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The Community College Leadership Consortium is building the Bellwether Coalition for Instructional Leadership toward the development of a voluntary system of accountability for community colleges. In response to the Spellings Commission's national call for accountability in higher education, the consortium and its partners convened an Independent Policy Forum at the 2008 Community College Futures Assembly in Orlando, Florida. The Independent Policy Forum began to develop a set of recommendations to be communicated to the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) during its 2009 annual meeting. Recommendations put forth by the forum will contain the founding principles for the nascent voluntary system of accountability for community colleges.  相似文献   

"责任自愿评估框架"(VFA)是美国第一个服务于社区学院,并由社区学院自愿实施的全国性责任评估计划,其指导原则是:信息必须有价值,容易收集和共享,有利于促进社区学院实现自己的大学使命。VFA指标体系内容包含学生进步及效果指标,劳动力、经济与社区发展指标和学生学习效果指标。对社区学院来说,VFA的使用既带来一定的机遇,也面临一些挑战。  相似文献   


This research study emphasizes the importance of participative goal setting efforts in the community college. Early goal setting in the colleges involved an elite group of administrators who seemed to rely primarily upon subjective planning procedures. In this era of accountability with a more vocal public, the chief executive finds it extremely important to involve key people early in the planning process. Benefits from using a participative system may include not only additional data upon which to base decisions, but more importantly a sense of involvement in the future of the college. Findings from this study which included five key groups using the Community College Goals Inventory instrument concur with those of other community college studies in the goal choices selected. Some of the implications derived from this study on eight community college goals are cited along with recommendations which can be applied to community colleges in general.  相似文献   

The seriousness of concussions in athletics is only recently becoming fully understood and appreciated. There are significant implications for the concussed student-athlete both in returning to the playing field and the classroom. Although practices are now in place to improve identification and management of concussions in professional sports, little is known about how it is managed in community colleges. This mixed method study identified the extent to which California Community College athletic trainers are implementing best practices set forth by the National Athletic Trainers’ Association in their management of concussion. It also sought to understand the training, cultural pressures, and resources that may impact the degree to which community college athletic trainers implement these guidelines.  相似文献   

Community colleges historically have demonstrated an ability and desire to address needs unmet by other sectors of postsecondary education. On the assumption that productivity assessment should be molded to reflect the unique missions and approaches of 2‐year institutions, this study examined preferences for broadly stated institutional goal areas as well as for productivity measures for assessing the achievement of these goals. Findings regarding the goal areas substantiate the unique community college mission and reveal preferences for measures that reflect consistent satisfaction or areas which can be impacted directly by community college trustees, administrators and faculty. The study was conducted over an 8‐month period in 45 institutions, 10 of which were community colleges.  相似文献   

Three focus groups consisting of board of trustee members, community college presidents, senior administrators, administrators, and faculty members developed critical issues facing community colleges with respect to instructional planning and services; planning, governance, and finance; and workforce development. Thereafter, the delegation of more than 200 voted on various aspects of the most critical issue divulged in the 2008 Community College Futures Assembly: general education assessment is coming. The findings, including opportunities and challenges, potential implications for community college administrators, and future research topics are also discussed, mostly in the context of workforce development opportunities.  相似文献   

Philanthropists, researchers, policymakers, and practitioners are increasingly focused on a college completion crisis in the United States. Collectively and independently, they have called for increasing the number of adults with postsecondary certificates and degrees as a national imperative. Using the 2007 administration of the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), this article explores the statistical relationships between student engagement, as measured by the CCSSE, and institutional graduation rates reported to the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). Both bivariate correlations and hierarchical multiple regression analyses yielded results that reinforce the salience of student engagement as an important predictor of college completion. Specifically, the CCSSE student engagement benchmarks of active and collaborative learning and support for learners are positive predictors of institutional graduation rates. The article concludes with suggestions around instructional practices and institutional policies to consider for community college leaders committed to the completion agenda.  相似文献   

The use of established scales in research is beneficial for benchmarking, but problematic when local results are invalid, both for local administrators and for the data pool in which the data become part. Administrators at one southeastern community college, as part of a statewide system's effort to exceed a given threshold on the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), focused on the importance of local validation of an instrument assumed to be valid.  相似文献   

Although many studies have addressed the issue of response quality in survey studies, few have looked specifically at low-quality survey responses in surveys of college students. As students receive more and more survey requests, it is inevitable that some of them will provide low-quality responses to important campus surveys and institutional accountability measures. This study proposes a strategy for uncovering low-quality survey responses and describes how they may affect intercampus accountability measures. The results show that survey response quality does have an effect on intercampus accountability measures, and that certain individual and circumstantial factors may increase the likelihood of low-quality responses. Implications for researchers and higher education administrators are discussed.  相似文献   

