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有关如何驱动运动技能内隐学习的研究已成为动作技能内隐学习的一个热点.目前,国内虽也开始关注这方面的研究,但相关的研究较少.本研究运用文献资料法、归纳法及逻辑分析等方法对运动技能内隐学习的范式加以概述,以便为后继的相关研究提供一些参考.  相似文献   


This study was undertaken to investigate relationships between various forms of creativity, and to determine whether the expression of motor creativity is related to selected motor skills. The tests administered to the 65 fourth grade subjects consisted of creative thinking tests, a motor creativity battery, and motor skill tests. The following conclusions were drawn: (a) the expression of motor creativity through movement is not related to performance on the selected motor skill items; (b) creativity does not appear to be a generalized trait in as much as significant relationships were not found between the various aspects of creativity; (c) a tendency toward generalization of creativity was found for girls but not for boys; (d) a combination of weight, figural fluency and figural originality accounts for a significant amount of the variability in motor creativity for boys, while a combination of figural and verbal creativity factors does the same for girls; (e) boys of this age perform significantly better than girls on skill tests involving strength, while girls excel on balance and agility items.  相似文献   


This study compared the effects of mobility patterning techniques to the effects of special physical education activities upon selected motor skills of primary school educable mentally retarded children. The experimental group received the appropriate mobility patterns in creeping, crawling, and walking, which later were practiced in game situations. The control group received special physical education activities. Both groups received daily 30-minute classes, Monday through Friday, from September 1966 to December 1966. Based on the differences in leg power as measured by the hurdle jump and the standing broad jump, it appeared that the special physical education activities contributed more to the development of the subjects. However, neither program was more effective than the other in terms of dynamic balance, agility, or fine manual motor coordination.  相似文献   

迁移设计——运动技能学关于运动技能学习的研究方式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
迁移设计是西方运动技能学关于运动技能学习的一种研究方式。由运动技能学习的特点以及集中练习与分散练习的经典研究可以看出,迁移设计的提出具有重大的科学价值和现实意义。对这一方法的学习与借鉴必将促进我国的运动技能学研究。  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of varied amounts of milk in a balanced diet as it relates to short duration, sprint, and power types of athletic performance. Since milk contributes substantial amounts of protein to the diet, it was felt that protein might be a contributing factor in any cause and effect relationship between milk, diet, and physical performance. Hence protein at three levels were included as a variable by combining the three amounts with the changing levels of milk. Learning and conditioning tests were conducted before the start of the experiment and for the final three days of each diet period. Performance on the tests used in the study was not altered by the use of one or two quarts of milk per day in the diet as compared to the absence of all milk from the diet. At the different levels of protein used in this study, performance was unchanged.  相似文献   


This article presents seven tests which were devised for measuring selected motor skills in fourth, fifth, and sixth grade boys and girls. An analysis of the data indicated that the tests were reliable for the population measured, and that age, height, and weight factors were not statistically significant in determining performance as measured by these tests. Performance standards were computed for each sex within each grade level.  相似文献   


Members of the Santa Barbara basketball team were tested periodically during and after the 1957–58 season of play. The changes in physical conditioning were estimated using a step test. During this period of time the blood pressure and pulse wave measurements were studied to investigate the effects of basketball conditioning on these measurements.

The resting and postexercise systolic blood pressure measurements decreased significantly during training. These changes were significant after 16 weeks, while the pulse rate changes indicated conditioning had changed in six weeks. During de-training these measurements reversed and made significant changes in ten weeks.

