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American students, more so than at any other time in history, have the intellectual potential and opportunity to become educated, but are failing to achieve. This problem of underachievement has consequences for the future of our nation that are now and will continue to be devastating: Each class of dropouts can be expected to earn about $237 million less over a lifetime and pay $70 billion less in taxes than high school graduates (Mitgang, 1991).  相似文献   

Collaboration: The Faint of Heart Need Not Apply   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

地方课程在我国负载着特定的意义。加强对地方课程的理论研究既是课程改革顺利推进的客观要求,也是课程理论丰富发展的逻辑使然。鉴于相关理论研究的滞后与薄弱,有必要对地方课程的基本含义与价值定位、地方课程的研究意义及研究现状进行梳理和阐释,以期引起更多的理论关注和研究。  相似文献   

职业素养:职业教育亟待关注的课程研究领域   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
由于课程设置的边缘化和实施的低效性,职业院校学生的职业素养培养陷入了困境.通过对职业素养培养环境历史变迁的分析发现,以"回归职业活动"为基本理念,把职业素养内容全面纳入课程体系,是职业素养培养有效性的关键,这包括职业素养内容的选取和职业素养课程的实施两个方面.  相似文献   


In this article, a qualitative program evaluation of a state-funded educational renewal effort between a university and a local school district is reported. The collaborative venture illuminated some of the dilemmas, paradoxes, and solutions inherent in reforming American education. More important, this venture revealed the complexities inherent in the ever-popular desire for collaboration between higher education and other culturally distinct organizations (e.g., local school districts). Works by W. G. Tierney (1993) and H. Giroux (1992) are the theoretical anchors for the analysis of this case study. A primary conclusion is that educators who are interested in reform must not only encourage border crossings but they must also provide the border “crossers” with the technical, political, and cultural frameworks to support these efforts.  相似文献   

Paul Fain (2011 Fain , P. ( 2011 , September 26 ). Questioning assumptions. Inside Higher Ed. Retrieved from http://www.insidehighered.com/  [Google Scholar]), cited community college leaders who overwhelmingly voted at the Reimagining Community Colleges invitation-only conference held September 23, 2011 in New York City, for team teaching and other innovations as the most important fix for remedial education in community colleges. Team teaching is not common in postsecondary education and is difficult to do well. This paper presents the argument that it is the contextualized material that leads to team teaching success. Contextualized learning has not been rigorously researched, and it is far from having enough research for most community colleges to learn from and adapt. Although Perin (2011 Perin , D. ( 2011 ). Facilitating student learning through contextualization: A review of evidence . Community College Review , 39 ( 3 ), 268295 .[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) found that contextualized learning had been used in various ways in educational literature, this paper focuses on the integration of remedial education materials into a community college career technical skills coursework.  相似文献   

The author's middle school has created a mediated set of electronic learning resources designed to more effectively meet students' research needs. These research strategies help students with a variety of reading skills and allow students, and their teachers, to focus on higher-level thinking activities because the resource collections provide time-saving shortcuts through open-ended Google searches.  相似文献   

美国佩斯(Pace)大学护理学院助教授Ekstron DN博士和副研究员Sigurdsson HO博士在美国护理教育杂志(J.Nursing Education 2002,41(7):289-294)上著文,论述了该校实施国际交流项目的初步经验,该文根据批判性社会理论,指出了在项目实施过程中所遇到了障碍和限制,特别是政治和经济对沟通和理解互动的影响。  相似文献   

基础教育新课程改革以来,教师合作问题一直备受关注。从整体教育的视角来看,教师合作是教育本身所带有的,是教育对象所决定的教师的内在生存方式,是基于整体的人的培养、整合的课程开发和互助的教师发展而形成的教师间的良性关系,而教师合作的生成也需要在整体教育下加以培育。  相似文献   

As a result of both the external pressures and the known benefits of collaboration, many higher education institutions are trying to create learning communities, service and community-based learning, and interdisciplinary research and teaching. However, over 50% of collaborations fail. There has been virtually no research on how to enable higher education institutions to conduct collaborative work. This article focuses on examining how institutions moved from a culture that supports individual work to the ones that facilitate collaborative work. A three-stage model emerged. The first stage, building commitment, contains four contextual elements—values, external pressure, learning and networks. Here the institution uses ideas/information from a variety of sources to convince members of the campus of the need to conduct collaborative work. In the second stage, commitment, senior executives demonstrate support and re-examine the mission of the campus and leadership emerges within the network. The third phase is called sustaining and includes the development of structures, networks, and rewards to support the collaborations.  相似文献   