The Iowa Association of Community College Trustees, the Iowa Association of Community College Presidents, and Iowa State University Higher Education Program created a partnership to develop women and minorities for leadership roles in community colleges. The Leadership Institute for a New Century (LINC) program, which is in its eleventh year, uses a combination of national and state community college leaders, community leaders, trustees, and university faculty members to offer personal and professional development activities for participants. University credit that may be used as part of an academic degree program and for state licensure purposes is granted. Participants are nominated by their college; participate in monthly seminars; and complete projects related to local, state, and national issues. Nearly 70% of participants reported receiving a leadership promotion or advancement during or since their acceptance into the LINC program. The majority indicated that the program was very influential in their advancement. With the predicted impending administrator shortage, more cooperative leadership development programs need to be developed. The future of our community college system depends on the development of leadership opportunities and an infusion of leadership.  相似文献   


The purpose of this non‐experimental, qualitative dissertation study was threefold: (1) to analyze leadership behavioral competencies of twenty‐one key administrators at Miami‐Dade Community College, a college selected by a national panel of experts as the best community college in the country; (2) to determine the type of organizational climate as perceived by a random sample of employees associated with these leadership qualities; and (3) to explore general connections appearing to exist between the identified leadership competencies and the perceived climate.

Research methodology utilized the Behavioral Event Interview Technique (BEIT), an operant assessment procedure, to analyze reported behavior. Data were collected through an open‐ended questionnaire, the Leadership Qualities Questionnaire (LQQ); through structured interviews; and through the Profile of College Characteristics (PCC) climate instrument, an adaptation of Likert's Profile of Organizational Characteristics which measures climate factors and leadership style.

Results of the study profiled leadership behavior coexisting with an extremely positive college environment at a large multi‐campus urban community college as indicated by the climate ratings of the four groups of employees. The six factors rated were: (1) leadership, (2) motivation, (3) communication, (4) decision‐making, (5) reward, and (6) overall climate.

A leadership competency model was formulated and translated into the form of a code book which was used to measure the degree to which each administrator possessed the twelve behavioral leadership competencies included in the model. These competencies were classified into the following categories: (1) Sense of Direction, (2) Structure for Implementation, and (3) Sense of Personal Commitment. Relatively even demonstration of each competency by the administrators suggested a balance among task‐structure and people‐orientation. Seventeen of the eighty‐four leadership behavioral indicators suggested a core of common behaviors exhibited to a large degree by the group as a whole.

Results indicated that top administrators consistently demonstrated the strongest competence in the areas measured followed by the deans and associate deans respectively. Ten of the twelve competencies appeared to be predictive of administrative position level. The three competencies which appeared most predictive were: (1) thinks globally, (2) possesses a bias for action, and (3) uses appropriate power and authority.

The significance of this study is fourfold: (1) it advances knowledge about the impact of multiple leadership behavior on employees’ satisfaction, on perceived college climate, and on institutional excellence as indicated by student achievement; (2) it has potential for influencing the training, selecting, evaluating, and developing of future and current community college administrators; (3) it has generated hypotheses for further research regarding leadership behavioral variables, their value for predicting hierarchical level of administration, and their causal influence on organizational climate; and (4) the methodology employed in the study appears to be an effective research procedure and has helped to validate further leadership theory founded on behavioral analysis.  相似文献   

Following a discussion of the historical relationship between education and democracy, from which the concept of curriculum emerges as a legitimate field of research, this paper traces the development of curricular diversity in U.S. two‐year institutions and reviews the control and coordinating functions of curriculum governance in the community college systems of several states. The paper focuses on the system of curricular administration in Illinois, in which primary responsibility rests with the local two‐year school board and a coordinating function with a state agency, the Illinois Community College Board (ICCB). The state process is summarized and the local process of course and program approval from initiation to implementation in Illinois community colleges is identified. The data suggest that while the state role in curricular governance is formally defined as one of coordination, the local community college curriculum administrators may in fact view it as one of control.  相似文献   

The economic, educational and social environments of the students served by a community college are important factors in college performance accountability, policy analysis, program evaluation, and strategic planning. For example, previous research shows that income per county is a significant predictor of transfer rates for community colleges. However, conditions for the actual geographic area of the students served by a community college may differ, for various reasons, from the economic conditions for the county in which the college is located. This article describes the development of institutional or college-level indices as an enhancement to county-level data, their use as adjustment variables for California's Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC), and their applicability to other research and planning studies. The service area indices are created by combining the enrollment patterns of students by ZIP Code of residence with ZCTA (ZIP Code Tabulation Area) level economic and educational data from Census 2000.  相似文献   

This study explored institutional governance in an Alabama public two-year community college and investigated the perceptions of faculty and administrators within this sector. To answer the research questions for this study, a quantitative cross-sectional survey utilizing inferential analysis of the collected data was employed. To analyze the perceptions of Alabama community college faculty members and administrators regarding their interactions in institutional governance, three quantitative research questions were used. The research questions were analyzed based upon participant responses from the survey instrument. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was the statistical method used to determine if any significant differences in perception existed between faculty and administrators. The results of the study revealed that a significant difference existed between faculty and administrator perceptions with respect to institutional structure and shared governance, but no significant difference existed between faculty and administrators perceptions with respect to supervisory relationships. Considering the findings and conclusions of the present study, the researchers made recommendations related to institutional governance.  相似文献   


This survey was a result of the efforts of the New Jersey Consortium on the Community College to identify and articulate the faculty/staff development needs of the 17 community colleges of New Jersey.

