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美国大学体育教育分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实地考察走访美国高校,特别是在马里兰大学体育系的学习培训,对美国大学教育和大学体育的特点进行归纳分析.认为:美国大学的校园建设很好地将现代与传统相统一;自由和民主是美国大学教育和大学管理的主要特征;在专业和课程设置上,美国大学更多地体现出通识教育思想,有统一的全校公共课程和专业核心课程;在大学体育中,体育与教育融合是美国的特点,其中NCAA成功就是这种融合的最好范例.  相似文献   

法国著名教育家保尔·朗格朗在《终身教育引论》中指出“如果将学校体育的作用看成是无足轻重的事 ,不重视学校体育 ,那么学生进入成年阶段后 ,体育活动就不存在了”。学生在校期间正是他们的身体和心理逐步成熟的时候 ,世界观也在慢慢形成。高校体育教育就是要针对学生的身体和心理特点 ,将“健康第一”的教育理念贯穿在所有的体育教学中 ,让他们在愉快的学习生活当中体验到健康的快乐。1 学校体育对实施健康体育的作用如果我们把人生中的身体锻炼活动分成若干个环节的话 ,那么学校体育在终身体育整体中 ,刚好处在连接家庭体育和社会体育…  相似文献   

动作教育(Movement Education)作为人类动作的艺术,是以身体动态动作作为素材来达到身心一体的学问.它对于幼儿或小学体育教学有着不可替代的作用.对动作教育课程组织的课程结构、指导时间、教学主题三方面展开分析,研究得出:动作教育的课程结构是基于动作分析理论基础所决定的,指导时间充分反映了其模式在体育课程中的地位与作用,教学主题的形成反映了其教学过程中的主线与实施价值意义.  相似文献   

从当代美、日两国体育院系发展看我国体育专业教育改革   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
市场经济改革在不断深入,息化社会在向我们走来。面对即将到来的21世纪,我国体育院系都在积极探索改革之路,以培养21世纪我国社会所需的体育专门人才。对一些高等教育发达国家的体育院系当前的改革进行研究无疑有着重要的现实意义。本文通过对市场经济高度发达的美国、日本体育院系80年代以来的改革进行比较研究,希望从中探寻到一些有价值的改革思路,以推进我国高等体育专业教育的改革。1研究方法1.1文献资料法。(1)笔者于1995—1996年在日本筑波大学研修期间,利用该大学的Internet系统查阅了美国教育部…  相似文献   

新世纪的学校体育朝着多元化的方向发展,需要有更深刻的文化内涵才能培养出适应社会发展的高素质人才。学校体育通过传播奥林匹克文化,促进奥林匹克持续健康发展,满足自身发展的需要。奥林匹克文化的传播为高校体育的"三自主"改革打下坚实的基础,高校体育与奥林匹克文化的融合使教育和文化取得双赢。  相似文献   

美国最佳体适能教育计划及其对我国体育课程改革的启示   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文通过文献综述,对20世纪90年代以来在美国学校体育中有着广泛影响的最佳体适能教育计划的思想基础和目标、该计划产生的社会背号、课程特点和基本教学内容、课程模式及其评价思想和方法等进行了综合分析和研究,指出其终身化、个体化和健康化的思想对我国体育课程改革很有借鉴意义,并提出了建设性的建议。  相似文献   


This study was made to determine a current set of concepts which physical educators believe should characterize the purposes of the modern college program of general physical education. A review of current literature was conducted to identify and define those concepts which seemed to be characteristic of the purposes of the general college program of physical education. From this literature a structured interview guide was developed. Sections I and II of this guide contained questions concerning the current status of this program. Questions designed to elicit opinions with regard to selected aspects of the general college program of physical education also were included. Section III contained statements of concepts currently appearing in the literature of higher education. The data were obtained by the personal interview and the mailed questionnaire technique. The Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was employed to compare responses among three groups of respondents: a group of physical educators who were selected on the basis of their specific qualifications with regard to the general college program (Group I), a jury of physical educators who were considered expert in the overall field of physical education (Group II), and a group composed of deans of instruction (Group III). This test was designed to determine whethere were statistically significant differences of opinion among responses of the three groups. The data were reported and interpretations and analyses of the data were made. It was found that physical educators and academic deans of instruction were in close agreement in most instances with regard to beliefs concerning the general college program of physical education.  相似文献   

