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A new method is proposed that extends the use of regularization in both lasso and ridge regression to structural equation models. The method is termed regularized structural equation modeling (RegSEM). RegSEM penalizes specific parameters in structural equation models, with the goal of creating easier to understand and simpler models. Although regularization has gained wide adoption in regression, very little has transferred to models with latent variables. By adding penalties to specific parameters in a structural equation model, researchers have a high level of flexibility in reducing model complexity, overcoming poor fitting models, and the creation of models that are more likely to generalize to new samples. The proposed method was evaluated through a simulation study, two illustrative examples involving a measurement model, and one empirical example involving the structural part of the model to demonstrate RegSEM’s utility.  相似文献   

Bayesian approaches to modeling are receiving an increasing amount of attention in the areas of model construction and estimation in factor analysis, structural equation modeling (SEM), and related latent variable models. However, model diagnostics and model criticism remain relatively understudied aspects of Bayesian SEM. This article describes and illustrates key features of Bayesian approaches to model diagnostics and assessing data–model fit of structural equation models, discussing their merits relative to traditional procedures.  相似文献   

This article examines the problem of specification error in 2 models for categorical latent variables; the latent class model and the latent Markov model. Specification error in the latent class model focuses on the impact of incorrectly specifying the number of latent classes of the categorical latent variable on measures of model adequacy as well as sample reallocation to latent classes. The results show that the clarity of remaining latent classes, as measured by the entropy statistic depends on the number of observations in the omitted latent class—but this statistic is not reliable. Specification error in the latent Markov model focuses on the transition probabilities when a longitudinal Guttman process is incorrectly specified. The findings show that specifying a longitudinal Guttman process that is not true in the population impacts other transition probabilities through the covariance matrix of the logit parameters used to calculate those probabilities.  相似文献   

Despite its importance to structural equation modeling, model evaluation remains underdeveloped in the Bayesian SEM framework. Posterior predictive p-values (PPP) and deviance information criteria (DIC) are now available in popular software for Bayesian model evaluation, but they remain underutilized. This is largely due to the lack of recommendations for their use. To address this problem, PPP and DIC were evaluated in a series of Monte Carlo simulation studies. The results show that both PPP and DIC are influenced by severity of model misspecification, sample size, model size, and choice of prior. The cutoffs PPP < 0.10 and ?DIC > 7 work best in the conditions and models tested here to maintain low false detection rates and misspecified model selection rates, respectively. The recommendations provided in this study will help researchers evaluate their models in a Bayesian SEM analysis and set the stage for future development and evaluation of Bayesian SEM fit indices.  相似文献   

Bootstrapping approximate fit indexes in structural equation modeling (SEM) is of great importance because most fit indexes do not have tractable analytic distributions. Model-based bootstrap, which has been proposed to obtain the distribution of the model chi-square statistic under the null hypothesis (Bollen & Stine, 1992), is not theoretically appropriate for obtaining confidence intervals (CIs) for fit indexes because it assumes the null is exactly true. On the other hand, naive bootstrap is not expected to work well for those fit indexes that are based on the chi-square statistic, such as the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) and the comparative fit index (CFI), because sample noncentrality is a biased estimate of the population noncentrality. In this article we argue that a recently proposed bootstrap approach due to Yuan, Hayashi, and Yanagihara (YHY; 2007) is ideal for bootstrapping fit indexes that are based on the chi-square. This method transforms the data so that the “parent” population has the population noncentrality parameter equal to the estimated noncentrality in the original sample. We conducted a simulation study to evaluate the performance of the YHY bootstrap and the naive bootstrap for 4 indexes: RMSEA, CFI, goodness-of-fit index (GFI), and standardized root mean square residual (SRMR). We found that for RMSEA and CFI, the CIs under the YHY bootstrap had relatively good coverage rates for all conditions, whereas the CIs under the naive bootstrap had very low coverage rates when the fitted model had large degrees of freedom. However, for GFI and SRMR, the CIs under both bootstrap methods had poor coverage rates in most conditions.  相似文献   


Researchers conducting structural equation modeling analyses rarely, if ever, control for the inflated probability of Type I errors when evaluating the statistical significance of multiple parameters in a model. In this study, the Type I error control, power and true model rates of famsilywise and false discovery rate controlling procedures were compared with rates when no multiplicity control was imposed. The results indicate that Type I error rates become severely inflated with no multiplicity control, but also that familywise error controlling procedures were extremely conservative and had very little power for detecting true relations. False discovery rate controlling procedures provided a compromise between no multiplicity control and strict familywise error control and with large sample sizes provided a high probability of making correct inferences regarding all the parameters in the model.  相似文献   

