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基于用户满意度的图书馆电子资源质量评价模型研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出基于用户满意度的图书馆电子资源质量评价模型,并利用该模型设计问卷对中山大学图书馆用户进行了满意度调查;在运用相关分析与回归分析方法研究模型中4个自变量与用户价值感和用户满意度之间的相关性及影响程度的基础上,对模型进行了修正,并运用象限分析法,为中山大学图书馆改进电子资源建设提供了参考性建议。  相似文献   

基于用户满意度的中小型高校图书馆电子资源调查与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论文从江苏教育学院图书馆电子资源建设与服务的现状出发,对电子资源用户满意度进行问卷调查和分析,并从加强电子资源建设、拓展信息服务方式、加大宣传力度、重视用户习惯的养成、重视图书馆主页的建设与维护、普及培训等方面,就中小型高校图书馆电子资源建设与服务提出改进措施。  相似文献   

Although increasing numbers of employees working in public organizations are using social media for work purposes and numerous studies exist on how social media affect organizational outcomes, we have very limited knowledge of how using social media for work purposes affects employees' work motivation. This paper fills this important gap by using self-determination theory (SDT) to analyze how the use of social media for work purposes is associated with government employees' need satisfaction and intrinsic work motivation. According to regression results, employees' use of social media is positively related to employees' need satisfaction (autonomy, relatedness, and competence) and, accordingly, intrinsic work motivation. However, further analysis shows that too much use of social media has an averse effect. Theoretically, this study is one of the pioneer attempts to integrate e-governance with SDT. Practically, we encourage managers to use caution in promoting the use of social media for work purposes. Using social media two to three days a week may be the ideal range.  相似文献   

Electronic government (e-Government) systems are becoming an essential strategic tool in the delivery of e-Government-to-Business services (e-G2B). The purpose of this research is to explore direct and indirect effects of trust in online services on the satisfaction of the e-Government service users and other perceptions such as e-G2B system effectiveness and the operational effectiveness of organizations. Based on a sample of e-G2B service users from Saudi Arabia, our preliminary findings suggest that the effects of trust on user satisfaction are mediated by e-G2B system effectiveness measures (e.g., System Quality, Service Quality, and Information Quality) and by operational effectiveness. In addition, we find that operational effectiveness and information quality are the most important drivers of user satisfaction. In contrast to previous research, our results show a negative relationship between trust in online services and service quality and suggest that this finding may have important implications for theory and practice.  相似文献   

This study proposes and empirically tests a model explicating the impact of the Learning Commons on university students' learning behaviors and skills development. Adapting the information literacy instruction model that is based on expectation disconfirmation theory, a series of hypotheses were developed, and data were collected through an online survey at a Hong Kong university. Responses from 388 students were subjected to a partial least squares structural equation modeling analysis. The results suggest that expectation disconfirmation theory can be applied in the domain of the Learning Commons, and that the degree to which students' expectations are confirmed affects their degree of perceived quality of and satisfaction with the Learning Commons. Perceived quality in turn influences satisfaction. Both perceived quality and satisfaction lead to psychological outcomes that produce behavioral changes and possible benefits, including time savings, effort reduction, better grades, advanced problem-solving skills, and improved learning outcomes.  相似文献   

科技期刊编辑职业满意度调查与分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
汤兴华  李若溪 《编辑学报》2005,17(2):135-137
采用问卷法调查重庆市科技期刊编辑人员职业满意度,以13个因子代表满意度13个维度.结果显示:职业满意度总体评价良好,及格线以上人数占87.5%.按年龄分组统计,青年组得分显著高于其他年龄组;按期刊类型统计,科普类期刊组得分最高,其次是学术类期刊组,而技术类期刊组得分最低;按编辑的学历专业分组,显示文科组和理科组得分显著高于工科组.影响不同类型期刊编辑职业满意度的因素,主要是编辑对刊物发展现状和前景的评价及工作环境、人际关系评价,其次是编辑的年龄、学历和专业.  相似文献   

高校学报编辑人才职业满意度调查分析   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
吴昌珍 《编辑学报》2004,16(3):214-216
采用问卷法调查重庆市高校学报编辑人才职业满意度,以10个因子代表满意度10个维度.结果显示:职业满意度总体评价良好,及格线以上人数占78.6%;"领导重视""人际关系"2个因子得分较低,并与其他因子高度关联,是影响编辑职业满意度的最大负面因素;"报酬待遇"因子得分最低,但与其他因子关联性不大;"立志本行、发挥特长"因子得分较高,且与其他因子高度关联,是影响满意度的最大激励因素.  相似文献   

Recent federal regulations have minimized the role of the hospital library in contributing to the quality of medical care and in lowering hospital costs. We trace the events that have led to these assumptions and discuss the complex problem of evaluating the impact of library services. Current research on the value and effectiveness of information is outlined.  相似文献   

美英著名医学期刊的新闻政策及其对医学信息传播的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王晶  何煜  钟紫红  孔朝霞 《编辑学报》2011,23(3):277-279
美英著名医学期刊大多制定了新闻政策,其本质是建立在新闻封锁基础上的新闻发布,其中新闻封锁对作者和大众媒体均具有一定的限制性要求,新闻封锁在特定情况下也可解除。美英著名医学期刊的新闻政策在医学信息传播中可能具有正负2方面的作用,但在其不断完善的过程中负面作用的影响将越来越小。  相似文献   

电子资源违规使用行为分析及图书馆的应对措施   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
鉴于近几年电子资源违规使用的情况屡屡发生,而图书馆界与数据库商对此问题尚无明确、一致的认识,因此严重影响了授权用户的正常使用与合法权益。文章从授权用户的概念入手,界定了电子资源违规使用的含义,同时结合实际工作对电子资源违规使用的各种情况及其对图书馆造成的影响作了深入的分析,并提出了图书馆责任的免除及应对措施。  相似文献   

