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This article investigates interpersonal relations of high ability children with peers in the same class. Subjects were eighth grade students who, eight years earlier, had started school at the age of 6 (Le., one year in advance of agemates), because they had demonstrated outstanding abilities while in nursery school Of the 51 students from 40 elementary schools in the industrial town of Lodz, 27 were girls and 24 boys. Research instruments included the Chart of Students’ Behaviour, Raven's Matrices, Choynowski's TZT, the sociometric technique of j. L. Moreno and school records including marks. The majority of the students tested displayed high or very high achievement and appropriate interpersonal relations with peers. However, a small group of about one quarter of the total group displayed low achievement and low social acceptance, although they were of high ability. This finding is of considerable interest in view of conflicting conclusions in the relevant literature.


The purpose of this study was to reexamine the value of high school grades (relative to standardized test scores) for predicting college grades of black students. Data from previous studies and from a predominantly black university were analyzed. Results tend to indicate that high school grades do not consistently make the greatest contribution in predicting college grades of black students, perhaps particularly of men, whereas they do for whites. Unreliability of grade reporting, invalidity of grades in high school, restriction in range due to selection processes, and intergroup differences in personality characteristics were advanced to explain this phenomenon. Further research on this problem was suggested in view of the fact that many selective institutions are relying heavily on high school grades in their selection of black students.  相似文献   

A considerable amount of effort is expended encouraging students to enroll in higher education programs. It is, therefore, disappointing to all concerned when students fail to complete their programs. It is even more distressing when one particular group of enrollees is identified as failing to persist with their studies at a disproportionately high rate. This was the issue faced by Kennedy‐King College during the early 1990s. The African American male, nontraditional student (either more than 24 years old, or part‐time enrollee, or live off campus), was identified in this category with the withdrawal/departure behavior becoming a serious and increasing problem.

Kennedy‐King College is a non‐residential, two‐year community college located in a neighborhood of Chicago that is predominantly African American (97%), low income (70% below the poverty level), with a comparatively high crime rate and a public school system that has been described as “somewhat ineffective.” More than 30% of the students are residents of this community.

The study consisted of a literature review; consideration of the variables identified from the review that had previously been thought to affect student persistence; quantitative and qualitative data collection and analysis carried out with the African American male students; the development and testing of a persistence model incorporating previous and newly identified variables; and the development of a college strategy designed to increase the persistence of these students.  相似文献   

Investigations of positional response set in examinees of multiple-choice items have shown conflicting results. This study attempted to clarify this controversy. Over 1000 subjects were assigned at random to one of nine forms of a specially prepared vocabulary test. The difference among forms related to the position of the correct answers and the most popular distractor as determined by prior administrations of the test. The forms of the test were constructed so that if a universal positional response set existed, it would manifest itself as a difference of means of scores obtained on selected items dispersed throughout each of the different forms. The results of the analysis of variance showed no significant evidence of interindividual positional response set.  相似文献   

This investigation utilized an integrative model of development for ethnic minority children and a process model of engagement to explore whether three dimensions of school engagement (behavioral, emotional, and cognitive) mediated relationships between school racial climate, academic performance, and educational aspirations. A total of 139 African American students were recruited from a high school in the southeastern United States. Findings revealed an indirect association between perceptions of racial fairness and academic achievement indicators through behavioral and cognitive engagement. Behavioral and cognitive engagement also mediated relationships between youths’ perceived peer discrimination and academic achievement indicators. No significant indirect associations between teacher discrimination and academic achievement through school engagement dimensions were found. Study limitations, future directions, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This cross‐sectional study determined whether students who take part in academically challenging high school curricula experience elevated levels of stress and whether this stress co‐occurs with psychological and/or academic problems. Data from self‐report questionnaires and school records were collected from 480 students from four high schools. Results of analyses of covariance suggested that stress is not always associated with deleterious outcomes, as students in academically rigorous programs (specifically, Advanced Placement [AP] classes and International Baccalaureate [IB] programs) reported more perceived stress than did students in general education, while maintaining exceptionally high academic functioning. Furthermore, despite their stress level, the psychological functioning of students in AP and IB is similar or superior to the levels of psychopathology, life satisfaction, and social functioning reported from their peers in general education.  相似文献   

我国城市义务教育阶段的择校及其对弱势群体的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
对于择校有不同的政策安排,而对于什么样的择校政策能更好地保护弱势群体的受教育机会却是众说纷纭。本文基于大规模实证调查,对我国城市义务教育阶段公办与非公办学校之间的择校、公办学校之间的择校以及参加课后辅导等择校现象进行了研究,发现弱势群体在择校竞争中处境明显不利,而现行的就近入学政策和择校收费行为则进一步维持和强化了弱势群体的不利处境。为此,本文提出了一系列扩大弱势群体择校自由的政策建议。  相似文献   