Research in regularization, as applied to structural equation modeling (SEM), remains in its infancy. Specifically, very little work has compared regularization approaches across both frequentist and Bayesian estimation. The purpose of this study was to address just that, demonstrating both similarity and distinction across estimation frameworks, while specifically highlighting more recent developments in Bayesian regularization. This is accomplished through the use of two empirical examples that demonstrate both ridge and lasso approaches across both frequentist and Bayesian estimation, along with detail regarding software implementation. We conclude with a discussion of future research, advocating for increased evaluation and synthesis across both Bayesian and frequentist frameworks.  相似文献   

Two models can be nonequivalent, but fit very similarly across a wide range of data sets. These near-equivalent models, like equivalent models, should be considered rival explanations for results of a study if they represent plausible explanations for the phenomenon of interest. Prior to conducting a study, researchers should evaluate plausible models that are alternatives to those hypothesized to evaluate whether they are near-equivalent or equivalent and, in so doing, address the adequacy of the study’s methodology. To assess the extent to which alternative models for a study are empirically distinguishable, we propose 5 indexes that quantify the degree of similarity in fit between 2 models across a specified universe of data sets. These indexes compare either the maximum likelihood fit function values or the residual covariance matrices of models. Illustrations are provided to support interpretations of these similarity indexes.  相似文献   

In this study, we contrast two competing approaches, not previously compared, that balance the rigor of CFA/SEM with the flexibility to fit realistically complex data. Exploratory SEM (ESEM) is claimed to provide an optimal compromise between EFA and CFA/SEM. Alternatively, a family of three Bayesian SEMs (BSEMs) replace fixed-zero estimates with informative, small-variance priors for different subsets of parameters: cross-loadings (CL), residual covariances (RC), or CLs and RCs (CLRC). In Study 1, using three simulation studies, results showed that (1) BSEM-CL performed more closely to ESEM; (2) BSEM-CLRC did not provide more accurate model estimation compared with BSEM-CL; (3) BSEM-RC provided unstable estimation; and (4) different specifications of targeted values in ESEM and informative priors in BSEM have significant impacts on model estimation. The real data analysis (Study 2) showed that the differences in estimation between different models were largely consistent with those in Study1 but somewhat smaller.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a versatile statistical modeling tool. Its estimation techniques, modeling capacities, and breadth of applications are expanding rapidly. This module introduces some common terminologies. General steps of SEM are discussed along with important considerations in each step. Simple examples are provided to illustrate some of the ideas for beginners. In addition, several popular specialized SEM software programs are briefly discussed with regard to their features and availability. The intent of this module is to focus on foundational issues to inform readers of the potentials as well as the limitations of SEM. Interested readers are encouraged to consult additional references for advanced model types and more application examples.  相似文献   

Researchers have devoted some time and effort to developing methods for fitting nonlinear relationships among latent variables. In particular, most of these have focused on correctly modeling interactions between 2 exogenous latent variables, and quadratic relationships between exogenous and endogenous variables. All of these approaches require prespecification of the nonlinearity by the researcher, and are limited to fairly simple nonlinear relationships. Other work has been done using mixture structural equation models (SEMM) in an attempt to fit more complex nonlinear relationships. This study expands on this earlier work by introducing the 2-stage generalized additive model (2SGAM) approach for fitting regression splines in the context of structural equation models. The model is first described and then investigated through the use of simulated data, in which it was compared with the SEMM approach. Results demonstrate that the 2SGAM is an effective tool for fitting a variety of nonlinear relationships between latent variables, and can be easily and accurately extended to models including multiple latent variables. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

结构方程建模分析影响大学排名因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对影响大学排名的师资、学科、经费、硬件因素进行分析,分别构建测量方程,这四因素对大学排名的影响构建结构方程,运用结构方程建模(SEM),得到了影响大学排名因素的全模型,内容效度较高,由此模型得出结论:大学排名受师资力量影响最大。  相似文献   

