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Shared governance plays an important role in institutional decision making. The extent to which faculty are involved in governance, though, has largely been ignored within community colleges. The current study was designed to profile faculty governance units, such as senates, in community, junior, and technical colleges in order to initiate a constructive dialogue about how best to build structures that allow faculty input into decision making. An exploratory survey of faculty governance in community colleges was mailed to a apurposive national sample of community colleges to provide geographic representation. Findings reveal that governance bodies are less common that perhaps previously thought, and that these structures tend to be more informal than in their 4-year college counterparts.  相似文献   

Few faculty members are immune from the deleterious impact of neoliberal values, policies and practices that have resulted in the “corporatization” of universities, with the reduction of teaching and research to “products” and faculty to “producers,” and students to “clients.” The role of faculty governance in this process has been debated yielding diverse perspectives on its effectiveness in challenging this influence, particularly, in regard to the role of democratic decision making at the college-level of governance where administrators may push for furthering market-driven agendas. This critical action research project highlights how two faculty assembly leaders facilitated participatory decision making as they re-conceptualized their leadership roles as team-based representatives, and developed multiple communicative networks that supported faculty voice and leadership listening at the grassroots level—two processes that may thwart corporatization and marketization at the college-level. This article highlights how characteristics of desired communication practices for more democratic decision making at the college-level lay the groundwork for building the collective faculty capacity to respond in a timely manner to neoliberal agendas.  相似文献   

This study examines the relationships between supervisor communication apprehension, employee communication apprehension, and employees' reports of information received from their supervisor. Results indicated that supervisor communication apprehension was negatively related to employees' reports of information received. Employee communication apprehension and employees' reports of information received from supervisors were not significantly related. Supervisor communication apprehension was negatively related to the information load reported by employees. Finally, a positive relationship was identified between employee communication apprehension and the information load reported by employees.  相似文献   

Research has demonstrated the efficacy of mentoring at-risk students in a number of fields from physical education to math and science. While separate research has found that many at-risk students lack effective communication skills, little research has explored the potential of communication mentoring in improving at-risk students’ communication efficacy. In our study, we examined the effectiveness of communication majors in a senior capstone course mentoring at-risk middle school students. Mentors were assigned a protégé and were required to design a curriculum targeting specific communication apprehension concerns identified in each student and implement the curriculum over a 10-week period. Analysis of self-reported communication apprehension scores showed at-risk students prior to mentoring reported higher than average levels of communication apprehension. After mentoring, they reported statistically significantly lower levels of communication apprehension. The implications for mentoring, at-risk students, and improved middle school communication education are considered.  相似文献   

This study explored patterns and effects of communication apprehension and classroom apprehension in Nigerian classrooms. Significant correlation was found between student communication apprehension and student classroom apprehension. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in classroom apprehension by class type, but no significant differences in communication apprehension by choice of occupation. Perceptions of academic performance were negatively associated with classroom apprehension scores.  相似文献   

Although the tradition of bicameral governance is well established in Canada's universities, in no province do community colleges operate under a similar principle. In fact, there is no statutory role for college faculty in governance, either through a senate or a senate-like body. This article argues the case for greater democracy in the governance of colleges and, in doing so, analyzes the role of college governance. The conclusion reached is that, while more democratic and participatory governance may be argued on conceptual grounds, it would also improve morale, trust, and communication within the college sector.  相似文献   

This study is an investigation of the influence of intercultural communication apprehension, socio‐communicative orientation, and uncertainty during initial cross‐cultural communication. Prior to interacting with unknown partners from another culture, participants completed measures of intercultural communication apprehension and socio‐communicative orientation. After interacting with their partners, participants completed measures of uncertainty. As predicted, intercultural communication apprehension was positively associated with uncertainty. Also as predicted intercultural communication apprehension was negatively correlated with socio‐communicative orientation. A third hypothesis, which was partially supported, posited that socio‐communicative orientation would be negatively correlated with uncertainty.  相似文献   

Comparison of communication apprehension levels of Puerto Rican college students with U.S. mainland students indicate the Puerto Ricans are much less apprehensive about communication in their native language than are the U.S. students but are much more apprehensive about communication in English. Additional findings indicate that apprehension in a first language is a much better predictor of apprehension in a second language than is self‐perceived competence in that second language. It is suggested that the problem of communication apprehension must be addressed by second language teachers if students are to be taught to be truly bilingual.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to explore the empirical relationship between adult sons' communication apprehension regarding their fathers and satisfaction with those relationships. Results indicated that (1) apprehension and satisfaction were negatively correlated, (2) a descending nonlinear function best described the relationship, (3) both frequency and intensity of apprehension experiences contributed to the prediction of satisfaction, and (4) father communication apprehension was empirically distinct from general dyadic communication apprehension. These results were initially derived from the responses of a screening sample and were subsequently cross‐validated. Theoretical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

运用Horwitz等设计的外语课堂焦虑量表对某省级示范高中不同年级、不同性别学生在四个维度(听说、负评价、考试、课堂环境)英语学习焦虑状况进行了问卷调查。研究结果显示高中生总体焦虑状况是令人欣慰的;高中生的焦虑程度随年级的升高而下降;男女生的焦虑在不同年级各有不同,总体上女生焦虑程度重;在四个维度中听说焦虑程度最深。并就如何调控高中生的焦虑水平、降低听说焦虑、减轻负评价焦虑、克服考试焦虑、减少课堂环境焦虑等提出了相应的教学策略。  相似文献   

