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The Status of Women and Minorities Among Community College Faculty   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article uses data from the 1993 National Study of Postsecondary Faculty to examine the status of women and minorities among faculty employed at public 2-year colleges nationwide. A variety of outcomes are considered including: employment status, salary, rank, and tenure status. The analyses show that human capital, structural, and market characteristics appear to explain the observed differences in the employment experiences of women and men faculty at public 2-year colleges and some, but not all, of the observed racial/ethnic group differences. When compared with the results of other research, this study suggests fundamental differences in the reward structures for faculty at public 2- and 4-year institutions. Implications of the analyses are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT : Employee network groups are growing in popularity for female and minority employees. They are important as a way for employees to gain access to information and support in organizations, enhancing their effectiveness and prospects for career advancement. Evidence shows that Black managers in companies with network groups are more optimistic about their careers than those in companies without network groups. At the same time, network groups stimulate fear among managers and peers. These fears are discussed, along with strategies used by effective network groups for overcoming those fears.  相似文献   

Given the nationwide concern about college persistence and graduation rates, this article reviews pertinent literature related to autonomous learning as well as social and academic engagement. It also presents findings of a qualitative study of young community college women of color, an understudied population. The article, part of a larger research project that explores the obstacles faced by young women of color, describes their experiences related to academic and social engagement and self-determination in the community-college setting. Data were collected from 15 focus groups with a total of 61 Latina, Black, and Asian women between the ages of 18 and 24 on three community college campuses in a large northeastern city in the United States. The findings of this exploratory study suggest that young women of color demonstrate a compelling determination to complete college autonomously and, to a lesser degree, are willing to engage socially and academically. The findings prompt the suggestion that academic and student affairs professionals create opportunities to develop autonomous learning strategies that can be nested within academic and social engagement activities.  相似文献   

A total of six Maryland community college presidents were guided through conversations to identify the organizational challenges and uncertainties that have forced organizational changes in their respective colleges. Another thrust of the research was to discover what organizational change processes these presidents have implemented to overcome the challenges and to describe what leadership approaches they have used to lead change. Seven challenges, two general change process categories consisting of 12 different steps, and three leadership approaches emerged using a qualitative ethnomethodological research technique. The presidents' definitions of leadership and its essence, along with their leadership development experiences, are also presented.  相似文献   

Community colleges have a high percentage of women students and a higher percentage of women faculty and administrators than do four-year colleges. Yet the extent to which the community college offers an equitable work and study site for women is not clear. The authors seek to determine this by applying to existing literature an adaptation of Hurtado, Milem, Clayton-Pederson, and Allen's framework for examining an institution's climate for diversity. After applying this framework, the authors conclude that women have been an important part of the community college student and employee base since its inception as the junior college, that numerically women are well represented, and that the climate, while not perfect, is relatively good for women. However, they argue that this situation may be due more to accident than to intentional action or behavior on the part of institutional leaders.  相似文献   

此研究采用修订的高校组织气氛问卷和工作绩效问卷对135名杭州高校专职辅导员进行了调查,分析了高校组织气氛对辅导员工作绩效的影响,并揭示了高校组织气氛与辅导员工作绩效的相关关系。  相似文献   

大学生公寓管理是高校管理工作的重要组成部分。认真总结经验 ,研究少数民族大学生公寓管理存在的问题 ,提出相应的改进建议 ,是十分必要的。  相似文献   

幼儿园组织氛围的访谈研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
幼儿园组织氛围对教师专业发展有着重要的影响。通过对16名幼儿教师的深入访谈,本研究发现目前教师的压力来源于家长与幼儿、自身的专业发展需求、幼儿园领导等。教师认为理想的幼儿园组织氛围主要表现在和谐融洽、互帮互助、沟通型的人际关系,以及民主平等、开放自主等方面。教师能感受到幼儿园的支持氛围与研究氛围,但参与氛围相对较弱。  相似文献   

对美国社区学院的发展考察可知:社区学院具有的全面辐射功能、灵活多变的教育方式和富有成效的培训效果,极大地满足了市场对于人力资源的需求.影响中国社区学院发展和完善的关键因素是:尚未建立与市场机制相适应的人力资源培养机制.只有解决社区学院与市场机制有效融合的“瓶颈”,中国未来的社区学院才能发挥建立人力资源大国的全部潜能.  相似文献   


This quantitative study examined the predictive impact of a series of factors on female community college students’ intention to transfer in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The STEM Student Success Literacy survey (SSSL) was utilized to collect data from a large, diverse community college located in Florida. After the data cleaning and preparation, the authors first constructed a model that measures potentially predictive factors such as social capital, student engagement, and chilly climate. Then, a regression model including these factors and demographic characteristics was tested using a multinomial regression analysis. Findings generated implications for future research, policy, and practice to better serve and assist female students in their pursuit of a STEM degree.  相似文献   

