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张小梅 《化学教与学》2011,(12):26-26,5
"模"就是"模式"、"模型",建模思想就是将复杂的化学问题去掉非本质的东西,抽象出解决问题的思维方式,即"模",然后运用这一模式去解决相关问题。化学知识琐碎零散,同时在化学教学中涉及到肉眼看不见的原子、分子、化学键、晶体结构、平衡移动等问题,抽象难懂;这时就需要采用科学的建模思想,运用学生的已有知识.借助想象和理解构建形象生动的模型或一公式化的方法.成功的帮助学生跨越认知障碍。  相似文献   

模型思想是数学核心素养的组成部分.以"翻牌游戏"为例,让学生感受建模过程,积累建模经验,提升核心素养.经历图式化、符号化的过程,感悟简约化、抽象思想;从游戏的各种状态和操作中发现关系和规律,感悟数学化、模型思想;经历多种建模的方法,体验模型思想的本质;经历发现和提出问题,加深模型思想的领会.  相似文献   

袁泉 《中学物理》2012,(6):46-47
1物理模型与建模教学 物理模型是对实际问题进行科学抽象的处理,用一种反映原物本质特性的理想物质或过程或假想结构,去描述实际的事物或过程.建模既是一种思维过程,也是一种思维方法,其实质就是将隐藏在复杂的物理情景中的研究对象或物理过程进行简化、抽象、类比、提炼甚至思想化形成雏形物理模型.这种模型是物理系统或物理过程概念化的...  相似文献   

数学的抽象、枯燥、复杂、深奥是众所皆知的,学生冷淡、乏味、厌烦、敷衍也是在所难免的。为此,我们化抽象为形象、化枯燥为有趣、化复杂为简单、化深奥为浅显,在具体教学层面中不断探索实践,使学生的情绪、态度、行动、结果有了很大的改观。这个过程就是"简约"。"简约"的过程就是让数学更精彩的过程。  相似文献   

化学科学中的形象美、感性美,是生动的、直观的、显性的;化学理论、化学概念、化学定理等呈现出的抽象关、概括美、简约美,是隐性的,往往被人们忽视。利用隐性课程进行化学审美教育,就是要深化形象关、抽象美,提高显性美对学生的感染力;挖掘理性美、抽象美,发挥隐性关对培养学生化学科学素质的作用。  相似文献   

模型化研究思路即按照模型构成的方式抽象、提取研究对象和思维过程中要素的过程,其程序类似于建模过程,其结果(核心概念,假说形式和理论结构等)也具有模型或准模型的特征。按方法功能分类,其模型化结果为两组:“突刨性”和“总结性”型;学科内置和外置模型。本文研究的结论主要是:(1) 课题萌芽期、科学假说构成期和理论建立期模型化客观存在并发挥重要作用;(2) 研究者有意识地按照模型化研究思路从事研究将有事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

王志强 《成才之路》2011,(13):52-52
多媒体教学是指通过计算机把文本、图像、动画、声音等信息经过综合处理整合在一起,使人多个感官来获取相关信息,提高信息传播效率的一种现代教学手段。在历史教学中采用这种教学手段,可将抽象内容具体形象化、复杂事物简约化,多角  相似文献   

在大数据时代背景下,模式与模型成为数学教育讨论的热点问题之一。对于模式与模型的概念、二者间的关联以及如何构建模式与模型的思维范式等问题的探讨对推进数学建模研究至关重要。模式是构建数学模型的本原,模型是用数学的语言讲述现实世界的故事。数学概念经历了现实的和逻辑的两次抽象,命题模式构建需要经历“三阶段”,数学模型的构建需要“三化”的思维范式。简约和想象是数学模型构建的核心思维特征。简约是基于现实与逻辑的抽象;想象是实践经验与思维经验的复合。  相似文献   

<正>一、高中物理基本解题技巧1.审题建模。要想确保物理解题过程中审题建模的科学性和有效性,必须要从以下两方面进行:一方面是要画好解题前草图,将题目物理涉及物理过程形象呈现出来,这是帮助我们更好分析物理问题的关键方法,更够让题目变得更加形象化、具体化;另一方面是要学会对复杂物理场景进行整合,将其简化为常见模型,对陌生抽象模型进行转化,将其简化为熟悉形象的模型。2.数学处理。物理学习中常常会涉及数  相似文献   

