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This article reports the development, validation and use of an instrument designed to provide teachers with feedback information, based on students’ perceptions, about their classroom environments. The instrument was developed to provide teachers with feedback that they could use to reflect on their teaching practices and, in turn, guide the implementation of strategies to improve their learning environments. To determine the validity and reliability of the new instrument, data from 2043 grade 11 and 12 students from 147 classes in 9 schools were analysed. The Rasch model was used to convert data collected using a frequency response scale into interval data that are suitable for parametric analyses. During an action research process, reflective journals, written feedback, discussions at a forum and interviews with eight teachers helped to illuminate the processes used by teachers during action research. This article reports the views of these teachers in general and examines more closely how one of the teachers used student responses to the learning environment questionnaire as a tool for reflection and as a guide in transforming her classroom environment. This case study helped us to gauge the extent to which action research based on students’ perceptions of the learning environment was useful in guiding teachers’ improvements of their classroom learning environments.  相似文献   

本文论述了中小学教师应如何使用行动研究的方法进行科研,并认为行动研究可以加速教育科研“产业化”。行动研究以合作的定性研究为主,实地研究和反思是行动研究的关键,日记是重要的环节。本文以笔者正在研究的一个课题为例对行动研究的方法作了详细的介绍。  相似文献   

鼓励普通教师积极参与科研是目前国内外教师发展的主题,通过一个教师第一次开展一个行动研究的过程记录,详细报道了此教师如何通过同事间私下聊天这种交流方式消除职业孤独、增强反省和解决教学问题的能力,成为善于合作的自信积极的人。通过系统对比分析专业研究者和普通教师研究者的科研条件和目标的区别,提出教师研究、教师发展的运动必须尽快树立教师友善的研究评估标准,以确保科研不会变成教师肩上的新负担、真正促进教师职业发展。  相似文献   

教师领导是近年来学校领导研究与教师教育研究的热点问题之一.在早期教育领域实施教师领导有助于提高早期教育的专业地位、促进教师专业发展,最终促进儿童的发展.正确认识教师领导、提高教师领导的能力、创设合作团队、与家长合作并建立良好的公众关系是落实教师领导的有效策略.  相似文献   

Action research is a form of professional inquiry in which the teacher's role is seen as key to educational improvement. This paper describes methodologies developed by the Logo Action Research Collaborative – a national network linking 100 teachers at nine sites – that facilitate and support collaborative inquiry by teachers into their own teaching practices, in order to understand, improve, develop, and incorporate new forms of student assessment, teaching methods, and curriculum. The project focused on the Logo computer language, a powerful learning environment for problem‐solving and mathematical inquiry. The authors provide background information on action research as an evolving discipline. They identify three phases of a year‐long action research cycle, and describe key strategies developed by the project to support teachers in taking on a research frame of mind, identifying areas of concern, and undertaking and completing action research projects. The paper includes several illustrative examples of action research investigations undertaken by teachers, and demonstrates the benefits to the students and teachers involved. It closes by making a case for the potential contribution of action research to current educational reform initiatives and school restructuring.  相似文献   

美国教师领导教育是在20世纪80年代兴起的美国教师教育改革背景下产生,并在90年代后逐渐发展起来的。教师领导以权力重新分配为基础,把教师放在学生、同事、学校发展的核心地位,对教师领导者提出了诸多要求。教师领导教育体现了大学与学校合作培养、教师合作学习、学习和实践相结合等特点,为美国当代教师教育发展开辟了新的领域。  相似文献   

由课程研究到教师研究的范式转换是以教学研究为基轴展开的。教师研究要解决的核心问题是:教师的专业属性;教师研究的内涵追求。本文基于佐藤学先生提出的“反思性实践家”概念,明晓教师研究的当下意义,厘清教师研究的基本思路,以及在学校环境中探讨教师研究开展的可能性。  相似文献   

The educational community has, in recent times, abandoned a quantitative approach to research on teaching, characterized by process-product research, for a focus on naturalistic inquiry and the use of qualitative research methods. Major changes in research directions are accompanied in time by an integration process, that is, attempts to assimilate new knowledge with an already existing knowledge base. Attempts to integrate process-product research on teaching with more recent work have been impeded by major assumptions in research paradigms that have made the two directions seeming antagonists in the pursuit of knowledge. This paper explores the potential of integrating the results of earlier research on teaching with recent work stemming from both naturalistic inquiry and theoretical work in cognitive science. Major directions and issues are examined for their compatibility and ability to contribute to a broader perspective of the teaching/leaming process and teacher education.  相似文献   

