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For more than a century, community colleges have provided a postsecondary education alternative to the traditional, 4-year university. Enrolling disproportionate numbers of both disadvantaged and nontraditional students, the community college sector has seen unparalleled gains in enrollment over the past few decades. Along with these increases in enrollment, there has been a shift in focus toward transfer to 4-year institutions, as well as the development of articulation agreements. Established in order to ease the transfer process from community colleges to 4-year colleges/universities—for those students interested in obtaining a bachelor’s degree—these agreements currently exist in more than 30 states. Via two-level, hierarchical linear modeling, this article examines the student and school level characteristics of community colleges that affect transfer and bachelor’s degree attainment rates. Also examined is the impact of articulation agreements. Ultimately, while articulation agreements are not found to yield a significant effect on transfer rates, they are found to have significant, positive effects on bachelor’s degree attainment rates.  相似文献   

Recent legislation requires increased linkages between all levels of educational institutions. Articulation agreements are critical to ensure a smooth transition for students, and statewide agreements afford students more options for continuing their education. High school and community college instructors were brought together in a statewide meeting to review curricula and determine community college courses for which high-school-program-completers meeting certain criteria, including a specified score on the statewide occupation-specific assessment, could receive credit. Thirty-three high school programs were selected for statewide articulation agreements, with at least one community college program allowing articulation with approximately 50 community college courses.  相似文献   

Articulation between two-year colleges and universities provides a critical opportunity for potential students. Most institutions declare their support of articulation; however, the visibility of this support to potential students is inconsistent at best. Articulation agreements that are visible and easily understood by potential students serve as a motivation to the pursuit of higher education. Conversely, the lack of a complete, visible path to a baccalaureate degree is a powerful deterrent to enrollment. For this study, articulation is a coordinated effort and process to support efficient transfer between institutions of higher education. (DeMott, 1999 DeMott , J. ( 1999 ). Seven steps to articulation success . High School Magazine , 6 , 2224 . [Google Scholar]). The purpose of this study is to explore the general visibility of existing articulation opportunities at two-year colleges. The visibility of articulation agreements is a critical practical factor in their potential positive impact on student behavior and success.  相似文献   

调查新疆、宁夏和甘肃三省(区)民族地区义务教育阶段学生个人教育基本支出,旨在了解"两免一补"实施后民族地区学生义务教育支出成本及存在问题。调研结果表明:少数民族地区义务教育阶段学生入学缴费难问题已基本解决;不同民族地区学生教育成本各项支出存在显著差异;就学过程"两免一补"外其他各种教育支出仍对家庭经济负担有较大的影响作用。研究认为,国家应专门构建贫困学生资助体系,进一步完善和加强面向民族农村地区贫困学生的就学资助。  相似文献   

"中高职衔接"项目是符合我国中等和高等职业教育协调发展的教育改革需要,搭建终身学习的纵向衔接、横向沟通的"立交桥"结构的教育改革探索。以试点项目的学前教育专业为例,从衔接课程的建立依据、原则、内涵的角度进行设计并建立课程标准,突出中职教育与高职教育协调发展的一体化衔接结构特点的教学设计,建立适合衔接的课程标准,是指导、规范本项目教学实施的重要保证。  相似文献   

Only 25% of community college students transfer to a 4-year institution within 5 years, and only 17% earn a bachelor’s degree within 6 years of transferring (Jenkins &; Fink, 2015). In response, community colleges have partnered with 4-year institutions to draft articulation agreements, outlining transfer policies and procedures for specific academic programs (Montague, 2012). However, no extant research has examined whether these articulation agreements are readable by community college students. This study examines 100 articulation agreements between 2- and 4-year institutions to answer the question: do community college students understand articulation agreements? Findings indicate that 93% of articulation agreements are unreadable by community college students of average reading ability, with 69% of articulation agreements written at or above a 16th-grade reading level. Implications for practitioners and future research are addressed.  相似文献   

