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A two-phase study of Extended Opportunity Programs and Services (EOPS) in California Community Colleges, involving comprehensive questionnaire surveys in 93 EOPS-funded colleges and site visits at 12 colleges, reveals that EOPS has proven successful in providing assistance to many who would not otherwise have been able to attend college. However, existing resources are not sufficient to meet the financial needs of many students in the colleges and many more potential students in the communities. The survey concludes that the colleges are successfully balancing the competing demands of financial assistance, to enable students to attend school, and services and assistance, to help students once they get to school.  相似文献   


As community colleges have more applicants, more programs have turned to selective admissions. Additionally, good postmatriculation advising requires more useful assessments than have been possible employing such measures as prior grade-point average (GPA). A variety of problems have been identified in relying on GPA. A series of noncognitive variables, as measured by the Noncognitive Questionnaire (NCQ), were included in a study of 263 community college students in health sciences programs at a western community college. NCQ scores were related to college grades using Pearson correlation and multiple regression. Results showed modest but statistically significant relationships with community college grades. The NCQ scales of Community, Leadership and Strong Support Person contributed most to multiple-regression Equations predicting college grades. NCQ scales tended to correlate highest with early and late community college grades. While students in the study had mean NCQ scores similar to normative samples, they tended to be lowest on Community, which was most predictive of their performance. It is recommended that a predicted GPA generated from NCQ scores be added to the admissions criteria for health programs at the college, and that pre and postmatriculation advising programs include use of noncognitive variables.  相似文献   

开放教育学生学习支持服务的实践与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对学生的学习支持服务是现代远程开放教育教学工作的核心内容 ,也是“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”能否取得成功的关键。本文就陕西广播电视大学在资源开发和学习支持策略两方面的实践与探索作一总结。  相似文献   

论远程教育中的学生学习支助服务(上)   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:29  
远程教学(教与学)有两个基本要素或曰两项基本原理:以课程材料为核心的教育资源创作、设计、开发、发送与评估,以及学生学习支助服务。在远程教育文献中,讨论教育资源开发及多种媒体课程材料教学设计的较多,而探讨学生学习支助服务的较少。本文将论述学生学习支助服务思想和理论的提出和发展,并对学生学习支助服务的多种界定进行比较分析。最后论述人际交互和基于技术媒体的双向通信交流是学生学习支助服务的核心成分,对整个远程教育具有重大意义。  相似文献   

论远程教育中的学生学习支助服务(下)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
本文分别论述远程教育中学生学习支助服务的主要类型及其功能、模式和特征:信息服务、资源服务、人员服务、设施服务、实践性教学环节以及作业、检测和考试.  相似文献   

We investigated how learning outcomes of students majoring in interdisciplinary fields differ from those of students in discipline-based majors. We found that students in interdisciplinary majors report less change in Critical Thinking and Need For Cognition than their peers in disciplinary majors, but no difference in change in Positive Attitude Toward Literacy. Students’ gains in Critical Thinking and Need For Cognition do not vary by the characteristics of the interdisciplinary major, but some program characteristics influence modest changes in Positive Attitudes Toward Literacy. Future research should address selection effects, develop measures of interdisciplinary learning, and further explore curricular and instructional patterns in interdisciplinary programs.  相似文献   

开放教育学习与支持服务有效性的研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
目前,广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点在我国高等教育改革的进程中,已经取得一些明显的成效,但是距离现代远程开放教育的目标还有很大差距,还有许多问题有待于探索和研究。正确认识开放教育学生学习观念与自主学习的特点,进一步强化开放教育中“以学生学习为中心”观念,并在此基础上明确今后的改革方向和措施,对于搞好电大“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究工作,并取得预期效果具有重要意义。本文通过对开放教育学生问卷调查,归纳了目前开放教育学生学习观念与自主学习的若干特点,并试图对学习支持服务有效性进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

