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Qatar initiated a K–12 national educational reform in 2001. However, there is limited information on the instructional practices of the teachers in the reform schools. This project was an observational study of classrooms with a stratified random sample of the first six cohorts of reform schools. Specifically, 156 classrooms were observed in 29 reform schools. Instructional differences were noted in schools with different gender of students and were moderated by school level. Implications of findings were discussed pertaining to implementation of the Qatar national reform and professional development needs of teachers.  相似文献   

Schools serving large populations of students placed at risk have been the focus of reform for over a decade, with the assumption that school reform leads to classroom reform, resulting in improved student achievement. Student achievement data at the school level are typically used to judge the effectiveness of the reform. This practice assumes uniformity of implementation within the school. This study of classrooms within 4 Accelerated Schools Project (ASP) schools operationalizes the ASP principles, values, and concepts of powerful learning at the classroom level. Together, they form what is called a powerful learning environment (PLE). In addition, the study examines the extent to which PLE is implemented similarly in different classrooms and different schools, and analyzes the relation between degree of implementation and differences in student achievement. Data collection involved structured observations in 40 classrooms during English and language arts or mathematics instruction. Analysis of data indicates that more variation in implementation of PLE occurred within schools than between schools. The study also finds a correlation between degree of implementation and higher student achievement.  相似文献   

Policy reforms to boost full inclusion and conventional return flows send students with special educational needs (SEN) from segregated settings to regular classrooms raising the question how this affects students in the receiving schools. Using full population microdata from Denmark, I investigate whether being exposed to returning SEN students affects the academic achievement of other students in the school-grade cohort. The basic identification strategy controls for student and school-by-grade fixed effects in value-added test scores and is similar to the model in Hanushek, Kain and Rivkin (2002). I add a third dimension to disentangle differential exposure effects in reform years (years with extraordinarily large numbers of returners). The main finding is that being exposed to returning SEN students during the reform period has a negative effect on test score gains of moderate size (−0.04 SD), corresponding to half a month of learning gains per year or 5% of the initial test score gap between students from well-educated and less well-educated homes. An investigation into the mechanisms shows stronger effects in schools with little or no recent experience with accommodating returners, in particular if these schools must accommodate several new returners at the same time. The effect in reform years is not significantly stronger than in nonreform years, indicating that no additional harm is caused by the larger return flows in reform years.  相似文献   

Reading and comprehending content area texts is important for academic and professional success as well as life skills necessary to maintain good health and quality lifestyle. Spanish speaking English language learners have shown poor performance on high-stakes assessments in reading comprehension. The number of Spanish speaking English learners (ELs) in our schools continues to increase at a fast pace, and therefore it is imperative that we address their reading comprehension needs swiftly and effectively. The text structure strategy has shown positive results on comprehension outcomes in many research studies with students at Grades 2, 4, 5, and 7. This study is the first implementation of instruction about the text structure strategy expressly designed to accommodate the linguistic and comprehension needs of Spanish speaking ELs in Grades 4 and 5. Strategy instruction on the web for English learners (SWELL) was designed to deliver instruction about the text structure strategy to Spanish speaker English learners. A randomized controlled study with pre and post-tests was conducted with 14 classrooms at fourth-grade and 17 classrooms at fifth-grade in high poverty schools where over 85% of students were Spanish speaking bilinguals or ELs. Analysis of data using multi-level models show moderate to large-effects favoring the students in the SWELL classrooms over the business as usual control classrooms on important measures such as a standardized reading comprehension test and main idea and cloze tasks. This research has practical implications for the use of web-based tools to provide high-quality and supportive instruction to improve Spanish speaking ELs reading comprehension skills.  相似文献   

This article explores the concept of vertical equity in light of school reform efforts aimed at increasing academic outcomes for all students. Vertical equity, or the idea that students who bring certain educational needs to the classroom require additional resources to address those needs within the educational process, is useful as a way to conceptualize school responsiveness. To the degree that vertical equity can encapsulate the complexity of the teaching and learning processes in schools, it carries considerable potential to assess school responsiveness to diverse student and staff needs and facilitate improved educational outcomes.  相似文献   

Service Learning (S-L) is an integral component of the Early Childhood preservice curriculum at the University of South Carolina. In spite of the fact that our college students had experienced the benefits of S-L first hand during their professional education, they had not become adept at implementing this experiential pedagogy into their own preschool and primary classrooms. This article describes the strategies the authors used to motivate their college students to integrate S-L into the classrooms where they were completing their capstone internship. It recounts these teacher education students' successes in planning and implementing effective S-L projects and identifies the benefits that came to the preservice teachers, their young students, and the schools and communities where they taught.  相似文献   

