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Just as growth mixture models are useful with single-phase longitudinal data, multiphase growth mixture models can be used with multiple-phase longitudinal data. One of the practically important issues in single- and multiphase growth mixture models is the sample size requirements for accurate estimation. In a Monte Carlo simulation study, the sample sizes required for using these models are investigated under various theoretical and realistic conditions. In particular, the relationship between the sample size requirement and the number of indicator variables is examined, because the number of indicators can be relatively easily controlled by researchers in many multiphase data collection settings such as ecological momentary assessment. The findings not only provide tangible information about required sample sizes under various conditions to help researchers, but they also increase understanding of sample size requirements in single- and multiphase growth mixture models.  相似文献   

Stage-sequential (or multiphase) growth mixture models are useful for delineating potentially different growth processes across multiple phases over time and for determining whether latent subgroups exist within a population. These models are increasingly important as social behavioral scientists are interested in better understanding change processes across distinctively different phases, such as before and after an intervention. One of the less understood issues related to the use of growth mixture models is how to decide on the optimal number of latent classes. The performance of several traditionally used information criteria for determining the number of classes is examined through a Monte Carlo simulation study in single- and multiphase growth mixture models. For thorough examination, the simulation was carried out in 2 perspectives: the models and the factors. The simulation in terms of the models was carried out to see the overall performance of the information criteria within and across the models, whereas the simulation in terms of the factors was carried out to see the effect of each simulation factor on the performance of the information criteria holding the other factors constant. The findings not only support that sample size adjusted Bayesian Information Criterion would be a good choice under more realistic conditions, such as low class separation, smaller sample size, or missing data, but also increase understanding of the performance of information criteria in single- and multiphase growth mixture models.  相似文献   

When conducting longitudinal research, the investigation of between-individual differences in patterns of within-individual change can provide important insights. In this article, we use simulation methods to investigate the performance of a model-based exploratory data mining technique—structural equation model trees (SEM trees; Brandmaier, Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger, 2013)—as a tool for detecting population heterogeneity. We use a latent-change score model as a data generation model and manipulate the precision of the information provided by a covariate about the true latent profile as well as other factors, including sample size, under the possible influences of model misspecifications. Simulation results show that, compared with latent growth curve mixture models, SEM trees might be very sensitive to model misspecification in estimating the number of classes. This can be attributed to the lower statistical power in identifying classes, resulting from smaller differences of parameters prescribed by the template model between classes.  相似文献   

This article illustrates the relation between structural equation modeling (SEM) and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). The representation of CCA in SEM may provide some important interpretive information that is not available from conventional CCA, that is, statistical tests for the canonical function and index coefficients, and statistical tests for individual canonical functions. Hierarchically, the relation between the two analytic approaches suggests that SEM stands to be a more general analytic approach. For researchers interested in these techniques, an understanding of the interrelation among them can be helpful to our choice of analytic method.  相似文献   

Nonlinear models are effective tools for the analysis of longitudinal data. These models provide a flexible means for describing data that follow complex forms of change. Exponential and logistic functions that include a parameter to represent an asymptote, for instance, are useful for describing responses that tend to level off with time. There are forms of nonlinear latent curve models and nonlinear mixed-effects model that are equivalent, and so given the same set of data, growth function, distributional assumptions, and method of estimation, the 2 models yield equivalent results. There are also forms that are strikingly different and can yield different interpretations for a given set of data. This article discusses cases in which nonlinear mixed-effects models and nonlinear latent curve models are equivalent and those in which they are different and clarifies the estimation needs of the different models. Examples based on empirical data help to illustrate these points.  相似文献   

Researchers use latent class growth (LCG) analysis to detect meaningful subpopulations that display different growth curves. However, especially when the number of classes required to obtain a good fit is large, interpretation of the encountered class-specific curves might not be straightforward. To overcome this problem, we propose an alternative way of performing LCG analysis, which we call LCG tree (LCGT) modeling. For this purpose, a recursive partitioning procedure similar to divisive hierarchical cluster analysis is used: Classes are split until a certain criterion indicates that the fit does not improve. The advantage of the LCGT approach compared to the standard LCG approach is that it gives a clear insight into how the latent classes are formed and how solutions with different numbers of classes relate. The practical use of the approach is illustrated using applications on drug use during adolescence and mood regulation during the day.  相似文献   

In longitudinal design, investigating interindividual differences of intraindividual changes enables researchers to better understand the potential variety of development and growth. Although latent growth curve mixture models have been widely used, unstructured finite mixture models (uFMMs) are also useful as a preliminary tool and are expected to be more robust in identifying classes under the influence of possible model misspecifications, which are very common in actual practice. In this study, large-scale simulations were performed in which various normal uFMMs and nonnormal uFMMs were fit to evaluate their utility and the performance of each model selection procedure for estimating the number of classes in longitudinal designs. Results show that normal uFMMs assuming invariance of variance–covariance structures among classes perform better on average. Among model selection procedures, the Calinski–Harabasz statistic, which has a nonparametric nature, performed better on average than information criteria, including the Bayesian information criterion.  相似文献   

