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Testlets, or groups of related items, are commonly included in educational assessments due to their many logistical and conceptual advantages. Despite their advantages, testlets introduce complications into the theory and practice of educational measurement. Responses to items within a testlet tend to be correlated even after controlling for latent ability, which violates the assumption of conditional independence made by traditional item response theory models. The present study used Monte Carlo simulation methods to evaluate the effects of testlet dependency on item and person parameter recovery and classification accuracy. Three calibration models were examined, including the traditional 2PL model with marginal maximum likelihood estimation, a testlet model with Bayesian estimation, and a bi-factor model with limited-information weighted least squares mean and variance adjusted estimation. Across testlet conditions, parameter types, and outcome criteria, the Bayesian testlet model outperformed, or performed equivalently to, the other approaches.  相似文献   

The reading data from the 1983–84 National Assessment of Educational Progress survey were scaled using a unidimensional item response theory model. To determine whether the responses to the reading items were consistent with unidimensionality, the full-information factor analysis method developed by Bock and associates (1985) and Rosenbaum's (1984) test of unidimensionality, conditional (local) independence, and monotonicity were applied. Full-information factor analysis involves the assumption of a particular item response function; the number of latent variables required to obtain a reasonable fit to the data is then determined. The Rosenbaum method provides a test of the more general hypothesis that the data can be represented by a model characterized by unidimensionality, conditional independence, and monotonicity. Results of both methods indicated that the reading items could be regarded as measures of a single dimension. Simulation studies were conducted to investigate the impact of balanced incomplete block (BIB) spiraling, used in NAEP to assign items to students, on methods of dimensionality assessment. In general, conclusions about dimensionality were the same for BIB-spiraled data as for complete data.  相似文献   

For the purpose of obtaining data to use in test development, multiple matrix sampling (MMS) plans were compared to examinee sampling plans. Data were simulated for examinees, sampled from a population with a normal distribution of ability, responding to items selected from an item universe. Three item universes were considered: one that would produce a normal distribution of test scores, one a moderately platykurtic distribution, and one a very platykurtic distribution. When comparing sampling plans, total numbers of observations were held constant. No differences were found among plans in estimating item difficulty. Examinee sampling produced better estimates of item discrimination, test reliability, and test validity. As total number of observations increased, estimates improved considerably, especially for those MMS plans with larger subtest sizes. Larger numbers of observations were needed for tests designed to produce a normal distribution of test scores. With an adequate number of observations, MMS is seen as an alternative to examinee sampling in test development.  相似文献   

A problem central to structural equation modeling is measurement model specification error and its propagation into the structural part of nonrecursive latent variable models. Full-information estimation techniques such as maximum likelihood are consistent when the model is correctly specified and the sample size large enough; however, any misspecification within the model can affect parameter estimates in other parts of the model. The goals of this study included comparing the bias, efficiency, and accuracy of hypothesis tests in nonrecursive latent variable models with indirect and direct feedback loops. We compare the performance of maximum likelihood, two-stage least-squares and Bayesian estimators in nonrecursive latent variable models with indirect and direct feedback loops under various degrees of misspecification in small to moderate sample size conditions.  相似文献   

Administering tests under time constraints may result in poorly estimated item parameters, particularly for items at the end of the test (Douglas, Kim, Habing, & Gao, 1998; Oshima, 1994). Bolt, Cohen, and Wollack (2002) developed an item response theory mixture model to identify a latent group of examinees for whom a test is overly speeded, and found that item parameter estimates for end-of-test items in the nonspeeded group were similar to estimates for those same items when administered earlier in the test. In this study, we used the Bolt et al. (2002) method to study the effect of removing speeded examinees on the stability of a score scale over an II-year period. Results indicated that using only the nonspeeded examinees for equating and estimating item parameters provided a more unidimensional scale, smaller effects of item parameter drift (including fewer drifting items), and less scale drift (i.e., bias) and variability (i.e., root mean squared errors) when compared to the total group of examinees.  相似文献   

In test development, item response theory (IRT) is a method to determine the amount of information that each item (i.e., item information function) and combination of items (i.e., test information function) provide in the estimation of an examinee's ability. Studies investigating the effects of item parameter estimation errors over a range of ability have demonstrated an overestimation of information when the most discriminating items are selected (i.e., item selection based on maximum information). In the present study, the authors examined the influence of item parameter estimation errors across 3 item selection methods—maximum no target, maximum target, and theta maximum—using the 2- and 3-parameter logistic IRT models. Tests created with the maximum no target and maximum target item selection procedures consistently overestimated the test information function. Conversely, tests created using the theta maximum item selection procedure yielded more consistent estimates of the test information function and, at times, underestimated the test information function. Implications for test development are discussed.  相似文献   

