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As Distance Learning programs expand at colleges and universities across the country, institutions find themselves grappling with a range of academic and administrative issues. Faculty working conditions, program development, academic oversight and student support services are but a sampling of the conflicts and issues that emerge as Distance Learning programs grow in popularity. In an effort to address these conflicts and the accompanying institutional changes, we will offer a framework for understanding and managing this change process. We also attempt to give insight into the broader issues raised by Distance Learning and propose strategies for developing cross-campus support for Distance Learning programs.  相似文献   

网络化学习评价是数字化背景下监控和管理学习质量的核心所在。文章阐述了大学英语网络化学习评价的现状、特征、指标体系描述、评价工具和技术、评价方案的设计以及评价的运行机制等,旨在提高网络化学习的实效性。  相似文献   

深度学习是一种提高学习能力、实践能力和创新能力为宗旨的学习方式,学习者在理解知识的基础上,建立新旧知识的有机联系,并能够灵活运用所学知识创造性解决实际问题的学习。学习性评价是为了学习的评价,是寻求与解释证据,让学生及其教师以此确定他们当前的学习水平,他们需要追求的学习目的以及如何达到所要追求的学习目标的过程。其主要目的是为了改善表现和促进学习,提高学生的学习能力、实践能力和创新能力,从而指向深度学习。  相似文献   

To propose recommendations to implement outcomes-based assessment program review in a California Community College District, a grounded theory analysis was performed within the district. The findings generated were cross-referenced with findings from a multi-institutional case study analysis. A key finding from the cross-reference was the need for the leadership to clarify across all levels of the organization who the audience is for the data generated from the program review process; to clarify the indicators that each audience requires; and to clarify how that audience intends to use results generated from the process prior to designing the outcomes-based assessment process.  相似文献   

提出创新学习的策略,阐述自主学习、问题学习、开放学习、案例学习和课题学习的特点与程式,并在大量实验研究基础上,总结提炼出创新学习的“四为主”指导思想及“四导”课堂教学模式和“TADI”学习模式。  相似文献   

参与式教学是一种以学生为中心的教学方式,强调学生对教学全过程的参与,包括课前参与教学内容的筛选与整合、教学重难点的确立、教学方法的选择,课上参与讨论、探究和实践练习,课后参与评价与反思等。实施参与式教学有效激发大学生学习的积极性和主动性,学生无论是在学习时间的投入上,还是知识学习的层次上都有很大的提高。  相似文献   

信息技术的发展促使语言教与学之间关系的进一步变化。本文聚焦利用翻转课堂实现大学英语有效教学,构建了"SPOC+小课堂"的大学英语有效学习模式,并通过校本课程的实践来检验这一模式的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   

文章在归纳总结学习的若干影响因素的基础上,将自适应系数定义为学习压力与学习能力的比值,并构建了自适应学习模型,将学习状态分为自适应区、"无聊"状态和"焦虑"状态。建设自适应学习系统的目的是让学习者停留在自适应区,为此文章设计了自适应学习模型的运行流程,并提出可从学习者建模、大数据系统的支持、体系化资源生态的形成、系统设计的多样化呈现、终端模型的有效规范等多方面来实现。文章的研究结果旨在提升在线学习的自适应程度和学习绩效。  相似文献   

移动学习是基于移动互联网的一种新型的学习形式。随着互联网技术、移动设备的发展和普及,人们的学习观和教育观也在发生着深刻的变化,学习已不再是传统意义上的学校教育、课堂教学。移动学习已成为人们日常生活中不可缺少的一部分,它为实现“人人皆学、处处可学、时时能学”的学习型社会,构建灵活开放的终身教育体系,发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

T396, Artificial Intelligence for Technology; is a distance learning course provided by the Open University of the UK. It is based around a learning model which combines conceptualization, construction and dialogue. This allows a practical emphasis which has previously been difficult to implement within the constraints of distance education. The course uses commercial software, real-world based assignments and a project to replace the conventional exam. The course components facilitate the successful combination of the practical emphasis and the academic theory. A computer conference allows dialogue between students. The course has been evaluated by student questionnaire and for the key criteria received responses in the top quarter of the ratings band.  相似文献   

文章针对基于专题学习的研究和实践中存在的主要问题,特别是在专题学习网站的建设和应用中的专题学习效果不佳等问题,对专题学习网站的构建和学习方式进行了深入的研究。从学习的发展性评价入手,构建了一个基于专题的发展性学习评价模型(Developmental Evaluation Model for Project-based Learning.),并给出了模型的设计思想、方法和评价机制。  相似文献   

本文主要通过分析远程教育学习评价现状,阐述绩效评估引入的原因、评价目的、评价内容、绩效评估构建和实施情况。  相似文献   

Using Assessment for Learning and Learning from Assessment   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
Innovation in assessment is no longer an option in higher education in Britain if we examine the aims and the claims that are being made. From the Dearing Report to our module guides, we claim to wish to support independent and life-long learning, put the students at the heart of the learning process and to help students take responsibility for their own learning. This cannot be done without including students in mainstream summative assessment and without reconciling the contradictions that currently contribute to impeding the students this access. This article will look briefly at the aims of higher education, provide an overview of current thinking on student learning and formative assessment as a framework for offering one possible practical solution to the problem. This possible solution is Taras's (2001) version of student self-assessment which works within the theoretical framework of Sadler's (1989) theory of formative assessment and of what we know about student learning.  相似文献   

网络有效学习的理论模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
网络远程高等教育的教学质量问题一直是远程教育界所关心的热点问题,而其教学质量的高低归根结底是以学生的学习有效与否.因此,本研究在了解国内外有关网络学习研究现状的基础上,从"有效学习"的视角出发,以有效的网络化社会交互环境为支撑,以网络有效学习循环为核心,从激发学习者心智系统,规划网络有效学习,网络有效学习行动,监察、评价和修订学习行为和策略,学习成果产出,以及对学习成果的有效反馈等六个环节构建了网络有效学习的理论模型.希望该理论模型能为网络化社会交互环境的建设提供一定的理论依据,同时为网络有效学习中各个环节交互有效性的深入探讨提供研究框架.  相似文献   

对于学习的测评、为了学习的测评、作为学习的测评是教育测评的3种范式,它们之于课程与教学目标的达成相辅相成、互为补充,共同组成以学习为本的测评。增进教育测评有效性的基本原则主要有:寓测评于教与学,探索多维度的测评方法,选择易于促进学习的测评方法,不同测评项目的评价标准协同一致,让学生知晓评价标准,学习过程中持续测评学生,允许学生参与测评过程,分析与报告学生的学习结果,提供反馈以促进学生的学习。为促进学生更好地学习,需要根据课程与教学目标选择适当的测评范式、手段、工具和策略。  相似文献   

曹颖 《成才之路》2020,(2):132-133
合作学习是美术教学中一种有效的教学模式,是学生理解和掌握美术知识的重要途径。在合作学习过程中,教师可倡导学生将自己在学习过程中的美术观点与其他同学的美术观点进行比较,从而提高美术教学效率和教学质量,提升学生学科素养。文章结合教学实践,对落实合作学习提高美术课堂有效性进行探究。  相似文献   

所谓英语"学困生",通常指那些在英语学习方面暂时落后的学生. "办好每一所学校,教好每一个学生"是每一个教育者应当积极思考的问题,因而"学困生"的转化问题就成为英语教师必须认真对待和研究的问题.  相似文献   

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