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堵文晖 《文教资料》2014,(21):36-37
虽然V.S.奈保尔和J.M.库切种族出身不同,但是都流散于母国与异国之间,既无法获得母国的认同,又无法被异国接受,多重的文化身份造成了他们的文化认同危机。通过比较两位作家,有助于理解后殖民流散作家这一群体所面临的困境,找出解决方法。  相似文献   

T .S艾略特 ,一个现代的、深刻的诗人 ,善于描写现实社会中的现代人物形象。这一切都表现在他的早期诗歌中 ,艾略特生活的年代是一个混乱无序的年代。一战后 ,人们发现他们有序的生活遭到了破坏 ,面对这个令他们困感无助的现代世界 ,他们丧失了一切希望和信仰 ,变得空虚、无助。艾略特 ,作为一个伟大的思想者 ,看透了现代世界的本质及其现代人的精神世界。在他的早期诗歌如《空心人》 ,《普鲁佛洛克的情歌》 ,《小老头》等诗中揭示了现代人的精神空虚 |情感矛盾 |生活平庸及绝望。  相似文献   

德国职业教育对我国职业教育发展的启示   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙晓莹 《教学研究》2006,(5):384-387
德国之所以成为世界经济强国是与它职业教育的良好发展密不可分的.从其职业教育的基本制度——双轨制到其职业教育的管理,从其完备的职业教育立法、完善的职业教师培训制度到重视学生实践的能力,这些都是德国职业教育的成功经验.从这些经验当中可以找到适合于我国职业教育发展的东西.  相似文献   

w  周博文  张洪兵 《音乐世界》2007,(22):36-41
一场快男的比赛,让魏晨、俞灏明、王栎鑫这三个有梦的男生,拥有了最温暖的目光,和最闪耀的荣光,一场快男的巡演,让他们看到自己的无限可能,站在人生第一个高点,他们的心中会有什么告白呢?  相似文献   

剑桥夫妇教授F·R.利维斯和Q·D.利维斯是20世纪具有重大影响的狄更斯研究专家.他们的狄更斯批评经历了一个由贬而褒的过程:将狄更斯从一个广受欢迎、津津乐道于伤感煽情的“娱乐高手”擢升到与莎士比亚比肩的、既受大众欢迎又深刻严肃的最伟大的创造性艺术家之一.他们或褒或贬的狄更斯批评皆以道德判断即生活的严肃性为尺度.这种悖谬的批评根源于他们的文化观、社会观和人生观.我们只有将它置于批评家所在时代的语境中,才能发现利维新遗产的价值与意义.  相似文献   

王睿悦 《音乐世界》2010,(15):92-96
Hey!Say!JUMP的新专辑《JUMP NO.1》刚刚发售不久,他们参演的《SUMMARY 2010》又果断跟上,这个团体十人十色,每个人都有自己的个性符号,独特魅力难以抗拒。平日里的他们也各有各的可爱心情,让人憧憬无限。  相似文献   

娱乐圈永远不乏话题,话题组合S.H.E,话题人物男版苏珊大妈,话题人物造型百变的笔笔,他们的世界,总是引人入胜。  相似文献   

徐燕 《教学研究》2009,(3):90-92
经过初中阶段的学习,学生应该形成初步数学学习能力,数学情感、数学兴趣也业已形成,他们在初中的学习态度、学习习惯、学习动机、数学基础也会影响他们高中阶段的学习.  相似文献   

当代作家如宫白羽、林白、赵鑫珊、王蒙的成功决窍首在笔耕不辍.他们的言传身教给写作或将要写作的人提供了有益的启示.  相似文献   

经济.政治课程是云南电大五年制高职教育各专业的德育课程之一。然而,随着学生人数的增加,教学的深入,在课程的设置、现行教材、日常教学、等方面的问题暴露出来,这些问题对教师的教学和学生的学习都产生了不利的影响,因此,有必要对经济.政治课程存在的问题进行思考,探索更合理的教学模式,管理模式、教材系统。  相似文献   

This paper traces how various dominant social, economic, and political philosophies are played out in debate over and changes in the general studies curriculum at the University of Costa Rica. This investigation reveals a close link between dominant ideologies and the general studies curriculm. Specifically, the general studies program implemented in the 1970s which emphasized teaching about national problems and social responsibility, is currently being challenged by neoliberal policies and perceived competition from private universities. Latin American universities have traditionally served as battlegrounds of competing social, political, and economic philosophies. The debate over general studies serves as a unique opportunity to observe how competing social roles of higher education are played out in the university setting. The author concludes that the debate over general studies is really about the role and status of the University of Costa Rica in an environment thatvalues privatization; individual, as opposed to societal, benefit from higher education; and professions such as management.  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the development of teacher education in Portugal since the Revolution of 25 April 1974, which brought the country to democracy. Making use of the scenario model created by the ATEE-RDC19, it is an attempt to make clearer the hidden philosophies underlying the changes that are undertaken and show how teacher education has evolved from a romantic and idealistic social vision towards an ideology dictated by economic and selfish interests.  相似文献   