The examinee‐selected‐item (ESI) design, in which examinees are required to respond to a fixed number of items in a given set of items (e.g., choose one item to respond from a pair of items), always yields incomplete data (i.e., only the selected items are answered and the others have missing data) that are likely nonignorable. Therefore, using standard item response theory models, which assume ignorable missing data, can yield biased parameter estimates so that examinees taking different sets of items to answer cannot be compared. To solve this fundamental problem, in this study the researchers utilized the specific objectivity of Rasch models by adopting the conditional maximum likelihood estimation (CMLE) and pairwise estimation (PE) methods to analyze ESI data, and conducted a series of simulations to demonstrate the advantages of the CMLE and PE methods over traditional estimation methods in recovering item parameters in ESI data. An empirical data set obtained from an experiment on the ESI design was analyzed to illustrate the implications and applications of the proposed approach to ESI data.  相似文献   

This research introduces, illustrates, and tests a variation of IRT-LR-DIF, called EH-DIF-2, in which the latent density for each group is estimated simultaneously with the item parameters as an empirical histogram (EH). IRT-LR-DIF is used to evaluate the degree to which items have different measurement properties for one group of people versus another, irrespective of mean differences on the construct. Usually, the latent distribution is presumed normal for both groups, but results are biased if this assumption is violated. Simulations show that if the latent densities are nonnormal, Type I error and estimates of the item parameters and focal-group mean and SD are more accurate using EH-DIF-2 than standard methods. Free software for carrying out EH-DIF-2 is available on request.  相似文献   

Many large-scale educational surveys have moved from linear form design to multistage testing (MST) design. One advantage of MST is that it can provide more accurate latent trait (θ) estimates using fewer items than required by linear tests. However, MST generates incomplete response data by design; hence, questions remain as to how to calibrate items using the incomplete data from MST design. Further complication arises when there are multiple correlated subscales per test, and when items from different subscales need to be calibrated according to their respective score reporting metric. The current calibration-per-subscale method produced biased item parameters, and there is no available method for resolving the challenge. Deriving from the missing data principle, we showed when calibrating all items together the Rubin's ignorability assumption is satisfied such that the traditional single-group calibration is sufficient. When calibrating items per subscale, we proposed a simple modification to the current calibration-per-subscale method that helps reinstate the missing-at-random assumption and therefore corrects for the estimation bias that is otherwise existent. Three mainstream calibration methods are discussed in the context of MST, they are the marginal maximum likelihood estimation, the expectation maximization method, and the fixed parameter calibration. An extensive simulation study is conducted and a real data example from NAEP is analyzed to provide convincing empirical evidence.  相似文献   

Previous assessments of the reliability of test scores for testlet-composed tests have indicated that item-based estimation methods overestimate reliability. This study was designed to address issues related to the extent to which item-based estimation methods overestimate the reliability of test scores composed of testlets and to compare several estimation methods for different measurement models using simulation techniques. Three types of estimation approach were conceptualized for generalizability theory (GT) and item response theory (IRT): item score approach (ISA), testlet score approach (TSA), and item-nested-testlet approach (INTA). The magnitudes of overestimation when applying item-based methods ranged from 0.02 to 0.06 and were related to the degrees of dependence among within-testlet items. Reliability estimates from TSA were lower than those from INTA due to the loss of information with IRT approaches. However, this could not be applied in GT. Specified methods in IRT produced higher reliability estimates than those in GT using the same approach. Relatively smaller magnitudes of error in reliability estimates were observed for ISA and for methods in IRT. Thus, it seems reasonable to use TSA as well as INTA for both GT and IRT. However, if there is a relatively large dependence among within-testlet items, INTA should be considered for IRT due to nonnegligible loss of information.  相似文献   

To better understand the statistical properties of the deterministic inputs, noisy “and” gate cognitive diagnosis (DINA) model, the impact of several factors on the quality of the item parameter estimates and classification accuracy was investigated. Results of the simulation study indicate that the fully Bayes approach is most accurate when the prior distribution matches the latent class structure. However, when the latent classes are of indefinite structure, the empirical Bayes method in conjunction with an unstructured prior distribution provides much better estimates and classification accuracy. Moreover, using empirical Bayes with an unstructured prior does not lead to extremely poor results as other prior-estimation method combinations do. The simulation results also show that increasing the sample size reduces the variability, and to some extent the bias, of item parameter estimates, whereas lower level of guessing and slip parameter is associated with higher quality item parameter estimation and classification accuracy.  相似文献   

Missing data are a common problem in a variety of measurement settings, including responses to items on both cognitive and affective assessments. Researchers have shown that such missing data may create problems in the estimation of item difficulty parameters in the Item Response Theory (IRT) context, particularly if they are ignored. At the same time, a number of data imputation methods have been developed outside of the IRT framework and been shown to be effective tools for dealing with missing data. The current study takes several of these methods that have been found to be useful in other contexts and investigates their performance with IRT data that contain missing values. Through a simulation study, it is shown that these methods exhibit varying degrees of effectiveness in terms of imputing data that in turn produce accurate sample estimates of item difficulty and discrimination parameters.  相似文献   

Item response theory (IRT) procedures have been used extensively to study normal latent trait distributions and have been shown to perform well; however, less is known concerning the performance of IRT with non-normal latent trait distributions. This study investigated the degree of latent trait estimation error under normal and non-normal conditions using four latent trait estimation procedures and also evaluated whether the test composition, in terms of item difficulty level, reduces estimation error. Most importantly, both true and estimated item parameters were examined to disentangle the effects of latent trait estimation error from item parameter estimation error. Results revealed that non-normal latent trait distributions produced a considerably larger degree of latent trait estimation error than normal data. Estimated item parameters tended to have comparable precision to true item parameters, thus suggesting that increased latent trait estimation error results from latent trait estimation rather than item parameter estimation.  相似文献   