试论物理建模及其对学生能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 引言物理学所研究的对象是极其复杂的 ,对于每一个研究对象来说 ,它涉及的因素是相当多的 .因此 ,为了研究物理问题的方便和易于探究物理事物的本质而从复杂的物理现象或物理过程中抽象出研究对象的简化描述或模拟即物理模型 ,我们把这种科学抽象和概括的智力操作过程称为物理建模 .通过建模可以抓住问题的主要方面 ,排除非本质因素的干扰 ,舍弃次要因素与无关因素 ,从而便于寻求客观事物的本质特征 .因为经过物理建模之后 ,物理过程就得到了简化、纯化和理想化 ,使人们得以更加形象、简捷地处理问题 ,正如钱学森先生所说 :“模型就是通…  相似文献   

An examination of children's notions about light and visual phenomena shows the existence of mental models, that is to say, ways of thinking that are consistent and pervasive. These naive conceptual schemes, used by different children to explain similar phenomena, determine the kinds of responses given by the children in problem-solving situations. In this article we study children's ideas about colored objects and colored shadows, with special attention to the ways in which these ideas are organized into mental models. The elucidation of these models provides valuable instructional tools that serve to assess and to confront students' naive conceptions. This work was carried out in a science museum at the site of interactive exhibits that show unexpected effects. Children who visited the museum were engaged in problem-solving situations that involved predictions, explanations, and manipulations of the exhibit.  相似文献   

James Wandersee asked in 1986: ‘Can History of Science help science educators anticipate students’ misconceptions?. This paper aims to answer the same question by attempting a comparative bibliographical study between the assumptions of early philosophers and the conceptions of children relating to the roles of light and the eye in the process of vision. The results indicate remarkable similarities, which are analysed as to their nature and origin. The conclusions underline the significant role of the history of science as a rich bank of ideas for the design of educational material. Additionally, implications for educational research are discussed.  相似文献   

Current reform efforts in science education in the United States call for students to learn science through the integration of science and engineering practices. Studies have examined the effect of engineering design on students’ understanding of engineering, technology, and science concepts. However, the majority of studies emphasize the accuracy of students’ scientific thinking instead of what students’ conceptions are. The aim of this study was to examine elementary school students’ conceptions of sun-Earth relationships as a result of engaging in an engineering design-based science task. Two independent fifth grade classrooms were identified. Each classroom teacher had 2 groups of students: 1 group engaged in traditional science lessons (control) and 1 group engaged in engineering design-based science lessons (treatment). Data were collected via multiple choice knowledge assessments, a draw-and-explain item, and semi-structured interviews designed to elicit students’ working mental models of the relationship between the sun and Earth. Results indicated a range of five different mental models expressed by students in both the control and treatment groups. These findings suggest that students still harbor alternate conceptions and possibly conflicting ideas regarding various sun-Earth relationships. If teachers are expected to implement science and engineering practices, attention must be given to not only what students’ misconceptions are but, more importantly, how best to implement design-based science lessons that facilitate students’ application and understanding of related science concepts.  相似文献   

During the last two decades many researchers in mathematics and science education have studied students’ conceptions and ways of reasoning in mathematics and science. Most of this research is content‐specific. It was found that students hold alternative ideas that are not always compatible with those accepted in science. It was suggested that in the process of learning science or mathematics, students should restructure their specific conceptions to make them conform to currently accepted scientific ideas. In our work in mathematics and science education it became apparent that some of the alternative conceptions in science and mathematics are based on the same intuitive rules. We have so far identified two such rules: “More of A, more of B”, and “Subdivision processes can always be repeated”. The first rule is reflected in subjects’ responses to many tasks, including all classical Piagetian conservation tasks (conservation of number, area, weight, volume, matter, etc.) in all tasks related to intensive quantities (density, temperature, concentration, etc.) and in all tasks related to infinite quantities. The second rule is observed in students’, preservice and inservice teachers’ responses to tasks related to successive division of material and geometrical objects and in seriation tasks. In this paper, we describe and discuss these rules and their relevance to science and mathematics education.  相似文献   

