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提高自闭症幼儿装扮游戏能力的教育干预研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索提高自闭症幼儿装扮游戏能力的教育干预方法和途径 ,采用了变异 -个案研究法 ,对两名实际年龄为 5 9、6 1个月 ,心理年龄为 30、31个月的自闭症幼儿 ,进行了为时 11个月的教育干预研究。通过量和质的分析检验 ,证明了教育干预的有效性。结果表明 ,教师和家长以及同伴与自闭症幼儿能每天在一起进行 30 - 40分钟的装扮游戏 ,并在这个过程中给予积极的情感支持和鼓励行为 ,能有效地促进自闭症幼儿装扮游戏水平的提高。  相似文献   

A Longitudinal Study of Two Early Intervention Strategies: Project CARE   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
65 families with children at risk for cognitive difficulties were randomly assigned at the time of the child's birth to 1 of 3 groups, 2 intervention and 1 control. For the most intensive intervention group, family education was combined with a center-based educational day-care program; the less intensive intervention group received the home-based family education program only. To assess the cognitive performance of children, The Bayley Scales of Infant Development were administered at 6, 12, and 18 months; the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test at 24, 36, and 48 months; and the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities at 30, 42, and 54 months. On each test after the 6-month assessment, scores of children in the educational day-care plus family support group were greater than those in the other 2 groups. No cognitive intervention effects were obtained for the family education group. Group effects were not obtained for measures of either the quality of the home environment or parent attention.  相似文献   

There has been increasing evidence in recent years of the need to adapt intervention programs to the specific needs of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The main goal of this research work was to study the efficacy of an educational intervention program to improve attention and reflexivity in school children with ADHD in order to verify the improvements in symptoms associated with ADHD such as aggressivity, social isolation, anxiety, and attention deficit. The sample was comprised of 26 primary school children ranging from 7 to 10 years of age with ADHD. Symptoms of children with ADHD were evaluated by applying the Escalas Magallanes Screening Scale for Attention Deficits and Other Developmental Problems in Children (EMA‐DDA) at two time points (pre and post). The results show a statistically significant reduction in symptoms on the aggressivity and social isolation scales measured with the EMA‐DDA after applying the intervention program. These data supports the potential value of an intervention program for working with ADHD children.  相似文献   

20世纪以来,美国社会的急剧变化使家庭系统面临巨大的压力并引发一系列社会问题,致使美国开始开展增加家庭教育的知识与技能、预防和减少家庭危机的系列研究与实践。以美国密苏里州为代表的"父母即教师"项目(ParentsAsTeachersProgram,PAT),关注孩子在校园的表现与家长参与的互动关系,通过丰富的项目研究实践来提高家长的教育水平,有力地促进了家长有效参与到孩子的发展中去。美国各州普遍实践的"父母即教师"项目的评估表明,参加该项目的父母在育儿技巧、参与的程度与质量方面有显著提升;孩子在认知与入学适应能力等方面也有明显提高。该项目尤其是对贫穷家庭的孩子和非白人家庭的孩子影响更大。  相似文献   

Early childhood education is a developmental period in which early symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can be observed. This work examines the educational background of 206 children, from the ages of three to five years (109 of them with an ADHD diagnosis and 97 without a clinical diagnosis), by analysing 306 reports from their teachers. The aim of this study is to discover if these educational reports reflect differences in academic performance and behaviour between both groups. The 123 educational goals analysed in the reports have been classified into 15 categories. A nonparametric analysis (Chi square) was performed on each variable to compare ADHD/control groups. Our results claim that ADHD children show more difficulties in different curricular and behavioural aspects like attention, self-regulation, independence, motivation, basic learning, social relationships, motor skills and communication. These reports are useful in identifying children who are at risk of developing the disorder and in establishing intervention goals that decrease negative effects in children’s development.  相似文献   

A study of Mexican immigrant mothers of young children in the AVANCE-Dallas early childhood intervention program demonstrates that low-educational parents often exhibit ambitious attitudes about educational achievement for their children. Though they lack an extensive academic background, which places their children at risk for low education, their positive attitude manifested in daily pro-educational behaviors overcomes their low education level because they both motivate their children to pursue academic success and participate in their children’s learning. The best way to capitalize on immigrant parents’ educational drive for their children is to partner with them—either through an intervention program or through early childhood educators’ interaction with parents—by showing them how their participation in their children’s learning through concrete activities (such as regular mother–child conversation, daily reading, and playtime activities that teach developmental skills) may increase their chances of achieving academic success.  相似文献   

Pressley and Harris have correctly highlighted many unfortunate limits of educational intervention research and institutions for disseminating research reports. They have suggested useful changes in how intervention research is done, and, except possibly for their emphasis on faithful replication, they have argued correctly that the changes are feasible. Unfortunately, they represent educational intervention research as being important primarily as guidance for educational reformers. I argue that research does not guide educational intervention, and that even if it is improved in the required ways they suggest it will not guide educational innovation. Instead, the valuable function of their analysis is that it could improve the scientific quality of educational research.  相似文献   

