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This article reviews recent theoretical works in the field of language, identity, and culture with the aim of exploring their possible implications to the field of cultural ethnic education in general and more specifically in the area of Jewish education. The theories reviewed develop from within a social constructivist paradigm belonging to a high or postmodern perspective. The theories presented have the potential to encourage a serious and critical revision of the premises which support the work of those involved in cultural ethnic and Jewish education. More specifically, these theories could help educators interested in the creative and participatory development of Jewish and other ethnic religious groups to rethink the possible contents and processes of such an educational effort.  相似文献   

试论青少年的自杀及其预防   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
自杀已成为当今世界性的问题,它不仅对家庭是一个巨大的打击,同时也是一种触目惊心的社会问题。因此,自杀已被全世界所关注。笔者从自杀及其危害,青少年是自杀的高危人群,自杀的原因分析,自杀行为的先兆和自杀的预防5个方面进行了阐述。  相似文献   

当经济发展方式的转变思想得到统一,经济发展方式的目标确定以后,其实践的途径至关重要.当前各个层面在积极推动经济发展方式的大环境下,就经济发展方式的实现路径也是各显神通.而准确认识国际经济形势,分析我国的经济发展中问题,提出又好又快的实现路径是当前各方面要共同努力的目标.  相似文献   

This study had three objectives. One was to compare the needs, resources and supports perceived as available and needed by 32 parents of children with mild to moderate intellectual impairments, educated in self-contained special education classes (SCS), and 46 parents of children with general special needs educated in regular classes. A second objective was to compare these perceptions to the rated degree of pupil impairment. The third objective was to examine the applicability of two surveys. Results revealed that parents perceived strong informational needs regardless of educational setting, though the parents of children in the SCS group expressed stronger informational needs. Parents of children in the SCS group tended to be more satisfied with their relationship with schools than parents in the comparison group. Child impairments in the areas of social skills, behaviour, communication, and thinking and reasoning were highly correlated with parental needs and parental perception of school supports and resources. Factors influencing parental self-efficacy are discussed and recommendations are made for enhancing parental involvement in the child's education. Suggestions are also made for utilizing information derived from this study when planning the implementation of inclusive schools.  相似文献   

在学术、科学与批判三重权力角逐的高等教育场域,知识人分化为一个复数的群体。本文认为文化政治认同与技术认同是最为核心的分类。在三种知识隐喻的框架下,本文剖析了文化政治认同的心智基因,以及其间文化与政治之分合演变的历程;指出工业社会尤其是进入后工业社会,技术认同成为垄断性旨趣,并分析其知识基础、社会基础与现实困境;最后提出,知识人需要用责任伦理所支持的沟通行为来整合文化政治认同与技术认同,高等教育也需借此免于启蒙的理性狂妄与服侍的被动茫然。  相似文献   

The study of traditional Jewish texts is perhaps the single most critical and engaging activity in Jewish education. Students spend the greater part of their classroom time delving into this source material, much of it ancient, some of it recent, in order to gain a better understanding of their heritage and how it relates to them in profound and in routine ways. Jewish educators are deeply aware of the importance of textual study in the curriculum, and it is their concern and their children's needs that were addressed by the 1987 Conference on Jewish Texts, sponsored by the Melton Center at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. More than 20 educators and psychologists were invited to Jerusalem from widely scattered sites, mostly North American and Israeli, to attend a series of meetings where some presented and all discussed the papers that appear in the present volume. The statements range in substance from the philosophical to the pedagogical and from the original to the traditionally derivative interpretation of textual sources in educational contexts. All are intended to bring a fresh perspective on issues that are as old and vital as Jewish education per se.  相似文献   

蒙古民族具有悠久的历史和文化,服饰的发展和演变在整个蒙古民族的发展过程中是一个不可忽视的内容。当前对蒙古族服饰的研究主要集中在历史、文化方面,笔者从传统蒙古族服饰的研究和未来的发展方向两个方面对现在的研究成果和需要努力的方向作了总结,并提出了进一步研究和发展的方向。  相似文献   

柏拉图在其《书简七》的开头讲述了自己的生平,故称柏拉图的"自传"。本文细致分析了苏格拉底、雅典以及柏拉图在这部自传中的角色,通过解析柏拉图的笔法。揭示出柏拉图在自传中对苏格拉底的辩护,对雅典的两重态度,以及柏拉图通过自我教育从政治上升到哲学的过程。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  This paper sets out to explore apparent contradictions between claims or assumptions to the effect that: (i) teaching is a profession; (ii) good teaching involves the cultivation of positive personal relationships with pupils; (iii) professional relationships should be of an essentially formal or impersonal nature. It is argued that the very real contradictions to which teaching as a professional occupation is prone are a function of fundamental tension between the essentially deontic character of professional principle and regulation, and the inherently 'virtue ethical' nature of teaching as a form of pre-theoretical and non-technical moral association. The paper concludes by identifying and offering some comment on three such areas of tension.  相似文献   

近年来,两岸三地的课程改革均将自主学习作为一项重要目标,试图培养和巩固学生的自主学习动机与策略。西方学者的许多研究表明,倡导学生中心的课堂环境有助于促进学生自主学习能力的发展,而偏重教师中心的课堂环境则不利于学生的自主学习。本研究基于香港中小学生对课堂环境观感和自主学习动机与策略的两项调查,发现教师中心的课堂环境对香港学生的自主学习同样具有促进作用,并依此分析了华人文化情境中课堂环境及学生自主学习的特征。  相似文献   

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