本文主要采用文献法对现阶段中美两国体育与健康课程内容标准进行比较,试图厘清两国内容标准的共性和差异性,分析其历史和现实原因,找寻美国体育与健康课程内容标准的可借鉴性,以促进我国的体育与健康课程内容标准建设。  相似文献   

Physical education is critical to addressing childhood obesity, yet many school-based programs do not meet established quality standards and teachers are called upon to change. Little is known about how change is initiated and its associated internal and external factors. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate physical education teacher change that was self-initiated and externally initiated and to examine dispositions toward the change process relative to initiation. Method: A random national sample of physical educators representing each SHAPE America – Society of Health and Physical Educators regional district participated in a survey measuring past programming changes, primary initiators of change, and teachers’ dispositions toward change. In total, 2,423 teachers (46% response rate) completed electronic, paper, or telephone questionnaires. Results: Teachers most often made minor curriculum changes, and they added/subtracted student assessments (primarily informal assessments) least often. Self-initiated (bottom-up) change was most frequently (83.1% of the time) reported. Externally initiated (top-down) changes were less frequent and were most often associated with professional development. Teachers reported principals’ involvement in both top-down and bottom-up change processes was minimal. Teachers who were more disposed to making future changes reported making significantly (p < .01, η2 = .046–.119) more past changes than those who were less disposed to change. Conclusions: Physical education teachers primarily self-initiated minor programming changes without involvement from administration. Externally initiated change was infrequent and mostly involved professional development. Dispositions toward change were individual and enduring such that teachers who had made more past changes were more likely to also make future changes.  相似文献   

叶条凤 《体育科技》2012,(4):130-131,135
运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和逻辑分析法等研究方法,从体育教育学和经济学这一视角出发,探析新形势下高职院校《体育与健康》课程所产生的效益,旨在针对目前我国高职院校《体育与健康》课程运作存在困难、改革程度不够深入等问题,为高职院校《体育与健康》课程的发展提供更多的角度和努力方向。  相似文献   

梁婉勤 《体育科技》2005,26(3):91-93
中职学校在深化改革、实施新《纲要》要求时,由于中职学校的自身条件与大学相比还存在着一定差距,不能像大学那样完全按照新《纲要》要求实施。为了使体育改革也能更深入到中职学校,各个学校应根据各自的条件、特点,制定一套适合教师教学、考评学生体育学习效果的有效方法,使中职学校的体育改革更求真务实,更突出各自的个性,为国家培养出体魄健壮、身心健康的新一代具有多功能特长的专业人才。  相似文献   

美国职业体育赛事电视转播权开发研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法对美国职业体育赛事电视转播权开发状况进行了研究,研究结果表明:美国是最早通过电视转播职业体育赛事的国家,巨额电视转播收入成为美国职业体育赛事的重要基石。美国职业体育赛事电视转播权开发可分为萌芽期、快速增长期、缓慢增长期、全面繁荣期等四个时期。美国职业体育赛事电视转播权主要开发策略有:建立赛事竞争力平衡机制;电视转播权的整体出售;建立电视转播权联合购买机制;电视转播方式多样化等。  相似文献   

运用词频分析、共词分析和社会网络分析等研究方法,借助社会网络分析软件Ucinet和绘图软件Netdraw,对<美国体育教育评论>1896-1929年的高频关键词进行科学知识图谱绘制.结果显示:现代体育科学形成之初,科学思想、科学精神和科学方法深入人心;体育教育的研究对象日益明确,研究方法的多学科特征不断加强,研究成果数量逐渐增加,研究不断深入;运动生理学、运动心理学、人体运动学、体育史学及人体测量学等学科的发展,促进了美国体育教育理论体系的建立;体育教育研究由重实践向重学术研究转移,实践与学术研究从分离走向初步融合.  相似文献   

刘菁 《体育科技》2000,(4):75-77
根据中专女生的生理、心理特征 ,阐述了学校体育教学要从女生的特点出发 ,通过科学、合理地进行教学 ,能使学生获得良好的生理、心理体验 ,同时 ,加强学生思想教育 ,端正学生的体育学习态度 ,树立科学的体育价值观 ,也是学校体育教学中势在必行的  相似文献   

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