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Off‐task and disruptive classroom behaviors have a negative impact on the learning environment and present a unique challenge for teachers to address. The aim of this study was to evaluate the Class Pass Intervention (CPI) as a behavior management strategy for secondary students with disruptive classroom behavior. The CPI consists of providing students with passes that they can either (1) use to appropriately request a break to engage in a preferred activity for a preset amount of time or (2) keep and later exchange for a preferred item or activity. Using an ABAB withdrawal design with replication through a concurrent multiple baseline across participants design, the CPI was shown to increase academic engagement, which is incompatible with disruptive behavior, in 4 students who engaged in high levels of disruptive behavior throughout the baseline condition. Results also demonstrated partial support for the durability of intervention effects over time and indicated that both teachers and students perceived the intervention to be socially feasible. Implications of the results and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

大学校园文化与创造性培养   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
大学校园文化是物质文化、制度文化和精神文化的和谐结合 ,它集中体现为良好的学术环境与校园氛围。这是大学培养创造性人才和产生创造性成果的最重要条件 ,但我国大学对此仍关注不够。当前 ,加强环境建设是大学校园文化建设的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

Two out of three Swiss and foreign students enrolled in Swiss higher education institutions pass their final examinations and graduate before leaving their universities, or so was the conclusion of a study undertaken of 9,800 persons born in 1956. Those programmes of study leading to specific careers have higher success rates than those for which professional opportunities are less precise, like programmes in musicology and in art history. The statistics accumulated on the one‐third who have not graduated indicate among other things that very few (3%) can be qualified as perpetual students. Some have prolonged their studies by taking interdisciplinary courses or by changing study subjects or universities. Others arc still enrolled because they began their university studies having worked several years after their high school graduation. Many of the students in these categories will eventually graduate. Of the actual drop‐outs, few are outright failures. Some have simply continued their studies outside Switzerland; others have entered employment, having acquired the necessary practical knowledge‐specialists in computer science, for instance. A few will re‐enroll and graduate. Some students leave because of personal or financial crises. Finally, however, one cannot deny that the process of selection continues throughout the whole period of one's formal education, including university studies.


当前,大学物理及其实验教学在理工科专业中承担着传授基本物理学知识的功能,在这个过程中,教书与育人必须相结合,通过大学物理及其实验的教学中增加育人点的做法,帮助学生树立正确的三观以及审美观念,培养创新能力、科学精神和科学的思维方式,增强学生文化自信,激发其爱国主义情操和社会责任感,培养组织纪律性和团队协作精神,增强其规范意识发挥其无可替代的作用,真正实现教书与育人的统一,智育与德育的统一.  相似文献   

首次把物理实验教学的各个环节作为“系统工程”实施综合性教学改革研究.改革物理实验课的教学内容与教学方法,改进传统实验仪器和实验方法,开设物理实验小仪器的设计与制作课程,编写与教改相配套的实验指导书.在教改实践中,创立新的实验教学体系,提出了新的教学模式,充分挖掘实验教学各个环节的能力因素,全面提高了师专物理专业学生的综合实验能力.  相似文献   

This investigation used data collected from students who assessed their instructors' teaching and learning effectiveness. Instructors were community-college career and technical-education faculty enrolled in the Community College Induction Mentoring Program (CCIM), a jointly sponsored program between Iowa State University and the instructors' respective community colleges. These new faculty were involved in a structured mentor/mentee program in which the mentor was involved in a 1-day mentor training program. The mentor/mentee relationship was designed around annual goals with an action plan developed, executed, and assessed for each goal. One component of the mentor/mentee program involved documentation of an effectiveness plan, including students' perception of their mentored-instructors' teaching and, as a consequence, their own learning effectiveness. Students were asked to complete an evaluation instrument comparing their “reactions” and “learning” in classes taught by mentored instructors enrolled in the CCIM program relative to other nonmentored instructors. A total of 9 hypotheses provided the direction of the research. Student ratings were typically higher for new instructors who received peer mentoring. Mentees and mentors consistently reported a high level of satisfaction about their partnership. Supervisors voiced strong support for the program. This paper shares student survey results of mentee/instructor teaching and student learning effectiveness.  相似文献   

本文通过对我院463名男女大学生体质的调查、分析和比较,剖析了目前在校大学生体质诸方面存在的问题,并围绕着如何增强学生体质这一问题进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

本文试就目前高校实验室建设与管理工作中,诸如更新旧观念,改革实验室旧体制,加强设备经费的管理与使用、强化实验室管理功能及努力建立一支结构合理的实验技术队伍等问题进行一些初步探讨。  相似文献   

