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The primary objective of this study was to examine the relationship between heart rate intensity and pedometer step counts in adolescents. To determine cardiorespiratory fitness, 106 participants (47 boys, 59 girls, mean age 14.2 years, s = 0.8) completed the Queen's College Step Test and were classified as having low, moderate or high cardiorespiratory fitness. Adolescents also completed a 10-min treadmill trial while wearing a pedometer and heart rate monitor. The participants were instructed to maintain their heart rate between 65 and 75% of their maximum heart rate while running or walking on a treadmill. A heart rate of 65–75% maximum was associated with 146 steps per minute (s = 22) in boys and 137 steps per minute (s = 22) in girls. Results of analysis of variance indicated that there was a main effect for level of fitness (F 2,102 = 9.36, P < 0.001). The correlation between mean steps per minute and estimated maximum oxygen consumption was statistically significant (r = 0.44, P < 0.001). The results from this study suggest that a step rate of 130 steps per minute is equal to 65–75% maximum heart rate in low-fit adolescents and achieving 130 steps per minute could be used as an initial goal to improve fitness.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to develop a multiple linear regression model to predict treadmill VO2max scores using both exercise and non-exercise data. One hundred five college-aged participants (53 male, 52 female) successfully completed a submaximal cycle ergometer test and a maximal graded exercise test on a motorized treadmill. The submaximal cycle protocol required participants to achieve a steady-state heart rate equal to at least 70% of age-predicted maximum heart rate (220-age), while the maximal treadmill graded exercise test required participants to exercise to volitional fatigue. Relevant submaximal cycle ergometer test data included a mean (±SD) ending steady-state heart rate and ending workrate equal to 164.2 ± 13.0 bpm and 115.3 ± 27.0 watts, respectively. Relevant non-exercise data included a mean (±SD) body mass (kg), perceived functional ability score, and physical activity rating score of 74.2 ± 15.1, 15.7 ± 4.3, and 4.7 ± 2.1, respectively. Multiple linear regression was used to generate the following prediction of (R = .91, standard error of estimates (SEE) = 3.36 ml·kg?1·min?1): VO2max = 54.513 + 9.752 (gender, 1 = male, 0 = female) – .297 (body mass, kg) + .739 (perceived functional ability, 2–26) + .077 (work rate, watts) – .072 (steady-state heart rate). Each predictor variable was statistically significant (p < .05) with beta weights for gender, body mass, perceived functional ability, exercise workrate, and steady-state heart rate equal to .594, –.544, .388, .305, and –.116, respectively. The predicted residual sums of squares (PRESS) statistics reflected minimal shrinkage (RPRESS = .90, SEEPRESS = 3.56 ml·kg?1·min?1) for the multiple linear regression model. In summary, the submaximal cycle ergometer protocol and accompanying prediction model yield relatively accurate VO2max estimates in healthy college-aged participants using both exercise and non-exercise data.  相似文献   


Exercise at different cadences might serve as potential stimulus for functional adaptations of the brain, because cortical activation is sensitive to frequency of movement. Therefore, we investigated the effects of high (HCT) and low cadence training (LCT) on brain cortical activity during exercise as well as endurance performance.

Cyclists were randomly assigned to low and high cadence training. Over the 4-week training period, participants performed 4 h of basic endurance training as well as four additional cadence-specific exercise sessions, 60 min weekly. At baseline and after 4 weeks, participants completed an incremental exercise test with spirometry and exercise at constant load with registration of electroencephalogram (EEG).

Compared with LCT, a greater increase of frontal alpha/beta ratio was confirmed in HCT. This was based on a lower level of beta activity during exercise. Both groups showed similar improvements in maximal oxygen consumption and power at the individual anaerobic threshold.

Whereas HCT and LCT elicit similar benefits on aerobic performance, cycling at high pedalling frequencies enables participants to perform an exercise bout with less cortical activation.  相似文献   