The pulse wave measurements more closely followed those of the step test. They changed significantly in six weeks, leveled off, and finally reversed to the starting level during de-training.  相似文献   


The study was designed to determine the relationships between achievement in reading and achievement in selected motor skills for children in grades 1, 3, 5. The Iowa tests of basic skills were used to determine reading achievement and the Johnson motor achievement battery was employed to measure achievement in selected motor skills. The Pearson product-moment coefficient of correlation was applied to compute the relationships between the reading and motor achievement variables. The subjects were divided into three reading achievement levels and Scheffe's method of comparing pairs of means from a two-way analysis of variance table was employed to determine if the achievement differences in the motor skills tests were significant. The following conclusions were drawn: a) Highly significant correlations were found to exist between achievement in reading and the throw and catch test and achievement in reading and the zig-zag run test; b) Little or no consistent relationship existed between achievement in reading and the kicking test or the jump and reach test; c) Significant differences among the selected reading levels were found for the throw and catch test and the zig-zag run test; d) Few significant differences among the selected reading levels were found for the kicking test and for the jump and reach test.  相似文献   

高校体育教学作为满足大学生身心健康发展需求的教育路径之一,运动技能的学习表现出大学生个体发展需求的内隐性与外显性,这两者共同作用于大学生的运动技能习得过程当中.在体育教学的过程中通过激活学生的内隐学习程序,可以让学生在没有压力的情况下,轻松完成运动技能的习得过程.基于此,本文结合高校体育教学实际,在分析内隐学习概念的基础上,就如何应用内隐学习激发大学生运动技能的兴趣,提出了实践与理论策略.  相似文献   

张蔚明  李银萍  庞庆军 《精武》2012,(14):35-36
本研究依据元认知理论,运用问卷调查法、教学实验法,针对元认知学习策略对独立学院大学生足球运动技能学习的影响作了初步研究。结果表明:元认知学习策略使用频度与足球运动技能学习成绩呈显著正相关。因此教师在教学中有意识地加强元认知策略的训练,有利于提高大学生运动技能学习的能力。  相似文献   


This study determined the effectiveness of a global learning strategy on the skill level attained in one closed primary task and two related ones. Eighty subjects were randomly assigned to five groups equal in number and sex: a content-dependent strategy group (CDS), a content-dependent strategy plus reminders group (CDSR), a content-independent strategy group (CIS), a content-independent strategy plus reminders group (CISR), or a control group. A content dependent strategy is one learned in reference to a specific task; in this case, the primary one. A content independent strategy is learned in the context of many example tasks. Subjects performed underhanded dart throwing as the primary task, jart throwing (similar in nature to dart throwing) as the directly related task, and soccer foul shooting as the slightly related task. The strategy used to test the hypotheses generated was the Singer 5-Step Strategy. ANOVAs indicated that all of the strategy learning conditions were significantly more effective than the control condition for each task. Furthermore, the CIS learning situation was more beneficial for the learning of the task most related to the primary task than the CDS learning situation. The CISR group outperformed the other strategy groups in the less-related task.  相似文献   


Cinematographic and electromyographic methods were used to coordinate the collection of kinematic and myoelectric data on 41 male subjects. The novel motor task consisted of propelling a four-wheeled carriage along a level aluminum track to a criterion velocity by a knee extension movement. Mean performance scores demonstrated that a significant amount of learning took place over 21 trials. The finding of learning over practice provided a basis by which changes in the kinematic and myoelectric variables were analyzed. Statistical analysis consisted of a One-Sample Hotelling's T2 Test and Trend Analysis using a Multiple Regression Program. Data were collected on trials 1, 2, 6, 15, and 21. Results revealed that: (1) both knee joint and ankle joint angular velocities at release followed the same trend as performance scores; (2) two myotemporal variables had no significant trends on the four muscles under investigation; and (3) two knee flexors had linear trends and two knee extensors had cubic trends on the variable maximum integrated electromyographic (Iemg) amplitude. It was concluded that: (1) trends of joint angular velocities over practice more closely resembled the performance score trends than did myoelectric activity; (2) when myotemporal changes are not evident over practice, changes in maximum Iemg amplitude of muscles are responsible for increasing performance proficiency; and (3) if performance demands an increase in joint angular velocity, agonistic as well as antagonistic myoelectric activity will increase in muscles which act at the joint.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of a goal-setting intervention program on selected components of basketball performance over the course of a competitive season. A multiple-baseline, single-subject design was used with baseline observations on various performance components (e.g., turnovers, rebounds), collected for four elite college basketball players during their first eight games of the season. At the midseason break, these players selected one aspect of their play that they felt would benefit from improvement. A goal-setting program was designed based on the goal attainment scaling procedure recommended by Smith (1988), whereby subjects generated numerical targets for their chosen components. Performance components were then assessed for the next eight games as they had been in the preintervention phase. Following the intervention, 3 of the 4 subjects showed consistent improvements in their targeted area of performance. Also, there were no outcome changes in the performance components that weren't targeted by the subjects. The findings suggest that future studies may benefit from achieving greater ecological validity and utilizing alternative designs to the traditional nomothetic approaches which may tend to mask positive intervention effects on certain individuals.  相似文献   