An e-mail survey of online journalists reveals that online journalists' emotional responses to their competitors' coverage are significantly correlated with their job satisfaction, workload, and the perceived quality of their news website. The more negatively online journalists feel when they get scooped by their competitors, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more negatively the journalists feel about getting scooped, the more the workload the journalists feel that they have. The more positively online journalists feel when they scoop their competitors, the more positively they perceive the quality of their news website. In addition, the greater the workload the journalists consider that they have, the more unsatisfied they are with their jobs. The more positively the journalists perceive the quality of their news organization, the more satisfied they are with their jobs.  相似文献   

以爱思唯尔(Elsevier)公司的ScienceDirect数据库为例,根据数据库在线统计平台所提供的使用报告的主要指标数据,研究电子资源的利用情况,并结合购买经费对使用绩效进行评价。通过统计重点需求期刊的学科分类和影响因子的分布,了解各学科电子资源的实际需求,进一步分析我校重点需求期刊的学科满足度及利用层面。同时,基于用户的检索行为数据,了解用户在检索过程中的习惯偏好。由此,为图书馆馆藏资源建设提供有针对性的指导意见,同时为信息素养教育的有效开展提供建议。  相似文献   

图书馆、博物馆、档案馆是当今社会重要的公共信息服务机构,电子数据质量是数字时代影响图博档信息服务水平的重要因素。分别从图博档的服务方式与内容的特点出发,研究与探讨了在图书馆、博物馆、档案馆中电子数据质量要求及具体的管理方法。较高的电子数据质量管理水平是图博档信息服务相融合的基础。  相似文献   

This study explores science communication on Twitter by investigating a sample of tweets referring to academic papers in five different scientific fields. The specifications of science communicators on Twitter, the characteristics of those who initiate actions (by tweeting), the extent and quality of reactions (retweeting), individual and group interactions, and the distribution of tweets across types of engagement in the process of science communication (i.e., dissemination, consultation, and evaluation) were explored. A broad array of actors is involved in the communication of science on Twitter, with individual citizens and individual researchers playing an important role. In principle, this is promising for creating direct interaction, which can be difficult through more traditional mass media. The vast majority of communication activities regarding academic papers is undigested dissemination with almost no sign of debate, contestation, or collective reflection. Another general finding of this study is that bot accounts play a major role in the science communication landscape on Twitter.  相似文献   

MOOC是基于开放网络的资源发布、学习管理系统基础上开发的大规模在线课程模式.本文介绍了MOOC的背景及发展过程,分析了北美洲、欧洲、澳大利亚、亚洲MOOC医学教育的现状,论述了MOOC对医学高等教育的启示.  相似文献   

梅平  杜玉环  武阳丰 《编辑学报》2004,16(3):229-231
以<中国科技期刊引证报告>中医学期刊的数量和平均影响因子作为评价指标,研究我国近年医学研究的发展状况.结果表明:我国医学科学研究近年来总体呈现稳定快速发展的态势.在医学各分支中,临床医学研究领域最为活跃,发展最为迅速.在临床各学科中,内、外、妇、儿仍将是主流学科.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary teams are assembled in scientific research and are aimed at solving complex problems. Given their increasing importance, it is not surprising that considerable attention has been focused on processes of collaboration in interdisciplinary teams. Despite such efforts, we know less about the factors affecting the assembly of such teams in the first place. In this paper, we investigate the structure and the success of interdisciplinary scientific research teams. We examine the assembly factors using a sample of 1103 grant proposals submitted to two National Science Foundation interdisciplinary initiatives during a 3-year period, including both awarded and non-awarded proposals. The results indicate that individuals’ likelihood of collaboration on a proposal is higher among those with longer tenure, lower institutional tier, lower H-index, and with higher levels of prior co-authorship and citation relationships. However, successful proposals have a little bit different relational patterns: individuals’ likelihood of collaboration is higher among those with lower institutional tier, lower H-index, (female) gender, higher levels of prior co-authorship, but with lower levels of prior citation relationships.  相似文献   

通过随机抽样调查国内医学期刊中影像学图片编校规范问题,结果显示该类图片普遍缺漏受测对象信息(被试者年龄性别或动物类型)、疾病类型、检测部位(或器官)、仪器扫描(探测)截面、图片方位、相应的影像学参数等要素,严重降低了影像学图片的自明性.综合医学及编辑学相关背景知识,提出医学影像学图片编校规范的建议.  相似文献   

The number of Web users whose first language is not English continues to grow, as does the amount of content provided in languages other than English. This poses new challenges for actors on the Web, such as in which language(s) content should be offered, how search tools should deal with mono- and multilingual content, and how users can make the best use of navigation and search options, suited to their individual linguistic skills. How should these challenges be dealt with? Technological approaches to non-English (or in general, cross-language) Web search have made large progress; however, translation remains a hard problem. This precludes a low-cost but high-quality blanket all-language coverage of the whole Web. In this paper, we propose a user-centric approach to answering questions of where to best concentrate efforts and investments. Drawing on linguistic research, we describe data on the availability of content and access to it in first and second languages across the Web. We then present three studies that investigated the impact of the availability (or not) of first-language content and access forms on user behaviour and attitudes. The results indicate that non-English languages are under-represented on the Web and that this is partly due to content-creation, link-setting and link-following behaviour. They also show that user satisfaction is influenced both by the cognitive effort of searching and the availability of alternative information in that language. These findings suggest that more cross-language tools are desirable. However, they also indicate that context (such as user groups’ domain expertise or site type) should be considered when tradeoffs between information quality and multilinguality need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

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