Cardiorespiratory fitness affords health benefits to youth. Among females, weight-relative fitness declines during puberty and is lower among African American (AA) than Caucasian girls. Data indicate racial differences in pubertal timing and tempo, yet the interactive influence of puberty and race on fitness, and the role of physical activity (PA) in these associations have not been examined. Thus, independent and interactive associations of race and pubertal development with fitness in adolescent girls, controlling for PA were examined. Girls in grades 5–8 (n = 1011; Caucasian = 25.2%, AA = 52.3%, Other Race group = 22.5%) completed the Pubertal Development Scale (pubertal stage assessment) and Fitnessgram® Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run (PACER) test (cardiorespiratory fitness assessment). PA was assessed by accelerometry. Bivariate and multivariate analyses were used to examine associations among race, pubertal stage and fitness, controlling for vigorous PA, AA, and pubertally advanced girls demonstrated lower fitness than Caucasian and less mature counterparts. Puberty and race remained significantly associated with fitness after controlling for vigorous PA. The interaction effect of race and puberty on fitness was non-significant. The pubertal influence on fitness is observed among AA adolescents. Associations between fitness and race/puberty appear to be independent of each other and vigorous PA. Pubertally advanced AA girls represent a priority group for fitness interventions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a 4-week running sprint interval training protocol to improve both aerobic and anaerobic fitness in middle-aged adults (40–50 years) as well as compare the adaptations to younger adults (20–30 years). Twenty-eight inactive participants – 14 young 20–30-year-olds (n = 7 males) and 14 middle-aged 40–50-year-olds (n = 5 males) – completed 4 weeks of running sprint interval training (4 to 6, 30-s “all-out” sprints on a curved, self-propelled treadmill separated by 4 min active recovery performed 3 times per week). Before and after training, all participants were assessed for maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max), 2000 m time trial performance, and anaerobic performance on a single 30-s sprint. There were no interactions between group and time for any tested variable, although training improved relative VO2max (young = 3.9, middle-aged = 5.2%; P < 0.04), time trial performance (young = 5.9, middle-aged = 8.2%; P < 0.001), peak sprint speed (young = 9.3, middle-aged = 2.2%; P < 0.001), and average sprint speed (young = 6.8, middle-aged = 11.6%; P < 0.001) in both young and middle-aged groups from pre- to post-training on the 30-s sprint test. The current study demonstrates that a 4-week running sprint interval training programme is equally effective at improving aerobic and anaerobic fitness in younger and middle-aged adults.  相似文献   

To adhere to the principle of “exercise specificity” exercise testing should be completed using the same physical activity that is performed during exercise training. The present study was designed to assess whether aerobic step exercisers have a greater maximal oxygen consumption (max VO2) when tested using an activity specific, maximal step exercise test (SET; arms and legs) versus a maximal running test (legs only). Female aerobic step exercisers (N=18; 20.7 ± 1.5 years) performed three maximal graded exercise tests (GXTs): 2 SETs; 1 treadmill test (TMT). The SET consisted of six 3-min progressive stages of alternate lead, basic step, basic step with biceps curls, knee raise with pull-down, repeater knee with pull-down, lateral lunge with pull-down, and side squat with shoulder presses. Stepping rate was 32 steps· min?1 on an 8-in (20.32 cm) step for stages 1–3, and a 10-in (25.4 cm) step for stages 4–6. Submaximal and maximal heart rate (HR) and oxygen consumption (VO2) were recorded at the end of each stage. Test–retest reliability for the first five stages of the SET ranged from .91 to .97 for HR, and from .84 to .96 for VO2. Maximal HR was significantly greater (p =.0001) for the SET (200 ± 6.2 beats·min?1) as compared to the TMT (193 ± 7.9 beats·min?1). No significant difference was found for max VO2 (42.9 ± 8.5, 41.2 ± 5.9 ml·kg?1·min?1, p =.14). The SET was a valid and reliable protocol for assessing responses of these aerobic step exercisers; however, max VO2 from a TMT did not differ significantly from the SET. Conversely, max HR obtained from the criterion TMT was 7 beats·min?1 lower than from the SET. If a training HR for step exercise (arms and legs exercise) is prescribed based on the max HR from treadmill exercise (legs only), then the training HR should be calculated from a TMT max HR that has been increased by 7 beats·min?1 to obtain an intensity of step exercise comparable to that of running.  相似文献   

目的:研究4 000 m场地自行车运动VO2反应,及前15 s高功率起动对运动成绩的影响。方法:11名男子自行车运动员在功率车上进行递增负荷试验和两种不同起动强度的4 000 m运动。首先进行前60 s平均功率(128±2)%MAP即(501.7±41.9)w强度对照模式运动;5 h后进行模拟模式运动,强度在第8~10 s达到最高值235%MAP(928.3±77.6)w,后逐步下降,15 s时至平均功率(421.9±40.1)w,维持15~60 s。60 s之后两组均进行自由速度模式,强度控制在380~420 w之间。结果:整个测试过程模拟组较对照组平均功率高19 w左右,有统计学差异。模拟组15~60 sVO2高于对照组,模拟组15s~60sVO2高于对照组,而AOD却低于对照组,对整个运动表现有促进作用。结论:4 000 m场地自行车运动前15 s高输出功率可伴随着更快的VO2反应而不是单一归于节省时间理论,并可促进中等距离自行车计时运动员的摄氧动员能力。  相似文献   

