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The tiger is hungry. He sees a frog in front of him. "Aha! A frog! My dinner! " So he runs to the frog.  相似文献   

A wish     
A family is driving in their carthe road and the husband,whois driving,is able to brake in timeto avoid the frog.He gets outand takes the frog and carrieshim to the side of the road. The frog is grateful,speaksto the man,thanks him and tellshim that he will grant him a wish.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 There is a frog in a well. The well is very nice and deep. The frog likes his home very much. He stays in the well every day.[第一段]  相似文献   

Tree frog     
Birds live in trees.squirrels(松鼠)live in trees.but did you know that some frogs live in trees,too?  相似文献   

There is a strong frog in the forest. I'm the strongest animal in the forest.Look.I'll show you!  相似文献   

艾纹 《今日中学生》2011,(Z5):45-46
What amazing animals snakes are!Some lay eggs,others give birth to young(生小蛇).Some live on the ground,some in trees.Snakes that live only in trees are called arboreal(栖息在树上的).Some live both on the ground and in the trees.  相似文献   

1.房子的前面有一些树。 误:There are some trees in the front of the house. 正:There are some trees in front of the house.  相似文献   

The apple is the most valuable of all the fruits that grow on trees. It is also more widely grown than any other fruit. Apple trees grow everywhere except in the very hottest and coldest regions of the world. They bear their juicy, crisp fruit in Europe and South America, in Africa and Australia, and in Asia from India northward into Siberia(西伯利亚). Apples are grown in nearly all the states of the Union, and in all the provinces of Canada.Men have grown apple trees for their fruit sinc…  相似文献   

1.A tiger is hungryand he is lookingfor food.H e sees a frog in front of him.“H ahaA frogM y dinner”So he rushes at thefrog.2.Behind the tiger there is a tor toise.The little tortoise sees it and hebites the tiger’s tail.“O uch ”Cries thetiger and he looks back.3.The frog hears the voice and thenjum ps into w ater.“Thank you little tortoise ”says the frog.4.B ut the tiger is very angry.“Bother it I’ll throw you to the sky ”“Thank you.I like flying in the sky.”Says the tortois…  相似文献   

A man was crossing a road one day when a frog called out to him and said:"If you kiss me,I'll turninto a beautiful princess."He bent over,picked up the frog and put it in his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said:"If you kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess,I willtell everyone how smart and brave you are and how you are my hero."The man took the frog out of hispocket,smiled at it,and returned it to his pocket.The frog spoke up again and said,"If you kiss me and turn me back i…  相似文献   

About the Future     
A lonely frog telephonesthe psychic hotline and askswhathisfutureholds.H ispersonalpsychic advisortellshim,"You are going to m eet abeautifulyoung girlwho willwanttoknow everythingaboutyou."The frog is thrilled,"This is great!W ill Im eetherata party?"hecroaks."No,"saysthepsychicadvisor,"in biologyclass."About the Future@小非 @柴立青…  相似文献   

Planting Trees     
Today is March 12th.It is Planting Tree Day1.There were no classes this morning.The all2teachers and students went to plant trees along the road in front of our school.We went there by bike.As soon as we got there,we began working.First,Mr.Wang,our head teacher asked us to dig holes.The holes must be enough large3for the trees.After a short time,a truck came.There were many young trees on it.Some students put the young trees in the holes.Other students watered the young trees.What4hard we worked!  相似文献   

I Miss a Place     
I'll never forget the days I spent in the countryside.When I was seven,my parents sent me to the countryside to live with my grandparents. Around my grandparents' house grew many fruit trees and I used to play in the wood. My grandparents were always telling me not to climb the trees, for they were afraid that I might fall off the trees. But I often climbed up and down the trees secretly, picking fruits. I like eating fruits. Once I asked some children to climb up the trees with a ladder to pick fresh fruit. Now my grandparents didn't seem to mind much. Instead, they smilingly told us to be  相似文献   

A Poor Frog     
1. There is a big, fat frog living in a small pond. He knows every plant and stone in the pond very well. He is the biggest creature(生物) in the pond.% % % 2. The other small creatures always swim behind him. So he thinks he is too great, and he is very happy to live there.!!!!!% % % % % 3. One day, when he is catching flies for breakfast, a beautiful dragonfly passes by. You are a very fine frog,”she says, “ Why don’t you live in a bigger pondH Come to my pond.”4. “Now I find living …  相似文献   

1.O ne-third of the area covered with trees.A boutseventy percentofthe trees been planted recently.A.are;have B.is;has C.is;have D.are;has2.The num ber ofteachers in our college greatly increasing as tim egoes by.A num ber ofteachers in this school from t…  相似文献   

My Christmas Day     
Christmas Day is an important day in west-ern countries.On Christmas Day,all the familymembers get together,they have dinner andexchange gifts.Friendsmay get together too.Alot of families buyChristmas trees andthey decorate the trees,  相似文献   

问:高中英语第二册(上)43课中有这样两个句子:Three famous parks in and around London had over 1,400 trees blown over.Later on the centre had a large number of new trees planted.课文注释  相似文献   

A garden is a wonderful place for us. We can plant flowers and trees by our own hands. The flowers and trees grow with us. If you give us a garden spot, we can show you a beautiful garden in the future. We get lots of fun from planting.  相似文献   

The story takes place in theSerengeti Plains(塞瑞盖提大草原)in East Africa.The sun isbright,the trees are green andthe animals live happily.Now  相似文献   

Dear human beings,I used to be a happy frog living carefreely in a beautiful pond.Every day my fellow frogs and I would enjoy ourselves by killing pests in the fields during the daytime,while at night we would sing sweet songs,with which the locals would go to sleep soundly.  相似文献   

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