Research tells us that children are more susceptible to temptations between the hours of 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m.-the hours following the end of the school day when parents are not yet home from work. This study looks at the "life histories" of child participants in the Artists in the Making (AIM) program-a program that aims to motivate inner-city youth through the use of visual arts classes. Despite the diversity of the children who participated in the AIM program, several common themes emerged from the interview process: self-discovery, problem-solving skills, opportunities for positive risk taking, and the mastery of artistic skills. This article proposes that community-based visual arts programs can help children develop protective factors that will allow them to be resilient.  相似文献   

Recent research was conducted to explore how introducing metacognitive enrichment into courses containing implicit or explicit critical thinking goals would affect the students' personal epistemological maturity. At the beginning of a fall semester at a moderate sized community college in the southeastern United States, 733 students were divided into two groups: one in which faculty members taught subjects as they had normally done in the past, and the other group was taught by faculty members who had received training in adding metacognitive enrichment into the classroom. Students were administered Schommer Epistemological Questionnaires (SEQs) at the beginning and at the conclusion of the 16-week semester. Of the 469 acceptable posttest questionnaires, only 188 that could be properly positively matched pretest to posttest were analyzed. While the expectation was that those receiving metacognitive enrichment in the classroom would exhibit maturing in their measured personal epistemologies, this was true in only one of four measured factors. In fact, both groups showed statistically significant decreases in measured epistemological maturity levels. However, the group receiving metacognitive enrichment showed far less de-maturing than the control group. This research proffers insight into the need to not only introduce metacognitive enrichment into the community college classroom, but also the need to ensure faculty members are trained to do so.  相似文献   

上下同欲的组织气氛在学校目标管理中具有导向作用、约束作用、凝聚作用、激励作用,因此,为了有效地推进学校目标管理,一是要建立一种高关怀的领导模式,倡导对教职工的人性化关怀,诱发教职工发挥最大效能;二是制定良好的沟通机制,增强教师对组织的认同忠诚,提高工作绩效水平;三是以有效的规章制度,营造弹性合理的学校环境。  相似文献   

以573名幼儿园教师为被试,对《幼儿园组织气氛描述问卷》进行修订,并考察幼儿园组织气氛的特点、类型及其与教师教学效能感的关系。结果显示,(1)修订后的《幼儿园组织气氛描述问卷》具有稳定的6维度结构及良好的信效度。(2)与民办园相比,公办园在园长支持行为、园长限制行为和教师敬业行为3个维度上的得分显著较高,在园长监督行为上的得分显著较低;组织气氛的6个维度在园所级类上的差异均达到显著水平。(3)幼儿园组织气氛以投入型和封闭型为主。(4)回归分析发现,控制办园类型和园所级类等变量后,园长支持行为、教师敬业行为显著正向预测教师教学效能感,教师疏离行为显著负向预测教师教学效能感。  相似文献   

Feminist theory uses gender as a lens to evaluate society's institutions and power hierarchies. Gender evolves as a social construction rather than an essential difference between the sexes, and it supports the so-called “hegemony of dominant men” in society. Socialization by gender enables discrimination in gender roles and occupations, and its main tool of segregation is a major strategy used by employers and other decision makers to engage effectively in discrimination. The extent to which the principle of gender organizes selection of field of study by students and faculty, and other facets of the community college campus, provides for a number of ongoing research questions.  相似文献   

中学组织气氛量表的编制   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
通过对国内外有关学校组织气氛理论的研究和教育实践的调查,编制了初中学校组织气氛量表,并对其效度信度进行检测,结果表明,该量表具有较好的信度与效度,是一个较为理想的初中学校组织气氛的测评工具。  相似文献   

社区教育的建制与发展模式   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
从考察个人与社会的时空变化中进入社区命题,综述社区教育的理论、建制以及操作建议,对发展模式提出设想。文章预测,进入21世纪后,社区教育将是未来国际社会的一种“学习型组织”,对于教育科学发展有着重大意义。  相似文献   

学校组织气氛研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍桑实验揭示了组织气氛对员工绩效的影响后,人们开始关注软性的心理环境.Halpin将组织气氛概念引入了学校组织.国内外学者对学校组织气氛的概念是分别从学校气氛的属性、形成过程以及存在方式进行描述的.研究者因研究对象与研究兴趣的不同,编制了各种学校组织气氛的测量工具.对学校组织气氛的研究集中于学校组织气氛的比较研究、影响因素研究以及学校组织气氛对学校内师生的影响作用.  相似文献   

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