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This grounded theory study addressed the issue of how community college presidents foster active, broad-based participation in campus decision-making processes. This study was based on in-depth interviews with nationally recognized community college presidents selected on the basis of their work in implementing participative governance within their respective institutions. The findings of this study are presented according to the emergence of four axial categories, and a core category is described and explained. Participative leadership is highly interactive and dynamic. Perhaps most importantly, participative leadership is a developmental process for building environments for broad participation. The core category, Visioning Participative Environments, reveals the centrality of the visioning process throughout each sequence of the participative leadership process. This model identifies and explains key participative leadership practices that flow from the theoretical cornerstones.  相似文献   

Code Blue addresses the capacity challenges in healthcare training. This pilot, grant funded project, focuses on a holistic approach to selecting and educating career ready and capable students and training them to be confident and competent healthcare workers. Lessons learned from this project will be assessed and reviewed for replication.  相似文献   

University graduate-level programs are striving to address needs for community college leaders. One way they are doing this is by strengthening their graduate programs with relevant community college courses. Increasingly, however, community college presidents are being invited to join universities in professorial roles. These new graduate faculty leaders are bringing valuable transferable skills and experiences, but they are also experiencing transitional challenges. Studies have been conducted about other university executive administrators transitioning to university professor roles, but no studies have been conducted about community college presidents making this transition. This article represents an initial effort to explore a distinct class of leaders within academe—community college presidents-turned-professor. The findings of this exploratory study of 12 former community college presidents who transitioned to graduate university professors are reported along with stories, lessons learned, and advice for successfully crossing over from the community college sector to the university one.  相似文献   

A total of six Maryland community college presidents were guided through conversations to identify the organizational challenges and uncertainties that have forced organizational changes in their respective colleges. Another thrust of the research was to discover what organizational change processes these presidents have implemented to overcome the challenges and to describe what leadership approaches they have used to lead change. Seven challenges, two general change process categories consisting of 12 different steps, and three leadership approaches emerged using a qualitative ethnomethodological research technique. The presidents' definitions of leadership and its essence, along with their leadership development experiences, are also presented.  相似文献   

大学是一个多种权力共存、博弈的场所,各种不同权力的配置形成不同的院长领导情境。大学里的行政权力、学术权力和市场权力构成一个如三角形的权力场,院长情境因权力场中各力量对比的变化而不同。我国不同类型大学的权力配置不一样,院长面临的领导情境也不同。基于权力场位置的领导情境决定了院长的角色特征。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore community college president and chancellor perceptions of the phenomenon of spirituality and the role of spirituality in their leadership style. A hermeneutic phenomenological research design guided this study. A total of 14 community college presidents and chancellors were purposely selected and participated in semistructured one-on-one interviews. Participants were selected because of their interest in the topic of spirituality and leadership, their demographic characteristics, and their leadership position. The major findings and conclusions connected spirituality to the work of community college leaders. The researchers conclude that community college leaders define spirituality using both religious and nonreligious associations, depict qualities of spirituality in their leadership, characterize their influence on organizational culture in terms of symbolic leadership. These leaders also endorse self-care and renewal for themselves and aspiring community college leaders through the incorporation of spiritual practices. This study holds several implications for current and aspiring community college leaders who seek to enhance their leadership effectiveness and to sustain themselves despite the demands and challenges associated with their positions.  相似文献   

Research on gender provides a framework for understanding what it means to be a woman working within the community college; however, the voice of experience helps to add meaning to what it means to live as a woman leader of color within these institutions. Dr. Green provides a reflection on her career leading up to her presidency, and she outlines key areas of consideration to support women's advancement within the college system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to be a tool for community college leaders, as well as campus members, to positively and effectively utilize framing on their campuses. The fictional case of Maggie Pascal at Midwestern Community College illustrates the process of framing the change of a new partnership with Wind Energy Corporation to internal stakeholders on campus. This case illustrates the importance of understanding context and frames before the action of framing can be activated. A leader can then decide which type of framing to utilize (i.e., step-by-step, vision, or connective) and which language tools will be most effective in framing. The ways a practitioner operationalizes framing is through symbolism, talking, walking, and writing (Eddy, 2010a). This idea of framing is an important skill leaders can proactively develop to support their campuses through change processes to enhance the likelihood for a successful change outcome. Also, this may benefit other campus members who may have the opportunity to frame meaning for others or to be involved in making sense of a leader’s framing.  相似文献   

This study examined the entrepreneurial, nontraditional fundraising behaviors and activities of 23 community college presidents using interview and survey data. The institutional characteristics that facilitate entrepreneurial action and how presidents are raising these new revenues were explored. “Best practices” and implications for future research and practice are provided. The results of this analysis revealed meaningful information that is beneficial for community college presidents seeking to transform their colleges through entrepreneurial leadership. These findings indicate entrepreneurial presidents do exist and their practices can be identified. The findings also indicate that presidents' engagement in certain specific entrepreneurial practices do result in increased nontraditional funding secured. A summary of these key findings may be used as a guide for current and future community college leaders who desire to become more entrepreneurial.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - This study examined the entrepreneurial, nontraditional fundraising behaviors and activities of 23 community college presidents using interview and survey data....  相似文献   

