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This study was conducted because of the paucity of research on community college leadership development programs. A mailed survey was used to gather data from a national sample of incumbent community college presidents with 286 out of 389 responding for a return rate of 74%. Of national and regional programs, the Chair Academy, the Executive Leadership Initiative, and the Future Leaders Institute had the highest percentages of participation by top-level community college administrators. Nearly 70% of presidents believe that there is a need to expand in-house development programs.  相似文献   

With retirements looming in the ranks of senior leadership, the need for short-term, intensive, focused leadership development targeting midlevel administrators has become acute. Through survey responses and in-depth interviews, this study examines leadership development needs of midlevel community college administrators who aspire to higher leadership positions. The plethora of short-term programs currently available through local colleges, states, and professional associations—while well-intentioned—are most often serendipitous and without clear focus or theoretical underpinning. This study suggests a framework for providing coherent, high impact, short-term leadership development opportunities to assist emerging leaders meet the challenges of today's increasingly complex colleges.  相似文献   

This study measured the knowledge construction and reflection that occurred in a doctoral course designed to introduce major leadership theories and encourage reflection as a community college leadership practice. At each session, students completed forms reporting new learning and insights they experienced, as well as responding to reflection catalysts. Three themes emerged from the data: reflection on previous internal perspectives about leadership, critical review of personal and theoretical constructs, and embracing relational leadership. By the end of the course, students acknowledged the value of collaborative learning, and demonstrated changed perspectives regarding leadership practices, together with increased habits of reflection. Implications for graduate-level instruction and further research are proposed, based on the conclusion that the New Learning process is valuable for certain types of classes, is beneficial for professional development, and conforms to principles of transformative learning among adults.  相似文献   

This qualitative study examines the collaboration and leadership practice that influences the education of homeless students in a large Mid-Atlantic city. The perspectives of administrators and staff members from three homeless shelters are analyzed with insights from Spillane’s (Distributed leadership, 2006) distributed leadership theory. Findings from the study indicate that differences in shelter and school structures and cultures present significant obstacles to productive communication that would facilitate homeless children’s schooling. Several structural and programmatic recommendations are made towards developing more effective leadership practice among schools and shelters.
Peter M. MillerEmail:


This report presents a summary of the program presented by 16 Texas community and junior colleges for people over age 60 during the academic year 1974–1975. This program, funded by the Governor's Committee on Aging and administered by the Coordinating Board, Texas College and University System, supported demonstration projects to improve the quality of life of elderly Texans through innovative educational activities. The development of these programs and the kind of activities made available are described. The majority of these colleges have subsequently continued programs with local funds, based on their demonstration experiences. This pilot project has helped a number of colleges in Texas enter the field of late-life education and, in turn, is helping the older residents in these communities to have an educational program of their own.  相似文献   

The financial cost of economic workforce development programs for community colleges is becoming unsustainable. Economic workforce development programs are experiencing changing demands from the community, declining government support, debates over function and purpose, and escalating competition from for-profit higher education institutions. Three models are proposed to policymakers as a potential policy response to this issue: Differential tuition, reallocation of resources, or funding from grants development and each were judged using two evaluative criteria: efficiency and political acceptability. It is recommended that community college policymakers and stakeholders utilize differential tuition as a policy strategy for managing the high cost of economic workforce development programs. Nevertheless, it is recommended that state community college policymakers and directors conduct a thorough and research-based policy study before moving forward considering any of the three most policy strategies mentioned here. The context and situation for all 50 states is likely unique, making this an excellent topic for a 50 state national study.  相似文献   

This grounded theory study addressed the issue of how community college presidents foster active, broad-based participation in campus decision-making processes. This study was based on in-depth interviews with nationally recognized community college presidents selected on the basis of their work in implementing participative governance within their respective institutions. The findings of this study are presented according to the emergence of four axial categories, and a core category is described and explained. Participative leadership is highly interactive and dynamic. Perhaps most importantly, participative leadership is a developmental process for building environments for broad participation. The core category, Visioning Participative Environments, reveals the centrality of the visioning process throughout each sequence of the participative leadership process. This model identifies and explains key participative leadership practices that flow from the theoretical cornerstones.  相似文献   

This paper describes the prevalence and characteristics of employee wellness programs in public community colleges accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). A random sample of 250 public community colleges accredited by SACS was mailed a 46-item employee-wellness program survey. The survey solicited program information regarding funding, activities offered, program administration, participation rates, and incentives. The results indicated that the majority of the employee wellness program administrative bodies were either the health and physical education departments or wellness committees. The main coordinators of the wellness programs were either part-time directors within the institutions, wellness committees, or full-time directors within the institutions. Of the institutions surveyed, 27 out of 64 (42.2%) offered employee wellness programs. The findings indicate that the prevalence of employee wellness programs in public community colleges accredited by SACS is below previous research findings in community colleges and universities and do not meet the national health goals of employee health promotion prevalence set forth by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  相似文献   