学习型示范和熟练型示范对运动技能观察学习的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨学习型示范和熟练型示范对运动技能观察学习的影响.36名被试随机分为学习型示范观察学习组、熟练型示范观察学习组和对照组.采用计算机追踪任务,以RMSE为评价指标,对三组被试分别进行了10 min后保持测试、24 h后保持测试和迁移测试.结果显示:在保持测试和迁移测试中,学习型示范观察学习组和熟练型示范观察学习组绩效均显著好于控制组;在10 min后和24 h后保持测试中,学习型示范观察学习组和熟练型示范观察学习组之间没有显著性差异;在迁移测试中,学习型示范观察学习组绩效显著好于熟练型示范观察学习组.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to study the effect of a well-advertised vitamin-mineral supplement on three selected gross motor tests. Experimental and control groups were formed in two groups, football players and physical education majors. Measurements were taken at five different time periods covering a period of 12 weeks. No statistically significant differences in motor performance were found between those subjects taking the supplement and those taking the placebo.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to test the validity of the games for understanding model by comparing it to a technique approach to instruction and a control group. The technique method focused primarily on skill instruction where the skill taught initially was incorporated into a game at the end of each lesson. The games for understanding approach emphasized developing tactical awareness and decision making in small game situations. Two physical education specialists taught field hockey using these approaches for 15 lessons (45 min each). The control group did not receive any field hockey instruction. Data were collected from 71 middle school children. Pretests and posttests were administered for hockey knowledge, skill, and game performance. Separate analyses of variance or analyses of covariance were conducted to examine group differences for cognitive and skill outcomes. The games for understanding group scored significantly higher on passing decision making than the technique and control groups during posttest game play and significantly higher than the control group for declarative and procedural knowledge. The games for understanding group scored significantly higher on control and passing execution than the other groups during posttest game play. For hockey skill, there were no significant differences among the treatment groups for accuracy, but the technique group recorded faster times than the control group on the posttest.  相似文献   

通过对两种练习方法———听觉信号反馈和听觉加视觉信号反馈在提高体育院校普修课学生长传球准确性的教学效果进行实验对比研究,以找出更好的提高体育院校普修课学生长传球准确性的练习方法。实验结果表明,听觉加视觉信号反馈的练习方法对长传球准确性的教学效果要好于听觉信号反馈的练习方法。  相似文献   


Male volunteers (N=80) were randomly assigned to either a control or a mental practice group for the learning of three motor skills, the hock swing to a horizontal bar, jump-foot, and soccer hitch kick. All subjects were tested individually on each of the skills but one group engaged in five directed mental practice sessions spaced over a period of 5 days prior to being tested. Significant differences between groups in initial trial success were obtained for the hock swing but not for the other two skills. After physical practice was introduced, the mental practice group required fewer trials to achieve success in the hock swing and the jump-foot but not in the soccer hitch kick. It was concluded that the effectiveness of mental practice without prior physical practice is specific to the skill and is more pronounced for simpler skills.  相似文献   

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