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A study was made of the relationship of physique and developmental level, determined by use of the Wetzel Grid, to performance of junior high boys on four fitness tests: pull-ups, 50-yd. dash, standing broad jump, and softball throw. Subjects of different physique groups (heavy, medium, and thin) who were alike developmentally (accelerated, normal, and retarded) differed more markedly in performance than did subjects of different developmental levels who were alike with regard to physique. Subjects who were medium in physique and normal in development were the best performers. Subjects of heavy physique (many overweight) were the poorest performers. This would seem to indicate the need for a restudy of classification methods, particularly when norms are to be used for evaluating performance.  相似文献   

获取最佳运动成绩是运动员训练的最终目标。最佳成绩的取得、提高及维持都需要通过训练过程来实现。训练过程是运动员具有的潜在能力向现实竞技水平转化的时间和空间载体。运动员竞技能力水平的不断发展和训练水平相对滞后这一对矛盾的存在与不断破立,推动着训练过程不断由低级向高级发展。训练过程空间性的特征反映了竞技能力动态平衡的重要性。运动训练中运动员最佳竞技状态的时间越长,最佳运动成绩出现的机率最大。在训练过程中要以最佳成绩为导向,科学规划训练过程。探索最佳成绩出现的特征,推动训练过程发展创造最佳成绩。  相似文献   

In motor skill performance and retention the complexity of knowledge of results should interact with the child's processing rate. This rate has been demonstrated to increase with age. Two experiments were designed to assess this hypothesis. In Experiment 1, 30 7-year-old and 30 10-year-old boys were randomly assigned within age level to three knowledge of results (KR) conditions: no KR, general KR, and precise KR. Performance was assessed on a vertical positioning task at two angles, 60° and 100°, for 10 performance trials. The preciseness of KR interacted with age and the degree of the angle, indicating that at the more difficult angle (60°) preciseness may have been detrimental to the performance of the 7-year-olds but beneficial to the 10-year-olds. At the easier angle (100°), precise KR improved performance for both age groups. In Experiment 2, 27 second-grade and 27 fourth-grade children were randomly assigned within age groups to the same three levels of KR preciseness. A horizontal curvilinear positioning task was used as the motor task and subjects were given 40 acquisition and 19 KR withdrawal trials. Results suggested that while KR was better than no KR during learning, the level of KR preciseness was of minor importance. However, the preciseness of KR during acquisition was of considerable value after KR was withdrawn (retention phase). The older children were able to use more precise KR to form a perceptual trace more resistant to forgetting, while the younger children were unable to use the additional information contained in precise KR.  相似文献   


The relationship of dorsi and plantar flexion strength to static balance performance was determined. In addition, the effect that the order of balance test administration had upon balance performance was established. Fifty-six college females completed tests of plantar and dorsi flexion strength, the Bass Stick Test, the Bass Stick Test without visual cues, and the Bass Stick Test raised to a height of 4 feet above the floor. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of six different test order groups. Strength of the dorsi and plantar flexors of the foot was not related to any of the three balance tests. The Bass Stick Test was performed significantly better by the two groups which took this test as the last of the three, regardless of sequence. The group experiencing the blindfolded test first produced balance performances that were inferior to those of the other groups. In general, the practice effect resultant from taking a balance test last in order facilitated performance more than fatigue inhibited it.  相似文献   

武术散打是我国民族传统体育文化中的一朵奇葩,由于其技击性、观赏性强,得到了国内外广大人民群众的喜爱。如何使散打项目继续发扬光大,就需要运动员在训练、比赛中发挥潜能,展现自己的魅力。通过研究散打运动员体能与技战术发挥的关系,为其训练、比赛提供一些理论依据。文章采用文献资料研究法、观察法和比较法,以散打运动员体能与技战术发挥情况为主要研究对象,重点对散打运动员体能在比赛中的重要作用、地位以及与技战术发挥的关系进行研究。研究结果表明:优秀散打运动员训练时,体能训练与技战术训练同等重要;但在比赛时,体能好的散打运动员占据优势,尤其是同场队员技战术水平接近时,体能成为散打运动员获胜的关键。  相似文献   

