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Appropriate model specification is fundamental to unbiased parameter estimates and accurate model interpretations in structural equation modeling. Thus detecting potential model misspecification has drawn the attention of many researchers. This simulation study evaluates the efficacy of the Bayesian approach (the posterior predictive checking, or PPC procedure) under multilevel bifactor model misspecification (i.e., ignoring a specific factor at the within level). The impact of model misspecification on structural coefficients was also examined in terms of bias and power. Results showed that the PPC procedure performed better in detecting multilevel bifactor model misspecification, when the misspecification became more severe and sample size was larger. Structural coefficients were increasingly negatively biased at the within level, as model misspecification became more severe. Model misspecification at the within level affected the between-level structural coefficient estimates more when data dependency was lower and the number of clusters was smaller. Implications for researchers are discussed.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo simulation study was conducted to investigate the effects on structural equation modeling (SEM) fit indexes of sample size, estimation method, and model specification. Based on a balanced experimental design, samples were generated from a prespecified population covariance matrix and fitted to structural equation models with different degrees of model misspecification. Ten SEM fit indexes were studied. Two primary conclusions were suggested: (a) some fit indexes appear to be noncomparable in terms of the information they provide about model fit for misspecified models and (b) estimation method strongly influenced almost all the fit indexes examined, especially for misspecified models. These 2 issues do not seem to have drawn enough attention from SEM practitioners. Future research should study not only different models vis‐à‐vis model complexity, but a wider range of model specification conditions, including correctly specified models and models specified incorrectly to varying degrees.  相似文献   

In psychological research, available data are often insufficient to estimate item factor analysis (IFA) models using traditional estimation methods, such as maximum likelihood (ML) or limited information estimators. Bayesian estimation with common-sense, moderately informative priors can greatly improve efficiency of parameter estimates and stabilize estimation. There are a variety of methods available to evaluate model fit in a Bayesian framework; however, past work investigating Bayesian model fit assessment for IFA models has assumed flat priors, which have no advantage over ML in limited data settings. In this paper, we evaluated the impact of moderately informative priors on ability to detect model misfit for several candidate indices: posterior predictive checks based on the observed score distribution, leave-one-out cross-validation, and widely available information criterion (WAIC). We found that although Bayesian estimation with moderately informative priors is an excellent aid for estimating challenging IFA models, methods for testing model fit in these circumstances are inadequate.  相似文献   

This simulation study demonstrates how the choice of estimation method affects indexes of fit and parameter bias for different sample sizes when nested models vary in terms of specification error and the data demonstrate different levels of kurtosis. Using a fully crossed design, data were generated for 11 conditions of peakedness, 3 conditions of misspecification, and 5 different sample sizes. Three estimation methods (maximum likelihood [ML], generalized least squares [GLS], and weighted least squares [WLS]) were compared in terms of overall fit and the discrepancy between estimated parameter values and the true parameter values used to generate the data. Consistent with earlier findings, the results show that ML compared to GLS under conditions of misspecification provides more realistic indexes of overall fit and less biased parameter values for paths that overlap with the true model. However, despite recommendations found in the literature that WLS should be used when data are not normally distributed, we find that WLS under no conditions was preferable to the 2 other estimation procedures in terms of parameter bias and fit. In fact, only for large sample sizes (N = 1,000 and 2,000) and mildly misspecified models did WLS provide estimates and fit indexes close to the ones obtained for ML and GLS. For wrongly specified models WLS tended to give unreliable estimates and over-optimistic values of fit.  相似文献   

In previous research (Hu & Bentler, 1998, 1999), 2 conclusions were drawn: standardized root mean squared residual (SRMR) was the most sensitive to misspecified factor covariances, and a group of other fit indexes were most sensitive to misspecified factor loadings. Based on these findings, a 2-index strategy-that is, SRMR coupled with another index-was proposed in model fit assessment to detect potential misspecification in both the structural and measurement model parameters. Based on our reasoning and empirical work presented in this article, we conclude that SRMR is not necessarily most sensitive to misspecified factor covariances (structural model misspecification), the group of indexes (TLI, BL89, RNI, CFI, Gamma hat, Mc, or RMSEA) are not necessarily more sensitive to misspecified factor loadings (measurement model misspecification), and the rationale for the 2-index presentation strategy appears to have questionable validity.  相似文献   

Using a complex simulation study we investigated parameter recovery, classification accuracy, and performance of two item‐fit statistics for correct and misspecified diagnostic classification models within a log‐linear modeling framework. The basic manipulated test design factors included the number of respondents (1,000 vs. 10,000), attributes (3 vs. 5), and items (25 vs. 50) as well as different attribute correlations (.50 vs. .80) and marginal attribute difficulties (equal vs. different). We investigated misspecifications of interaction effect parameters under correct Q‐matrix specification and two types of Q‐matrix misspecification. While the misspecification of interaction effects had little impact on classification accuracy, invalid Q‐matrix specifications led to notably decreased classification accuracy. Two proposed item‐fit indexes were more strongly sensitive to overspecification of Q‐matrix entries for items than to underspecification. Information‐based fit indexes AIC and BIC were sensitive to both over‐ and underspecification.  相似文献   