Nearly a decade ago, Sullivan presented her interpretation of the four generations of community college leaders by describing them as “the founding fathers, the good managers, the collaborators, and the millennium generation” (Sullivan, 2001 Sullivan , L. G. ( 2001 ). Four generations of community college leadership . Community College Journal of Research and Practice , 25 , 559571 .[Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar], p. 559). She predicted a shift to frames utilizing the Four-Frame Model of Leadership by Bolman and Deal (1991 Bolman , L. G. , & Deal , T. E. (1991). Leadership and management effectiveness: A multi-frame, multi-sector analysis. Human Resource Management , 30, 509534.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). This article provides a discussion of the research that has been published using the Bolman and Deal model and a synopsis of the current leadership challenges faced by community college leaders. And finally, a new prediction is made of the values, skills, and frames needed for these leaders.  相似文献   

Community colleges are key providers of early childhood teacher and paraprofessional education, and their programs include content knowledge that helps future educators work effectively with young children with and without disabilities in inclusive environments. In this article, we describe the Advancing Community College Efforts in Paraprofessional Training (ACCEPT) Project, a multi-year collaboration to infuse special education content into four North Carolina early childhood workforce education associate degree programs. The goals of the project included creating a climate that fostered and encouraged ongoing community college and university faculty collaboration around the planning, delivery, and assessment of special education content infused within multiple early childhood program courses. Project objectives are presented within the framework employed by Murray (1995, 1998, 1999, 2000) that includes climate, structure, connections with rewards, faculty ownership, colleague support, and perceived value by administrators. Implications for practice include the importance of content, project standards, and faculty ownership.  相似文献   

For decades, institutions of higher education have provided study abroad opportunities for college students wishing to increase and expand their intellectual and social skills. While many universities around the country have supported successful international exchange and study abroad programs, there is little research on community college study abroad programs and their impact on student development. Therefore, this article examines specific vectors that impact student development before and after study abroad participation in nine community colleges using Chickering's Theory of Student Development and SAS statistical methods.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to be a tool for community college leaders, as well as campus members, to positively and effectively utilize framing on their campuses. The fictional case of Maggie Pascal at Midwestern Community College illustrates the process of framing the change of a new partnership with Wind Energy Corporation to internal stakeholders on campus. This case illustrates the importance of understanding context and frames before the action of framing can be activated. A leader can then decide which type of framing to utilize (i.e., step-by-step, vision, or connective) and which language tools will be most effective in framing. The ways a practitioner operationalizes framing is through symbolism, talking, walking, and writing (Eddy, 2010a). This idea of framing is an important skill leaders can proactively develop to support their campuses through change processes to enhance the likelihood for a successful change outcome. Also, this may benefit other campus members who may have the opportunity to frame meaning for others or to be involved in making sense of a leader’s framing.  相似文献   

美国制订《学校领导标准》 促进领导专业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采取有效措施促进学校领导的专业发展,以便提高学校效能和教与学的质量,这日益为世界许多国家政府、学术团体、公众和学校所重视。本文将探讨美国在这方面所作出的努力。传统上美国采用分权教育体  相似文献   

This article calls attention to the need for community college leaders to develop a deeper understanding of ethics in preparation for addressing ethical issues that arise in the administration of their institutions. It discusses briefly the nature of ethics and the ethical theories of some modern and postmodern authors. The article is concerned with how students in a doctoral program of study in community college leadership can incorporate ethics into their study of leadership, and it describes briefly the manner in which this is done at Mississippi State University.  相似文献   

Code Blue addresses the capacity challenges in healthcare training. This pilot, grant funded project, focuses on a holistic approach to selecting and educating career ready and capable students and training them to be confident and competent healthcare workers. Lessons learned from this project will be assessed and reviewed for replication.  相似文献   

University-based leadership preparation programs no longer enjoy a near monopoly on the right to prepare school principals and other administrative leaders, and now compete with a growing number of alternative providers. This article utilizes the new institutionalism literature to analyze this shift. Practitioners and policymakers demanded reforms beginning in the 1980s. Two alternative state responses are discussed—increased regulation alongside deregulation. University-based providers have been weakened by value disagreements, inability to monitor quality, and weak research on program effectiveness. Strategies are discussed for creating a market of providers that is more strongly regulated around quality.  相似文献   

2017年高考历史命题坚持以立德树人为核心,以服务选拔为导向,以提高试题质量为要求,遵循稳中求进、提质增效的工作总基调,试题厚重大气又不乏活力,时代感鲜明。试题学科特点突出,既注重基础主干知识考查,又强调学科素养和关键思维能力的培养,测试目标明确,难度适宜,取得了预期测试效果,对中学教学具有积极导向作用。  相似文献   


Access to education has long been seen as a fundamental element of a developed country. Specifically, the relative availability and access to education by various constituent groups has been identified as an essential metric in educational evaluation. Yet, individuals with disabilities have been identified as being underrepresented within institutions of higher education, including the United States (U.S.) community college. Furthermore, scholars have also argued that discussion of disability remains on the margins of scholarship within academia. Therefore, this investigation employed qualitative methods by conducting a Critical Discourse Analysis of California Title 5 policies specific to disabled students. This was done in order to examine the sociopolitical space afforded to disabled students to navigate the institutional environment of the community college. Titchkosky’s (2011) 4 W Access framework provided the analytical frameworks for this investigation. Findings indicate that ideological constructs, inflexible funding models, and lack of integration shape access and opportunity negatively for disabled students in California community colleges.  相似文献   

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