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The concept of job-hunting is an important factor affecting university students’ employment. This empirical study shows that while hunting for a job, graduates witness negative correlation between their expectation of the nature of work and the demand for occupational types and the accessibility to a post and monthly income; positive correlation between students’ initiative and employment opportunities; positive correlation between salary expectation and real income; negative correlation between mental preparation for hardship and job satisfaction. Therefore, institutions of higher learning must strengthen their employment education, guiding students to foster a sound sense of competition, the concept of occupational position, mental preparation for vocational hardship so that students can rectify their attitude towards employment and adjust their employment concept, thus benefiting them in gaining a position. __________ Translated from Gaodeng Jiaoyu Yanjiu 高等教育研究 (Journal of Higher Education), 2007, 29(1): 46–52  相似文献   

影响高校毕业生就业的社会资本因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
社会资本是近年来学术界研究较多的一个问题。本文在对社会资本及大学生就业相关文献进行梳理的基础上,利用北京大学教育学院"高等教育规模扩展与劳动力市场"课题组于2005年6月对全国34所高校调查的数据,对大学生社会资本状况,社会资本对大学生毕业去向、就业落实率、起薪及工作满意度的影响,进行了实证分析。本文的主要研究结果如下:(1)与来自社会经济地位较高的家庭的学生相比,来自社会弱势家庭的学生在家庭社会资本与个人社会资本上都比较缺乏;(2)大学生毕业选择就业或升学时,家庭社会交往广泛度对升学选择产生显著的正面影响,而个人社会交往广泛度对就业产生了显著的正面影响;(3)社会资本与大学毕业生的就业落实、起薪、工作满意度存在着显著的正面影响;(4)社会资本对大专生和本科生就业落实率有较为显著的正的影响,但是对硕士和博士的就业落实率没有显著影响。  相似文献   

The concept of job-hunting is an important factor affecting university students’ employment. This empirical study shows that while hunting for a job, graduates witness negative correlation between their expectation of the nature of work and the demand for occupational types and the accessibility to a post and monthly income; positive correlation between students’ initiative and employment opportunities; positive correlation between salary expectation and real income; negative correlation between mental preparation for hardship and job satisfaction. Therefore, institutions of higher learning must strengthen their employment education, guiding students to foster a sound sense of competition, the concept of occupational position, mental preparation for vocational hardship so that students can rectify their attitude towards employment and adjust their employment concept, thus benefiting them in gaining a position.  相似文献   

择业观念是影响大学毕业生就业的一个重要因素。实证研究结果表明:大学毕业生择业时,其对单位性质和职业类型的要求与就业机会获得和地位获得后的月收入水平呈负相关;求职主动性与就业机会呈正相关;工资水平期望与地位获得后的月收入呈正相关;职业苦乐意识与职业满意度呈负相关。因此,高等学校必须大力加强就业形势教育,引导大学毕业生树立正确的择业竞争观、职业地位观、职业苦乐观,端正择业态度,转变择业观念,从而有利于其职业地位的获得。  相似文献   

This paper examines the long term pattern of starting and early-career salaries of U.K. university graduates relative to average non-manual earnings. Salary statistics collected by several university careers services are aggregated to create a new data-set which records starting salary trends at aggregate, faculty and subject levels, and data from the 1960,1970 and 1980 graduate cohort surveys are used to extend the investigation to later years. Considerable differences in remuneration across subjects are reported but the paper demonstrates that graduate starting salaries, generally, have been substantially below average non-manual earnings throughout the period since 1960. Further, graduates' relative position has deteriorated over time: whilst at the start of the period graduates six years into their careers could, in most subjects, expect to earn more than the average non-manual wage, by the end of the period, this was no longer generally so. The paper offers an explanation of graduate salary trends, viewing these as the result of changing demand and supply forces in the graduate labour market, and it concludes by addressing some of the key policy and planning issues to which an awareness of salary levels is relevant.  相似文献   

我国高职毕业生内部就业优势的经济计量分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
本文利用经济计量分析方法,探讨了预测和评判我国高等职业教育内部就业优势领域的新思路。研究发现,多元经济计量模型预测出同一专业或行业毕业生的收入和就业率随着其他背景因素取值的不同而不同,预测更贴近毕业生实际的专业就业率和专业与行业的收入。该模型还显示在相同背景因素条件下,不同专业或行业预测值的排序与背景因素取值无关。比较计量方法和通常使用的描述统计方法,在专业与行业预测值的优势排序方面,两种方法的结论高度一致,事后预测结果则表明计量方法具有较大的优势。本文的计量模型可以用来精细地预测特定群体的收入均值和就业率,甄选优势专业和行业。  相似文献   