高校辅导员方法与艺术的选择应讲究可操作性、有效性等依据;当以效果最大化和成本最小化为目标;要本着以人为本、权变等原则。角色实现过程中可着重运用个别谈话、实践体验、分享经验等方法,讲求语言沟通、心理疏导等艺术。  相似文献   

均衡发展是实现教育公平的重要内容。乡镇幼儿园优质发展共同体建设旨在从各园实际情况出发,以提高幼儿园管理及教学水平为核心,深化园际互动,挖掘优质资源,通过组织各类活动,推动共同体幼儿园的整体发展,实现镇域内幼教的均衡发展。  相似文献   


Multipurpose community colleges have a special opportunity for distinction through one of their missions—community development. One southern community college has assessed the similarities and differences of the perceptions of selected community leaders and of the college professional staff concerning the role of the college in community development.

The opinions of both groups were very similar, but the community leaders showed more variation in perceptions. Both groups believed the college should be involved in community development activities, but that the college could meet the needs of individuals better than it could meet community-wide needs. The college professional staff was more opposed to granting academic credit for community development activities such as work experiences of students and continuing education courses than were the community leaders.

As a philosophical approach to community development, both groups preferred the college's approaching community improvement through the organization of a wide spectrum of people concerned with democratic processes, self-help, and educational objectives. This process approach requires professional staff members with organizational, research, survey, and teaching skills to assist the community in working to solve problems.  相似文献   

Our paper considers a critical juncture in community college leadership as many community college leaders approach retirement. These transitions are inescapable. How will institutional memory (Parker, 2011) be preserved with the passing of the leadership mantel to a new generation? These transitions also impact ways in which leaders influence student success, institutional mission, and the overall health of the institution (Boggs, 2011). We view these leadership transitions through the lens of Appreciative Inquiry (AI). We ask: How might AI be utilized to successfully navigate community college leadership transitions? Examining two cases where AI was applied within higher education environments, we discuss the potential for such a model to effectively address pending leadership changes within the community college environment. These cases illustrate ways in which AI has been applied in different institutions, yet each provides insight into the ways AI may ameliorate knowledge transfer through narrative and storytelling. We suggest that AI has the potential to address multiple facets of leadership transition and facilitate the development of contextual competency.  相似文献   

The study reported in this paper identifies leadership development practices within community colleges by surveying North Carolina community college presidents and evaluating an individual North Carolina community college's leadership institute. The results of the study indicate these community colleges indeed have an interest in leadership development activities for its employees, and the examined leadership institutes are quite effective and beneficial for its participants. Based upon these findings, two sets of recommendations are offered for fostering leadership initiatives within community colleges, namely, a focus on more significant topics for community college employees and developing a leadership learning community within a community college.  相似文献   

关于高校教学管理信息化建设的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了高校教学管理信息化的必要性,论述了教学管理工作信息化的特征,并结合工作实践,探讨了高校教学管理信息化模式.  相似文献   

The author describes the process for developing a new Community College Leadership (CCL) curriculum for a certificate, master's, and doctoral degree in adult and higher education. The article details the research strategy in learning about Oklahoma's community colleges, existing national community college leadership programs, relevant courses needed for a leadership emphasis, and the desired methods to deliver such courses. The author describes the additional steps undertaken to create a relationship with Oklahoma's community colleges and their leaders. A qualitative study was conducted to learn from the community college presidents what challenges, knowledge, and skills future leaders needed to possess. The overarching theme that emerged from the study was the political nature of community colleges and leadership. This political theme placed all other themes secondary to the necessity of leaders being cognizant and skilled at being political beings. Even the theme of inadequate funding was linked to politics. The article concludes with detailed information on the new curriculum and future research and practical application.  相似文献   

大学语文教学新模式的构建与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学语文课是在中断二十多年后又重新开设的一门重要的人文素质教育课程,由于种种原因,教学中存在许多弊端。本文立足时代高度,针对理工科大学生的知识构成和心理需求,以培育人文精神为本,以增强人文素养为目标,来构建和实践融文学性、思想性、艺术性和效用价值观为一体的大学语文课新的教学模式,以期对旧有的工具性教学模式有所突破。  相似文献   

大学校长的角色定位及其体制保障   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在知识经济和信息时代,大学日益成为社会的中心,承担着愈来愈重要的历史使命。在履行使命的过程中,大学校长扮演着十分重要的角色。基于现代大学的特殊性,理想的大学校长角色应是教育家与管理专家的复合体。目前,我国大学的校长更多的是管理专家,现有的体制环境制约着大学校长教育家角色的实现,变革的选择应当是强化大学校长的教育家角色认知,改革现有的管理体制,营造使大学校长成为教育家的良好环境。  相似文献   

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