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Christian education served as a tool of White supremacy that played a central role in the devastation of millions of human lives throughout the colonial era of Western expansion. An adequate account of how Christian education paired with colonial imperatives helps to identify where the legacy of White supremacy and imperial domination lives on in contemporary practices of Christian faith formation and religious education. While any educational venture requires authority and is an act of power, humility is an essential partnering virtue for Christian educators who do not wish to replicate this history of domination.  相似文献   


Students in colleges and universities across the United States are being exposed to overtly white supremacist groups on campus. These groups dub themselves “identitarians” and attempt to influence students to support a white nationalist ideology through claims of reverse racism that threaten the lives of people of color. Theologically, this ideology also presents an obstacle for instruction: the existence of a competing Imago Dei that ties itself to white supremacy, dehumanizing persons of color. This article encourages the use of anti-racist pedagogies in theological education as a corrective to this competing Imago Dei.  相似文献   

在20世纪90年代,陈忠实的《白鹿原》以其对民族文化心理的揭示与史诗意蕴的追求,构成了新时期文学中一道亮丽的风景,但由于作家对传统儒家文化有意和无意的认同态度,造成叙述者性别观念上的落后与保守,流露出比较明显的性别偏见。从叙述者对不同性别角色的情感态度、价值判断以及对两性关系的描写中都呈现出明显男权意识的痕迹,在某种意义上,《白鹿原》既是反思民族文化的代表性作品,又是一部现代社会男权文化的经典文本。  相似文献   

多元文化主义、多元文化教育和美国的文学教学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
七、八十年代以来,美国兴起多元文化主义及多元文化主义教育同传统思想的斗争。前者要求在文化和教育上更多地体现多样性,体现少数种族和妇女等弱势群体的文化和价值观;后者则强调文化的统一性,认为多元文化主义及多元文化教育会导致美国社会的分裂。九十年代前后美国各界围绕文学教学中改革和反改革的争论实质是其具体体现。  相似文献   


As Lost Cause statues come down across the country, communities are forced to reckon with monumental absences. While the rhetorical significance of monuments is well-established in scholarly literature, the rhetoric of monumental absence is not as thoroughly covered. To better understand the role that monumental absence plays in both public space and civic life, this essay theorizes residual memory as the remaining rhetorical potency that clings to a commemorative site after the focal object or structure of memorialization is removed. To demonstrate the theoretical utility of residual memory and contribute to ongoing public debates about Lost Cause monuments, this essay uses rhetorical field methods to conduct a rhetorical analysis of Take 'Em Down NOLA's “Second Line to Bury White Supremacy.” The secretive night time removal of the Liberty Place Monument in New Orleans on April 24, 2017 and the activist celebration that followed two weeks later provide an exemplary case for exploring how residual memories can be used to resist and revise regressive practices of public memory.  相似文献   

后现代主义是现代社会在思维方式上的一次根本性转型。以多元和差异为精髓的后现代主义思想理所当然地成为多元文化的认识论渊源和基本价值基础。多元文化的冲突、交流和融合,导致文化的不断创新,促进了人类文明的发展。在全球化的背景下发展多元文化,需要正确解决文化全球化与多元文化的悖论,做到“和而不同”。  相似文献   

Education, Democratic Citizenship and Multiculturalism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Interculturalism, in its two forms, critiques multiculturalism. A European version emphasises cultural encounter and novelty, and is relatively apolitical except for its disavowal of the national in preference for the local and the transnational. In contrast, its Quebecan counterpart gives significance to the idea of the right of a national community to use state power to reproduce itself. Whilst the former is a recognisably cosmopolitan vision I ask if the latter represents a distinctive mode of integration. The core of the article is a textual examination of two recent publications by leading public intellectual scholars in Quebec, Gerard Bouchard and Charles Taylor, respectively, including a lengthy discussion of the former’s concept of ‘majority precedence’. I argue that Quebecan interculturalism challenges multiculturalists to offer a positive view of ‘the majority’, which to date they have largely neglected to do, but which is possible within the conceptual and normative resources of multiculturalism.  相似文献   

