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1994年,加州一位电机工程教授匹斯特打算建造一个能够探测出光、振动和空气加速度微小变化的微传感器网络.   ……  相似文献   

黑白木刻的黑白美体现在很多方面:点、线、面的组合构成,节奏和层次的关系,整体旋律等,但是,版画创作归根结底最重要的一点就是赋予作品以创作的激情和思想感情。  相似文献   

从艺术创作的角度来说,情节包括时间性和因果性的联系,是传统艺术创作的惯用手法.叙事性就是把故事讲完整,把富有戏剧性的矛盾冲突融入在情节里面,形成典型、独特的艺术形式.  相似文献   

黑色和白色是世界上最简单、纯净的两种颜色,却成就了中国画永恒的魅力。黑白之色,为何成为了中国画的灵魂标志?黑白之美,如何造就了中国画的精神气质?从黑白之源谈起,说明黑白两色,从一开始就受到华夏先祖的青睐,成为中国人重要的审美、说理的形式载体。从虚实相生、动静结合的角度谈了黑白之法,阐述了黑白之美及黑白两色的艺术前景。  相似文献   

黑盒测试和白盒测试都是软件测试的重要方法,黑盒测试的测试人员更偏重于业务方向,白盒测试的测试人员更偏重于实现方式;黑盒测试更注重整体,白盒测试更注重局部;它们是相辅相成的.  相似文献   

“黑白相守”是中国传统审美的观念,是中国画艺术语言的表现形式,不同的黑白分割产生不同的艺术效果,研究中国画中”黑白相守”的形式规律,对中国画中”空白”的妙用、产生的联想和意境.对音乐与绘画异曲同工关系的探讨,并将传统“黑白相守”的构图形式与现代构成艺术学结合起来探讨,整体把握”黑白相守”法则,用“意”进行黑白分割,提高中国画的意境。  相似文献   

Black and White     
黑白颠倒、黑白分明、黑白混淆……黑与白一直都是一对难分难解的“弟兄”。英语中黑与白的用法有时候跟汉语的用法完全不同,下面我们就来看几个例子吧,顺便学习学习东西方文化的差异。与黑色有关的词语:call white black/call black white混淆是非black m oney黑钱(指来源不正  相似文献   

随着人类社会文化的发展与进步,缤纷的色彩不仅停留在人们的视觉上,而且也反映在人们的感情、意识、情绪和爱好等诸多方面。与此同时.在语言上也形成了大量与颜色有关的习语。  相似文献   

The hypothesis of acting White has been heatedly debated and influential over the last 20 years or so in explaining the Black–White test score gap. Recently, economists have joined the debate and started providing new theoretical and empirical analyses of the phenomenon. This paper critically reviews the arguments that have been advanced to support and refute the hypothesis. This review particularly covers the analyses in economics because the economic analyses are relatively new and usually neglected in other disciplines. Also, nationally representative data are emphasized, whenever possible, to improve the generalizability of the arguments. This review concludes that although the analyses in both non-economics and economics are thought-provoking and compelling in some respect, a substantial body of empirical evidence is inconsistent with the assumptions of and results from the analyses.  相似文献   

考试焦虑是大学生的一种常见心理障碍。从一名学生考试焦虑的案例入手,分析考试焦虑的产生原因,针对原因进行心理疏导及帮扶,解决考试焦虑问题,为进一步提高辅导员的职业素质及管理能力提供建设性意见。  相似文献   

肖晶 《贺州学院学报》2011,27(1):116-119
20世纪90年代以来,有关女性文学的研究随着女性主义思潮全球化的传播已日益成为一门"显学"。女性作家文本的丰富充裕也使女性文学研究取得了丰硕的成果,学科建设获得重要进展,开设这方面课程的高校已越来越多,许多青年学子对这一富于性别文化内涵的学科产生了浓厚兴趣,这无疑带来了女性文学教学的多样性和学科建设的思考。  相似文献   

In the summer holiday, I went out of town and spent some days at my grandmoth-er’s home. There I enjoyed the holiday away from my normal(正常的) routines(日常生活).  相似文献   

走出综合实践活动的误区   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在综合实践活动的实验和探索过程中,虽已取得了较好的效果,但也存在着一些认识误区。要从误区中走出来,必须处理好综合实践活动课程与其它课程的关系、综合实践活动中教师与学生的关系、活动过程与活动结果的关系。  相似文献   

This comparative study explored the rates of depression and psychosocial correlates for 369 collegiate White and Black females. Women between the ages of 18 and 25 were recruited to participate in this anonymous online survey. Black females reported significantly greater amounts of depressive symptomatology (M = 24.61) in comparison to the White females (M = 15.68), (F (1,377) = 61.434, < .001). A series of Chi-square analyses indicated that Black women (52.3%) were also significantly more likely to meet criteria for major depression than White women (21.7%). These findings highlight the racial disparities in psychosocial health among college students.  相似文献   

由于未能抵挡住俗文学大潮的冲击与诱惑,陈忠实顾此失彼,造成《白鹿原》在人物性格发展,传统文化与现代文明和社会变革的深层思考,严肃与媚俗文风的两难选择,神秘与迷信之度的把握等几方面上频频失误,延误了其成长为传世佳作的良机。  相似文献   

Beliefs and Achievement: A Study of Black, White, and Hispanic Children   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
School achievement among black, white, and Hispanic elementary school children was investigated, and efforts were made to study the beliefs about academic achievement of the children and their mothers. A total of approximately 3,000 first, third, and fifth graders enrolled in 20 schools in the Chicago metropolitan area were given achievement tests in mathematics and reading. Black and Hispanic children performed at a significantly lower level than white children, but at fifth grade ethnic differences in mathematics scores were no longer significant when mothers' education was statistically controlled. This was not the case in reading, where differences were found after controlling for the effects of mothers' education. Interviews with subsamples of approximately 1,000 mothers and children revealed greater emphasis on and concern about education among minority families than among white families. Black and Hispanic children and mothers evaluated the children and their academic abilities highly; they were positive about education and held high expectations about the children's future prospects for education. Mothers of minority children and teachers in minority schools believed more strongly than white mothers and teachers in the value of homework, competency testing, and a longer school day as means of improving children's education.  相似文献   

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