运动与补糖研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
韩晓丽  丁树哲 《体育与科学》2000,21(2):28-31,27
随着近代体育运动竞技水平的提高,教练员与运动员已开始认识到补糖与提高运动成绩之间关系的重要性。通过补糖,不仅可以提高运动成绩,而且可以推延运动性疲劳的出现,运动后补糖还可以促进运动性疲劳的恢复。近代关于补糖与运动的研究中,涉及了补充不同种类的糖(复合糖、低聚糖、1、6一二磷酸果糖等)与各种类型运动项目及糖的补充时间之间的关系,本文将对这些可行性研究进行分析讨论以供教练员和运动员参考。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the ability to perform 11 tumbling skills and the ability to diagnose errors of execution in the performance of these same skills. Thirty-two male upper divisional physical education majors at the University of Maryland served as subjects. A knowledge test was administered to the subjects to determine their knowledge of the mechanics of execution for each skill. The subjects' performances of these tumbling skills were photographed and evaluated by expert judges. The subjects diagnosed errors in the execution of each of the 11 skills from a cinematographic presentation of demostrator performances. A significant correlation as expressed by an r = .49 was found between performance ability and diagnostic ability with a significant correlation coefficient of .51 between knowledge and diagnostic ability, however, no significant relationship was indicated between performance ability and knowledge.  相似文献   


Forty male subjects were tested on a motor learning task called a stabilometer. Skin conductance was taken prior to the introduction of the task and immediately after each of the learning trials. Subjects were then dichotomized on the basis of initial conductance, final conductance, total change in conductance, conductance after trial one, and changes in conductance from rest to trial one. There was no difference in performance between groups when subjects were divided on the basis of initial conductance, but for all other measures performance was significantly better for the group with higher conductance. These results lend support to the concept of an arousal continuum as proposed by Duffy and Malmo.  相似文献   

跳高运动员专项身体素质与专项成绩相关关系的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
对 8名男子跳高运动员进行了专项成绩和身体素质测验 ,同时测试了运动员下肢髋、膝、踝 3个关节的等速屈伸肌力。通过相关分析探讨了跳高运动员专项身体素质、下肢力量水平与专项成绩之间的关系。结果表明 ,髋关节屈伸肌力矩、膝关节伸肌力矩、踝关节跖屈肌力矩与跳高专项成绩相关。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the association of somatotype, body composition, and physical performance in 7- through 12-year-old boys. Two objective methods of measuring somatotype, Sheldon's trunk index method and Heath–Carter's anthropometric method, were used. Body composition was estimated as fat and lean body mass from 40K measurement, using a whole-body counter, and from two skinfold thickness measures. Physical performance measures consisted of three tests of running (mile run, 600-yd run and 50-yd dash) and two tests of jumping (standing broad jump and vertical jump). In general, somatotype components had lower correlations with running and jumping variables than did body composition or body size variables such as height, weight, and percent fat. Heath and Carter's third component, derived from the inverse ponderal index, correlated more closely with performance scores than did other components of somatotype. Somatotype components in combination with each other and with body size and body composition variables in a multiple regression analysis indicated little association with running performance, but some association with jumping. Mesomorphy and second component were the least significant somatotype components, as indicated by the standardized regression coefficients.  相似文献   

采用文献法综述了长期有氧运动和高原环境对血液流变性的影响,以及血液流变性改变对有氧能力的提高所起的作用,希望能为在运用红细胞计数、血红蛋白浓度和红细胞压积等常规指标评价运动员身体机能状态和指导训练时,提供更科学全面的分析线索。  相似文献   