In considering and evaluating approaches to the admission of college students, the usual approach is to try to measure past academic achievement and primarily verbal and math ability on the assumption that these abilities will predict subsequent college academic grades and achievement. These measures do predict classroom achievement, though far from perfectly so. It is also the case that most universities claim to develop students in areas not well represented by classroom grades such as leadership, social responsibility, integrity, multicultural appreciation, and others. In our work, we have adopted a model employed by industrial/organizational psychologists in personnel selection. We began with a “job analysis” of the “job” of undergraduate students. We developed a list of expectations universities claim to have of students and derived a list of constructs that were hypothesized to be essential to success. This set of constructs has been central to the development of a series of measures we use to assess student potential as well as a set of outcome measures that we believe is a better representation of the totality of relevant college student outcomes.  相似文献   

学习支持服务是远程教育的核心工作之一,也是电大发展的核心竞争力。依据学生的学习过程,可将学习支持服务分为学前服务、学中服务及学后服务。做好学习支持服务工作要抓住四个关键要素:学生、辅导教师、班主任、学习中心;要解决三个难题:学习支持服务系统的规划、设计与管理,用于学习支持服务工作的经费,学习中心(教学点)合格的辅导教师(特别是边远地区)数量。课业服务的设计与实施在教学资源建设时就要考虑到教学过程的服务设计,包括导学、助学、促学等;辅导教师是课业服务的设计者和实施者,面授教学和网上教学是辅导教师开展课业服务的主要工作。  相似文献   

Because of accreditation, budget, and accountability pressures at the institutional and program levels, technical and professional communication faculty are more than ever involved in assessment-based activities. Using assessment to identify a program's strengths and weaknesses allows faculty to work toward continuous improvement based on their articulation of learning and behavioral goals and outcomes for their graduates. This article describes the processes of program assessment based on pedagogical goals, pointing out options and opportunities that will lead to a meaningful and manageable experience for technical communication faculty, and concludes with a view of how the larger academic body of technical communication programs can benefit from such work. As ATTW members take a careful look at the state of the profession from the academic perspective, we can use assessment to further direct our programs to meet professional expectations and, far more importantly, to help us meet the needs of the well-educated technical communicator.  相似文献   

Because of accreditation, budget, and accountability pressures at the institutional and program levels, technical and professional communication faculty are more than ever involved in assessment-based activities. Using assessment to identify a program's strengths and weaknesses allows faculty to work toward continuous improvement based on their articulation of learning and behavioral goals and outcomes for their graduates. This article describes the processes of program assessment based on pedagogical goals, pointing out options and opportunities that will lead to a meaningful and manageable experience for technical communication faculty, and concludes with a view of how the larger academic body of technical communication programs can benefit from such work. As ATTW members take a careful look at the state of the profession from the academic perspective, we can use assessment to further direct our programs to meet professional expectations and, far more importantly, to help us meet the needs of the well-educated technical communicator.  相似文献   

Biggs’ 3P (Presage–Process–Product) model, a key framework in Student Learning Theory, provides a powerful means of understanding relations between students’ perceptions of the teaching and learning environment, learning strategies, and learning outcomes. While influential in higher education, fewer tests of the model in secondary education contexts have been conducted. We investigated relations between Presage, Process and Product variables in the Australian secondary education context, using a wider range of Presage variables than is typical, as well as a novel set of outcomes (class participation, homework completion, and educational aspirations). Australian students (N = 5,198) from 13 high schools participated in the study, completing a paper-based survey in class. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to test for construct validity of scales. Structural equation modeling was used to determine the fit of the hypothesised 3P model to the data, and estimate direct and indirect effects between Presage, Process and Product variables. Across the Presage variables, academic self-efficacy and perceived teacher support had the strongest direct effects on outcome variables, as well as the strongest indirect effects through the Product variables. Demographic (e.g., age, gender, parental education) and personological (e.g., Big five personality measures) covariates were generally less salient. The present study illustrates the utility of the 3P model in contemporary secondary education settings. Building academic self-efficacy and positive perceptions of teacher support should enhance both the Processes and Products of learning in secondary settings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of orientation programs on student academic and social learning. Moving beyond previous studies, we examined how participation in orientation programming affected student learning and how the impact of these programs on learning varied by organizational characteristics (i.e., institutional control, size of undergraduate enrollment, sponsoring division, and whether the institution has an office designated for managing orientation programs), student entry characteristics (i.e., gender, race, transfer status), and student experiences (i.e., perceived quality of orientation program in helping student transition and in meeting students’ expectations, positive experiences with orientation staff, and perceptions of orientation programs and their efficacy in helping students navigate resources and in providing useful campus-based information). Hierarchical linear analysis was used to analyze these cross-level effects. Results demonstrated that having a designated office for orientation programs on campus was important for narrowing the academic learning gap between new-first year and transfer students. Implications for researchers and practitioners were discussed.  相似文献   

