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To propose recommendations for implementing an outcomes-based assessment program review in a California community college district, a grounded theory analysis was performed within the district. The findings generated were cross-referenced with findings from a multi-institutional case study analysis. A key finding from the cross-reference was the need for the leadership to clarify, across all levels of the organization, who the audience is for the data generated from the program review process; the indicators that each audience requires; and how that audience intends to use results generated from the process. These clarifications need to be accomplished prior to designing the outcomes-based assessment process.  相似文献   

Students from rural areas face additional burdens, such as affordability, academic preparation, and lack of college-going resources that make seeking, enrolling, and attending college more difficult. Community colleges offer hope to achieve a college degree for many rural students, and well-developed articulation agreements can be one way of improving access for these students.  相似文献   

This study explored the relationship between Adlerian themes, gender, and ethnicity. Results indicate significant differences between Hispanic and Caucasian (non-Hispanic) community college students in Belonging and Social Interest as measured by the BASIS-A. Differences between males and females in Going Along and Wanting Recognition are also explored. The findings are discussed in relation to college students, teaching, and classroom climates.  相似文献   


Motivation and self-regulation were examined in a sample of community college transfer students enrolled in a 4-year, online university. The relation between motivation and self-regulation and students’ performance was examined, as was the association between these learner characteristics (i.e., motivation and self-regulation) and sociodemographic factors (e.g., marital status, employment status). Motivation was found to be significantly correlated with both semester and cumulative grade point average (GPA), while associations between self-regulation and performance were more limited. Further, motivation was found to be a significant predictor of semester GPA in a model controlling for sociodemographic factors and prior achievement. Motivation and self-regulation were also found to differ according to students’ sociodemographic status. For instance, transfer students with children under 18 were found to have significantly higher levels of motivation than nonparents. Those employed full-time had lower levels of self-regulation than did their nonemployed peers. Implications for further research on community college transfer students and online learning are discussed.  相似文献   

随着高校后勤社会化、城市住宅商品化、知识产业化的深入发展,大学不再是"象牙塔"中的一个独立的、封闭的机构,而是从社会的边缘,走向了社会的中心,开放后的大学需要与其周边的社区产生了互动发展的关系。因此,依据社会互动理论、服务学习理论观点,结合目前大学与社区互动的实际,通过创建大学与社区资源共享创新与服务平台,建立资源共享机制;创建互动、互补、互益的合作项目等举措,建立一种长期、稳定的互补合作关系是促进双方进一步发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

民办高校与普通高校大学生心理健康状况的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林红 《教育科学》2005,21(3):62-64
比较、探讨民办与普通高校大学生心理健康状况的异同。方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)、自尊量表(SES)、个人评价问卷(PEI)对500名民办和普通高校大学生的心理健康状况进行测试。结果:民办高校大学生心理健康的总体水平、自尊及自信程度与普通高校大学生无明显差异;SCL-90测试结果显示:民办高校大学生在人际敏感、强迫、敌对、抑郁、偏执方面存在一定的弱势。结论:民办高校大学生的心理健康水平与普通高校大学生无明显差异;但其在人际敏感、强迫等方面存在的弱势必须引起有关部门的重视。  相似文献   


Students with learning disabilities tend to enroll in two-year community colleges more than they do four-year universities, have lower graduation and retention rates as compared to their non-disabled peers, and experience greater academic, social, and personal difficulties when pursuing a college degree. Yet, despite the higher number of students with learning disabilities in community colleges, and the challenges they face as a marginalized population, the literature pertaining to these students is still growing. Thus, the purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore the lived experiences of students with learning disabilities within a two-year community college.  相似文献   

Recent legislation requires increased linkages between all levels of educational institutions. Articulation agreements are critical to ensure a smooth transition for students, and statewide agreements afford students more options for continuing their education. High school and community college instructors were brought together in a statewide meeting to review curricula and determine community college courses for which high-school-program-completers meeting certain criteria, including a specified score on the statewide occupation-specific assessment, could receive credit. Thirty-three high school programs were selected for statewide articulation agreements, with at least one community college program allowing articulation with approximately 50 community college courses.  相似文献   

The role of textbooks,as one important channel between teachers and students,has always aroused scholars’interests,but what indeed are the roles of textbook for students and teachers? This paper aims to evaluate a listening textbook that is used by English major university students in China.Three research questions are proposed which are:(1) What are the students’per ceptions about the listening textbook? (2) What are the teachers’opinions about the listening textbook? (3) To what extent do students and teachers perceptions match? In order to answer these three research questions,questionnaires were designed for both students and teachers to obtain the data.This study is supported both qualitatively and quantitatively.The data of this research suggested that both students and teachers have found advantages of this listening textbook,which they may find helpful for their learning and teaching,but they are also not satisfied with some aspects of the textbook,which they think need further improvement.The students’and teachers’opinions to some extent have reached some agreement about the textbook,but students may not be so enthusiastic about the textbook,while the teachers may show much reliance on the text book.This study has its limitations,but it also provides some insights for teachers and textbook writers.  相似文献   