To the long‐standing debate over the relative merits of multicultural and antiracist education, Short and Carrington have added a new dimension. It is their contention that in order to challenge racism, educators should promote a reconstructed form of multiculturalism in addition to conventional antiracism. Their argument is that a new form of racism has emerged in which culture assumes a pivotal role and, accordingly, that a revised form of education is required to deal with it. While accepting the crucial role that culture plays in racism in contemporary societies, I question in this paper Short & Carrington's virtually exclusive concern with cultural racism, which is based on a relatively uncritical acceptance of Martin Barker's concept of the ‘new racism’. Instead, I offer a reformulation of the concept of racism which incorporates both biological and cultural elements, but which also includes seemingly positively evaluated characteristics in addition to the more obvious negative ones. This paper notes a number of problems with Short and Carrington's concept of reconstructed multiculturalism and concludes with a critique of their associated liberal pluralist conception of ‘the unity of the nation’.  相似文献   

东北俄亥俄大学医学院行为科学系教授DeleseWear博士为文化能力提出了一个理论上的定位 ,以便对医学教育中的文化学习作出反应。在本文中 ,作者引用了Giroux提出的汹涌的多元文化的概念 ,认为有关文化的批判性学习可以成为专业发展中某些方面的桥梁。在医学院校讲授多元文化 ,并将它同专业发展的努力联系起来 ,可为学生提供各种机会去面对偏见 ,对它们的假设提出挑战 ,了解民众以及权力和特权的影响 ,大力开发相互同情和尊敬的能力。  相似文献   

全球化和多元化对许多国家的发展带来重要影响,同时也要求这些国家的教育适应其人口多元化的发展.过去60年英国也在致力于探寻一条适应其人口多元化发展的路径.人口的多元化发展,不仅要求课程设置进行改革,也要求教师培养方式的转变.然而这种由人口多元化带来的差异与统一的国家和公民身份融合仍显得比较困难.  相似文献   

人工智能作为打开人类“学习黑匣子”的重要工具,为教育教学的变革创造了无限可能。人工智能辅助和替代了教师的部分工作,拓展了学生的生活空间,使教师与学生摆脱了许多繁重的、低阶性的以及重复性的工作,极大地解放了教师和学生。但与此同时,对知识传授、教学方式转变以及教师专业发展带来诸多冲击,导致学生浅表学习、片面发展以及社会情感学习缺失等问题的出现,带来了教师生存与学生发展的现代性危机,即改变了传统教学思维的范式、滋生了师生思维钝化的可能、导致教学教育性功能的弱化以及加速人的工具理性回流。  相似文献   

With the rise of place-based models of education, credence needs to be given to epistemological traditions that curate individual understandings of and relations to the social world (i.e., places). The epistemological traditions that have been shared across generations of North American settler colonialists are at the center of this article. The dominant epistemology of settler society provides racialized, anthropocentric, and capitalistic understandings of places. Relations to place are cultivated through particular conceptions of nature, private property, and personhood, which remain at the epistemic foundation of Western society. These conceptions are concomitant to modes of domination like white supremacy and settler colonialism, and ultimately constitute an ideal white male settler actor. This article suggests that place-based education carries the potential to offer epistemic resistance to domination, but first needs to engage in a more comprehensive understanding of settler traditions of place.  相似文献   

在关于人类心理学蓝图的论证中,本土心理学倾向于把多元文化论引为元理论基础,但多元文化论与本土心理学之间在文化价值观、方法论等方面存在着重大的分歧.另一方面,本土心理学的确必须面对多元文化论所提出的和所卷入的种种问题,这不仅因为必须把多元文化论应用于人类心理学远景,更因为文化多样性以及多元文化论已经现实地成为本土心理学的理论之桥.作为一种理论解决,某种"去文化"的多元文化论是可能的,这种理念不能基于空泛的实践概念,而要求某种实践指向的心理学"知识型".  相似文献   

多元文化与民族认同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过多伦多和蒙特利尔两个城市的多元文化实践的案例研究,讨论了加拿大的多元文化政策及其成功经验和失败教训。关于民族认同,有必要在差异和趋同之间保持一定张力;关于民族政策,有必要在柔性和现实之间保持某种平衡。中国的民族问题和国家认同问题实质上也是一个多元文化问题。加拿大的成功经验和失败教训对我们面对和解决当前的问题有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

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