It is currently unknown how many Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) exist at community colleges. This study investigates the percentage of public and Tribal community colleges that have active IRBs. It also examines the potential relationships between states that allow community colleges to confer baccalaureate degrees, or that have articulation agreements, and community college IRBs. Data were drawn from the United States Department of Health and Human Services in conjunction with the American Association of Community Colleges and state department of education websites in order to create a national snapshot of active and deactivated IRBs at these institutions. It was most common for a state to have at least one IRB at public community colleges. Conversely, the majority of states with Tribal community colleges did not have IRBs. Further, while no association was found between states that allow community colleges to confer baccalaureate degrees, states with an articulation agreement were more likely to have an active IRB at their community colleges. Trends potentially unique to community college IRB implementation appeared evident, including one IRB to oversee a district or state of community colleges. Future research is needed to clarify the rationales behind these decisions. Creating an IRB is one way in which community colleges might claim a more active leadership role in being both subject and producer of scholarship in the literature.  相似文献   

乡村振兴战略是党在十九大会议中做出的重要战略决策,是党在新时代对“三农”问题提出的新的决策部署,其内容涵盖了农业发展的各个领域。实施乡村振兴战略,少数民族地区任重道远。海南少数民族地区覆盖范围广。受到历史条件的影响,在海南少数民族地区,人们思想观念较为落后,对乡村振兴战略了解不深入,认同感有待提高。以海南省为例,分析少数民族地区乡村振兴的现实意义、思想政治教育在少数民族地区乡村振兴中的重要作用,探索以思想政治教育推动少数民族地区乡村振兴的现实途径。  相似文献   

Fei Wang 《Interchange》2013,44(1-2):45-62
This study provides insight into equity issues in post-secondary education by exploring and assessing the history, the reality and the potential developments in higher education for minority students in China, in comparison to post-secondary education for aboriginal students in Canada. It highlights access to post-secondary education by these minorities in both countries in terms of educational policy enactment, orientation, and its enforcement. The study examines both commonalties and differences in the educational policies of both countries to shed light on how each country is able to grapple with the issue of equity in their respective post-secondary educational systems in response to the principles of liberty, equity and dignity as outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This study employs a historical approach to identify the common trends by examining issues concerning access to post-secondary education for ethnic minorities in China and the aboriginals in Canada. Specifically, the study employs a comparative method analyzing how access and equity are defined, how policies have evolved, and the impact that the policy has on the minority students in China and aboriginal students in Canada. The assessment of the access issues in these two countries not only reveals some common trends in the evolution of access norms in the post-secondary education of both countries, but also identifies certain differences in response to their historical traditions, national cultures, and diverse educational structures. The findings are presented in three sections: growth and gap, equality versus equity, and equity and the difference among the difference.  相似文献   

分节理论经历了从语言学扩展到符号学,从普遍分节到有限分节,从双重分节到三层分节的发展过程。艾柯的三层分节主要源自麦茨、普里埃托和帕索里尼的电影和符号学理论。艾柯在对形象的批评中建立了一套肖似代码的三层分节模式:修辞元、记号、意素。艾柯先后在摄影照片和活动影像上进行模式化分析,从而建立了电影代码的三层分节方式。艾柯的三层分节及其在电影代码中的分析,强调了电影通信形式的语义丰富性,翻新了对影像的理解。  相似文献   

Students from rural areas face additional burdens, such as affordability, academic preparation, and lack of college-going resources that make seeking, enrolling, and attending college more difficult. Community colleges offer hope to achieve a college degree for many rural students, and well-developed articulation agreements can be one way of improving access for these students.  相似文献   

构音障碍评估研究述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
构音障碍是儿童各类言语障碍中最常见的问题,但是我国特殊教育工作者对该领域的研究并不多。本文讨论并评价了国内外有关于构音障碍的各种评估方法,包括描记法、音标法、标准化测验检测法、仪器检查法,以及构音障碍的评估指标,包括语音清晰度评估、口腔轮替运动速率评估、鼻流量。最后,本文指出了现阶段此类研究中存在的问题,以及对未来研究的启示。  相似文献   

Industrialisation and mass education have long been considered two main determinants in the emergence of special education, but in many formerly colonised countries, such as Taiwan, historical development did not follow along these lines. In Taiwan, schools for the blind were initially set up by missionaries and colonisers, and were primarily designed to meet the latter’s preconceptions and needs. However, pedagogic knowledge and techniques were unexpectedly displaced and transformed as they crossed borders. This study examines the emergence and development of education for the blind in Taiwan from the 1870s to the 1970s. Documentary sources, government statistics and proclamations and oral histories were used in the analysis; they reveal how in Taiwan, education for the blind was shaped under different foreign and domestic influences within specific historical–social contexts.  相似文献   