关注和提高幼儿的生活质量是时代赋予教育的使命。关注与提高幼儿的生活质量是幼儿园课程的价值追求。要关注幼儿的生活质量,就要关注幼儿对生活的体验与感受,关注幼儿在教育生活中的独特学习方式,关注幼儿个体在教育活动中的发展。幼儿教育与幼儿的生活密不可分,幼儿教育必须关注幼儿的生活质量。  相似文献   

Six preschoolers with Down's syndrome who attended a centre-based educational intervention program, for three mornings a week, were assessed on the Merrill-Palmer Scale and matched on chronological age (CA), mental age (MA), intelligence quotient (IQ) and the mother's educational level. Three of them also attended regular preschools, two days per week, but the rest did not. Children were reassessed on the Merrill-Palmer Scale one year late. At that time, parents were interviewed in order to determine their views on the educational intervention program. Results indicated that all children increased in terms of MA, but decreased in terms of IQ and that children in the Program Plus Preschool group, fared better than those in the Program Only group in terms of both MA and IQ. Responses to interview questions indicated that parents were very satisfied with the program; they felt that their children's therapy sessions and the training that they themselves received as part of the intervention, were the most beneficial aspects.  相似文献   

In this article, the author reports the outcomes of studying a programme that provided 35 primary school children with weekly, individual, half-hour listening and talking sessions with an adult over 10 weeks. The skilled adult 'Listening Partners' offered an open agenda and a private space away from the classroom. The children could use the session as they chose. The consequences of this intervention were measured against the experience of a control group of children. Evidence of change was collected by comparing results from a standard listening test, teacher assessments, National Curriculum assessments and behavioural records. The author explores two central questions: how does increasing the amount of time that a child has the individual, listening attention of an adult affect that child's capacity to listen, understand and respond constructively to what is said to them in a teaching and learning situation? Are there any other effects on children in school who receive this one-to-one attention? The study showed that the focused attention of a trusted adult provided children with opportunities to communicate, notably disclosing child protection issues that may otherwise have remained uninvestigated. Increasing the opportunities for children to experience being listened to by a skilled adult positively affected their educational progress. She argues that skilled listeners have a significant effect on children's learning and on some children's behaviour.  相似文献   

Sensory integration (SI) therapy is a controversial intervention used in intervention for children with disabilities that is popular in the United States. Little is known about the use of SI therapy for children with disabilities in educational centres in developing nations such as Malaysia. Supervisors and teachers from seven educational intervention centres in city-centre areas in Malaysia were interviewed on their use of SI therapy. Occupational therapists were found to have a major influence on the decision to use SI therapy by the interviewees. It was also found that SI therapy was implemented in a limited manner in these centres and that one of the primary factors that motivated teachers to use SI therapy was the perception that students’ behaviours were associated with sensory stimulation. Implications for evidence-based decision-making in developing countries are discussed.  相似文献   


When determining whether or not children have a difficulty in learning, the quality of instruction they have received during their school career must be excluded as a possible explanation for their lack of progress. To this end, educational psychologists (EPs) have for some time adopted a model of response to intervention known as assessment-through-teaching (ATT). This article describes an ATT intervention with three low achieving Year 4 students within a single primary school in the UK. Learning outcomes were monitored during a six-week half-term and views of both students and teachers on the intervention were investigated. The intervention group improved their performance in reading accuracy compared to the comparison group, whereas both groups performed less well on post-intervention scores of reading comprehension and motivation, although the decline in the performance of the intervention group was less than the comparison group. Both teacher and student views were positive about the intervention.  相似文献   

Effects of family support intervention: a ten-year follow-up   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The delivery to impoverished mothers of a coordinated set of medical and social services, including day-care for their children, had effects that were evident a decade after the intervention ended. Intervention mothers were more likely to be self-supporting, and they had higher educational attainment and smaller family sizes than did control mothers. Intervention children had better school attendance, and boys were less likely to require costly special school services than were corresponding control children. The financial implications of these results were considerable, totaling about $40,000 in extra estimated welfare costs and documented school service costs needed by the 15 control families in the single year in which these follow-up data were gathered. There were no indications that the intervention had lasting effects on the children's IQ scores. The results suggest that family support procedures, including quality day-care, have considerable promise as a general model for intervention programs.  相似文献   

通过对美国联邦1776年至2010年间各个时期的教育政策进行梳理,探讨其在教育机会均等方面所做出的努力。20世纪60年代前,联邦教育政策重点在于普及义务教育,关注入学机会均等。20世纪下半叶,联邦教育政策开始重点关注弱势群体教育机会均等,但仍然局限于弱势儿童入学机会均等方面。新世纪伊始,联邦教育政策不仅关注弱势群体入学机会均等问题,同时意识到优质教育公平的重要性,更加注重资助学业成就落后的地区,开始为弱势儿童的学业过程和结果均等做出努力。  相似文献   

