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In the short span of a half-century the Super Bowl has grown from a modest championship game between two football leagues into an outsized mid-winter holiday co-produced by the National Football League and the combined efforts of the American advertising and television industries. It has grown from a one-day into a two-week festival featuring a vast range of events, parties, and a championship football game. Fifty years on, half of the population of the United States and a worldwide television audience participate in Super Bowl activities and festivities either live or virtually. Television, marketing, and a wide range of media platforms have aided and abetted the growth of this celebration of football and consumption. Although there are many ways to describe the Super Bowl it is the nineteenth century vocabulary of the economist Thorstein Veblen that best captures its essence. In Veblen’s words it is a case of ‘conspicuous consumption’ now running on steroids.  相似文献   


In the days following Super Bowl III, New York Times columnist Robert Lipsyte coined the phrase ‘superbowling’. Consisting of the ‘chatter’ and diverse perspectives voiced throughout the nation in the days surrounding each Super Bowl, superbowling includes the off-the-wall psychiatric evaluations and epic gloating by football fans, political reactions and sociological analyses concerning the game’s affect on the nation’s institutions, as well as the hasty generalizations by alarmed moralists and university professors. This paper utilizes the ‘superbowling’ penned between Super Bowls I and XXXVI as evidence that provides insight into ‘the variety of ways in which Americans understood and enacted their political culture at a specific time’. By investigating the varieties of superbowling topics highlighted within each yearly Super Bowl, one cannot only better understand the evolution of Super Bowl Sunday, but can also understand its relationship to the prominent historical happenings and personalities of the time. It is concluded that by the turn of the millennium, superbowling revealed at least three enduring qualities of Super Bowl Sunday: ‘conspicuous consumption’, ‘shared experience’, and ‘national holiday’.  相似文献   


The Super Bowl has played a central role in the diffusion of American football in Germany, as interviews with the ‘founding fathers’ of ‘gridiron’ football clubs and analysis of German media accounts reveal. American football and the Super Bowl have also played an important role in the construction of traditional German Amerikabilder – images, ideas, and symbols associated with America. German media rarely covered American football until the late 1970s. At that time, brief highlight shows of the Super Bowl on German television and broadcasts on the American Forces Network significantly contributed to the diffusion of American football and the emergence of an American football league in Germany in the late 1970s. In the process of covering the Super Bowl, German journalists reproduced Germany’s double-headed Amerikabild: America as a model of modernity on the one hand, and as a violent, cultureless society on the other. The press further invoked historical clashes between German Kultur and the dreaded Zivilisation of the West. This exploration of the social processes surrounding the reception of the Super Bowl in Germany employs the theories of cultural globalization, migration, and electronic mediation developed by the anthropologist Arjun Appadurai to explain the complexities of contemporary global cultural flows.  相似文献   


This paper examines the development of American football and the Super Bowl in the British imagination utilizing data from the British press. Divergent images of America have been present for centuries in British minds, and American football became intertwined with these images in the nineteenth century. Initially presented as a brutalized version of British varieties of football, once American football was seen live in Great Britain and it became a familiar subject on newsreels, some commentators interpreted it as a spectacle and a synonym for American life–modern, exciting, fast, and fun. Others viewed it as a threat that could undermine the British cultural heritage. The regular broadcasting of the NFL by Channel 4, including the Super Bowl live, was a watershed with the game swiftly gaining audience numbers whilst English association football was in a dour period. The increased popularity resulted in more media coverage, including negative images of unbridled capitalism, fixed games, and drug use. By the 1990s, audience numbers declined as English football was rehabilitated and American popularity waned, mainly through unpopular foreign policies. Today, many Britons regard watching the Super Bowl in the same way as a trip to Disney, an one-day holiday to a ‘foreign’ culture.  相似文献   


In the contemporary US, the Super Bowl creates the largest ‘shared experience’ in the nation. More people tune into these spectacles than attend worship services, vote in elections, or celebrate traditional holidays. Super Bowls have become such powerful elements in US national culture that television corporations and the National Football League have sought to export them to the rest of the world. Indeed, executives in the television and football industries tout potential worldwide audiences in the billions and speculate that the Super Bowl might muscle its way into the realm of the Olympics and World Cup soccer tournaments as global mega-events. In spite of corporate bluster, the Super Bowl has not become a truly international event and has not garnered widespread international passion. American pundits have speculated ceaselessly about why the Super Bowl lags behind other US cultural products in terms of global influence and fretted about how the rest of the world sees the game. Their analyses reveal more about American perceptions of the world than they do about the world’s views of the United States.  相似文献   


This study is to analyse how the Japanese have traditionally received and currently perceive the Super Bowl, and for this purpose, it aims to locate the position of American football in Japanese history, society, and culture. It explores the game’s history and then examine the degree of its spread among Japan’s sporting population. A two-dimensional approach of historical study and inter-game comparison gives context to the analyses of reference frequency and contents of news media, followed by speculative discussions of what the near future of Japan’s American football would be like. To conclude, it clarifies the ways the Super Bowl has been received and is now being perceived by two groups: The first group is the general people who see the Super Bowl as the convenient and useful medium by which they could learn effectively about American culture through the one-night mania for ‘conspicuous consumption’. The second group comprises American football experts and enthusiasts, including 13,000 athletes and their OBs, coaches, trainers, and other staff members of the leagues and associations as well as the general sports fans. For this group, the Super Bowl is the apex of their favourite sport to which only a selected talented few could join.  相似文献   


