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教学公平是实现教育公平的重要途径,它关注的是实际发生的教育活动和现象中对儿童成长的意义。教学公平的前提是教学自身的伦理道德要求,教学公平具体表现在教学自身体系的方方面面,教学公平与教学效率本身是一种共生关系,教学公平的提出更是对西方教育机会均等观念的超越。实现教学公平,不仅要从教学的做法入手,更要有制度上的保障。  相似文献   

教学公平是实现教育公平的重要途径,它关注的是实际发生的教育活动和现象对儿童成长的意义。教学公平的前提在于教学自身的伦理道德要求,教学公平具体表现在教学自身体系的方方面面,教学公平与教学效率本身是一种共生关系,教学公平的提出更是对西方教育机会均等观念的超越。实现教学公平,不仅要从教学的做法入手,更要有制度上的保障。  相似文献   

The authors summarize the special section in the journal of Counselor Education and Supervision (Vol. 45, No. 4, June 2006) on school counseling supervision and present implications to guide the practice of school counselor supervision. The implications for practice, training, research, and professional standards for school counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to explore perspectives on equity, quality, motivation, and resilience by focusing in depth on the perspectives of educators in one small, semi-rural school in Japan. The paper is intended to provide rich, in-depth data and discussion as a way of providing insights from different perspectives into findings from large-scale international assessments. The two key questions addressed in the paper are, (1) How are equity and quality achieved and maintained in Japanese elementary schools? and (2) How are student motivation and resilience perceived and fostered in Japanese elementary schools? These questions are addressed through analysis of key official documents related to the questions, together with analysis of semi-structured interviews conducted with education professionals working in an elementary school. The paper will contribute to understanding the perspectives of teachers in a particular school context in Japan on the roles of state, teachers, and children themselves in the task of achieving and maintaining equity and quality in a high performing education system.  相似文献   


Within science education reforms, a pedagogical shift from a teacher-centered, textbook-based instructional paradigm to a student-centered, inquiry-based model is called for. Despite strong theoretical grounding, there is limited empirical evidence that these reforms will achieve national goals of academic excellence and equity. The author used hierarchical linear models to estimate the extent to which 5 inquiry-based teacher practices promote achievement of all students (excellence) and reduce gaps in achievement among students with different demographic profiles (equity). Findings suggest that teacher practices that improve overall academic excellence simultaneously are as likely to contribute to greater inequities among more and less advantaged students as they are to close persistent achievement gaps.  相似文献   

美国特许学校运动历经17余年的发展,在提高学生学习成绩、为家长提供更多教育选择方面取得了一定的成就.在新的形势下,需要通过创办新学校、关闭表现欠佳学校等策略将特许学校的发展方向转移到提高质量上来,从而推动整个公立教育系统追求卓越化的进程.  相似文献   

This exploratory study analyzed which types of acts involving the Internet are considered most severe, sex differences in the perceptions of infidelity, and the evaluation of infidelity when one commits it versus one's partner. Two-hundred and eight participants rated the severity of 44 specific acts (e.g., disclosing love to a person met in an Internet chat room) on either the self-infidelity or partner-infidelity questionnaire. The results indicated that involving/goal-directed acts were rated as more severe than superficial/informal acts, women viewed involving/goal-directed acts of Internet infidelity as more severe than did men, and partner-infidelity was perceived as more severe than self-infidelity. The severity of 44 specific acts are also provided, and this information advances our ability to describe infidelity on the Internet and predict if, and to what degree, others will consider particular actions as infidelity. The implications of these results, as well as future directions, are discussed.  相似文献   

公平而卓越:世界教育发展的新追求   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着知识经济和全球化时代的到来,各国政府和国际组织从政策法案到具体实践,从基础教育到高等教育,都已经不再满足于一般意义上的教育公平和教育质量,公平而卓越已成为当今世界教育新的发展趋势和追求.  相似文献   

It is frequently asserted that some public services, including the provision of schooling, might with advantage be committed, together with appropriate financial assistance, to voluntary faith-based bodies. There are however serious disadvantages in this particular mingling of 'private' and 'public' provision. The arrangements currently in force in the various parts of Britain are the result of complex historical compromises and any further extension of state aid to faith-based schools is likely to lead to an unwelcome fragmentation of society and a diversion of resources from schools committed to developing a common culture, while respecting a diversity of cultural identities.  相似文献   

学分制只所以被世界上一些先进发达国家所运用推广,其关键就在于它活,它有利于多渠道高素质的培养专业人才;有利于培养学生的创新能力.我们要根据我国的实际情况创建出有中国特色的学分制.  相似文献   

教育公平是社会公平的基石,是人生公平的支点。实施素质教育就是最大的教育公平,加强学校软实力建设是实施教育公平的基础,努力提高教育质量是实施教育公平的途径,建设健全的教师队伍是实施教育公平的关键,以教育科研引领是实施教育公平的保障。  相似文献   

切实加强中学素质教育,由应试教育转向素质教育,应抓好学校因素、教师因素、家庭因素、社会因素。  相似文献   

“入园难、入园贵”已成为近十年来中国学前教育发展中面临的最严峻的社会问题,其反映的实质正是学前教育机会不公平.文章基于财政投入视角,对现有文献进行梳理及归纳,发现大部分研究表明政府责任缺失、财政投入机制不合理是造成我国学前教育机会不公平的主要原因,由此指出应进一步明确政府投入责任、改革财政投入体制.但是对于政府在学前教育领域应该承担多大的支付责任、财政体制改革应侧重哪些方面等问题,学术界还存在一些争论和分歧.  相似文献   

2006年德国开始总共为期11年的卓越计划,2017年"卓越计划一期"进入尾声。本文介绍卓越计划的主要内容,以及重点通过德国高校的世界排名、科研产出的效果以及引起德国高校的分层来对德国卓越计划进行评析,并对"卓越计划二期"进行展望。  相似文献   

结合成人高校学生的特点,论述了成人高校德育工作的必要性、内容、途径和方法。  相似文献   

赵鑫 《高教发展与评估》2013,29(1):70-75,107
西班牙为应对高等教育所面临的国内外挑战,结合本国国情推出了国际顶尖大学计划,强调官、学、创、产紧密结合,旨在追求高等教育的优质化和顶尖化,提升大学的国际竞争力与吸引力。该计划具有明确的目标、定位、特征、经费来源、评选程序及标准,经过两年多的实践与调整,正朝着目标设置多元化、校际之间积极合作以及区域高校均衡发展等方向稳步发展。  相似文献   

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