This study investigates classroom communication apprehension in Chinese college classrooms in reference to perceived instructor verbal and nonverbal immediacy and humor orientation, and student individual-level power distance. Results of Pearson correlation indicate that both student individual-level power distance and student perceptions of instructor humor orientation are correlated positively and significantly with classroom communication apprehension, but multiple regression analyses suggest that student individual-level power distance is the only effective predictor of classroom communication apprehension. Perceived instructor verbal and nonverbal immediacy are not associated significantly with classroom communication apprehension. Limitations, implications, and suggestions for future research are addressed.  相似文献   

Relational maintenance behaviors in the sibling relationship   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Beatty, McCroskey, and Heisel (1998) argue that a limitation of current intervention research on communication apprehension is that the experimental designs employed in this research have failed to take into account the effects of testing on participants, among other things. To address this issue, this study employed a Solomon Four‐Group Design, which controls for testing effects, to examine whether systematic desensitization, a widely used procedure for reducing communication apprehension, would reduce communication apprehension beyond the level attributable to repeated testing. These data indicate that systematic desensitization produced a significant reduction in communication apprehension that cannot be explained by “testing effects.” The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of these findings.  相似文献   

High rates of faculty turnover can be costly to the reputation of an institution and to the quality of instruction. Community colleges may expect high rates of faculty turnover as an aging workforce retires. Other sources of attrition, however, can be attributed to organizational characteristics and the structural properties of faculty work. This study examined non-retirement turnover intent in an urban community college. Specifically, the study utilized an expectancy theory framework to explore the relationship between turnover intent and faculty perceptions of autonomy, organizational support for innovation, and collegial communication. The study population included all full-time faculty members employed by an urban community college in the southeastern U.S. Survey responses from 66% (N = 149) of the invited population revealed that organizational support for innovation had the strongest effect on turnover intent. Faculty who reported higher levels of support for innovation were less likely to indicate intentions to leave. Findings suggest that community colleges can target innovation and organizational change as vehicles for enhancing faculty retention rates. Change initiatives related to curriculum, governance, and faculty development can be designed in ways that facilitate faculty commitment to the institution.  相似文献   

Non-tenure track faculty members (NTTF) constitute what has been referred to by scholars as the new faculty majority. The growing numbers of NTTF have led to debates about the role they should play in shared governance. Currently, however, an overall lack of empirical knowledge exists regarding the status of their involvement in institutional governance. Using data from highest research activity doctoral universities, this study investigated current standards related to NTTF eligibility for election to institution-wide faculty senates. We also explored what these faculty governance standards and criteria reveal about the status and position of NTTF within the professoriate.  相似文献   

The current study provided an investigation of 110 faculty who were very involved, moderately involved, and not involved in governance activities in community colleges. No differences were found between the three groups on characteristics of an ideal governance process or the roles faculty have in shared governance. Differences were found in responses to general perceptions toward faculty involvement in governance.  相似文献   

"教授治校"的权力主体当然是"教授","教授"是大学权力主体的表征。"教授治校"制度是对大学学术机构本质的认同,"教授治校"存在的合法性与合理性在于它客观地反映了大学作为特殊学术机构的性质和特点。"教授治校"是大学管理权力主体的归位,中国大学内部治理结构变革应当充分借鉴西方大学普遍实施的"教授治校"的管理模式,真正赋予教师在大学管理中的权力和地位。  相似文献   

院系是高校治理的基础,是高校功能使命的直接承担者。推进院系治理能力现代化,加快我国现代大学制度建设,已是当务之急。本文基于改革的历史和现实,具体分析了院系治理面临的四大困境,并提出了通过科学谋划院系布局、推进办学重心下移、找准学校和院系的职责定位、理顺校院关系、建设实质性学院制来消解“前提性困境”;通过廓清认识误区、加强党政联席会和党委会建设、构建科学的治理决策程序和贯彻领导班子成员“一岗双责”来消解“关键性困境”;通过突破习惯性思维和路径依赖、把握规律和实际、强化“双带头人工程”来消解“优势性困境”;通过塑造风清气正的学术育人生态、保障教师在办学治院中的主体地位、强化学术评议机构建设和决策程序的制度性保障来消解“核心性困境”。  相似文献   

在英语学习过程中学习者在不同的场合表现出不同的焦虑现象,交际恐慌是焦虑现象的一种表现,在课堂上更为突出。根据被采访学生自述,分析了交际恐慌现象的表现以及成因,提出了一些教师应采取的对策和措施以避免或减少学生学习过程中的焦虑。  相似文献   

Will some teachers avoid using instructional media because they fear communicating? This study compared the past and projected future use of media of beginning education majors who differed in the extent to which they expressed “communication apprehension.” Those who expressed high and moderate amounts of fear for such situations as engaging in classroom discussions with peers and initiating or responding to teacher-oriented discussions reported less past use, and projected less future use, of several types of media than did those having less fear. The media unaffected by apprehension level — overhead projections, slides, and filmstrips — appear to require less teacher responsibility for communication and interpretation. The authors suggest that communication apprehension may be decreased, thereby increasing the possibility that such teachers will use instructional media.  相似文献   

大学内部治理模式中,“教授治校”和“教授治学”在历史渊源、内涵界定、权力侧重以及价值诉求等方面都存在差异,既呈现理论上的分野,也有着制度上的耦合。实现“教授治校”与“教授治学”的制度耦合,是当代中国大学内部治理改革的基本逻辑和必然发展,也是立足国情、化繁为简、平复争议的有效路径和可行方案。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的整体设计上,不但要保持两种模式灵活转化的张力,也要在维护教授权力的基础上避免行政化管理惯性,促进学术的民主与自由。在“治校”和“治学”制度耦合的路径策略上,可以从完善行政管理体制和改革学术管理组织出发,整合学校教授群体的资源,构筑教授权力的实现平台,建立教授主体参与的保障机制,以增强教授治校和教授治学制度耦合的可行性与有效性。  相似文献   

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