This project explores how one early childhood preparation program integrated applied ethics in introductory coursework. Recognizing that students enter teacher education with well-formed values and beliefs regarding children and teaching, carefully planned learning experience and encounters in real life learning contexts expand their understanding of the complexity of ethical decision-making in early care and education programs. This project documents students’ perspectives toward their role as meaning-makers through the analysis of assignments intended to promote reflection on values. As students engage with course content and gain practical experience, their knowledge and beliefs regarding teaching evolve together demonstrating the power of ethical thinking in enhancing early childhood teacher education. The findings indicate that students draw on their image of children, social justice, and self-awareness in their development of a professional ethical identity.  相似文献   

课改离不开“全球视野”,更需要“本土行动”。我国新课程改革全球视野存在一定程度的“西化”倾向,不利于本土行动的有效实施。新课程改革应依托教育传统,直面教育现实,追求“本土生长”,落实本土行动。  相似文献   

反思型教师的培养有助于解决教育理论研究与教育实践脱节的问题。由于反思型教师教育与行动研究具有根基上的一致性和方法上的互通性,行动研究就一直被作为促进反思型教师成长与发展的主要的,行之有效的方法之一。  相似文献   

国外对中小学教师领导力问题的研究与启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"教师领导力"近年来成为美国和加拿大等国对中小学学校领导问题研究的热点.尽管目前有关教师领导力的研究尚无明确统一的概念,但是影响教师领导力的因素以及教师领导力在学校管理实践中的意义却已经被广泛关注.  相似文献   

教育行动研究方式因其在解决教育理论脱离教育实践、促进教师专业发展、推动课程改革等方面的作用而受到倡导。这促进了我国教育研究的发展,但同时也出现了一些问题:表现于"重理轻用"、"低水平重复"、"文不对题"等对教育行动研究的泛化及滥用现象;混淆教育行动与教育行动研究;教育行动研究过程中存在"去理论化"倾向。秉持跨学科研究取向,以问题为中心,正确认识、评价和定位教育行动研究,廓清概念、规避"唯方法主义"倾向、重视理论思维,方有助于我国教育研究的良性发展。  相似文献   

近年来,教师领导力作为一种新的学校领导力模式,受到国内外学者的广泛关注,成为国际教育领域的研究热点.然而,在表现出巨大研究潜力的同时,教师领导力的研究也面临着诸多困难,概念混乱、研究方法不成熟、研究结论不一致是突出的表现.  相似文献   

该文运用问卷调查、访谈和课堂观察的方法,以某师范类高等院校外语系25位英语专业教师作为研究对象,从实践的角度证明:行动研究可以改变教师的教育教学信念,可以帮助教师在实践中通过反思寻找适当的教学策略,从而提高他们的教学技能和教学效果,最终实现其职业发展。  相似文献   

校园文化与企业文化的联系和区别初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
校园文化与企业文化对接的问题已经越来越广泛地受到人们的重视。要真正实现校园文化与企业文化的对接,必须首先弄清校园文化与企业文化的联系和区别。校园文化与企业文化在不少方面存在着联系和相似点,但校园文化在建设主体、建设目标、建设途径、本质特征上明显区别于企业文化。  相似文献   

"教师研究"的定位关乎到"教师研究"的研究和"教师研究"的实践。目前出现的对"教师研究"的认识误区和实践失范皆源于"教师研究"定位的模糊。教师研究者是研究者大家族中的一员,具有自身研究的独特性;教师作为研究者,理应遵循研究的一般性规范,应与其他研究者在同一平台交流和对话,并与所有研究者的总体目标相一致。鉴于目前教育研究的弊端和不足,研究领域应充分考虑教师研究者的研究特点和职业优势,对"研究规范"和"科学知识"进行重新定位。  相似文献   

本文首先总结了60年新中国外交取得的辉煌成就,具体体现在维护中国国家利益,促进世界的和平、发展与合作事业,拓宽世界与中国人民的联系;然后对当前转型中的中国外交在一系列问题领域面临的两难困境进行了分析;论文最后对中国外交几个核心议题进行了反思.  相似文献   

Technology has changed the way the world functions on a day-to-day basis, but what about education? Education has been directly affected by the increase of technology in the United States. This change has not been well accepted by some members of the educational community, thus leaving the realm of education behind in the technology era. This article seeks to focus on the benefits of technology in the classroom as well as some of the issues that surround teachers and technology. The article also delves into the future of technology and education and provides some helpful tips for technology use in the classroom.  相似文献   

教师领导力是教师的核心素养之一,是影响教育教学质量的重要变量。国外教师领导力的研究呈现一些新动向,特别强调教师要从领导行为到领导思维方式的转变,主要体现在:对教师领导力的理解经历了正式职务的教师领导、作为具有课堂教学专长的教师领导、作为一种思维方式的教师领导三个阶段,研究的着眼点从强调个人角色转向教师集体的责任与共享;无论是实证研究还是循证决策,都将协作视为教师领导的关键能力;教师领导力研究对传统学校组织结构和组织文化提出挑战,对领导和权力理论有不同的诠释,对理论架构有独到的主张,重构成为教师领导力研究的内在需求。  相似文献   

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