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During the Fall 2017 semester, staff at the Hudson County Community College (HCCC), Library began to notice that many books listed as available in the catalog were often not being found on the shelves when patrons attempted to retrieve them. This situation puzzled library leadership because HCCC had recently conducted an inventory and removed all missing items from its holdings. To determine the cause of this discrepancy, HCCC staff decided to sample the library’s collection to determine if books were available at the expected locations. From this, the library found that a high percentage of its books were not present where they were expected to be. In response, library staff implemented a variety of changes to HCCC’s shelving and access services operations.  相似文献   

古籍文本抽词研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前古籍文本检索大多局限于篇、章及目录,即使是全文检索一般也是基于单汉字的检索,由于没有现成的古籍词表可用,古籍文本的标引和检索效率都受到影响。现将处理现代文本的N元组法移植到古籍文本中进行实义词提取,实验步骤包括:自动分词并统计词频;利用抽词词典和停用词词典得到候选词汇;通过简单计算对n元组进行剔除过滤;人工判别提取实词。实验共从10万字的文本对象《齐民要术》中提取古籍普通语词和专有名词(包括书名、地名、人名官职名)共3369个,表明此实验方案基本是可行的。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to establish an objective basis for managerial decisions relating to the preservation of library books. The investigation was concerned with the operational issues underlying such decisions, focusing specifically upon the problem of accurately and efficiently assessing books in terms of their present physical condition and past utility. Its objectives were: (a) to determine if date of publication and/or measures of library use (i.e., frequency of circulation and date of last circulation) constitute reliable indices of a book's current physical condition; (b) to determine if the frequency with which a book has been circulated tends to correspond with its date of last circulation; and (c) to devise a systematic approach to the preservation of library books based upon the results of the inquiries (a) and (b).  相似文献   


The number of electronic books (e-books) that are available is increasing rapidly. Libraries are acquiring them individually, in large groups, and as part of collections. Off-campus librarians perceive them to be the best solution to the problems and expenses related to loaning and shipping print books to off-campus students. This study looks at the usage of e-books by off-campus students at Central Michigan University (CMU) to see if usage patterns can assist librarians with e-book collection development to support off-campus programs.  相似文献   

在多数现代出版物中,“图”作为重要的组成部分,起着直观表达图书内容的作用。就图书馆编目工作而言,“图”涉及分类法的类目设置、分类、主题、著录4个方面,涉及机读目录格式105、200、215及6-字段。因此,“图”与编目工作产生了千丝万缕的联系,而各联机编目机构对“图”的不同理解使书目数据千差万别,严重影响了书目资源的共建共享。  相似文献   

University press books play a pivotal role in the transmission of knowledge among academics and to serious readers outside universities. Yet the market for these books underwent substantive changes and posted lacklustre increases in net publishers' revenues and unit sales between 1985 and 1999. In this article, statistical data on university presses' net publishers' unit and dollar revenues, covering the years 1985 through 1999, are analysed to ascertain: (i) shifts in the channels of distribution; (ii) the future demand for university press books for the years 2000 through 2004; and (iii) the price elasticity of demand for these titles. Other issues addressed briefly include competition from commercial academic publishers, consolidation in the publishing industry, the rise in importance of the global market for university press books, and financial issues.  相似文献   

图书馆自动化、网络化的发展促使图书馆在图书编目工作上发生了重大改变,但日文图书编目与中西文编目相比仍然比较薄弱。通过对图书馆群的调查和查找相关文献,论文介绍各馆当前应用的日文图书编目系统和MARC格式的使用情况,结合日文图书编目的工作实践,以辽宁省图书馆为例阐述日文图书编目在套录数据时存在的局限性以及自编数据遇到的实际问题,以此探索日文图书编目业务的建设和发展。  相似文献   

In the academic Information Commons, the frontline staff are key library assets. This article demonstrates one example of frontline staff observing, analyzing, and modifying user behavior using simple marketing techniques and space planning. James Madison University East Campus Library personnel increased circulation of books by increasing the visibility of the book collection. Minor furniture changes in the lobby, adding rotating themed book displays and providing digital and print signage, produced a dramatic effect. Circulation numbers essentially doubled for the lobby browsing book collection and markedly increased for books highlighted in the displays.  相似文献   

Technology today more than ever has a disruptive impact on publishing. The Internet, printing-on-demand and the e-book are the main drivers of change, impacting all aspects of the publishing value chain—from the way books are published (authors can go direct to the reader), distributed (electronic marketplaces), sold (e-tailers) and read (electronic books). The author examines the context of the publishing industry in which these changes are occurring, describes the main drivers and impacts of these changes and illustrates them with an example from the information publishing industry. This paper is based on a presentation made during the conference ‘Blinded by the E-Light’ sponsored by Vista Computer Services (www.vistacomp.com) on June 15, 2000 in New York, NY.  相似文献   

Because hedonic aspects of products are difficult to evaluate prior to consumption, consumers seek signals to reduce their uncertainty. Opinion leaders, such as critics, may serve as key informants to consumers. This study considers the different roles and incentives of literary critics and how they influence the success of books. Furthermore, it empirically investigates the impact of 4 book critics featured on Germany's most popular literary television show, Das Literarische Quartett, on reviewed books' success. The variety of control variables included in the mixed regression models provide results pertaining to not only the critics, but also the success factors of books in general. Book success does not depend primarily on the mere appearance of a book on a television show or a favorable review of it; rather, awareness and word-of-mouth effects seem crucial, and books are more likely to succeed if critics disagree about the quality and express extreme judgments, even if those judgments are negative.  相似文献   