As biotechnology‐related scientific advances, such as stem cell research (SCR), are increasingly permeating the popular media, it has become ever more important to understand students’ ideas about this issue. Very few studies have investigated learners’ ideas about biotechnology. Our study was designed to understand the types of alternative conceptions students hold concerning SCR. The qualitative research design allowed us to examine college students’ understandings about stem cells and SCR. More specifically, we addressed the following questions: How can alternative conceptions about stem cell topics be categorized? What types of alternative conceptions are most common? Participants included 132 students enrolled in a biotechnology course that focused on the scientific background of biotechnology applications relevant to citizens. In this study, we used an inductive approach to develop a taxonomy of alternative ideas about SCR by analyzing student responses to multiple open‐ended data sources. We identified five categories of conceptions: alternative conceptions about what, alternative conceptions about how, alternative conceptions about medical potential, terminology confusion, and political and legal alternative conceptions. In order to improve instruction, it is important to understand students’ ideas when entering the classroom. Our findings highlight a need to teach how science can be applied to societal issues and improve science literacy and citizenship.  相似文献   

In this phenomenographic study of dissolution, data were drawn from 217 students aged 12 to 14 years, representing a wide ability range. Some were whole Year 9 classes in non-selective schools near London, while 150 were isolated, randomly selected subjects from the TIMSS (Third International Mathematics and Science Study) in the UK. All respondents watched or performed the dissolution of a solid in both cold and warm water, and then wrote their explanations. Analysis yielded an estimate of the frequency of un-cued deployment of particulate models. The wide range of alternative conceptions is discussed in terms of use of analogy, association of ideas, the vernacular language, and selective observation. On an inexact estimate, approaching half of all the responses had merit as explanations, although less than half of these made use of the particulate model. These findings have implications for the teaching of all science theory, but especially for conveying the purpose of models, and the process of modelling.  相似文献   

This study explores five minority preservice teachers’ conceptions of teaching science and identifies the sources of their strategies for helping students learn science. Perspectives from the literature on conceptions of teaching science and on the role constructs used to describe and distinguish minority preservice teachers from their mainstream White peers served as the framework to identify minority preservice teachers’ instructional ideas, meanings, and actions for teaching science. Data included drawings, narratives, observations and self-review reports of microteaching, and interviews. A thematic analysis of data revealed that the minority preservice teachers’ conceptions of teaching science were a specific set of beliefs-driven instructional ideas about how science content is linked to home experiences, students’ ideas, hands-on activities, about how science teaching must include group work and not be based solely on textbooks, and about how learning science involves the concept of all students can learn science, and acknowledging and respecting students’ ideas about science. Implications for teacher educators include the need to establish supportive environments within methods courses for minority preservice teachers to express their K-12 experiences and acknowledge and examine how these experiences shape their conceptions of teaching science, and to recognize that minority preservice teachers’ conceptions of teaching science reveal the multiple ways through which they see and envision science instruction.  相似文献   

In this paper I draw an overview of a new model to analyse conceptual evolution in the classroom, based on the notion of Conceptual Profile. This model differs from conceptual change models in suggesting that it is possible to use different ways of thinking in different domains and that a new concept does not necessarily replace previous and alternative ideas. According to this model, learning science is to change a conceptual profile and become conscious of the different zones of the profile, which includes commonsense and scientific ideas.To exemplify how the Conceptual Profile notion can help to understand the evolution of conceptions in the classroom I shall determine the different zones that constitute the epistemological and ontological profile of the concepts of the atom and of physical states of matter.  相似文献   

In this article the authors resort to a qualitative analysis of the plot of science fiction stories about a group of scientists, written by two 11th‐grade Earth and Life Science students (aged 17), and to semi‐structured interviews, with the double purpose of diagnosing their conceptions of the nature of science (namely, as regards scientists’ activity), and discussing the potentialities of this methodology in terms of research and education in science. The adopted methodology proved particularly effective in diagnosing the students’ conceptions of scientists’ characteristics, scientific activity, and science–technology–society interactions. The limited content of certain conceptions and a certain lack of knowledge on the part of the students concerning the processes and the epistemology of science highlight the need to pay explicit attention in science classes to the nature of scientific activity. Some of the ideas brought up by the students clearly show the influence of stereotypes and catastrophic scenarios depicted in films, television programs, and books, revealing media’s limitations when divulging scientific and technological themes to the general public and stressing the need for the school to promote a critical debate about science and technology images conveyed by the media.  相似文献   

科学技术发展的生态思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从表面上看,环境问题是人们利用科学技术过度采伐和消耗自然资源所引发的,其深层根源是人类在自然观上的人类中心论和科技观上的科学技术决定论这两种观念支配下的对科技的不合理和无限制的应用,或者说是工业文明时代的发展理念及其支配下的生活方式在起作用。只有进行人类文明的创新,变革指导科技发展的伦理观念,建立新的生态文明的科学技术观,才能实现科技、社会和生态环境的协调发展。  相似文献   

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