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While African American women routinely outnumber African American men on the historically Black college and university (HBCU) campus, the African American woman??s voice is usually relegated to the margins within social and academic frameworks. The author seeks to gain a deeper understanding of the actual liberation of African American women on HBCU campuses. Drawing from undergraduate and graduate experiences as an African American female on campus, the author uses Collins??s (Black feminist thought: Knowledge, consciousness, and the politics of empowerment. Routledge, New York, 2009) Black feminist epistemology as a lens through which to examine her own decision to attend an HBCU while giving specific attention to the implications and intersections of race and gender. Using Black feminist epistemology and autoethnography, the author provides a critical analysis of her education at an HBCU in relationship to the experiences of other African American women. The author concludes the article explaining the intersections of education, liberation, and resistance with implications for HBCU administrators and staff in preparing African American women as campus and community leaders.  相似文献   

法国作家司汤达塑造的女性形象人物往往比男性人物要动人.波伏娃曾赞扬他说:"司汤达既是十足地浪漫主义的,又是决断地女权主义的."文章从分析其作品<红与黑>中的两位女性形象入手,对司汤达是决断的女权主义的评价提出自己的看法.  相似文献   

"歌唱"是黑人历史、文化的一个重要符号.在许多黑人作家笔下,这一符号是漂泊、流落在异国他乡的非洲子民追根寻祖,确立自我身份的隐喻.美国当代著名的非裔女作家艾丽丝@沃克在她的<紫颜色>一书中对这一古老的黑人文化符号进行现代女性主义的阐释.深入文本进行分析,发现该作品中的"歌唱"意象代表一种黑人女性反抗种族歧视和父权社会,发展和完善自我人格,努力寻找自由和幸福的声音.  相似文献   

肖沂 《海外英语》2012,(15):199-202
《他们眼望上苍》是美国著名黑人女作家佐拉.尼尔.赫斯顿的代表作。该文描写了主人公珍妮通过三次婚姻,挣脱了传统习俗的束缚,逐渐成长为具有女性主义意识的独立的妇女。她不甘愿成为第一任丈夫的劳动工具,也不愿被第二任丈夫作为摆设,她不断地寻求自我,最终发现并了解自我。黑人女性受到种族和性别的双重歧视,只有她们自我意识的觉醒和不懈的追求才能使她们实现自我的完满。珍妮这个人物成为美国女性文学和美国黑人文学中影响深远的角色。这部作品也可以称作黑人文学的经典。  相似文献   

在台湾女作家李昂的《迷园》中,国族论述与性别论述相互切入。在文本中国族意识、历史记忆和性别意识之间的复杂张力,形成了国族想象的重构与性别论述拆解吊诡的并置。最终女作家采取揭示女性从属处境和对男性阉割去势的书写策略,变奏出国族论述中的女性杂音。  相似文献   

贝尔·胡克斯是美国当代著名黑人女性主义理论家和实践家。受其家庭背景和学术生涯的影响,同时由于她个人作为女性和黑人,她将自己在理论创作上定位为作家、女性主义理论家和文化批评家,在政治实践中定位为活跃的左翼公共知识分子。这样的自我定位使其理论创作表现出五个特点:集精神、心智和政治使命于一体的创作原则;种族、性别、阶级相关联的批判视角;黑人自决;非暴力的文化革新;理论与实践的结合。  相似文献   

Many ideologies and cultural practices influence the way we think about Black women. Specifically, the Mammy trope permeates the walls of higher education in ways that leave Black female professors feeling disrespected, not acknowledged, and questioning their own intellectual ability. The ways in which students, faculty, and staff interact with Black female faculty members is termed accordingly as “Mammy moments.” “Mammy moments” are the overt and covert behaviors, attitudes, preconceived notions, and stereotypes that are held on, over, and against Black female professors. Historically, the Mammy trope is depicted as unintelligent, invisible, and self-sacrificing. The author argues that these same depictions are apparent in higher education. Black female professors are presented and represented as lacking the skills, knowledge, and capabilities to be a critically component and credible college professor.  相似文献   


Drawing from Black, feminist epistemologies as well as theories of critical consciousness, and adolescent digital literacies, this paper analyzes the narratives of 7 Black, female high school students who experience oppressive practices, including racial microaggressions, silencing, harsh discipline, and marginalization within a predominately White school environment. At this juncture in which race, politics, and activism intersect with school, media, and identity, this study discusses how Black, female students resist oppression and use digital and social media as well as other available tools to speak out against injustice and heighten the racial awareness of their school community. This qualitative case study uses individual and focus group interviews to examine the ways in which Black female students develop critical resistance strategies, working individually and collectively within existing structures to fight for their humanity and liberation.  相似文献   


In an undergraduate families and communities course situated at a university in the borderlands of the United States and Mexico, early childhood majors have used Black feminist thought combined with photovoice to generate projects that explore family and community experiences with power and oppression. As a professor, teaching assistant, and student enrolled in the course, we share our conceptualization of Black feminist photovoice, student trends and issues engaging with photovoice throughout the semester, and provide an example culminating project that focuses on colonization. By describing students’ engagement with Black feminist photovoice, we illustrate how transformative spaces can be forged in early childhood teacher education, where students critically examine the struggles and empowerment of marginalized communities, and generate possibilities to serve as agents of social justice and change.  相似文献   