American publishers publish few books in translation, so making a deal for American publishing rights is reason for congratulations, however, American publishing contracts are complex documents and variations in house policies on important issues make them seem even more complex. The article includes a chart that may be useful for navigating a typical contract an American publisher will issue to a foreign proprietor from whom it is buying translation rights.  相似文献   

国家图书馆藏贵阳文通书局版图书约210种,出版年代从1909年—1953年,图书内容涉及社会生活各个方面。近年来随着国家图书馆对馆藏民国图书抢救保护力度的加强,其馆藏文通书局版图书亦得到系统整理,文章仅对这一部分图书的现存状况做一简单描述。  相似文献   

Brigham Young University's Harold B. Lee Library conducted a time-task cost study to compare the cost and processing time of shelf-ready books to non-shelf-ready books to determine if it could better use its human resources and if it should expand the use of shelf-ready to include its approval books. The results showed that shelf-ready was, on average, 5.7% cheaper, took 47% less processing time, and arrived on the shelves 33 sooner than books processed in-house. Based on the results of the study, the library moved its approval books to the shelf-ready program and was able to reallocate catalogers tasks.  相似文献   

论文从发扬“国粹”的角度,介绍了章太炎重“语言文字、典章制度、人物事迹”的国学思想,并从白话文、古体文、文学、诗歌、读书治学、历史阅读、经典阅读等角度探讨了章太炎的阅读观,即读书学习,不能拘泥于书本,还要向书本之外去寻求;读书要有自己的想法,自己的心得;既要求是,又要致用;不读史书,就无从爱国;多读经典等.  相似文献   

Online book reviews reflect readers’ attitudes and opinions and serve as a data source for book impact assessment. Most research has only focused on the number of ratings and reviews to assess the impact of books. However, it is necessary to more thoroughly explore online book reviews, to analyze the viewpoints and sentiments expressed in them and the identity and motivation of the reviewers in order to evaluate the value of different types of book reviews. In this study, we collect Goodreads reviews of books indexed by the Book Citation Index and consider them according to the following three aspects: the popularity of highly cited books in Goodreads, the influence of reviewer roles (of author, librarian, and ordinary user) on book reviews, and the emotions and opinions behind reviewers’ ratings. Results consider the number of books reviewed in different disciplines, the variations in ratings of highly cited and non-highly cited books, differences in book reviews given by the reviewer roles, and the way reviewers express their sentiments about the books. The study concludes that if online reviews are to be used as indicators of book impact assessment, key considerations should include the subject discipline, the reviewer's role, and the sentiment polarity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe an assessment project of the monograph collection at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Lied Library. The circulation statistics and in-house use of all monographs for the nine colleges at UNLV were assessed analyzing the last five years of data. The analysis included an assessment of the circulation statistics and in-house use of books purchased on an approval plan compared with books purchased by individual liaison librarians. The findings illustrated the fact that overall use of the monograph collection has declined over the past five years. The findings also showed that books purchased on an approval plan had slightly higher use than the books purchased by individual liaisons. The study shows that academic libraries need to monitor usage of the monograph collection to be certain that money is spent in the most efficient manner and that usage data can be helpful if there is a need to reduce budget allocations for monographs or if a reallocation of funds for monographs is necessary.  相似文献   

This paper tracks the use of several hundred books at Oakland University that were made available both in print and electronically. This study attempts to determine if there are discernable differences in usage based on format. It also examines usage to determine if collections of books that were locally selected exhibit different usage than those purchased through a consortium. The author concludes that locally selected collections receive greater usage than consortially selected collections. Furthermore, the author finds that usage of a particular title in one format does not correlate to usage of that title in the other, but that there is a relationship between the formats when you compare aggregate circulations/accesses of books based within NetLibrary subject areas.  相似文献   


This paper examines the materials acquired during a consortial PDA pilot; which of the books are still being used, by which institutions, whether the size of a participating institution or the subject of a book have impact on the continued use of the books, and if there is a relationship between the schools that triggered a PDA purchase and the schools that have gone on to use a given title. Findings suggest that models involving some library mediation may be more effective in meeting the various needs of participating institutions.  相似文献   

Collectors of children's books use Harry K. Hudson's bibliography of American boys' series books as a source list in expanding their personal collections. Scholars of popular culture use the bibliography as a tool in locating books that reflect everyday trends and mores of the general American public. The bibliography, now in its third edition, has undergone considerable change over the years; and this change reflects the evolution of a simple finding aid for personal collectors to a bibliography used for scholarly research.  相似文献   


A DDA (Demand Driven Acquisitions) preferred Approval Plan allows libraries to acquire DDA eligible books triggered by users. Non-DDA books are acquired automatically, because there is no mechanism that allows these books to be requested by users. This study explores the procedure called Purchase by Request (PBR) that allows non-DDA books to be discoverable and requested by users. After incorporating both DDA and PBR into an Approval Plan, all books in the Approval Plan are exposed to users for just-in-time purchases, and in the process saving the library a substantial amount of money.  相似文献   

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