Teaching philosophies are central to the approach of pedagogical strategies but there has been little examination of discipline-specific teaching philosophies. This study addresses a significant gap in the literature by discussing the teaching philosophies of 122 instructors of sexuality courses. Sexuality education is unique compared to most disciplines due to the personal nature of the content, thus being more difficult for students and instructors to distance themselves from the course content. The teaching philosophies in this study conveyed two overarching approaches to sexuality instruction: the instructor’s perspective of the course and the approach of the sexuality instruction. Although teaching philosophies typically inform one’s practice of teaching and course content, this study proposes that sexuality education is intrinsically different than other areas of instruction despite the interdisciplinary backgrounds of college instructors.  相似文献   

本文通过比较英汉谚语中数字的应用情况,阐明了两种语言数字使用的一般规律及使用偏好,进而说明造成这种区别的来自于文化、经济、宗教、历史等领域的影响。  相似文献   

Historically, Chinese educational philosophy has been dominated by Confucianism and, since 1949, by Marxism. However, rapid industrialization, ideological demands, and loyalty to traditions have now led to a situation where various Western philosophies have been adopted into vocational education in hopes of moving the country forward without challenging the status quo too vigorously. The result is that China presently has no clear philosophical foundation that can help the country make solid decisions on how vocational education shall contribute to economic growth and social improvements. Awareness of one's philosophy, however, is important for vocational educators so that they can make well‐founded decisions about their teaching. The authors hope that by presenting an overview of which philosophies have been adopted in the past and the influence they have had on practitioners and policymakers, scholars can engage in a debate on which vocational education philosophy can help train China's workforce most effectively and support continued economic growth.  相似文献   

This article presents insights from an inquiry into renewable energy development by Indigenous communities across Canada. The focus is on Indigenous leadership in developing renewable energy projects that align with traditional ecological philosophies while also providing increased economic and energy security, sovereignty, and educational opportunities. These projects build new STEM knowledges and practices across cultural divides. The article also discusses broader sociocritical concerns regarding renewable energy development, the associated challenges of renewable energy education, and Indigenous environmental education in the context of capitalist and nationalist agendas.  相似文献   

苟子所处的时代,中国社会正面临着重大的转型。各国变法相继完成。血缘政治向地域政治过渡,君主专制集权制度开始建立,苟子在继承先儒思想体系的同时,又根据形势发展状况有所增益和革新,对各家各派学说也有所批判和扬弃,使之更加符合当时社会状况和统治需要。表现在孝道观上,苟子与孔孟在孝道观上既有相似之处,也多有相异,是既继承又发展的关系。  相似文献   

地市高校在取得很大发展的同时,存在服务地方社会具有政府扶持、地域、人缘关系等优势和综合实力较差、能力低、观念落后等方面的不足;地市高校主动服务地方社会经济发展是一个紧迫性问题。  相似文献   

Discourses of ‘internationalisation’ of the curriculum of Western universities often describe the philosophies and paradigms of ‘Western’ and ‘Eastern’ scholarship in binary terms, such as ‘deep/surface’, ‘adversarial/harmonious’, and ‘independent/dependent’. In practice, such dichotomies can be misleading. They do not take account of the complexities and diversity of philosophies of education within and between their educational systems. The respective perceived virtues of each system are often extolled uncritically or appropriated for contemporary economic, political or social agendas. Critical thinking, deep learning, lifelong and lifewide learning are heralded as the outcomes of Western education but these concepts are often under‐theorised or lack agreed meanings. Equally fuzzy concepts such as ‘Asian values’ or ‘Confucian education’ are eulogised as keys to successful teaching and learning when Asia prospers economically. They are also used to explain perceived undesirable behaviour such as plagiarism and uncritical thinking when Asian economies do not do so well. We argue that in general, educationists should be aware of the differences and complexities within cultures before they examine and compare between cultures. This paper uses the Confucian‐Western dichotomy as a case study to show how attributing particular unanalysed concepts to whole systems of cultural practice leads to misunderstandings and bad teaching practice.  相似文献   

This paper examines tensions between adult literacy policy in Aotearoa New Zealand and the philosophies and mission of one post-school institution, a Wānanga, an institution focused on the education of Māori, Aotearoa New Zealand's indigenous people. It uses policy documents, interview data and complexity thinking to explore the tensions created by a Wānanga's task to navigate between Māori particularism and economic universalism.  相似文献   

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