To remain globally competitive and increase the number of young people completing two- and four-year college degrees, America needs to expand access to higher education and focus attention on the success of those who enroll. Expertise in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) will be particularly important for maintaining a thriving economy and in developing innovative solutions to global challenges. However, only 6 percent of 24-year-olds in the United States hold first degrees in these fields, placing the country 20th in a comparison group of 24 industrialized countries. Many American students initially interested in STEM areas select other fields after they begin college: only 33 percent of white students, 42 percent of Asian American students, and about 20 percent of black, Latino, and Native American students who aspire to complete a STEM major succeed. This paper examines strategies developed at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) and elsewhere that have created an atmosphere of inclusive excellence and are allowing more students of all backgrounds to succeed in STEM areas and other disciplines. Culture change at UMBC began 25 years ago with the development of the Meyerhoff Scholars Program for high-achieving minority students interested in STEM research careers. Lessons learned from that program have motivated University-wide changes as faculty, staff, and students have pursued broad initiatives to redesign courses, build community, and support and engage students.  相似文献   


There has been a proliferation of enterprise courses in the UK in the last ten years. The aims, curricula and target groups for these courses are diverse. Efforts have been made to identify the generic characteristics of enterprise education (See Johnson, 1988). However, the interpretation of the concept enterprise is varied and reflects diverse teaching methods and educational objectives which suggests that it may be time to abandon the general label of enterprise education. This paper explores the characteristics of enterprise education and argues for a distinction to be made between the occupationally focused small business courses and more ‘progressive’ forms of enterprise education which may be more correctly called competency education initiatives.  相似文献   

This paper examines the approach Brazil has taken to promote the internationalization of higher education over the last decade. Three key areas are identified: human resources development, institution building, and international partnerships. Our analyses of initiatives in these areas demonstrate that Brazil does not follow global trends such as the creation of world-class universities or the pursuit of “excellence initiatives” to help universities reach higher positions in global rankings. Instead, recent strategies for international collaboration in higher education follow variegated domestic goals that encompass the logics of foreign policy and the internal priorities of federal research and education agencies. The nature and limitations of these strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

教师的受教育需要是教师教育发起和变革的逻辑原点,是链接教育生活与教师教育改革活动的纽带。在当代,受日益复杂化的教育生活所驱使,教师受教育需要日益分化、深化,推动着教师教育的变革和发展。发现、关怀、满足、提升教师的受教育需要,走精细化教师教育改革之路,是当代教师教育的使命所系。  相似文献   

针对教育的个人需求,分析了教育的个人需求的特点,提出了教育的个人需求类型以及影响教育的个人需求的因素;指出了满足教育的个人需求的主要途径。  相似文献   

高校开展心理健康教育的过程中积极探索"专任教师—辅导员"协作工作机制,对切实增强大学生心理健康的实效性具有重要的理论意义和现实意义。本文从高校大学生心理健康教育课程教学体系和辅导员工作的现状出发,研讨"专任教师—辅导员"协作工作机制的必要性,探索心理健康教育课程教学与辅导员工作的结合点,并对如何组织和实施"专任教师—辅导员"协作工作机制进行探讨。  相似文献   

由于世界的技术化,教育也随之技术化。人们追求更高的效率和选择化。学生成了学校培养的人力资本,以便提高经济增长和竞争力。海德格尔以面向思的事情来抵抗这种计算性思维。教育即让人获得辨别能力、素质和鉴赏力。教就意味着让-学习,真正的教师除了学习本身以外一无所教。海德格尔认为,传统的教育是教化,有固定的范式。另一种教育则是面向思的教育。最激发思的东西是一种空,一种缺乏,一种不足,一种缺席,一种非存在。海德格尔把这种缺失命名为奥秘,面向思的教育旨在培养对于奥秘的虚怀敞开。面向思的教育旨在养育泰然让之和敏锐。教育要让学生学会忍受他们的世界的无基础性。这要通过历史的教育,历史教育强调风格的非连续性。另外,娴熟的技艺精通是一种参与到情境中的方式。面向思的教育是一种苏格拉底式的哲学的腐化。  相似文献   

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