比较分析方法(mvQCA)对数据进行分析,试图揭示个人层面的"性别""年龄""创业信心"、家人层面的"家人反对"和社会层面的"政策支持不够"等五个变量之间的共同作用对高校教师创业动机的影响。结果表明,阻碍高校教师创业动机产生的是多种不同因素共同作用的结果,并找出了阻碍高校教师创业动机产生的六种条件组合。在此基础上,对激发高校教师创业动机提出了相关建议和措施。  相似文献   

论影响大学生自主创业的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生正处在从理论到实践、从求知到创业的重要转折时期,大学生科技创新、自主创业越来越成为人们关注的话题,它对个人及社会都会产生深远而积极的影响.然而,自主创业是一项极具挑战性的社会活动,是对创业者自身智慧能力、气魄胆识的全方位考验.除了个人的素质和能力影响自主创业以外,家庭、学校、社会以及亲戚朋友等因素都会影响大学生自主创业。  相似文献   

高师院校体育院(系)肩负着为我国培养各类合格体育人才的重任。排球课程在实现体教专业培养目标与任务的过程中,发挥了不可替代的作用。但现行的体教专业排球课程改革相对滞后,一定程度上影响着排球教学质量的提高。因此有必要对其进行深入研究,为促进排球课程改革、提高排球教学质量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

老子哲学最简要有力的人生哲理就是“无为”“,无为”虽然也是一种处事的方法,但在很大程度是针对“君人”而言。试结合老子的整体哲学理论体系,从老子“无为”思想产生的原因、内涵、意义以及与孔子的“无为而治”的比较中,解析老子“无为”思想的真正含义。  相似文献   

This article explores student views on writing as shown by the metaphors they use when asked to reflect on their own writing-to-learn tasks in the science classroom. The study examines the metaphors and metaphoric themes of 97 eighth grade students, discusses how they compare to important theories on writing to learn, and explores how student views on writing are affected by their classroom writing experiences. The study shows (1) that the identification of metaphors and clustering them around recurring themes can help to systematize the experiential meanings of writing with reference to four dimensions: cognitive, social, emotional and meta-cognitive; (2) that student views on writing correspond to various theoretical models, but are not identical to them; (3) that metaphor use is strongly affected by student writing experiences and that writing-to-learn tasks, feedback and reflective writing greatly influence student views on writing; and finally, (4) the study found two multidimensional conceptualizations reflected in the student metaphors, corresponding to the constructivist and transmission views of teaching and learning. in final form: 19 April 2005  相似文献   

通过分析大学英语(精读)课中出现的俚语,着重探讨三种类型的俚语:禁忌词,贬义词和普通词,并相应地提出大学英语教师在讲解俚语时应采用的原则和方法。  相似文献   

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