Many countries whose economies are in transition have initiated ambitious education reforms intended to modernize their education systems to better respond to the needs of new social and economic realities. Albania is a good example of a society that is emerging from a closed planned socialist system and moving fast to an open society and knowledge‐based economy. As an essential tool in transforming people's knowledge and skills to promote a knowledge society, teaching must reflect, among other things, an active role for students and multilateral communication to support productive learning in classrooms. The aim of this study was to generate scientific evidence for policy‐makers about whether teaching in the first grade of upper secondary schools meets these criteria. Based on our observation data from 303 classrooms in 34 schools in Albania, analyzed using the categories of Flanders' interaction analysis, we found that teacher talk occupies more than 70% of all lesson time and that student‐initiated talk constituted less than 30 seconds within a typical 45‐minute lesson. We conclude that unless education policies give a high priority to supporting teachers in transforming teaching in schools to promote productive, interactive learning, students will not be able to acquire the knowledge and skills they need within a modern knowledge society.  相似文献   

信息技术在农村学校教育场域的广泛与深入应用,增加了农村教育资本,拓展了农村教育教学资源,重构了农村儿童学习空间,从而使信息时代的农村课堂教学变革得以可能。在信息时代,农村课堂教学变革需要相应的动力机制,并着力践行全面提升农村中小学教师的信息化素养,构建互联互通的农村教学资源开发管理机制,构建多方合力共办的技术支持体系等三大实践路向。  相似文献   

This paper reports on the findings of an international comparative research project where the roles of teachers in the implementation of inclusive education in mainstream-classroom settings in South Africa and Finland were investigated. Inclusive education within this project is broadly defined as welcoming all students to general-education schools and classrooms and not segregating students on the basis of ability or other individual or sociocultural characteristics. In this paper a qualitative analysis of Finnish and South African teachers’ day-to-day teaching and learning support practices in their classroom is discussed. Individual and focus-group interviews encouraged teachers to articulate their views in this regard. Initial findings indicate that despite the dissimilar cultural and historical contexts of these two countries, both complex contextual issues and classroom practices based on a medical-deficit understanding of diverse educational needs play a role in Finnish and South African classrooms.  相似文献   

Some schools and teachers in Korea and Japan have begun practicing classroom-based reform according to similar visions of a learning community. The purpose of this study was to investigate reform efforts made by teachers in Korea and Japan toward turning classrooms into learning communities. Two elementary schools, School K in Korea and School T in Japan, were selected as major school sites. Research data was collected from two classrooms in each school through teacher interview and classroom observation. The results of our study showed that efforts made by teachers from the two countries, though aimed at similar goals to create learning communities and change classroom practices, produced different results. Teachers from both countries displayed differences in their views or attitudes toward the learning materials and the ways in which they build relationships with their students. These differences seemed to be derived from the different social and cultural contexts of the teachers in the two countries.  相似文献   


Experiments that involve nested structures often assign entire groups (such as schools) to treatment conditions. Key aspects of the design of such experiments include knowledge of the intraclass correlation structure and the sample sizes necessary to achieve adequate power to detect the treatment effect. This study provides methods for computing power in three-level cluster randomized balanced designs (with two levels of nesting), where, for example, students are nested within classrooms and classrooms are nested within schools and schools are assigned to treatments. The power computations take into account nesting effects at the second (classroom) and at the third (school) level, sample size effects (e.g., number of schools, classrooms, and individuals), and covariate effects (e.g., pretreatment measures). The methods are applicable to quasi-experimental studies that examine group differences in an outcome.  相似文献   

随着教育改革的不断深化,如何在课堂上落实素质教育这个问题已引起教师的广泛关注。农村中学由于受到诸多客观因素的制约,学生的语文素养相对较差。要改变这种状况,教师务必改变教学观念,改进教学方法,使学生素质得以全面提高。  相似文献   

The complex mix of systematic and unsystematic discipline that characterizes most schools creates heightened potential for variation and violation in school and classroom behavior. The challenge of maintaining order intensifies with teachers' concerns about the growing inclusion of students with emotional and behavioral problems in general education classrooms and the general levels of diversity common in America's schools. Little is known about the demography (i.e., who, what, where, when, how) of behavior requiring attention from administrators and other professionals in elementary schools. The need for comprehensive and continuous monitoring of what goes on in schools within the context of increasing appropriate behavior and reducing inappropriate behavior is clear. In this research, we investigated the extent of variation in problem behavior at the school and classroom level. We evaluated office referrals, reasons for removing students from the classroom for discipline, and consistency of reasons for office referrals in schools using different recording systems. Rates of referral differed greatly among teachers within schools and a small group of students accounted for most of the documented behavior problems. The results have implications for efforts to improve academic and behavior instruction in elementary classrooms, which we discuss.  相似文献   