We propose a structural equation model, which reduces to a multidimensional latent class item response theory model, for the analysis of binary item responses with nonignorable missingness. The missingness mechanism is driven by 2 sets of latent variables: one describing the propensity to respond and the other referred to the abilities measured by the test items. These latent variables are assumed to have a discrete distribution, so as to reduce the number of parametric assumptions regarding the latent structure of the model. Individual covariates can also be included through a multinomial logistic parameterization for the distribution of the latent variables. Given the discrete nature of this distribution, the proposed model is efficiently estimated by the expectation–maximization algorithm. A simulation study is performed to evaluate the finite-sample properties of the parameter estimates. Moreover, an application is illustrated with data coming from a student entry test for the admission to some university courses.  相似文献   

Measurement specialists routinely assume examinee responses to test items are independent of one another. However, previous research has shown that many contemporary tests contain item dependencies and not accounting for these dependencies leads to misleading estimates of item, test, and ability parameters. The goals of the study were (a) to review methods for detecting local item dependence (LID), (b) to discuss the use of testlets to account for LID in context-dependent item sets, (c) to apply LID detection methods and testlet-based item calibrations to data from a large-scale, high-stakes admissions test, and (d) to evaluate the results with respect to test score reliability and examinee proficiency estimation. Item dependencies were found in the test and these were due to test speededness or context dependence (related to passage structure). Also, the results highlight that steps taken to correct for the presence of LID and obtain less biased reliability estimates may impact on the estimation of examinee proficiency. The practical effects of the presence of LID on passage-based tests are discussed, as are issues regarding how to calibrate context-dependent item sets using item response theory.  相似文献   

The usefulness of item response theory (IRT) models depends, in large part, on the accuracy of item and person parameter estimates. For the standard 3 parameter logistic model, for example, these parameters include the item parameters of difficulty, discrimination, and pseudo-chance, as well as the person ability parameter. Several factors impact traditional marginal maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of IRT model parameters, including sample size, with smaller samples generally being associated with lower parameter estimation accuracy, and inflated standard errors for the estimates. Given this deleterious impact of small samples on IRT model performance, use of these techniques with low-incidence populations, where it might prove to be particularly useful, estimation becomes difficult, especially with more complex models. Recently, a Pairwise estimation method for Rasch model parameters has been suggested for use with missing data, and may also hold promise for parameter estimation with small samples. This simulation study compared item difficulty parameter estimation accuracy of ML with the Pairwise approach to ascertain the benefits of this latter method. The results support the use of the Pairwise method with small samples, particularly for obtaining item location estimates.  相似文献   

Trend estimation in international comparative large‐scale assessments relies on measurement invariance between countries. However, cross‐national differential item functioning (DIF) has been repeatedly documented. We ran a simulation study using national item parameters, which required trends to be computed separately for each country, to compare trend estimation performances to two linking methods employing international item parameters across several conditions. The trend estimates based on the national item parameters were more accurate than the trend estimates based on the international item parameters when cross‐national DIF was present. Moreover, the use of fixed common item parameter calibrations led to biased trend estimates. The detection and elimination of DIF can reduce this bias but is also likely to increase the total error.  相似文献   

Six procedures for combining sets of IRT item parameter estimates obtained from different samples were evaluated using real and simulated response data. In the simulated data analyses, true item and person parameters were used to generate response data for three different-sized samples. Each sample was calibrated separately to obtain three sets of item parameter estimates for each item. The six procedures for combining multiple estimates were each applied, and the results were evaluated by comparing the true and estimated item characteristic curves. For the real data, the two best methods from the simulation data analyses were applied to three different-sized samples and the resulting estimated item characteristic curves were compared to the curves obtained when the three samples were combined and calibrated simultaneously. The results support the use of covariance matrix-weighted averaging and a procedure that involves sample-size-weighted averaging of estimated item characteristic curves at the center of the ability distribution  相似文献   

This study demonstrated the equivalence between the Rasch testlet model and the three‐level one‐parameter testlet model and explored the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method for model parameter estimation in WINBUGS. The estimation accuracy from the MCMC method was compared with those from the marginalized maximum likelihood estimation (MMLE) with the expectation‐maximization algorithm in ConQuest and the sixth‐order Laplace approximation estimation in HLM6. The results indicated that the estimation methods had significant effects on the bias of the testlet variance and ability variance estimation, the random error in the ability parameter estimation, and the bias in the item difficulty parameter estimation. The Laplace method best recovered the testlet variance while the MMLE best recovered the ability variance. The Laplace method resulted in the smallest random error in the ability parameter estimation while the MCMC method produced the smallest bias in item parameter estimates. Analyses of three real tests generally supported the findings from the simulation and indicated that the estimates for item difficulty and ability parameters were highly correlated across estimation methods.  相似文献   

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