To effectively communicate with potential students, it is important to utilize their preferred information sources. Survey data were gathered from 716 high school students who planned to attend college. There were communication source differences based on race and intent to attend two-year vs. four-year institutions. Important information sources for potential community college and university students include media, social normative, and direct sources. Recruiting and marketing strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

This article describes a pilot project designed to encourage career interest by minority high school students in health professions in geriatrics and gerontology. This multifaceted educational program used a contextual training approach and was conducted over a five-week period. Program components included classroom sessions, group as well as independent activities and research, guided field trips, faculty lectures, and the development of a final report directed at health careers in gerontology. The majority of the students were planning or considering a career in geriatrics or gerontology at the completion of the program. Students' evaluative comments revealed a more positive attitude toward the elderly, significant interest in gerontology careers, and strong support for the program. A strategy for longterm follow-up of participants is presented, as well as lessons learned and plans for future programming. This program was implemented by the Rhode Island Geriatric Education Center, in collaboration with the University of Rhode Island Urban Field Center, in response to the "Kids Into Health Careers" initiative established by the U.S. Bureau of Health Professions.  相似文献   

A critical debate within the field of school psychology has centered on the relationship between bullying and cyberbullying in terms of prevalence, overlap, and impact. The current study sought to address the following questions: (1) Does cyberbullying create new victims or merely a new means of victimization? (2) Does cyberbullying uniquely contribute to negative outcomes above and beyond those of traditional bullying? Utilizing an anonymous survey to examine students’ experiences with cyberbullying, traditional bullying, and negative psychological symptoms, it was found that the vast majority of students who were bullied online were also victims of in‐person bullying. Both forms of victimization were independently associated with negative outcomes. However, when controlling for traditional bullying, cyberbullying did not remain a predictor of negative mental health outcomes. In contrast, when controlling for cyberbullying, traditional bullying remained a significant predictor of negative mental health outcomes. These results suggest that although traditional and cyber forms of bullying tend to target the same victims, traditional bullying is more uniquely associated with negative psychological outcomes.  相似文献   

学校选择(school choice)是近年来美国基础教育界颇为盛行的改革风潮,也是学术界关注的焦点。美国哈佛大学经济系教授卡罗琳·M.霍克斯比(Caroline M.Hoxby)主编的《学校选择的经济学分析》(The Economics of School Choice)一书(以下简称“该书”)有助于我们了解美国学校选择改革的经验,并为研究者学习应用经济学方法分析教育问题提供了很好的素材。霍克斯比教授是当今非常活跃的教育经济学家,该书的八篇论文涉及到用经济学方法研  相似文献   

Off‐task and disruptive classroom behaviors have a negative impact on the learning environment and present a unique challenge for teachers to address. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Class Pass Intervention (CPI) as a behavior management strategy for secondary students with disruptive classroom behavior. The CPI consists of providing students with passes that they can either (1) use to appropriately request a break to engage in a preferred activity for a preset amount of time or (2) keep and later exchange for a preferred item or activity. Using an ABAB withdrawal design with replication through a concurrent multiple baseline across participants design, the CPI was shown to increase academic engagement, which is incompatible with disruptive behavior, in 4 students who engaged in high levels of disruptive behavior throughout the baseline condition. Results also demonstrated partial support for the durability of intervention effects over time and indicated that both teachers and students perceived the intervention to be socially feasible. Implications of the results and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

山西省大学生记者联合会于2006年9月开始筹建,2006年11月7日正式成立。由山西中医学院发起,山西大学、太原理工大学、中北大学、山西财经大学、太原科技大学、山西中医学院、太原师范学院、山西财政税务专科学校八所高校校报学生记者团、通讯社、新闻社组成第一届理事单位。  相似文献   

接受大学教育一直被看成是提升生活质量的入场券。这很可能是一个学生将要做出的最重要的决定,同时它也许能在实现人生目标中获得最高的回报率。遗憾的是,一些学生对此决定未作深思熟虑便选择了热门名牌大学,从而承担了巨额债务。由于过度超支,她们自己毁掉了创造辉煌未来的机会。  相似文献   

辽宁省城市建设学校成立于1982年,现为国家级重点中等职业学校。2004年被教育部、建设部选定为“建设行业实施技能型紧缺人才示范性培养培训基地”。  相似文献   

Cheating in community colleges is not uncommon and is one of the most unfortunate problems faculty and administrators attempt to solve. As the focus of community colleges shifts from teaching to learning, it is important to study the more unpleasant issues facing the community college family. This article defines and identifies attitudes and situations that encourage academic dishonesty. It further discusses strategies for prevention of academic dishonesty, offers suggestions on how to discourage the practice, and advances recommendations for dealing with cheating. Also included is an inventory of sources about "paper mills," and a listing of cybercheating preventive and investigative software programs.  相似文献   

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