Nicholls's theory of achievement motivation (1989) assumes one's goal orientation in an achievement activity is consistent with one's views concerning what is acceptable behavior in that setting. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of a task and ego goal orientation (i.e., the tendency to focus on personal mastery or beating others, respectively) to sportsmanship attitudes and perceptions of the legitimacy of aggressive acts by testing this assumption in the context of interscholastic sport. Fifty-six male and 67 female high school basketball players completed a three-part questionnaire assessing (a) individual differences in goal orientation, (b) approval of “unsportsmanlike play/cheating,” “strategic play,” and “sportsmanship behaviors,” and (c) subjective ratings of the legitimacy of intentionally injurious behaviors. All measures were basketball-specific. Results indicated a low task orientation and high ego orientation corresponded to an endorsement of unsportsmanlike play/cheating. Ego orientation positively related to the rating of aggressive acts as more legitimate. Gender differences in goal orientation, sportsmanship attitudes, and legitimacy ratings were observed.  相似文献   

羊肚菌与运动能力的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
羊肚菌是一类营养成分丰富、营养价值很高的真菌,近年研究表明,羊肚菌生理功能优越,具有预防动脉粥样硬化、增强免疫功能、抗肿瘤、抗衰老等功效;其与运动能力的关系主要表现在抗疲劳和增强运动能力上.  相似文献   

运动焦虑的产生及其与运动成绩的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了焦虑与运动成绩关系的理论假说,分析运动员焦虑产生的原因与特点,从而通过问卷或量表评估、生理变化评估以及行为表现评估对运动员的运动焦虑进行恰当的评价,以此在赛前、赛中及赛后对运动员的焦虑进行调节,使其焦虑水平达到最佳的水平。  相似文献   

跳远中踏板准确性与成绩关系之探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用高速摄影机 ,拍摄了我国男、女跳远运动员在第 12届亚运会跳远预选赛中的助跑、起跳动作 ,并针对我国男、女跳远运动员踏板准确性情况 ,结合助跑速度及成绩进行了分析研究 ,提出了跳远训练中准确上板的技术要求 ,为我国运动员在今后的训练中提供参考  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was twofold: (1) to investigate the relationship between strength and achievement in physical education among 200 college women by comparing grip strength with grades in the instructional physical education courses and (2) to compare the results obtained on college women with those of college men in the study by Tinkle and Montoye reported in this issue of the Research Quarterly. A table of random numbers was used to secure the sample. The results indicated that grip strength among college women was significantly related to achievement in physical education instructional courses as measured by grades. Also, grip strength was found to be directly related to and probably dependent upon body weight and only indirectly related to height in college women. The relationship between grades in physical education and grip strength among college women substantiates the results of the college men's study.  相似文献   

谷氨酰胺与运动能力的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
谷氨酰胺是机体内条件必需氨基酸 ,是免疫细胞的重要底物。谷氨酰胺含量的下降会导致器官损伤、免疫功能下降。笔者综述了谷氨酰胺的作用及其与运动能力的关系。  相似文献   

比赛服装颜色与运动竞赛表现的关系是近年来颜色心理学效应研究中的热点问题,也是竞技运动赛场中的一个非常有趣的现象。该文对运动竞赛情景中比赛服装颜色与运动竞赛表现关系的研究进行了分析与总结,普遍认为运动竞赛情景中存在红色比赛服装颜色优势效应。目前,比赛服装颜色对运动竞赛表现产生影响的解释观点包括物种进化、视觉搜索以及内稳态观点,其中,物种进化与内稳态观点得到较多支持。在对现有研究评述的基础上,为该领域提出了一些未来设想。  相似文献   

目的探寻游泳运动员核心稳定性和运动表现的关系。方法对随机选取的20名女子游泳运动员和15名男子游泳运动员进行双腿降低测试、40m短跑、纵跳和投掷实心球4个项目测试。结果游泳运动员投掷实心球与核心稳定性呈负相关(r=-0.367,p<0.05)。结论游泳运动员的运动表现与其核心稳定性有一定的关系。核心力量是影响游泳运动员在水中保持身体平衡和动作协调能力的重要因素,运动表现越好的运动员与核心稳定性的关系越明显,且核心稳定性会影响运动员上肢发力。  相似文献   

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