A closer look at football illuminates some important truths in the Can-Am experience. Central to this discovery is the notion of the Grey Cup as Canada’s anti-Super Bowl. Complete with folksy traditions and understated pageantry, the Grey Cup is emblematically Canadian and has historically served as a sharp rebuke to American cultural imperialism and excess, represented so perfectly by the Super Bowl. Like many aspects of Can-Am relations, however, the Super Bowl experience is not a simple narrative. Many Canadians have not only integrated the Super Bowl into their sporting calendars but prefer it to the domestic product. The growing cultural influence of the Super Bowl north of the border made national headlines in 2015 when ratings revealed that more Canadians, per capita, watched the Super Bowl than Americans. Traditionally the attitudes reflected in Canadian media demonstrate a clear bias that favoured the Grey Cup over the Super Bowl. The Super Bowl’s prominence in Canada was written by Canadian sports scribes as regrettable and undeserved while the virtuous Grey Cup, they asserted, went under-appreciated, not just globally but increasingly domestically. This chauvinistic rhetoric supports and adds to the existing research that focuses on Canadian reaction to American mass culture.  相似文献   

This paper derives from an ongoing study of how modern sports contribute to the (re)definition of national identities in the context of increasing marketization and mediatization of sport at different levels. In this paper, we examine the symbolic tensions surrounding Three Ireland’s concurrent sponsorship of the Irish international football and rugby union teams via an analysis of two television commercials commissioned by the sponsor. We suggest that although different signifiers of Irish identity are employed in the football and rugby commercials examined – and that each ostensibly represents a different ‘version’ of Irish identity – both campaigns draw largely from a common fund of cultural authenticity. Our analysis suggests that Three Ireland has constructed broad texts that comfortably accommodate differing signifiers of Irish identity and that permit the sponsor to trade in limited and controllable degrees of cultural difference. More broadly, our paper demonstrates how national identity can function as a ‘multi-directional symbol’.  相似文献   


The drive to develop women’s football in France, a game 100 years old albeit one long-stigmatised, was thrust into high gear in 2011. Since then, a confluence of events and cultural changes, from on-field results and officials’ investment of greater resources to winning the 2019 World Cup host bid, greater mediatisation of women’s players, and more – including the spectacular 2010 meltdown of Les Bleus in South Africa – have combined to energise and grow the game. This newfound dynamism was unforeseen a decade ago and illustrates some of France’s biggest World Cup legacies: the up-front investments underpinning the sport’s development during the 2010s, and the ways the country has repackaged itself as a champion of women’s football and women in football, forever changing the face of ‘le foot féminin’.  相似文献   


Through his work, Death in the Afternoon (1932), Ernest Hemingway provides access to international cultural heritage that States-side readers might not have otherwise. In crossing inquiries regarding space and sports together, the intimate relationship between the two comes to the forefront, emphasising Hemingway’s passion for both. Readers may ask themselves if Hemingway uses sports to write about Spain, or if he uses Spain to write about sports: the two topics are intrinsically linked, especially in this work of non-fiction dedicated to the sport of bullfighting. In this analysis based on a geocritical approach and literary cartography, I am going to study the relationship between narrative spaces and sports to pinpoint how and to what extent Hemingway exploits Spanish geography and the sport of bullfighting as representative of a system of sportsmanship values. More precisely, this analysis will identify Hemingway’s spatial intertextuality of bullfighting Spain, the multiplicity of geographic scales, and the stratification of sports spaces. By aligning the Spanish ‘art’ with athletics known to the American audience, Hemingway renders the unknown ‘knowable’, without requiring readers to be ‘always looking at map’.  相似文献   


This essay follows up on an article published in Soccer & Society prior to the 2018 World Cup in Russia. There it was argued that this edition of the World Cup served as particularly interesting for the academic field focussed on sport-mega events (SMEs) and ‘security’, because of its uniquely securitized climate. Written immediately after the 2018 World Cup, the present essay reflects upon the event’s ‘security’ and mega-event security more broadly. It revisits some ‘security-related’ episodes. Then, special attention will be given the media discourse vis-à-vis ‘hooliganism’. The essay argues that the media discourse took an unorthodox ‘turn’ with regard to English ‘hooligans’, who, compared to past events, were portrayed as being ‘in risk’ – rather than being the group generating ‘the risk’ of football-related violence and public disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present an overview of the USSR boycott of the 1984 Olympic Games and Nicolae Ceausescu’s decision to send the Romanian Olympic team to Los Angeles, from an internal politics perspective. All the existing analyses study the situation from the perspective of international relations but the aim of this paper is to analyze the ways that Ceausescu incorporates this decision into his own ideology and how the Romanian people were informed. The sports news was published in the newspaper Sportul and some in Scanteia (‘The Official Newspaper of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Parti’). We will analyze all the relevant material from January until the end of August 1984 and will focus on the characteristics of propaganda and censorship used to convince the population about Ceausescu’s reasons to participate at the Olympic Games despite the situation. Dominated by the idea of a ‘multilateral developed society’, Ceausescu incorporated sport as part of this ideology and in the case of the 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Games, he manipulated the population through the media in a particular manner, centred on his ‘cult of personality’.  相似文献   