Growth mixture models combine latent growth curve models and finite mixture models to examine the existence of latent classes that follow distinct developmental patterns. Analyses based on these models are becoming quite common in social and behavioral science research because of recent advances in computing, the availability of specialized statistical programs, and the ease of programming. In this article, we show how mixture models can be fit to examine the presence of multiple latent classes by algorithmically grouping or clustering individuals who follow the same estimated growth trajectory based on an evaluation of individual case residuals. The approach is illustrated using empirical longitudinal data along with an easy to use computerized implementation.  相似文献   

Latent state-trait (LST) models are commonly applied to determine the extent to which observed variables reflect trait-like versus state-like constructs. Mixture distribution LST (M-LST) models relax the assumption of population homogeneity made in traditional LST models, allowing researchers to identify subpopulations (latent classes) with differing trait- and state-like attributes. Applications of M-LST models are scarce, presumably because of the analysis complexity. We present a step-by-step tutorial for evaluating M-LST models based on an application to mother, father, and teacher reports of children’s inattention (n = 811). In the application, we found three latent classes for mother and father reports and four classes for teacher reports. All reporter solutions contained classes with very low, low, and moderate levels of inattention. The teacher solution also contained a class with high inattention. Comparable mother and father (but not teacher) classes exhibited similar levels of trait and state variance.  相似文献   

The current widespread availability of software packages with estimation features for testing structural equation models with binary indicators makes it possible to investigate many hypotheses about differences in proportions over time that are typically only tested with conventional categorical data analyses for matched pairs or repeated measures, such as McNemar’s chi-square. The connection between these conventional tests and simple longitudinal structural equation models is described. The equivalence of several conventional analyses and structural equation models reveals some foundational concepts underlying common longitudinal modeling strategies and brings to light a number of possible modeling extensions that will allow investigators to pursue more complex research questions involving multiple repeated proportion contrasts, mixed between-subjects × within-subjects interactions, and comparisons of estimated membership proportions using latent class factors with multiple indicators. Several models are illustrated, and the implications for using structural equation models for comparing binary repeated measures or matched pairs are discussed.  相似文献   

Mixture models capture heterogeneity in data by decomposing the population into latent subgroups, each of which is governed by its own subgroup-specific set of parameters. Despite the flexibility and widespread use of these models, most applications have focused solely on making inferences for whole or subpopulations, rather than individual cases. This article presents a general framework for computing marginal and conditional predicted values for individuals using mixture model results. These predicted values can be used to characterize covariate effects, examine the fit of the model for specific individuals, or forecast future observations from previous ones. Two empirical examples are provided to demonstrate the usefulness of individual predicted values in applications of mixture models. The first example examines the relative timing of initiation of substance use using a multiple event process survival mixture model, whereas the second example evaluates changes in depressive symptoms over adolescence using a growth mixture model.  相似文献   

Current practices for growth mixture modeling emphasize the importance of the proper parameterization and number of classes, but the impact of these decisions on latent class composition and the substantive implications has not been thoroughly addressed. Using measures of behavior from 575 middle school students, we compared the results of several multilevel growth mixture models. Results indicated a dramatic shift in class assignment as the models allowed class-varying parameters, with different substantive interpretations and resulting typologies. This research suggests that using variability as a criterion for class differences in a behavior typology can dramatically impact latent class membership. This study describes decisions and results from testing for noninvariance, with particular emphasis on how decisions about the nature of within-person variance can affect resulting subgroups and model parameters.  相似文献   

First-order latent growth curve models (FGMs) estimate change based on a single observed variable and are widely used in longitudinal research. Despite significant advantages, second-order latent growth curve models (SGMs), which use multiple indicators, are rarely used in practice, and not all aspects of these models are widely understood. In this article, our goal is to contribute to a better understanding of theoretical and practical differences between FGMs and SGMs. We define the latent variables in FGMs and SGMs explicitly on the basis of latent state–trait (LST) theory and discuss insights that arise from this approach. We show that FGMs imply a strict trait-like conception of the construct under study, whereas SGMs allow for both trait and state components. Based on a simulation study and empirical applications to the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (Radloff, 1977 Radloff, L. S. 1977. The CES–D Scale: A self-report depression scale for research in the general population. Applied Psychological Measurement, 1: 385401. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) we illustrate that, as an important practical consequence, FGMs yield biased reliability estimates whenever constructs contain state components, whereas reliability estimates based on SGMs were found to be accurate. Implications of the state–trait distinction for the measurement of change via latent growth curve models are discussed.  相似文献   