情商与大学生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
情商是相对于智商的一个概念,自上世纪90年代后期广为流行,认为人的成功80%由情商决定。情商对于大学生的重要性表现为:情商教育是全面贯彻教育方针的题中应有之义,德智体美中包含有情商,情商可以促进德智体美四育;情商是培养高素质人才特别是良好心理素质人才的重要手段;情商能促进大学生成才。进行情商教育要第一课堂和第二课堂相结合,重在实践中培养。在强调情商的重要性时,不能把它与智商对立起来,要强调情商、智商俱佳,二者和谐发展。  相似文献   

和谐视角下的高校学生公寓社区党建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前不同付费层次公寓的多元选择和学分制的推行,使得不同办学类别、不同教育层次、不同家庭背景的的学生群居于同一公寓社区。大学生们在公寓楼群内进行着深层的文化互动和生活休闲,逐渐形成了不同文化特质的社区共同体。当前大学生公寓社区党建应当有效地规避工作偏差;要探索建立入党积极分子的日常考察体系、学习型社区培育体系、党员责任区和党员形象工程、社区党建多维互动体系和公寓和谐文化支持系统等创新性工作载体,构建和谐的大学生公寓社区;要让"学生党员工作坊"成为培育公寓社区精神、展示党员先进性的窗口。  相似文献   

This study examined data from a random sample of 500 White students and 500 African American students who have taken the Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire to determine which factors in the environment impact their career preparation. The results showed that interaction with faculty had the strongest impact on career preparation for all students. Counseling services were significant for African American students. The African American students indicated they put more effort into student-faculty interactions and peer interactions than White students, and they reported greater gains in career preparation.  相似文献   

Recognition of the nontraditional student in higher education is valuable because it promotes an awareness of issues particularly relevant to the community college student population. While research that categorizes students by age is a practical way to study a unique population within community colleges, this approach may not be the most preferred way to examine the complexities of community college students. This study focused on community college students' self-perceptions of their primary roles as students, employees, and parents, thereby offering an alternative to utilizing predefined categories in order to distinguish between groups (e.g., based on age). The findings also shed light on unique characteristics that differentiate among students who identify their roles primarily as students, employees, or parents. In fact, this study shows that even students often considered “traditional” may have qualities that are typically considered nontraditional.  相似文献   

平台的缺失使得大学生群体缺乏应有的公民技能训练,进而不能够把相应的“公民意识”升华为“公民精神情感”层次。这必然影响到我国公民社会的建立,减缓现代化进程。社团联合活动正好可以弥补这一缺失,为大学生提供一个广泛的实践平台。高校通过积极的价值引导,鼓励大学生踊跃地组建和参加各种社团,定能对其公民主体性精神、契约精神以及科学理性情感起到极大的增进作用,为社会培育合格的现代公民。  相似文献   

全国人民抗击新冠肺炎疫情不仅需要充分的物资保障,更需要强大的精神支持。大学生作为社会的重要群体,其公共精神的彰显和培育是打赢疫情防控阻击战的精神利器和重点任务。疫情应对中,大学生公共精神突出表现为理性与冲动并存、网上与网下联动、坚定与困惑交织等基本特质。疫情防控形势下大学生公共精神的培育体现了新思想对青年理想人格塑造的价值诉求,彰显了国家治理现代化的时代吁求,促进了大学生成熟成长与全面发展。回应与契合时代要求,激发与融入时代课题,耦合与超越时代现状是疫情防控工作的致思取向和践履指向。  相似文献   

大学生是国家非常宝贵的人才资源,是民族的希望,是祖国的未来。但如今,大学生失业却成为一个新的社会关注焦点和难题。文章拟对当前形势下建立大学生失业保险制度进行研究,尝试建立一种新型的失业保险制度。  相似文献   

文章通过对物流营销专业毕业生进行广泛的问卷调查,运用层次分析法构建了物流营销专业学生的就业能力模型.该模型由实践经验、专业技能、个人特质、求职能力、就业指导等五个维度构成.通过对数值的分析,得出了物流营销专业毕业生的就业能力概况.  相似文献   

大学生网络虚拟群体已成为新型大学生组织的重要形式,按形成原因,可以分为兴趣型、求知型、从众型、交际型、娱乐型、信仰型、消费型等。不同结构的大学生网络虚拟群体又呈现出或活跃、或稳定、或松散等不同特征,发挥着提升人际交际能力、变革传统教学模式等功能。重视和加强对大学生网络虚拟群体的行为调查与研究,对于实现网络虚拟群体的育人功能,加强对网络虚拟群体的思想政治教育和管理,构建和谐稳定校园,推动大学生思想政治教育的主动性、针对性和实效性具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

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