英国高校学生支持服务的历史演进及其特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生支持服务是英国高等教育的传统和特色.随着本国高等教育的发展,英国高校学生支持服务经历了3个不同的发展阶段,建立了5种学生支持模式,并呈现出与时俱进的一些特点.  相似文献   

This paper addresses two major and potentially conflicting movements: the importance of diversity as both a conceptual and political issue and the rise of the evidence-based practice movement in education. This tension is particularly important when evaluating and reporting universal interventions because of their intended applicability across diverse groups of children and adolescents. This study contributes to this discussion through an analysis of published school-based universal social and emotional learning (SEL) intervention evaluations in terms of their theoretical and empirical attention to student diversity characteristics. We defined student diversity in terms of five characteristics: gender, race/ethnicity, SES, disability status, and sexual orientation/gender identity. We assessed how and when demographic characteristics were reported, how these characteristics were analyzed as moderators of program outcomes, and how differential effects based on diversity were incorporated into reported intervention generalizability discussions. Results showed that diversity characteristics were inconsistently reported across articles. Most studies did not test for moderating effects, but those that did found inconsistent effects across diversity characteristics. Further, conceptual and/or empirical support for conducting the moderation analyses was often not provided or sufficiently supported by previous literature or a hypothesis. This research highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of how SEL program effects may be moderated by student demographic characteristics and suggests caution about the generalizability of the reviewed SEL programs across diverse groups of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

简述了普通高饺“专升本”培养模式在为高职(专科)学生升入本科学习提供机会、提高高校办学效率和缓解高职(专科)院卡电毕、比生私业部铲压力所发挥的作用,就“专升本”招生一些主罢环节存在的问题进行了探讨,并提出了加强普通“专升本”招生管理应从科学编制招生计划、加大宣传力度、规范报名资格审查和提高命题评卷质量等方面采取相应措施。  相似文献   

电大学习支持服务体系的机遇与创新   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学习型社会建设是广播电视大学面临的历史使命,在学习型社会建设的大背景下,越来越多的“远程教育共同体”将诞生,远程教育学习支持服务体系将支撑“远程教育共同体”的运行。通过对远程教育学习支持服务体系发展历史的分析,指出远程教育公共服务体系的发展方向是现代服务业,要按照现代服务业的市场机制运行。针对远程教育公共服务体系的发展形式,指出广播电视大学的学习支持服务体系需要不断创新并对其建设提出建议。  相似文献   

CSCL系统中的学习效果评估与个性化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了计算机支持的协同学习的基本理论及模型,并在此基础上构建了教学评估系统。通过将GSPT概念引入CSCL领域,有效地解决了网络教学效果的评估问题,通过构建双闭环学习评估系统,将学生个体学习效果和整体课程教学效果有机地结合了起来,用PCE和模糊评估法解决评估系统的关键问题。另外,本文还介绍了有关个性化设计的两个模型。  相似文献   

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