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Department chairs in community colleges face a number of job‐related challenges that have been well documented by practitioners and scholars. Despite the identification of these challenges, few efforts have been undertaken to develop a battery of coping strategies for them. This study sought to identify and prioritize coping strategies related to the challenges of chairing a department in the community college. In addition, the work experience background of practicing chairs was selected to determine differences in the use of the various coping strategies.  相似文献   

随着大数据时代的到来,对图书馆事业的发展也产生了巨大的影响. 图书馆员如何在新环境下,快速成长为智慧型馆员,借力大数据技术,更好地为读者提供个性化服务,是当今图书馆员面临的新问题.文章概述了大数据环境的内涵、构成以及大数据环境下图书馆员面临的机遇和挑战,在此基础上分析了智慧型馆员的内涵和特征,并就图书馆员如何成长为智慧型馆员提出应对策略.  相似文献   

This report was first delivered, with illustrative sequences, at the 1979 Annual Conference. It describes the ‘Just the Job’ series as a successful partnership between the National Extension College, independent local radio, the press, Exeter University and Westward Television, to create a locally designed, experimental multi‐media project aimed at unemployed young people in the South‐West.  相似文献   

面试一直是用人单位流行的一种选拔人员的方法。有研究表明,80%以上的组织机构都借助面试来招聘和录用人员。一个好工作的后面,总有成百上千的竞争者。当你与一个向往已久的公司或职位擦身而过时。若真的技不如人倒也认了,但如果是因为在一些枝节问题上的失误而落选那可就亏大了。不妨一起来学习一些面试小知识。  相似文献   

新课程背景下教师职业压力的调查研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本研究的目的在于探求基础教育新课程背景下中小学教师职业压力的状况及其主要压力来源,揭示中小学教师的职业压力特点、影响因素,分析教师职业压力的产生原因。研究结果表明:教师职业压力主要来源于教学工作、教学评价和学生因素;参加课改实验教师与未参加课改实验教师的职业压力不存在显著差异;教师职业压力发展趋势是先下降再缓慢上升,其中6~10年教龄阶段的教师表现出较低程度的职业压力,而后职业压力随着教龄的增长而升高;城市区域和学校类型等背景因素在教师职业压力总分上的主效应显著。  相似文献   

The admission of Greece to the European Community at a moment when the European economic context was undergoing profound mutation has required a major effort of adaptation. The development of higher education in Greece has been very rapid and the employment structures have had difficulty in adapting themselves to the new situation. The close links one can notice between training and employment make education all the more vital for turning the European Communities into a united Europe. A number of decisions, among these being decision no. 89/48 adopted by the EEC at the Council meeting of 21 December 1988, are aimed at achieving this goal. A European university system is conceivable only through a harmonious integration of teachers and students into an environment characterized by great fluidity. With a view to meeting European requirements, Greece intends to improve the basic and specialized training of its administration and restructure its ministries. The need for more and better information as well as training with regard to European matters is becoming increasingly obvious. So that this effort will lead to concrete results, the role of specialists on European questions should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

社会主义新农村道德建设面临的挑战及其成因探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着经济社会发展取得的巨大成就,我国农村也出现了一些问题,一部分农民理想有所淡化,道德水准有所滑坡,生态伦理意识淡薄,宗教迷信活动在不少地方重又泛起。致使社会主义新农村思想道德建设面临严峻挑战。这既有农民自身道德素质偏低的原因,也有基层干部思想认识、道德教育宣传工作、农村法制建设工作以及农村基层组织建设不到位等多种原因。  相似文献   

The impact of increasing numbers of retirement communities throughout North America, and specifically the Canadian province of Ontario, has led to the examination of the educational needs of this community‐based, age‐segregated population. A needs assessment of retirees residents in Heritage Village, a retirement community located in the Niagara region of Ontario, was conducted to explore the specific educational interests of this particular population. In addition, the most suitable educational approaches, environments, and learning mediums of residents were examined. Five focus groups, each having approximately 6 participants, were conducted with residents. Groups were organized according to maturity (young or old), residential history (within or out of region), and marital status (married or single/windowed). Most participants were found to be interested in education for leisure and personal development, the latter specifically around health maintenance and quality of life. The educational approaches that were most comfortable with participants centered around adult learning theory. Because transportation was a problem for some participants, on‐site learning in the Heritage Village clubhouse was suggested by many. Experiential learning within a social environment, such as a field trip, was a popular medium discussed, whereas computer learning was seen as less attractive. What is clear is that residents understand their learning needs and delivery systems within the context of the larger retirement community with which they identify through affiliation. Strategies to appropriately plan and implement older adult educational programs specific to an elderly population living in a retirement community are discussed.  相似文献   

高校毕业生求职效率的影响因素分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本文利用2009年的全国高校毕业生就业状况调查数据,利用统计描述、随机前沿分析模型、定序因变量回归方法,对高校毕业生的求职效率问题进行了实证研究。实证结果显示:多利用学校、网络、亲朋好友获取就业信息、找学用结合紧密的工作,增加求职次数,有利于提高求职成功率,找到收入较多、满意度较高的工作。  相似文献   

Thirty years ago this summer Religious Education published its first article on faith development theory, entitled, “Agenda Toward a Developmental Perspective on Faith,” published in Religious Education in volume LXIX, March–April 1974, pp. 209–219. At the request of the editors of this journal, it is a privilege to offer an account of some of the author's present reflections on faith development research and theory.  相似文献   

The inadequacies of an area or school‐based approach to the problem of identifying children who are in need of extra help at school are illustrated with data collected from the infant reception classes of 12 schools. These sample schools were each nominated for one of three categories according to the characteristics of the areas which they served. The two local education authorities involved each nominated an advantaged school, a settled working‐class school, and four deprived schools. The socio‐economic and developmental characteristics of the infant reception class intakes of these categories of school type were examined. The findings were that categories of school type are not as socio‐economically disparate as may often be assumed; and that there appears to be a sizeable relationship between school type and the school entrants’ developmental characteristics, but there are too many exceptions to this general trend to justify the use of school characteristics for identifying ‘children at risk’.  相似文献   

倪玮 《大学生》2014,(17):56-58
正2014年3月中旬,我同时收到最想去的央媒和外交部的两个offer。我是那家媒体从5万份简历里挑出的25个人之一;我是外交部英语二岗位拟录的唯一女生。回头看,找工作这一年实在不算一段愉快时光。和签约的小伙伴们聊天,不管是找到了理想工作的,还是无奈签了之前压根没考虑过的单位的,几乎每个人在签约的时候内心都不是欢喜,而是失落。大概和就业这一年风驰电掣般的变化有关。求学生涯漫漫,平淡如水,因此静水流深;就业却像过山车,步步惊心,因此惊险刺激。  相似文献   

Community college faculty (_n = 390) completed the Job Satisfaction Inventory. Areas of greatest satisfaction included relationships with supervisors and colleagues as well as satisfaction with the actual task of teaching. Faculty were least satisfied with opportunities for professional development, time allocation, and somewhat less satisfied with the preparation and motivation of their students. Differences between men and women faculty are noted.  相似文献   

本文报道利用亚硝基铁氰化钠检验乙醛。在室温条件下,在PH13~14的氢氧化钠介质中,选择1%亚硝基铁氰化钠溶液0.2~0.7ml与乙醛反应形成稳定紫色配合物。这种配合物的最大吸收在555nm处。方法简便,干扰少,选择性高。能用于有机物中乙醛的测定。  相似文献   

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