文章从女性主义的视角,对菲茨杰拉德的著名短篇小说《重返巴比伦》中的女性形象进行分析,发现该作品中的女性形象都是男权中心价值观下的产物。这些女性形象,无论是“强势”型,还是“受害者”型、“天使”型、“堕落”型,都是男权文化下的消费品形象,与此同时,这些女性形象模式也表现了社会对于女性的矛盾心理。  相似文献   

本文通过运用艾芮格瑞的女权主义理论来分析了乔叟《坎特伯雷故事集》中《商人的故事》里女性意识的缺席。首先,文章对于近年来关于乔叟的女性主义评论作了一个大概的总结,针对其中普里西拉·马丁的观点提出自己的看法。然后,从马丁指出的故事的一个意象出发,把女性意识在故事中的缺席分成两部分进行论证。第一部分指出"春月"作为女人,并没有在故事中得到真正的体现,这表现在两方面:她没有自己的声音;故事有意回避对女性性欲的直接描写。在第二部分中,文章逐一分析了构成这个故事的三种男性意识:"冬月"的,商人的和读者的,指出故事所揭示的并不是"春月"女性意识的觉醒,而实际上是关于这三种男性意识和他们的内在机制。  相似文献   

本文以女性主义翻译观下的译者主体性为基础,探讨了香港女翻译家孔慧怡博士的译作《荒山之恋》在单词、句法和文本层面所体现出来的译者主体性.正是译者充分发挥其主观能动性,其英译本彰显了鲜明的女性意识和女性立场.  相似文献   

英国女作家弗吉尼亚.伍尔夫一直被认为是女性主义文学批评的先驱。她的女性主义思想至今仍是当代女性主义者广泛争议和探讨的对象。其中,她关于战争的女性主义思想引起了不少评论家的关注和评价。文章将通过《三枚金币》和《空袭中的沉思》两部作品对伍尔夫关于战争的女性主义思想的基本内容和思想内涵进行简要的分析,并指出该思想的现实意义以及它对于女性主义文学批评的重要影响。  相似文献   

In this article, the author follows genealogical lines of analysis in an attempt to map the different discourses and practices that interweave women's position in education today. Education is theorised as a nexus of created paradoxical spaces, where the female self has attempted to surpass closed boundaries and to question the dichotomy of the feminised private and/or the masculine public. The author also considers the importance of time restrictions upon women's lives and pays attention to the multifarious ways these lives are highly structured by specific space/time regulations. The genealogical mapthat is drawn depicts various positions, where the female self has created parodic unities and temporary coalitions. Finally, in tracing exit points that education has offered women, the author considers some of the implications of feminist theories for the subversion of the various dilemmas and dichotomies the female subject has lived through.  相似文献   


High achieving Black female students attending predominately-White institutions (PWIs) are stereotyped as being strong willed and celebrated for their resilience. On the surface, these narratives seem to compliment African American students for doing well. However, strong-Black-woman depictions trivialize the racism and sexism these women experience. Utilizing Black feminist geographic theory, I argue that colleges and universities can be “paradoxical spaces” for academically successful Black women: The sense of accomplishment that comes from performing at peak levels often gets undercut by the marginalization these women face on campus. Qualitative, open-ended interviews of 20 participants attending a large Midwestern PWI demonstrate that high achieving African American women relish the intellectual challenges of their academic pursuits, yet they also deal with intense feelings of isolation and frustration.  相似文献   

随着中国女性文学的繁荣,关乎女性主体、女性意识、女性主义文学等话题的讨论不绝于耳,女性电影也成为评论界的一个焦点.从电影作品《大红灯笼高高挂》、《无穷动》着手,对中国电影中的女性意识从无到有进行了论述,试图揭示女性电影作品中所体现的女性自我独立意识的发展状态.  相似文献   

The author operationalized five principles of feminist pedagogy in a social work methods course. This article discusses the principles of feminist pedagogy, the application of feminism to a classroom setting, and specific teaching techniques that are informed by feminist pedagogy. The author describes methods utilized to apply feminist pedagogical theory to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of a social work practice with groups course. Results from students' pre-course assessments and post-course evaluations, the master-teacher's evaluation, and the instructor's self-evaluation indicate that the application of feminist pedagogy in this course resulted in an enhanced learning environment.  相似文献   

In this conceptual paper, the author offers a rethinking of the concept of voice in qualitative research informed by feminist, postcolonial, and poststructural theories. Using Deleuze & Guattari's (1987) figuration of the rhizome, the irruptions of voice in feminist and postfoundational qualitative research are mapped to invent a concept of voice, rhizovocality, that signifies voice as excessive and transgressive yet interconnected. This mapping begins with early feminist emancipatory research that assumed an authentic, silent woman's voice in need of liberation. Then, the author moves into dilemmas of power that emerged from critiques of problematic representations of voice within feminist research. The third section of the paper is a postcolonial feminist response to imperial uses of voice in feminist research, and the final part is a feminist deconstructive critique of voice in qualitative research. The article concludes with an argument for rhizovocality as a conceptual, deconstructive tool for working the limits of voice in qualitative research.  相似文献   

Orgasm is often seen as the most sensational aspect of sex, and, seemingly, it never ceases to fascinate. The female and the male orgasm hold different positions in research as well as in public debate, and the orgasm has been object of discussion within the feminist movement. This article is about sex and especially the female orgasm related to difference and power issues that feminism has raised over the last 30 years. In an attempt to bring new arguments and perspectives into account, empirical material, mainly consisting of interviews with lesbians, is analysed. This article discusses power issues in lesbian sex, and the main focus is on differences and power connected to the production of orgasmic sex. By extension of the analysis the author raises questions to be discussed in a heterosexual context.  相似文献   

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