In depth interviews were conducted with administrators, faculty and students at all the colleges. Follow up questionnaires were completed at each community college. A two day workshop was then conducted to identify and assign priorities to specific needs. The needs were ordered in one of three categories: Fulfilling the Goals of the Community College, Teaching/Learning Needs, and Managerial Needs.

The workshop that dealt with “Ways of Meeting Part-Time Faculty Needs” identified eight essential goal related needs while stressing the need for adjunct faculty to understand the philosophy and function of the community college. Within the teaching/learning category the workshop group amplified the need for adjunct faculty to understand how learning occurs. The primary managerial need identified was for each community college to develop strong teaching/learning support systems. The workshop participants viewed the establishment of a continuous program of adjunct supervision as essential for the support of effective instruction.  相似文献   

Community college faculty members often find themselves divided between what they want to do and what they can do. Knowing what motivates faculty to engage in professional development and scholarly productive activities provides critical information for administrators. The present study explored the motivational characteristics of community college faculty and the contextual factors that support or thwart their engagement and productivity. It focused on three key professional activities: (a) basic or applied research, (b) classroom action/teaching research, and (c) faculty professional development. Findings indicate that community college faculty are motivated for all three activities primarily by intrinsic and value-related factors rather than by extrinsic or contextual factors. Further, faculty members present somewhat different motivational profiles for the three work activities. Their motivations also demonstrate responsiveness to workplace characteristics as faculty perceive and interpret them.

These findings provide implications to help college administrators make policy decisions to support the work of faculty and align with institutional mission and goals.  相似文献   

This article is based on an in-depth, yearlong qualitative case study focusing on the Community College of Denver and a comprehensive review of research examining developmental education and institutional effectiveness issues in higher education. The authors identify critical issues, discuss implications, and suggest recommendations for improving accountability of practices; (b) increasing student success, with an emphasis on valuing diversity; and (c) implementing a new developmental program of strategically improving an existing one. Recommendations include (a) being knowledgeable about accountability mandates required of others and initiating self-imposed action; (b) establishing a commitment to quality results and sharing results with internal and external constituents; (c) creating an internal grassroots process that regularly provides for open discussion, planning, promoting and supporting student performance, and celebrating success; (d) cultivating informal leadership; (e) recruiting and hiring the best faculty members available then monitoring, mentoring, and training them; (f) creating a centralized developmental education model; (g) integrating technology into all college services and instructional plans; (h) seeking external funding to support retention and achievement initiatives; and (i) being committed to and taking steps toward leveling the educational playing field. Study results suggest that, when implemented as a combined effort by an institution committed to student learning, these actions can contribute to significantly higher levels of student success.  相似文献   

The annual Community College Futures Assembly is usually a trend-setting experience and this year was no exception. This special issue highlights lessons learned from the institutions who competitively presented and broke new ground at the 2002 Assembly. The theme, Trends in the New Economy , was evident in each presentation and the vehicle of web-casting demonstrated how the community college could be reshaped by technology. Attendees were introduced to the ideas reshaping the new economy by the keynote speaker Britt Beemer and the Bellwether Finalists presented viable examples of college adaptation to these reshaping trends. Important pre-assembly workshops introduced innovative concepts relating to the future of community colleges, including access to baccalaureate degrees. The stimulating presentations, enthusiastic camaraderie, and great meals set the stage for all attendees to take home trend-setting information to their institutions and communities. This introduction focuses on the experience of attending the 2002 Community College Futures Assembly. Approximately 200 community college trustees, presidents, vice-presidents, deans, faculty members, and other decision makers representing 25 states attended the Assembly which was held in Orlando, Florida. The Assembly is sponsored annually by the Institute of Higher Education (IHE), University of Florida (UF) and cosponsored this year by Dell Computers, Saville & Holdsworth, and the numerous organizations identified in this introduction. The assembly has provided quality learning experiences since 1995 and is proud to be an independent national policy forum recognized by the Association of Community College Trustees for its Trustee Education Recognition Program.  相似文献   

Community colleges have a high percentage of women students and a higher percentage of women faculty and administrators than do four-year colleges. Yet the extent to which the community college offers an equitable work and study site for women is not clear. The authors seek to determine this by applying to existing literature an adaptation of Hurtado, Milem, Clayton-Pederson, and Allen's framework for examining an institution's climate for diversity. After applying this framework, the authors conclude that women have been an important part of the community college student and employee base since its inception as the junior college, that numerically women are well represented, and that the climate, while not perfect, is relatively good for women. However, they argue that this situation may be due more to accident than to intentional action or behavior on the part of institutional leaders.  相似文献   

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