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This paper examines the process of the establishment of the Qatar National Olympic Committee (QOC) in the late 1970s as part of a nation-building process. Qatar was one of the British protectorates in the Gulf region having its international relations controlled by Britain. On September 3, 1971, the country's Heir Apparent appeared on local TV and announced Qatar's independence. In the following years, the new Amir started a campaign of nation-building. Sport played an important part in this campaign, facilitating the formation of a national identity. Meanwhile, sports federations in Qatar began to apply for membership of their respective International Federations (IFs). In order to send athletes to the Olympics, the QOC was established in 1979 and it was recognised by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) in 1980. The primary written sources used in this paper are official documents from the IOC, the IFs and the Official Gazette of the State of Qatar. The establishment of the QOC can be seen as part of the process of nation-building experienced by Qatar after its independence. International sports events were used to win international recognition, and investments in infrastructure, sports facilities and elite sport were seen by the Qatar government as an important approach to boost the country's international representation. However, in order to join the Olympic movement and raise Qatar's national flag at international sporting events, the QOC had to revise its Constitution to meet all the requirements of the IOC.  相似文献   

我国有线电视体育节目市场调查研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
采用问卷调查、数理统计、访问调查等方法。结果表明:以体育频道为主的我国有线电视体育节目传播委员全已成为初步具备了一定市场竞争力的电视组织机构;目前,我国有线电视体育频道发展中存在缺乏国内体育电视节目、市场经济能力较弱等问题。建议:各级体育组织要统一对开发体育电视市场的思想认识,加强体育组织相关权益及其市场开发的规范管理,尽快发展体育经纪公司等中介机构。  相似文献   

1996年“万基杯”中国跆拳道锦标赛调研报告   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过对1996年“万基杯”中国跆拳道锦标赛有关资料与现场技术统计,对262场比赛中各级别一般运动员与冠亚军决赛胜负双方比分进行分析,从得分与比分差值得知,我国男子水平高于女子,各级别中男子83kg、64kg、58kg级,女子47kg、55kg、60kg级水平较高。对79场运动员各种类型技术使用情况与对应技术得分率进行统计比较分析,说明我国运动员技术掌握尚欠全面,与国际水平仍有较大差距,今后应重视基本技术的全面训练,以尽快提高我国跆拳道运动水平。  相似文献   

为了考察变革型领导理论在中国体育组织文化中的跨文化效用及影响其领导行为和效能的相关因素,本文使用修订的多因素领导量表(MLQ)对近50所高校618名体育组织员工进行了调查。研究显示:Bass的变革型领导理论适用于中国高校体育组织情境,其包括四个独立的维度:领导魅力、智能激发、感召力和个性化关怀。性别、教育程度、职称、院系规模和院系类型等变量会影响下属员工对领导者变革型领导行为的知觉,并影响对领导者领导效能的评估。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine what visual information expert soccer players encode when they are asked to make a decision. We used a repetition-priming paradigm to test the hypothesis that experts encode a soccer pattern's structure independently of the players' physical characteristics (i.e., posture and morphology). The participants were given either realistic (digital photos) or abstract (three-dimensional schematic representations) soccer game patterns. The results showed that the experts benefited from priming effects regardless of how abstract the stimuli were. This suggests that an abstract representation of a realistic pattern (i.e., one that does not include visual information related to the players' physical characteristics) is sufficient to activate experts' specific knowledge during decision making. These results seem to show that expert soccer players encode and store abstract representations of visual patterns in memory.  相似文献   

2008年10月7日美国卫生与公共服务部(HHS)正式向美国国民发布《2008全美体力活动指南》(以下简称《指南》),这是美国联邦政府迄今发布的第一部有关体力活动的全方位指导手册。尽管这是一本针对美国国民的健康指导手册,但是其向大众传递出的各种理念以及针对各类人群推介的健身方案同样可带给我们积极地影响和深入的思考。文章将就《指南》的各个章节做一个大致的介绍,以帮助我们能够更近距离的了解这部对美国国民健康产生重要影响的指导手册。  相似文献   