“Learning in Regular Classrooms” (LRC) has been the main strategy to universalize compulsory education for children with special educational needs in China after 1980s. Methods such as whole-class teaching combined with individual tutoring, differentiated teaching, and cooperative learning have been widely practiced in general classrooms for students with special educational needs. However, high instructional quality for students with special educational needs in mainstream classrooms is far from being realized, and this is due to the lack of expertise, support and resources, and effective assessment measures. The authors conclude that efforts are needed to change the education system from the current rigidity toward a more flexible system to better accommodate diverse needs in general classrooms.  相似文献   

Fitch  Frank 《The Urban Review》2003,35(3):233-252
The inclusion of students with disabilities in the mainstream of general education remains one of the most contested topics in public education today. This qualitative study considered this issue from the perspective of included as well as excluded special education students over an extended period of time. More specifically, it sought to understand how 11 developmentally handicapped students made sense of their experience in a variety of inclusive and segregated classrooms in four urban school settings. It followed these students in two elementary schools and two junior high schools over a period of 6 years. The information from participant observation as well as teacher and student interviews supports inclusive schooling. It suggests that, as the students moved into and out of traditionalist and inclusive classrooms, they presented a changing sense of themselves in relation to ideological beliefs and practices within particular schools and classrooms. Students in inclusive classrooms constructed a sense of themselves that was significantly different (and more positive) from those in either segregated or traditionalist classrooms.  相似文献   

As technology becomes a larger part of people’s everyday lives, it is logical to think that it should also become a part of the learning process. The use of tablets in classrooms is becoming an area of interest as researchers are trying to understand what the benefits are – if any – to using these devices. This article gives an overview of some of the recent literature related to the benefits and challenges associated with the use of tablets with students in middle schools. Prevalent themes include the benefits of using tablets with students who have learning disabilities, and the challenges that can arise in the classroom, specifically issues of safety and security, access to apps and disruptive behaviours when using these devices. The authors share qualitative case studies of two teachers who have used tablets extensively with their students and discuss how their experiences resonate with the literature. The authors conclude with a summary of the affordances and constraints of using tablets with students who have special needs and offer workable solutions for some of the challenges educators face when using these devices.  相似文献   

Integrated, Constructivist Education: Challenge and Reality   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the desire for an education that emphasizes depth of understanding and meaningful learning has a long and distinguished history, constructivist reforms have not led to a comprehensive and coherent reform of educational practice in our schools. In fact, two previous great reforms based on constructivist principles have failed during this century. In this special issue ofEducational Psychology Review, authors focus on specific challenges faced in the current constructivist reform, including the need for viable intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and cross-disciplinary integration. Exemplars of the reality of progress made in integrated, constructivist approaches in the classroom follow. Diversity in our schools and classrooms and the challenge of high standards for all students contribute to the need for an integrated, constructivist approach that does not fail our students.  相似文献   

Recently, Qatar established educational reform in charter (independent) schools focusing on curriculum standards, student-centred teaching, standards-based assessment, English as the language of instruction, and extensive professional development. A primary area of emphasis was the creation of student-centred mathematics and science classrooms characterised by inquiry and active student participation. The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in the learning environments of Qatari mathematics and science classrooms at two levels: in higher- and lower-performing Qatari schools implementing the recent Education for a New Era reform elements; and in classes of teachers who experienced professional development focused on student-centred teaching strategies and those who did not. Participants included teachers and students in 47 grade 3 and 4 mathematics and science classrooms. Classroom observations were conducted and student learning environment surveys were administered at the beginning and end of the semester. Results indicated low levels of student-centred instruction, despite significant improvement over time. Few differences by level of school performance or professional development participation existed. However, Personalisation emerged as a key learning environment variable related to teachers’ implementation of student-centred instruction.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study that compares the reading progress of students in multigrade schools with the reading progress of students in monograde schools. The research was conducted in a small island state in the Caribbean. The results of the study indicate that multigrade schools are particularly effective at promoting the reading progress of low-achieving students. It is hypothesised that this is partly because of differences in the approach to instruction in multigrade and monograde classrooms. Whereas monograde classrooms tend to be characterised by undifferentiated whole-class teaching, in multigrade classes students have more opportunity to engage in small-group work. The implications of the findings are explored for policy, practice and research.  相似文献   

In this quasiexperimental study, the authors investigated the effects of university within school partnership model, within which faculty members acted as teacher-researchers to improve fractional knowledge among middle school (Grades 5–8) students. Students in nine Grade 6 mathematics classes from two public middle schools in Turkey were assigned to two conditions: University within school model instruction and traditional instruction. Pre- and posttest data showed that the students exposed to instruction through the university within school partnership model significantly outperformed their traditional instruction peers on the fractions test. Results indicated that students made significant gains in fractional knowledge in the experimental classrooms and in different subgroup populations. It was suggested that a substantial amount of mathematical infusion through partnership could have a positive impact on middle school students' fractional knowledge. The educational implications of the study were also discussed.  相似文献   

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