Despite its importance to structural equation modeling, model evaluation remains underdeveloped in the Bayesian SEM framework. Posterior predictive p-values (PPP) and deviance information criteria (DIC) are now available in popular software for Bayesian model evaluation, but they remain underutilized. This is largely due to the lack of recommendations for their use. To address this problem, PPP and DIC were evaluated in a series of Monte Carlo simulation studies. The results show that both PPP and DIC are influenced by severity of model misspecification, sample size, model size, and choice of prior. The cutoffs PPP < 0.10 and ?DIC > 7 work best in the conditions and models tested here to maintain low false detection rates and misspecified model selection rates, respectively. The recommendations provided in this study will help researchers evaluate their models in a Bayesian SEM analysis and set the stage for future development and evaluation of Bayesian SEM fit indices.  相似文献   

McDonald goodness‐of‐fit indices based on maximum likelihood, asymptotic distribution free, and the Satorra‐Bentler scale correction estimation methods are investigated. Sampling experiments are conducted to assess the magnitude of error for each index under variations in distributional misspecification, structural misspecification, and sample size. The Satorra‐Bentler correction‐based index is shown to have the least error under each distributional misspecification level when the model has correct structural specification. The scaled index also performs adequately when there is minor structural misspecification and distributional misspecification. However, when a model has major structural misspecification with distributional misspecification, none of the estimation methods perform adequately.  相似文献   

A problem central to structural equation modeling is measurement model specification error and its propagation into the structural part of nonrecursive latent variable models. Full-information estimation techniques such as maximum likelihood are consistent when the model is correctly specified and the sample size large enough; however, any misspecification within the model can affect parameter estimates in other parts of the model. The goals of this study included comparing the bias, efficiency, and accuracy of hypothesis tests in nonrecursive latent variable models with indirect and direct feedback loops. We compare the performance of maximum likelihood, two-stage least-squares and Bayesian estimators in nonrecursive latent variable models with indirect and direct feedback loops under various degrees of misspecification in small to moderate sample size conditions.  相似文献   

Assessing the correctness of a structural equation model is essential to avoid drawing incorrect conclusions from empirical research. In the past, the chi-square test was recommended for assessing the correctness of the model but this test has been criticized because of its sensitivity to sample size. As a reaction, an abundance of fit indexes have been developed. The result of these developments is that structural equation modeling packages are now producing a large list of fit measures. One would think that this progression has led to a clear understanding of evaluating models with respect to model misspecifications. In this article we question the validity of approaches for model evaluation based on overall goodness-of-fit indexes. The argument against such usage is that they do not provide an adequate indication of the “size” of the model's misspecification. That is, they vary dramatically with the values of incidental parameters that are unrelated with the misspecification in the model. This is illustrated using simple but fundamental models. As an alternative method of model evaluation, we suggest using the expected parameter change in combination with the modification index (MI) and the power of the MI test.  相似文献   

This article examines Bayesian model averaging as a means of addressing predictive performance in Bayesian structural equation models. The current approach to addressing the problem of model uncertainty lies in the method of Bayesian model averaging. We expand the work of Madigan and his colleagues by considering a structural equation model as a special case of a directed acyclic graph. We then provide an algorithm that searches the model space for submodels and obtains a weighted average of the submodels using posterior model probabilities as weights. Our simulation study provides a frequentist evaluation of our Bayesian model averaging approach and indicates that when the true model is known, Bayesian model averaging does not yield necessarily better predictive performance compared to nonaveraged models. However, our case study using data from an international large-scale assessment reveals that the model-averaged submodels provide better posterior predictive performance compared to the initially specified model.  相似文献   

Posterior predictive model checking (PPMC) is a Bayesian model checking method that compares the observed data to (plausible) future observations from the posterior predictive distribution. We propose an alternative to PPMC in the context of structural equation modeling, which we term the poor person’s PPMC (PP-PPMC), for the situation wherein one cannot afford (or is unwilling) to draw samples from the full posterior. Using only by-products of likelihood-based estimation (maximum likelihood estimate and information matrix), the PP-PPMC offers a natural method to handle parameter uncertainty in model fit assessment. In particular, a coupling relationship between the classical p values from the model fit chi-square test and the predictive p values from the PP-PPMC method is carefully examined, suggesting that PP-PPMC might offer an alternative, principled approach for model fit assessment. We also illustrate the flexibility of the PP-PPMC approach by applying it to case-influence diagnostics.  相似文献   

As with any psychometric models, the validity of inferences from cognitive diagnosis models (CDMs) determines the extent to which these models can be useful. For inferences from CDMs to be valid, it is crucial that the fit of the model to the data is ascertained. Based on a simulation study, this study investigated the sensitivity of various fit statistics for absolute or relative fit under different CDM settings. The investigation covered various types of model–data misfit that can occur with the misspecifications of the Q‐matrix, the CDM, or both. Six fit statistics were considered: –2 log likelihood (–2LL), Akaike's information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), and residuals based on the proportion correct of individual items (p), the correlations (r), and the log‐odds ratio of item pairs (l). An empirical example involving real data was used to illustrate how the different fit statistics can be employed in conjunction with each other to identify different types of misspecifications. With these statistics and the saturated model serving as the basis, relative and absolute fit evaluation can be integrated to detect misspecification efficiently.  相似文献   