Drawing upon achievement goal theory, this study explored the interplay between the perceived motivational climate, achievement goals and objective measurements of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max). The results of a study of 123 individuals from three Norwegian military academies revealed that under the condition of a high-performance orientation there is a stronger positive relationship between performance climate and VO2max for individuals reporting a low (rather than high)-mastery orientation. Furthermore, we found that for individuals with a high-mastery orientation there is a stronger positive relationship between mastery climate and VO2max for individuals reporting a low (rather than high)-performance orientation. These findings contribute to achievement goal theory by providing support for an interactionist person–environment fit perspective. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

This study aimed to test the validity of a non-motorised treadmill (NMT) for the measurement of self-paced overground endurance running performance. Ten male runners performed randomised 5-km running time trials on a NMT and an outdoor athletics track. A range of physiological and perceptual responses was measured, and foot strike was classified subjectively. Performance time was strongly correlated (= 0.82, ICC = 0.86) between running modes, despite running time being significantly longer on the NMT (1264 ± 124 s vs. 1536 ± 130 s for overground and NMT, respectively; < 0.001). End blood lactate concentration and rating of perceived exertion were significantly higher on the NMT compared to overground. Integrated electromyography was significantly lower on the NMT for three muscles (< 0.05), and mean stride rate was also significantly lower on the NMT (= 0.04). Cardiorespiratory responses of heart rate, oxygen uptake and expired air volume demonstrated strong correlations (= 0.68–0.96, ICC = 0.75–0.97) and no statistical differences (> 0.05). Runners were consistently slower on the NMT, and as such it should not be used to measure performance over a specific distance. However, the strong correlations suggest that superior overground performance was reflected in relative terms on the NMT, and therefore, it is a valid tool for the assessment of endurance running performance in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Investigations in the 1990s evaluated the influence of breathing assemblies on respiratory variables at rest and during exercise; however, research on new models of breathing assemblies is lacking. This study compared metabolic gas analysis data from a mouthpiece with a noseclip (MOUTH) and a face mask (MASK). Volunteers (7 males, 7 females; 25.1 ± 2.7 years) completed two maximal treadmill tests within 1 week, one MOUTH and one MASK, in random order. The difference in maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) between MOUTH (52.7 ± 11.3 ml · kg?1 · min?1) and MASK (52.2 ± 11.7 ml · kg?1 · min?1) was not significant (P = 0.53). Likewise, the mean MOUTH–MASK differences in minute ventilation (VE), fraction of expired oxygen (FEO2) and carbon dioxide (FECO2), respiration rate (RR), tidal volume (Vt), heart rate (HR), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) at maximal and submaximal intensities were not significant (P > 0.05). Furthermore, there was no systematic bias in the error scores (r = ?0.13, P = 0.66), and 12 of the 14 participants had a VO2max difference of ≤3 ml · kg?1 · min?1 between conditions. Finally, there was no clear participant preference for using the MOUTH or MASK. Selection of MOUTH or MASK will not affect the participant’s gas exchange or breathing patterns.  相似文献   

To examine the reliability and validity of 1-mile walk tests for estimation of aerobic fitness (VO2max) in 10- to 13-year-old children and to cross-validate previously published equations. Participants (= 61) walked 1-mile on two different days. Self-reported physical activity, demographic variables, and aerobic fitness were used in multiple regression analyses. Eight models were developed with various combinations of predictors. The recommended model for fitness testing in schools was: VO2max = 120.702 + (4.114 × Sex [F = 0, M = 1]) – (2.918 × 1-mile Walk Time [min]) – (2.841 × Age), = .73, standard error of estimate = 6.36 mL·kg?1·min?1. Cross-validation of previously published equations demonstrated lower correlations with measured VO2max than the newly developed walk tests. Evidence of reliability and validity for 1-mile walk tests to estimate VO2max in young children was provided. The model that included 1-mile walk time, age, and sex may be appropriate for youth fitness testing in physical education, particularly for unmotivated or overweight young children.  相似文献   

Running economy is a reflection of the amount of inspired oxygen required to maintain a given velocity and is considered a determining factor for running performance. Athletic footwear has been advocated as a mechanism by which running economy can be enhanced. New commercially available footwear has been developed in order to increase energy return, although their efficacy has not been investigated. This study aimed to examine the effects of energy return footwear on running economy in relation to conventional running shoes. Twelve male runners completed 6-min steady-state runs in conventional and energy return footwear. Overall, oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate, respiratory exchange ratio, shoe comfort and rating of perceived exertion were assessed. Moreover, participants subjectively indicated which shoe condition they preferred for running. Differences in shoe comfort and physiological parameters were examined using Wilcoxon signed-rank tests, whilst shoe preferences were tested using a chi-square analysis. The results showed that VO2 and respiratory exchange ratio were significantly lower, and shoe comfort was significantly greater, in the energy return footwear. Given the relationship between running economy and running performance, these observations indicate that the energy return footwear may be associated with enhanced running performance in comparison to conventional shoes.  相似文献   