In social science research, a common topic in multiple regression analysis is to compare the squared multiple correlation coefficients in different populations. Existing methods based on asymptotic theories (Olkin & Finn, 1995) and bootstrapping (Chan, 2009) are available but these can only handle a 2-group comparison. Another method based on structural equation modeling (SEM) has been proposed recently. However, this method has three disadvantages. First, it requires the user to explicitly specify the sample R2 as a function in terms of the basic SEM model parameters, which is sometimes troublesome and error prone. Second, it requires the specification of nonlinear constraints, which is not available in some popular SEM software programs. Third, it is for a 2-group comparison primarily. In this article, a 2-stage SEM method is proposed as an alternative. Unlike all other existing methods, the proposed method is simple to use, and it does not require any specific programming features such as the specification of nonlinear constraints. More important, the method allows a simultaneous comparison of 3 or more groups. A real example is given to illustrate the proposed method using EQS, a popular SEM software program.  相似文献   

解释结构模型被广泛应用于医疗、教育等领域,但相关理论发展较为缓慢。为加快解释结构模型的计算速度,丰富解释结构模型相关理论,通过对系统各要素所对应有向图的本质关系进行分析,对该模型中的级间划分方法作更深一步解析并给出优化算法,发现有向图中若不存在回路,则有向图汇点对应的是最高级要素集合中的要素,因此汇点可以从缩减可达矩阵中直接找出,从而能对复杂系统要素更快地进行分层。对应的优化算法相比传统方法减少了一倍左右的计算量,并通过实证分析进行验证。该研究结果为解释结构模型方法优化提供了一种新诠释。  相似文献   

This simulation study demonstrates how the choice of estimation method affects indexes of fit and parameter bias for different sample sizes when nested models vary in terms of specification error and the data demonstrate different levels of kurtosis. Using a fully crossed design, data were generated for 11 conditions of peakedness, 3 conditions of misspecification, and 5 different sample sizes. Three estimation methods (maximum likelihood [ML], generalized least squares [GLS], and weighted least squares [WLS]) were compared in terms of overall fit and the discrepancy between estimated parameter values and the true parameter values used to generate the data. Consistent with earlier findings, the results show that ML compared to GLS under conditions of misspecification provides more realistic indexes of overall fit and less biased parameter values for paths that overlap with the true model. However, despite recommendations found in the literature that WLS should be used when data are not normally distributed, we find that WLS under no conditions was preferable to the 2 other estimation procedures in terms of parameter bias and fit. In fact, only for large sample sizes (N = 1,000 and 2,000) and mildly misspecified models did WLS provide estimates and fit indexes close to the ones obtained for ML and GLS. For wrongly specified models WLS tended to give unreliable estimates and over-optimistic values of fit.  相似文献   

Behavior genetic modeling is a prominent application of multi-group structural equation modeling (SEM). It decomposes phenotypic variance into genetic and environmental sources by leveraging the covariation within and between kin pairs. Although any SEM program with multi-group capabilities can be employed, the software program, Mx, has dominated behavior genetics research. Indeed, even though Mx has not been maintained since 2011, it remains the most popular SEM program in Behavior Genetics articles published in 2016 and 2017. Given the persistence of Mx, the aim of this article is to understand Mx’s performance relative to other popular behavior genetic programs. Through this process, programs employed in behavior genetics research are identified, and their relevant technical features and accessibility are compared. Finally, the relative strengths and limitations of the programs are discussed, and recommendations are provided for behavior genetics researchers.  相似文献   

Fitting a large structural equation modeling (SEM) model with moderate to small sample sizes results in an inflated Type I error rate for the likelihood ratio test statistic under the chi-square reference distribution, known as the model size effect. In this article, we show that the number of observed variables (p) and the number of free parameters (q) have unique effects on the Type I error rate of the likelihood ratio test statistic. In addition, the effects of p and q cannot be fully explained using degrees of freedom (df). We also evaluated the performance of 4 correctional methods for the model size effect, including Bartlett’s (1950), Swain’s (1975), and Yuan’s (2005) corrected statistics, and Yuan, Tian, and Yanagihara’s (2015) empirically corrected statistic. We found that Yuan et al.’s (2015) empirically corrected statistic generally yields the best performance in controlling the Type I error rate when fitting large SEM models.  相似文献   

Reliability can be estimated using structural equation modeling (SEM). Two potential problems with this approach are that estimates may be unstable with small sample sizes and biased with misspecified models. A Monte Carlo study was conducted to investigate the quality of SEM estimates of reliability by themselves and relative to coefficient alpha. The SEM approach showed minimal bias when the model was correctly specified if items were relatively well defined by their underlying factor(s). They tended to demonstrate somewhat greater bias when the model was misspecified, particularly underspecified. Overall, SEM estimates were more stable than anticipated. Researchers are more likely to obtain accurate estimates of reliability using SEM by conducting large-sample studies with well-constructed scales and critically assessing model fit.  相似文献   

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