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论大学生社会实践教育的社区化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会实践教育是当代大学生思想道德教育的有效方式和重要手段,然而,时下通行的社会实践教育模式却与大学生学习生活存在着时段、环境、活动等的“隔断”,严重影响着社会实践教育的实效。要改变这种状态,重要的举措之一便是实现大学生社会实践教育的社区化。  相似文献   

To assess the impact of a holistic career and life planning course on college students, the authors asked 209 students in treatment and control groups to complete measures of career development. Results indicate that the course significantly increases vocational identity and career decision‐making self‐efficacy and decreases career indecision.  相似文献   

A case presentation method of group supervision, as practiced at a community college, is described. Developmental principles underlying this approach are presented.  相似文献   

Education plays an important role in community development initiatives. A movement toward an increased linkage between the two arenas has emerged. Two major theories undergird this movement: economic/investment and the ecology of community revitalization. The Clinton administration's Empowerment Zone/Enterprise Community program offers a concrete example of a community development initiative. Preliminary reports on educational components from sites nationwide are highlighted. In addition, a review of the literature reveals several major issues that surround these community development activities, including values conflicts, economic sustainability, school improvement, trust, and administrative issues. Overall, the purpose of this paper is to bring into focus the major theoretical and practical issues that community development efforts confront in attempting to improve the lives of Americans in need.  相似文献   

教育人口是指受过教育的人口总称。教育人口作为一个新兴的领域,它的研究是跨学科的。教育人口学的研究,目前仍处于初创阶段,研究内容仍以"教育与人口的关系研究"为主。无论作为领域或学科,教育人口研究对知识增进与问题解决兼具价值。教育人口研究需由跨学科形态走向学科形态,并不断深化和拓展教育人口学的研究范围。  相似文献   

综合性是考查分析解决问题能力以及创新能力的基础,也是落实高考内容改革的基本要求。本文在分析不同国家和地区对综合性知识和能力考查思路的基础上,提炼出综合考查的4个特点,进而对高考化学科的综合性考查提出4点可以拓展的考查思路。  相似文献   

在我国的司法实践中,大量的已成立合同被作为无效合同处理,新合同法将合同的效力单列一章,也未能有效解决这一问题;为保障交易安全,提高交易效率,本文试图从理论上探讨合同有效推定的可能性,以期促进司法的公正。  相似文献   


In the spring of 2002 we conducted a structure-focused case study at 4 North Carolina community colleges to understand how selected senior campus leaders assessed a new legislatively-mandated institutional-accountability program. Using confidential interviews and document analysis we collected, analyzed, and interpreted data that revealed clear differences in how leaders regarded the accountability program. These distinct, campus-specific perspectives are characterized as “bureaucratic meddling,” “benign intrusion,” “an opportunity to demonstrate accountability,” and “the divided leaders.” Despite these distinct perspectives, however, we also found 2 overarching themes that illuminated common reactions to the accountability program. First, leaders at 3 of the 4 institutions reported that performance ratings under the accountability program were instrumental in prompting changes in instructional programs or staffing. Second, faculty leaders at 3 institutions exhibited an apathy or unawareness of state indicators, even though some state funding was linked to measures regarding student performance.  相似文献   


Multipurpose community colleges have a special opportunity for distinction through one of their missions—community development. One southern community college has assessed the similarities and differences of the perceptions of selected community leaders and of the college professional staff concerning the role of the college in community development.

The opinions of both groups were very similar, but the community leaders showed more variation in perceptions. Both groups believed the college should be involved in community development activities, but that the college could meet the needs of individuals better than it could meet community-wide needs. The college professional staff was more opposed to granting academic credit for community development activities such as work experiences of students and continuing education courses than were the community leaders.

As a philosophical approach to community development, both groups preferred the college's approaching community improvement through the organization of a wide spectrum of people concerned with democratic processes, self-help, and educational objectives. This process approach requires professional staff members with organizational, research, survey, and teaching skills to assist the community in working to solve problems.  相似文献   

实验技术人员绩效考核是关系到高校实验建设、发展和改革的重要环节,通过分析传统的"德、能、勤、绩"考核体系,提出了其存在的主要问题。针对高校实验技术人员的三种类型,结合目前高校在科研团队和社会服务方面的加强,提出了一种"三类四效益"的考核体系,旨在探索出能有效调动广大实验系列人员的工作积极性、主动性和创造性的绩效考核方案。  相似文献   

一项跟踪某高校大学英语教师学习共同体的个案研究表明:以课堂教学研究为核心的教师学习共同体,从情感和知识技能两个维度促进了大学英语教师科研成长及身份转变。教师学习共同体打破以往自上而下的教师团队建设形式,有利于促进教师师徒传授和同伴互助,是普通大学英语教师专业发展的有效途径。  相似文献   

剖析大学英语专业学生语法认知过程,找出其在语法认知过程中存在问题,旨在探讨有效的语法认知策略来提升学生英语语法构建能力,促进大学英语专业学生英语语法教学水平提高。  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to confirm the factor structure of college writing processes as measured by the Inventory of College Composition, and to test for a second-order, deep and surface structure, as suggested in the literature on college learning and writing. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to examine the dimensionality of the model based on the responses of 517 undergraduate students enrolled in general education courses. Results support the construct validity of the original model, as well as binary second-order factors, reflective of the deep and surface processes. Conclusions address the nature of the interrelationships of writing processes, and suggestions for instruction.  相似文献   

兰州大学外国语学院利用多媒体网络辅助教学手段进行大学英语教学,改变传统的教学模式,采用灵活多样的视听说教学,以视听说带动读写译、带动词汇学习等,增强了学生的自主学习能力,提高了他们的综合文化素养,培养了学生良好的英语交际能力。  相似文献   

词汇搭配是外语教学的瓶颈,然而它在大学英语词汇教学中并未受到足够重视,大学生们在词汇搭配能力方面普遍比较欠缺.基于搭配认知研究成果,提出大学英语搭配认知教学的三个建议,以期促进学生词汇搭配习得、提高搭配生成能力.建议教学时由基本层次范畴词的搭配延伸至上位词和下位词;多分析词汇搭配的隐喻机制,尤其注意分析英汉“对等词”因概念隐喻差异造成的搭配差异;另外,以课文主题为核心范畴概念,引导学生进行语块联想,建立词汇语义范畴网络.  相似文献   

贵州城市人口文化建设的重点是社区人口文化建设.城市社区人口文化建设内容、目标和任务因城市社区居民身份、民族、地域、经济以及现念方面的差异而各具特殊性.当前这项工程的实践领域在取得较为明显的成就同时,尚有许多问题存在或值得探讨.如何对当前城市人口文化建设的社区模式做一改进和优化,全面推动社区模式的成功个案普遍化,这关系到城市人口的全面发展,甚至是城市发展的重大目标的实现.而科学的、符合长远利益的城市社区人口发展路径,是一种包含多个层面的综合选择.  相似文献   

社区学院作为我国实现高等教育大众化的一种形式,是构建学习型社会和终身教育的重要载体。依据社区学院自身特定的属性,通过分析我国社区学院的现状和存在问题,在针对我国社区学院建设的定位和原则的基础上,提出在立法层面、体制构建、加大投入和完善管理上的具体对策。  相似文献   

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