This study compared effects of training at moderate, high, or a combination of the two intensities (mixed) on performance and physiological adaptations, when training durations were individualised. Untrained participants (n = 34) were assigned to a moderate, high, or mixed group. Maximal oxygen uptake (V?O2max), power output at V?O2max (MAP), time-to-exhaustion and gross efficiency were recorded before and after four weeks of cycling training (four times per week). The moderate group cycled at 60% MAP in blocks of 5 min with 1 min recovery, and training duration was individualised to 100% of pre-training time-to-exhaustion. The high group cycled at 100% MAP for 2 min with 3 min recovery, and training duration was set as the maximum number of repetitions completed in the first training session. The mixed group completed two moderate- and two high-intensity sessions each week, on alternate days. V?O2max, MAP, and time-to-exhaustion increased after training (P < 0.05), but were not different between groups (P > 0.05). The mixed group improved their gross efficiency at 50% MAP more than the other two groups (P = 0.044) after training. When training is individualised for untrained participants, similar improvements in performance and physiological measures are found, despite marked differences in exercise intensity and total training duration.  相似文献   


This study contrasted prepractice modeling with either the perceptual component (perceptual modeling) or the motor component (movement pattern) of a coincident-timing task to determine whether experiencing the modalities singly or in combination enhanced timing performance on initiation of active practice. The motor component was a 60-cm right-to-left arm movement coincident with the illumination of lights on a Bassin timer runway to displace a barrier as the final runway light was illuminated. Four groups were compared (n = 12 per group). A perceptual modeling group passively viewed stimulus runway lights prior to attempting the task. A motoric modeling group viewed a videotape prior to practice of a model performing the motor component of the skill with zero timing error. A perceptual modeling plus motoric modeling group experienced both modeling modalities prior to performance. Finally, a no modeling group simply initiated practice on the task without modeling. Results indicated that the groups experiencing perceptual modeling initiated practice with significantly less average timing error and variability. Thus, perceptual modeling appeared to be at least as important as motoric modeling as a source of prepractice information to make available to a learner to optimize coincident-timing skill acquisition.  相似文献   


Nitroglycerin induces the so-called second window of protection (SWOP), which alleviates myocardial damage and stunning after ischaemia/reperfusion. To determine whether myocardial performance during exercise is improved in the second window of protection, we studied the haemodynamic responses of 12 trained and 11 sedentary individuals during a sequence of maximal tests on a cycle ergometer. A baseline test (basal test) was followed by a second effort performed during the second window of protection (exercise-SWOP test). Haemodynamics was also evaluated after pharmacologically induced SWOP 48 h after transdermal administration of 10 mg of nitroglycerin (pharmacologically induced SWOP test). The exercise-SWOP and pharmacologically induced SWOP tests were separated by a 1-week washout period. Endothelial-dependent vasodilatation after nitroglycerin pre-treatment was also assessed in five sedentary individuals to determine whether nitrate donors could affect vascular function. We found that nitroglycerin pre-treatment did not induce any improvement in haemodynamics in either trained or sedentary individuals, since maximum values of workload, heart rate, stroke volume, cardiac output, myocardial contractility, and double product were similar between the exercise-SWOP and pharmacologically induced SWOP tests in both groups. Furthermore, nitroglycerin pre-treatment did not alter flow-mediated dilation during pharmacologically induced SWOP. Although nitroglycerin pre-treatment alleviates post-ischaemic myocardial stunning, our results suggest that it does not affect the myocardial performance of healthy individuals during exercise performed in the second window of protection, independently of the training status of the individuals. Moreover, nitroglycerin pre-treatment does not ameliorate endothelial function.  相似文献   


Mechanical models of cycling time-trial performance have indicated adverse effects of variations in external power output on overall performance times. Nevertheless, the precise influences of the magnitude and number of these variations over different distances of time trial are unclear. A hypothetical cyclist (body mass 70 kg, bicycle mass 10 kg) was studied using a mathematical model of cycling, which included the effects of acceleration. Performance times were modelled over distances of 4–40 km, mean power outputs of 200–600 W, power variation amplitudes of 5–15% and variation frequencies of 2–32 per time-trial. Effects of a “fast-start” strategy were compared with those of a constant-power strategy. Varying power improved 4-km performance at all power outputs, with the greatest improvement being 0.90 s for ± 15% power variation. For distances of 16.1, 20 and 40 km, varying power by ± 15% increased times by 3.29, 4.46 and 10.43 s respectively, suggesting that in long-duration cycling in constant environmental conditions, cyclists should strive to reduce power variation to maximise performance. The novel finding of the present study is that these effects are augmented with increasing event distance, amplitude and period of variation. These two latter factors reflect a poor adherence to a constant speed.  相似文献   

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