由于历史和地理的原因,我国少数民族地区在教育资源的占有上处于不平等地位,教育水平与全国相比还存在一定差距。因此,在高考录取时,国家给予少数民族考生加分投档的优惠,是对少数民族考生不平等地位的一种补偿,是国家从少数民族群体的利益出发来调节和处理高等教育资源的分配,体现了一种作为公平的正义性。  相似文献   

This article describes the changing face of institutions of higher education in Russia in comparison with other countries. It is shown that the ratios of funding sources for higher education in Russia are similar in structure to those in other countries. However, the absolute amounts of funding from these sources are three times less in Russia than the level of the OECD countries. We analyze the following two strategies that Russian universities have used to cope with reduced public funding: diversification of sources of income and changing the structure of expenses. These strategies have been borrowed from the experience of foreign universities that have reformed their financial management. We identify the following main trends in the financing of Russian higher education: concentration of support on leading universities, reliance on public support for higher education as a main source of funding, and the weak use of public-private partnership mechanisms as well as endowment funds. We provide an assessment of the impact of these trends on the economic position of universities.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - Performance agreements in higher education are seen as a promising steering tool in many countries, including Norway. The aims of the performance agreements in...  相似文献   

世界成人教育最早发源于英国的诺丁汉以训练女工纺织操作的成人学校,距今已有两百多年的历史。教育由政治经济所决定,不断提高的社会生产力也对教育提出了更高的要求,正规的普通教育已经无法满足日趋复杂的社会发展,成人教育应运而生。英国、美国、德国以及日本等国家都是成人教育发展质量较好且改革较为成功的国家,并且也显现出一定的改革趋势。联合国教科文组织始终关注着成人教育的发展,站在改革的前沿,提出了关于成人教育的许多共识。我国的成人教育起步晚、发展慢,发达国家的成人教育改革可以为我国提供许多有益的经验。  相似文献   

西部大开发给西部民族地区的教育事业带来了前所未有的发展机遇,学校体育教育也随着基础教育的深化改革取得了长足的进步,但与沿海一带发达地区相比还存在着较大差距.其中,体育意识薄弱,体育经费不足,场地器材等体育设施缺乏,以及体育师资数量不足、专业水平较低等,是制约边疆民族地区中、小学体育教育发展的主要因素.笔者通过大量的碉研和实践,提出了在边疆民族地区中、小学体育教学中融入民族民间体育内容,以利用本地资源因地制宜的教学思路,以供大家参考.  相似文献   

It is argued that present‐day definitions of education that focus upon educational forms, such as schools, further education, universities and adult education, have little relevance for the educational experiences of the majority of women in the past. To illustrate this point, the article explores the ‘education’ of women in a major political grouping in Edwardian Britain, namely the Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) which, as a militant women‐only organisation, became the most famous of all the groupings campaigning for the enfranchisement of women. The WSPU offered its women members the opportunity to invade and enter the male sphere of politics. Thus, in its early years, members learnt a political role through peaceful means of campaigning, such as heckling politicians, carrying petitions to parliament, public speaking and writing to the press. Later, after many years of such protesting, when the government refused to yield on the issue of women's enfranchisement, more militant roles were adopted by a minority of the membership. These ‘guerilla activists’ engaged in activities such as the large‐scale breaking of windows, vandalising art treasures and setting fire to empty houses. For many of these WSPU women, their participation in the feminist movement was the educational experience of a lifetime, that far outshone any more formal schooling that they might have received in schools, adult education or colleges.  相似文献   


Using the stories of two autonomous public schools in Australia, this paper demonstrates how commercialisation can simultaneously position schools as both consumer and for-profit producer. Drawing on Foucault's articulation of discourse as that which constitutes and makes available what is possible to be said, done and imagined, the paper illustrates how the current marketised articulation of education is allowing for new possibilities of commercialisation in schools. Together these stories demonstrate that there are creative ways that these schools have embraced their autonomy, while relying on market solutions to acquire the resources they deem necessary for their students and their communities. However, it also shows how these resources and the attainment for them are inextricably constituted by the market orientation of education more broadly and how this presents potential dangers for what schools may be and become as a result.  相似文献   

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