Within categories of special educational needs, emotional and behavioural difficulties have received much attention in recent years, particularly in relation to their definition and identification by parents and teachers. This paper stems from previous research which highlights how children from disadvantaged backgrounds and those attending schools designated as socio-economically disadvantaged are significantly more likely than their peers to be identified as having a special educational need of a non-normative type such as emotional behavioural difficulty (EBD). Using data from the Growing Up in Ireland study, it examines whether the EBD identified by teachers or within certain schools is matched by the child’s own performance on an internationally validated emotional and mental health measure – the Piers–Harris. Findings show that overall self-reported social emotional well-being bears a strong relationship to the probability of being identified with an EBD. However, boys, children from economically inactive and one-parent households and children attending the most disadvantaged school contexts are more likely to be identified with having an EBD, even after taking into account their social background characteristics and their scoring on the Piers–Harris measure. These findings suggest that the subjective nature of EBD identification is resulting in a disproportionate number of these children being identified with EBD. The implications of this study are explored for existing disability/SEN classification systems, school-wide intervention models and the impact on individual students labelled as EBD. Overall, the findings pose searching questions about the validity of employing SEN classification systems in deciding eligibility and types of appropriate provision.  相似文献   

借助教育人类学视角,结合田野观察和问卷调查方法,针对北京市农民工随迁子女家庭教育与学校教育互动进行调研发现,在农民工随迁子女家校互动中,存在干预性教育行为、非干预性教育行为和情境性教育三种主要实践模式,在每种模式互动中,都彰显着人们对教育目标的理解、社会资本的局限、自我经历的复制等社会文化因素对教育实践的影响。物质资本和社会资本相对匮乏的农民工随迁子女的家庭教育,需要和其学校教育一起,共同受到社会和政府进一步关注。  相似文献   

在日本的课堂中,学生受到两种不同力量的影响,一种为竞争,即学生都迫切希望成绩更优异;另一种为基于集体的共识,即同样这些学生必须相互合作以应对日常生活。这两种相互矛盾的力量对学生的行为和讨论产生了影响。通过开展一项名为"通过合作学习"的教育干预研究,对干预的效果采用了定性和定量的分析,用智力测验测量了学生集体完成非言语推理任务的能力,对干预的前-后测结果进行分析,发现干预是有效的。我们发现,小组讨论质量和个体推理能力有所提高,一些在小组活动和小组讨论中有困难(孤僻、不参与活动或被忽视)的学生有了进步,教师对小组讨论的看法以及管理小组讨论的技能也发生了改变。同时,我们也发现了某些障碍使得小组活动无法很好地进入课堂。可能需要提供进一步的干预才能实现"班级"的合作功能。  相似文献   

This article focuses upon the role of the peripatetic pre-school teacher for children who have special educational needs. It explores the key issues involved in home-based teaching; the importance of developing meaningful partnerships with parents; early intervention; and the significance of play in promoting learning for young children. The research that informs this article is concerned with the possibility of teaching science to pre-school children with special educational needs. The author, Andrea Bennington, was herself an early years special educational needs inclusion teacher when she undertook the work described here. She is now an advisory teacher for children with physical disabilities. In this example of practitioner research, key scientific concepts are discussed in the context of intervention through play carried out in the home setting. The work focuses on the responses of six children to a sequence of six 'experiments' carried out through a period of teaching. Andrea Bennington asks whether science activities can be used to promote the learning experiences of pre-school children who have special educational needs and, therefore, their inclusion in teaching and learning situations.  相似文献   

A diagnosis of AD/HD may tell us that the child has the core characteristics of inattentiveness, impulsivity and or hyperactivity, but it fails to convey the extent to which the social context of the child's environment manipulates these characteristics. This article reports on how children with a diagnosis of AD/HD view the impact their social environment has on their behaviour; providing us with insight into how educational and medical intervention strategies are failing to achieve their potential. The findings suggest that if children with AD/HD and their families are to benefit from educational and medical intervention then stakeholders need to work together to provide coordinated and consistent support.  相似文献   

Children in low‐income, postcolonial countries such as Malawi have few opportunities with quality reading materials that promote independence as readers. In this study, we argue that access to locally produced text relevant to linguistic and cultural contexts is a fundamental human right for children throughout the world. Situating this study within the intersection of research on children's rights and complementary reading materials, we analyse data from a project in Malawi. We consider the ways in which a respect for children's educational rights – specifically, their rights to access information via children's books – can help them develop their biliteracy. Additionally, we examine how the Read Malawi program contributes to Malawian children's literacy development in both national and official languages. Our findings suggest not only a humanistic need for quality complementary books, but also the empirical justification for books in the hands of children; in particular, an interconnected relationship between borrowing books from school and engagement with Read Malawi was found, especially when we explore children's English proficiency. Through Read Malawi, this study exemplifies what a quality literacy intervention can do in supporting children's Chichewa and English proficiency and improving their rights to quality education.  相似文献   

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