This pilot study examined the effects of school and county characteristics on the transfer rate of Black American students . A total of 53 schools in one state with a comprehensive two - year system provided information about Black transfers. The study reveals the negative effects of Black concentration in programs, the positive effects of a day - care facility, and suggests that counties with a large percent of Black residents and a high mean income accompany high rates of Black transfers.  相似文献   

试论教育适应学生   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:8  
在教育与学生的关系上,历史上曾经出现了学生服从教育、学生适应教育、教育服从学生三种关系。但在制度化教育中,延续至今的主要是学生适应教育。我国教育改革中提出教育适应学生,就是对这种关系的调整,这是对当代社会知识观变革、社会需要变革、人们对人的发展认识变革的反映。所谓教育适应学生,是就教育的个体发展职能而言的,主要是指教育活动适应每一个学生发展的多种需要和多种可能性,有针对性地引导和促进其有效的发展。其实质是打破以往教育的统一性特征和模式化,实现教育本身的多样化和创新化。当前在教育适应学生上既应在思想观念上要有明确认识,更要改革教育评价制度,更新教师素质,加强教育与学生生活世界的结合。  相似文献   

1ISSUEUNDERDlSCUSSIONThepass/falllevelofanexampaperisthedivisionlinewherebythescoresaboveandequalare"pass"andthosebeloware"fall".InaccordancewiththerelevantdocumentsconcerningCollege-levelExamsForselftaughtStudents(referredtoasCLESSforconvenience)[1],weho1dthattheseexamsarespecialcriterion-referencedexamswithrestrictedpass/fai1standardsp/flevelsinvarioussubjectsaredecidedbythefollowingtwocriteria.l.Theexamsrequirethestudentstomasteracertainpropor-tionofthecontentinthesyllabusforCLE…  相似文献   

教育学生学会做人,做一个有较高道德素质和文明修养的人,是素质教育的首要任务。通过对大学生道德与文明状况的调查,指出大学生道德与文明的养成必须发挥学校德育功能、重视教师和家长的引导作用、提高大学生的自律意识。  相似文献   

对差生概念含义的探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
笔者依据国内外有关资料与文献,在比较国内外学者对差生概念界定的基础上,重点分析了由于学习能力存在障碍而导致学习成绩落后的学生,即学习能力障碍儿童(Learnin Disabilities:简称LD儿童)其含义及特征,并结合当前国内对此类儿童的研究,从教育心理学的角度探讨了研究这类差生的重要性与必要性。  相似文献   

The majority of physiotherapists are trained in hospital‐based schools outside the mainstream of further and higher education. It has been assumed that professional standards of competence are maintained through central control of the syllabus, nationally set examinations and centrally appointed examiners.

During the last decade, a small number of schools have transferred to polytechnics and begun to develop internally examined courses. It is essential that students who are successful in these examinations are automatically eligible for Membership of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy.

This paper describes the planning of an internally examined course which is acceptable to the professional bodies as well as to the Sheffield City Polytechnic. It explores some of the conflicts which have arisen concerning the extent to which control of the profession should extend to control of the curriculum in any and every institution. It concludes that the Chartered Society's need to control right of entry to the profession and to monitor standards of competence is reconcilable with lecturers’ desire to design a course and appropriate methods of assessment which reflect their overall rationale.  相似文献   

唐代科举开始试赋的时间,未必迟至中宗神龙元年以后。律赋的产生并非“以赋造士,创为律赋”的结果;而其限韵的时间也非始于开元二年。唐科举试赋对唐赋的创作有负面的影响,也有积极的作用。  相似文献   

高校贫困大学生资助体系的建立研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来由于经济体制的转型和高等教育招生制度的改革,贫困生问题也显得日益突出.这种现象是有悖于教育公平的,已引起社会的高度重视.对其进行社会干预,往往停留在经济层面上而忽略了身体素质、心理健康、发展能力上的帮助.本文试图突破当前贫困生资助体系的局限性,着重研究其因经济困难导致的发展能力的不足和心理健康、人格发展存在的问题,并探索建立一个全面的贫困大学生支持体系理论模型.  相似文献   

团体心理辅导对师范院校大学生心理素质影响初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王兰爽  刘森 《教育科学》2006,22(2):90-91
探讨团体心理辅导对大学生心理素质的影响。结果证明,团体心理辅导使强迫、恐怖分数显著下降,使社交焦虑分数显著下降,结论:团体心理辅导可以有效的提高大学生的心理素质。  相似文献   

学生的主体地位在英语教学中是至关重要的。本文以教育学、心理学为依据,结合自己的英语教学,对体现学生的主体地位,发挥教师的指导作用进行了探讨、分析和论述,建设性地提出了一些策略。  相似文献   

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