美国在前苏联解体后成为了奥运会的强国.澳大利亚则在近两届奥运会中进步巨大.英国在认识到竞技成绩的价值后,强化了对竞技体育的支持力度,不仅获得2012年奥运会的举办权,同时也在北京奥运会中取得了很好的成绩.通过分析三个奥委会在运营、管理、组队方式上的异同及优劣,有利于为中国的竞技体育体制改革或是现行体制下管理方式和模式的革新提供参考依据.  相似文献   

我国蹦床运动员起跳网上转体研究报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
主要采用摄像法和影像解析法对我国蹦床运动员起跳网上转体问题进行研究。研究结果表明:起跳网上转体目前是我国蹦床运动员普遍存在的技术错误之一。它不但影响腾起高度及动作姿态,还易导致身体横向水平位移。当完成翻转周数、转体度数较少的空翻转体动作时应采用非惯性转体技术;当完成翻转周数、转体度数较多的空翻转体动作时,在保证充分压网与蹬伸的前提下,身体离网瞬间即可开始转体。  相似文献   

One of the key features of the Olympic movement is its universalistic appeal, particularly in the sense that it has sought to establish itself as a platform for universal interaction and promotion of universal values. In this paper, we consider the nature, feasibility, and implications of the IOC's promotion of its universalist position in terms of the ethical standards it promotes in relation to universal principles of good governance. A major problem in this respect is the culturally diverse set of constituencies that are incorporated within the Olympic movement, such that the imposition of ‘one size fits all’ policies may be impractical and in many instances undesirable. The authors of this paper therefore argue that although universal agreement is often impractical, general agreement may often be established. The paper therefore presents an approach to balancing centrally promoted principles of good governance with local preferences in terms of the weighting to be given to particular values within the operationalization of good governance. This approach, based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process technique, developed by Thomas Saaty and widely employed in decision-making with regard to evaluating and weighting alternatives, is introduced here in the context of the evaluation of National Sport Federations in Iran. The paper highlights ways in which this technique allows for the expression of local priorities within the general framework of good governance principles in ways which satisfied both global and local priorities. In effect, it is a practical example of what Robertson has termed glocalization. The paper concludes by applying this framework to an evaluation of the National Federation (NF) of Football in Iran as an example of how this technique will be used for the purposes of ranking NFs in terms of performance with respect to elements of good governance which will inform both self-assessment by the NF and the decision-making process for allocation of funds by government to NFs in Iran in the future.  相似文献   

为全面了解我国武术散打后备人才发展现状,文章运用问卷调查法、文献资料法、数理统计法对参加第七届全国城市运动会散打预决赛运动员的学习、训练的基本情况进行研究,旨在发现我国青少年后备人才资源发展过程中的问题,提出相对应的对策,为我国武术散打后备人才的健康持续发展提供理论依据.研究结果表明:现阶段我国武术散打后备人才发展过程中存在“学训矛盾”突出、课程设置不够科学、运动员对文化认知较差等问题,这严重影响了武术散打后备人才的持续发展  相似文献   

九运会蹦床项目女子网上比赛技术调研报告   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对九运会蹦床项目女子网上个人决赛的临场技术调研认为:从本届全运会所体现出来的我国女子蹦床运动技术水平已有了质的提高,与世界先进水平日渐接近,展望未来充满希望.同时指出了我国女子蹦床现存的主要问题,并就如何解决这些问题提出了若干建议.  相似文献   

林波 《福建体育科技》2010,29(4):23-24,31
对我国水上运动项目商业化运营的相关问题进行了一个探索性的分析研究,提出水上运动项目商业化的实施建议,促进我国水上运动项目的商业化发展。  相似文献   

国家体育总局直属体育院校办学体制改革与发展对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计划经济体制下建立起的直属体育院校办学体制滞后于我国经济体制改革进程,束缚了直属体育院校自身优势的发挥。因此,必须更新旧有办学指导思想,确立竞技体育紧密依托于教育体系、培养高级竞技人才与其他体育专门人才相结合的发展战略,重构6所直属体育院校办学体制。积极争取一定的政策支持,大力推进与地方政府和社会各界共建、联办直属体育院校,从而保证“教育、训练、科研、管理”一体化的全新办学体制与运行机制落在实处。  相似文献   

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