imove, which became Yorkshire and Humberside’s regional programme for the 2012 Cultural Olympiad, was inspired by ‘the art of movement’, and underpinned by the idea of transcending dualities of mind/body and art/sport. Art and sport were combined in various ways within the programme, and with different degrees and types of audience engagement and participation. This article draws on the evaluation data collected during the course of the programme to develop a typology of art-sport relationships: additive, interactive, and transformative. It defines and illustrates each instance with examples of particular projects and highlights the role of the participants/audience in determining the nature of the physical learning and new knowledge of the moving body that arises in each case. Finally, it considers the conditions under which hybrid forms of art-sport can innovate and flourish with reference to the concept of ‘third space’.  相似文献   


Participant–practitioner relationships in community ‘sport-for-development’ practices are seen as central in working towards broader developmental outcomes. Using Noddings’ Ethics of Care as an analytical framework, we investigated relational strategies of practitioners in three community sport practices (Belgium) to understand the personal developmental potential of these relationships. Based on the data (participatory observations, interviews, focus groups), we identified the following themes that are viewed as fundamental in building relationships that hold the potential to instigate personal development for young people in disadvantaged situations: (a) time demanding interactions, (b) authenticity of practitioners, (c) equalizing expertise, (d) non-judgmental approach, (e) practitioners’ cultural capital, (f) co-organizing activities, (g) a ‘thousand chances’ philosophy, and (h) providing individual support. The identified themes can be used to develop youth-centred and qualitative evaluation methodologies that are more congruent with the daily work of community sport workers and, by doing so, go beyond a narrow quantitative ‘outcome-fixated’ evaluation dogma.  相似文献   

殷姿 《体育科研》2016,(5):71-76
进入21世纪,超体育现象受到了媒体的广泛关注。所谓超体育表演及其现象指的是体育明星在比赛场地以外以体育明星的身份所进行的表演性活动。综艺节目《超级战队》试图实现与体育的对接,本文以宁泽涛为例,采用文献资料法、案例分析法等方法,从表演场域、表演者、观众3个角度对体育明星在《超级战队》中的表演形态进行解析,认为《超级战队》以体育明星为中心构成了一种表演场域,体育明星在既定的前台设置中进行身份认同,观众成为超体育表演最重要的决定者,并提出体育明星作为偶像符号具有一定的现实意义,同时阐释超体育表演现象。  相似文献   

Sports gambling is a well-established practice in Israel, whose beginnings can be traced to 1951. In recent years, the activities of the Israel Sports Betting Board (ISBB), also known as the ‘Toto Commission’, have become extremely popular with the public at large, and especially with sports fans. The study examines the changing advertising messages and creative appeals featured in the ISBB’s various advertising campaigns throughout Israeli history, and specifically the broad social meanings that can be inferred from these campaigns. The findings illustrate how significant structures of meaning in advertising function as reflections of the state of sports and society in Israel and as representations of some of the most salient phenomena in these domains. For example, for many years advertisements have been dominated by male presence, reflected primarily in the featured characters and language representations. Also prominent are representations of militarism as well as global biases, which are illustrated by the use of English in the local Israeli gambling brand name (‘Winner’), for example.  相似文献   


A frequently occurring situation in college and professional football is that of a team catching up through two touchdowns after trailing by 14 points, with the game outcome being determined by the extra-point plays. For leagues allowing two-point converts, an optimal point-after strategy exists under quite reasonable assumptions, and depends upon the relative utility to the team of a win, tie, or loss and the probability of success with a (one-point) kick as opposed to a (two-point) run/pass. We illustrate with reference to the January 1984 Orange Bowl game, where the favored team followed a possibly suboptimal strategy, losing the game and the national championship.  相似文献   


A project approved by the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC), the Indigenous Tribal Games (ITG) advocates for indigenous empowerment through traditional sports. To accomplish this, a requisite for participating in the ITG is belonging to any indigenous group. Since the audience includes non-indigenous spectators, bringing indigenous players to the fore transports the ‘Other’ to the colonizer’s consciousness that the indigenous player can not only play, but even excel, in Olympic-patterned sports. This article focuses on two ITG competitions participated in by 43 Iraya-Mangyan players of Abra de Ilog and Puerto Galera, Mindoro (2013 and 2014). The findings suggest that ITG enabled a space for the players’ performative (dis)play. Transgressions through neocolonial impositions were necessary in awakening the players’ indigenous consciousness. The ITG advocates sought to empower their contested and tentative performative identities but it has also led to their disempowerment; that is, their ‘inclusion’ has unwittingly, yet also forcibly, ‘excluded’ them.  相似文献   

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