Quality of education and student earnings   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
When a university increases expenditures in an attempt to improve quality, a natural question for social policy is raised: is the improvement worth the cost? One partial measure of “worth” in this context is given by earnings of graduates: will those earnings rise by enough to pay a reasonable return on the investment in higher quality? The question is hard to answer by statistical means: universities of higher quality have better reputations which allow them to select students who are themselves of higher quality; so in trying to measure the relation between earnings and university quality, quality of the school may be confounded with quality of the students. Recently, however, several large data sets have been made available which give sufficient information on the students' own backgrounds, and on their later earning, that we can hope to disentangle the effect on earnings of the school from that of the student himself. This article summarizes the results of several such studies, including our own work. The verdict to date is that the relation between “quality”, however measured, and earnings is significant, and that expenditures to improve quality are worth the cost, even when “worth” is measured narrowly as higher earnings for graduates.  相似文献   

Existing studies examine the determinants of private university presidents’ compensation, but ignore recent earnings differentials between public and private university presidents. This paper estimates that public university presidents earn approximately 50 percent less than comparable private university presidents. This salary discount is robust to controls for institutional and individual characteristics, and estimation technique.  相似文献   

蚁族作为高校毕业生的一部分,其生存与发展理应得到高校的重视与关心。蚁族问题与大学生就业指导工作的紧密相连既体现于部分大学生毕业即成蚁族的现实,又体现于蚁族问题对在校大学生就业认识与选择的深刻影响。科学应对蚁族问题,高校就业指导工作需首先准确定位人才培养目标,从主观上避免蚁族群体的产生;其次,要以毕业生为本,及时更新就业指导工作内容,增强大学毕业生就业竞争力;再次,可以创建高校后大学时期的就业指导工作体系,尽可能地为蚁族毕业生提供必要的帮助;最后,还可以通过在蚁域创建社区服务站、建立大学生就业保险、优化蚁族保障房申请政策等措施,进一步健全大学毕业生就业指导工作的社会机制。  相似文献   

本文基于2009年大学毕业生抽样调查数据,采用统计分析方法考察了人力资本、社会资本这两个因素对大学生就业的影响,得出两点主要发现:第一,在提高大学毕业生就业概率方面,人力资本和社会资本二者都重要,不可或缺;第二,决定大学毕业生起薪水平的因素,是人力资本而非社会资本,即人力资本更为重要。上述发现表明,一方面,在我国当前的高等教育劳动力市场上,工资决定机制越来越回归新古典模式;另一方面,大学生就业领域中的不公平、不合理现象仍然存在,劳动力的合理配置还不能完全通过市场机制来实现。如果任由这种不公平、不合理状况发展下去,不仅不利于社会公平的实现,从长远来说还会在很大程度上抑制人们的人力资本投资热情。  相似文献   

对上海商学院高职毕业生就业状况的调查显示,毕业生就业流向与学校专业设置相匹配;毕业生实际收入和预期薪值基本一致;虽然求职途径多元化,但学校仍然是主渠道;毕业生有一定职业规划意识,但职业成熟度不高。建议:利用政府资源,大力开展职业资格证书培训;建立专业化职业发展教育师资队伍;加强学生就业能力和创新精神培养;建立就业协议制度与劳动合同制度的衔接与协调机制。  相似文献   

Abstract: This article addresses the impact of social capital on college graduate employment. After reviewing the literature, the authors analyze data collected by Peking University from 34 universities in 2005 and use statistical analysis to clarify the impact of social capital on students’ choice of employment or further study, job placement rate, starting salary and job satisfaction. The study concludes that social capital differs for students from different social backgrounds; personal social capital affects students’ choice to seek employment, but family social capital impacts their choice of further study; both family and personal social capital have a significant positive impact on graduates’ placement rate, starting salary, and job satisfaction; and social capital has a more significant and positive impact on job placement rates for graduates at the associate’s and undergraduate degree levels than for those at the master’s level and above.  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业质量现状分析及对策思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生就业质量是一个包括工作收入、工作地点、工作环境、专业对口和工作满意度等丰富内容的新概念。目前,我国大学生就业质量主要表现出大学生收入水平持续下降、非正规就业增加、就业流向中小城市甚至乡镇发展等新趋势。提高大学生就业质量首先要提高大学生的“就业力”,其次要加强大学生的就业准备教育,并重视与就业市场的联系,建立畅通的就业渠道。  相似文献   