Even though Bayesian estimation has recently become quite popular in item response theory (IRT), there is a lack of works on model checking from a Bayesian perspective. This paper applies the posterior predictive model checking (PPMC) method ( Guttman, 1967 ; Rubin, 1984 ), a popular Bayesian model checking tool, to a number of real applications of unidimensional IRT models. The applications demonstrate how to exploit the flexibility of the posterior predictive checks to meet the need of the researcher. This paper also examines practical consequences of misfit, an area often ignored in educational measurement literature while assessing model fit.  相似文献   

This study examined the performance of 4 correlation-based fit indexes (marginal and conditional pseudo R 2s; average and conditional concordance correlations) in detecting misspecification in mean structures in growth curve models. Their performance was also compared to that of 4 traditional SEM fit indexes. We found that the marginal pseudo R 2 and average concordance correlation were able to detect misspecification in the marginal mean structure (average change trajectory). The conditional pseudo R 2 and concordance correlation could detect misspecification when it occurred in the conditional mean structure (individual change trajectory) or in both mean structures. Compared to the SEM fit indexes, the correlation-based fit indexes were more robust to sample size but were less robust to data properties such as magnitude of population mean and measurement error. Theoretical and practical implications of the results and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the performance of the weighted root mean square residual (WRMR) through a simulation study using confirmatory factor analysis with ordinal data. Values and cut scores for the WRMR were examined, along with a comparison of its performance relative to commonly cited fit indexes. The findings showed that WRMR illustrated worse fit when sample size increased or model misspecification increased. Lower (i.e., better) values of WRMR were observed when nonnormal data were present, there were lower loadings, and when few categories were analyzed. WRMR generally illustrated expected patterns of relations to other well-known fit indexes. In general, a cutoff value of 1.0 appeared to work adequately under the tested conditions and the WRMR values of “good fit” were generally in agreement with other indexes. Users are cautioned that when the fitted model is misspeficifed, the index might provide misleading results under situations where extremely large sample sizes are used.  相似文献   

Fit indexes are an important tool in the evaluation of model fit in structural equation modeling (SEM). Currently, the newest confidence interval (CI) for fit indexes proposed by Zhang and Savalei (2016) is based on the quantiles of a bootstrap sampling distribution at a single level of misspecification. This method, despite a great improvement over naive and model-based bootstrap methods, still suffers from unsatisfactory coverage. In this work, we propose a new method of constructing bootstrap CIs for various fit indexes. This method directly inverts a bootstrap test and produces a CI that involves levels of misspecification that would not be rejected in a bootstrap test. Similar in rationale to a parametric CI of root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) based on a noncentral χ2 distribution and a profile-likelihood CI of model parameters, this approach is shown to have better performance than the approach of Zhang and Savalei (2016), with more accurate coverage and more efficient widths.  相似文献   

Confirmatory factor analytic procedures are routinely implemented to provide evidence of measurement invariance. Current lines of research focus on the accuracy of common analytic steps used in confirmatory factor analysis for invariance testing. However, the few studies that have examined this procedure have done so with perfectly or near perfectly fitting models. In the present study, the authors examined procedures for detecting simulated test structure differences across groups under model misspecification conditions. In particular, they manipulated sample size, number of factors, number of indicators per factor, percentage of a lack of invariance, and model misspecification. Model misspecification was introduced at the factor loading level. They evaluated three criteria for detection of invariance, including the chi-square difference test, the difference in comparative fit index values, and the combination of the two. Results indicate that misspecification was associated with elevated Type I error rates in measurement invariance testing.  相似文献   

The posterior predictive model checking method is a flexible Bayesian model‐checking tool and has recently been used to assess fit of dichotomous IRT models. This paper extended previous research to polytomous IRT models. A simulation study was conducted to explore the performance of posterior predictive model checking in evaluating different aspects of fit for unidimensional graded response models. A variety of discrepancy measures (test‐level, item‐level, and pair‐wise measures) that reflected different threats to applications of graded IRT models to performance assessments were considered. Results showed that posterior predictive model checking exhibited adequate power in detecting different aspects of misfit for graded IRT models when appropriate discrepancy measures were used. Pair‐wise measures were found more powerful in detecting violations of the unidimensionality and local independence assumptions.  相似文献   

This simulation study investigated the sensitivity of commonly used cutoff values for global-model-fit indexes, with regard to different degrees of violations of the assumption of uncorrelated errors in confirmatory factor analysis. It is shown that the global-model-fit indexes fell short in identifying weak to strong model misspecifications under both different degrees of correlated error terms, and various simulation conditions. On the basis of an example misspecification search, it is argued that global model testing must be supplemented by this procedure. Implications for the use of structural equation modeling are discussed.  相似文献   

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