This series of simulation studies evaluate, in the context of applied research settings, the impact of the parameterization of the covariance structure of the growth mixture model (GMM) on the regression coefficient and standard error estimates in the 3-step method. The results show that the 1-step approach performs better than the 3-step method across the simulation studies. However, the performance of the 3-step method depends slightly or importantly on the parameterization of the GGM from the first step, on the inclusion or not of the predictor at the first step of the analysis, on the population model, and on the type (i.e., logit vs. linear) and size of the regression coefficient estimates.  相似文献   

In latent growth modeling, measurement invariance across groups has received little attention. Considering that a group difference is commonly of interest in social science, a Monte Carlo study explored the performance of multigroup second-order latent growth modeling (MSLGM) in testing measurement invariance. True positive and false positive rates in detecting noninvariance across groups in addition to bias estimates of major MSLGM parameters were investigated. Simulation results support the suitability of MSLGM for measurement invariance testing when either forward or iterative likelihood ratio procedure is applied.  相似文献   

This study investigated the optimal strategy for model specification search under the latent growth modeling (LGM) framework, specifically on searching for the correct polynomial mean or average growth model when there is no a priori hypothesized model in the absence of theory. In this simulation study, the effectiveness of different starting models on the search of the true mean growth model was investigated in terms of the mean and within-subject variance-covariance (V-C) structure model. The results showed that specifying the most complex (i.e., unstructured) within-subject V-C structure with the use of LRT, ΔAIC, and ΔBIC achieved the highest recovery rate (>85%) of the true mean trajectory. Implications of the findings and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The accuracy of structural model parameter estimates in latent variable mixture modeling was explored with a 3 (sample size) × 3 (exogenous latent mean difference) × 3 (endogenous latent mean difference) × 3 (correlation between factors) × 3 (mixture proportions) factorial design. In addition, the efficacy of several likelihood-based statistics (Akaike's Information Criterion [AIC], Bayesian Information Ctriterion [BIC], the sample-size adjusted BIC [ssBIC], the consistent AIC [CAIC], the Vuong-Lo-Mendell-Rubin adjusted likelihood ratio test [aVLMR]), classification-based statistics (CLC [classification likelihood information criterion], ICL-BIC [integrated classification likelihood], normalized entropy criterion [NEC], entropy), and distributional statistics (multivariate skew and kurtosis test) were examined to determine which statistics best recover the correct number of components. Results indicate that the structural parameters were recovered, but the model fit statistics were not exceedingly accurate. The ssBIC statistic was the most accurate statistic, and the CLC, ICL-BIC, and aVLMR showed limited utility. However, none of these statistics were accurate for small samples (n = 500).  相似文献   

In this article we describe a structural equation modeling (SEM) framework that allows nonnormal skewed distributions for the continuous observed and latent variables. This framework is based on the multivariate restricted skew t distribution. We demonstrate the advantages of skewed SEM over standard SEM modeling and challenge the notion that structural equation models should be based only on sample means and covariances. The skewed continuous distributions are also very useful in finite mixture modeling as they prevent the formation of spurious classes formed purely to compensate for deviations in the distributions from the standard bell curve distribution. This framework is implemented in Mplus Version 7.2.  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of work in the literature on the equivalence between the mixed-effects modeling and structural equation modeling (SEM) frameworks in specifying growth models (Willett &; Sayer, 1994). However, there has been little work on the correspondence between the latent growth curve model (LGM) and the latent change score model (see Grimm, Zhang, Hamagami, &; Mazzocco, 2013 Grimm, K. J., Zhang, Z., Hamagami, F., &; Mazzocco, M. M. (2013). Modeling nonlinear change via latent change and latent acceleration frameworks: Examining velocity and acceleration of growth trajectories. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 48, 117143.[Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). We demonstrate that four popular variants of the latent change score model – the no change, constant change, proportional change, and dual change models – have LGM equivalents. We provide equations that allow the translation of parameters from one approach to the other and vice versa. We then illustrate this equivalence using mathematics achievement data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.  相似文献   

Change over time often takes on a nonlinear form. Furthermore, change patterns can be characterized by heterogeneity due to unobserved subpopulations. Nonlinear mixed-effects mixture models provide one way of addressing both of these issues. This study attempts to extend these models to accommodate time-unstructured data. We develop methods to fit these models in both the structural equation modeling framework as well as the Bayesian framework and evaluate their performance. Simulations show that the success of these methods is driven by the separation between latent classes. When classes are well separated, a sample of 200 is sufficient. Otherwise, a sample of 1,000 or more is required before parameters can be accurately recovered. Ignoring individually varying measurement occasions can also lead to substantial bias, particularly in the random-effects parameters. Finally, we demonstrate the application of these techniques to a data set involving the development of reading ability in children.  相似文献   

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