课题组于2021年6月—8月持续两个半月对全国34个省区市展开第二轮调研。根据回收的调查数据样本,与2020年第一轮调研比较发现:2021年近五成毕业生签约税后薪酬每月3 001-5 000元、就业岗位与专业总体对口率显著提高、就业满意度保持高位略有下滑、考虑离职率略有上升。2021年未就业毕业生自感疫情因素对就业影响程度显著降低、向体制内就业的期待倾向明显、公考和升学失利者复考意愿更加强烈、薪酬待遇超过工作地点成为最被看重的就业因素、期待薪酬与实际薪酬之间的差距在扩大、对民营企业的就业期待位次出现明显下降。受调样本中用人单位招聘计划在压缩、裁员率在上升、薪酬水平在增加、招聘标准在提高。高校毕业生对学校就业指导工作满意度与2020年总体持平保持良好。通过Logistic回归分析,发现性别、户籍、家庭经济状况、学校类型、学校层次、学科类型、学科层次、个人学历、学业成绩、创业意愿等变量在不同类别间对就业的影响存在显著差异。与2020年不同之处是2021年农村户籍毕业生比城镇户籍毕业生就业概率更高、医学类和师范类高校应届毕业生比理工类高校毕业生就业概率更高、本科毕业生就业概率低于大专毕业生就...  相似文献   

钟云华 《复旦教育论坛》2012,10(2):34-37,54
论文将劳动力市场划分为体制内劳动力市场与体制外劳动力市场,将大学毕业生的求职过程划分为信息收集与求职进行两个阶段,在一个二元、动态的分析框架内,就强弱社会关系对大学生就业机会获得及起薪水平的影响进行了实证研究。研究发现,强弱社会关系对大学生求职的影响与空间相关:在体制外劳动力市场,弱关系更有助于获得就业信息,弱关系比强关系更"强";但在体制内劳动力市场,强关系比弱关系更"强"。强弱关系对大学生求职的影响也与时间相关:在求职进行阶段,强关系更有助于就业机会获得,强关系比弱关系更"强"。但不管是强关系,还是弱关系,对大学生起薪水平均没有"强"影响,强弱关系对大学生起薪水平的影响与空间及时间都无关。  相似文献   

Using data from the National Education Longitudinal Study of 1988, this article investigates whether students who made relatively large test score gains during high school had larger earnings 7 years after high school compared to students whose scores improved little. In models that control for pre-high school test scores, family background, and demographic characteristics, employed women who gain one standard deviation more than average are predicted to earn 9 percent more than average. These effects are even larger unconditional on employment status, indicating that test score gains influence both the employment status and earnings once employed. For men, however, test score gains are not significantly related to employment status or earnings, except for those men who have low initial test scores.  相似文献   

Labor market rewards based on competencies are analyzed using a sample of young European higher education (HE) graduates. Estimates of monetary rewards are obtained from conventional earnings regressions, while estimates total rewards are based on job satisfaction and derived through ordered probit regressions. Results for income show that jobs with higher participative and methodological competency requirements are better paid. The results also show that higher requirements in terms of competencies increase graduates’ job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Abstract: Based on a national survey of 30 universities in eight Chinese provinces in 2011, this empirical study shows that, despite government policies encouraging college graduates to work at the grassroots level, few students actually do so, due to concerns about their career prospects. Human capital, family, and school background and job search conditions are important factors affecting the grassroots employment of college graduates, and students willing to work at the grassroots level tend to be in a weaker position. This research also demonstrates that the occupational status, alignment of job and studies, starting salary, and job satisfaction of such graduates are relatively low.  相似文献   

This paper studies the association between graduation age and earnings among university graduates in Denmark, which is a country with one of the oldest student populations in the world. Exploiting a rich data-set from administrative registers, the current study is able to track labour market career for a longer period of time and to control for more labour market-relevant variables than any previous study of graduation age and earnings. The results show that graduation age has either a slightly positive or an insignificant impact on starting wages within the public sector or a negative impact on starting wages among private sector employees. This applies to both genders, but the differences are stronger among male employees. The analyses of long-term wages reveal a more homogeneous pattern. Mature graduates earn less in all the years investigated. The wage differences are greatest among male graduates employed in private enterprises, and the gap increases throughout their careers.  相似文献   

This paper presents a microeconomic analysis of the choice of universitydegree course that individuals make on finishing their Secondary studies(four-year university degree or three-year university degree), andcontains the theoretical framework as well as empirical results. Themodel selected for our analysis is a binomial logit model. This model,which can be seen as a special case of a general model of utilitymaximization, deals with those aspects of the economics of educationalchoice that are regarded as important in the literature of this subject:academic aptitude, the social background in which the students havegrown up, family income, employment prospects, etc. By using survey dataon educational choices of Spanish High School graduates (cross-sectionaldata), we investigate to what extent the theoretical determinants areconfirmed in practice. The results of the estimation by maximumlikelihood of the logit model, and which allow us to analyze theinfluence of the explanatory variables on the probability of choosing afour-year university degree, show how social background, family earningsand scholastic ability explain, mainly, the educational choice ofstudents. The students from higher socioeconomic status as well as thosewith the best High School curricula are more likely to follow auniversity degree of greater duration.  相似文献   

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