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Since the turn of the 21st century, there has been a resurgence of vibration technology to enhance sport science especially for power and force development. However, vibration exercise has been trialled in other areas that are central to athlete performance such as warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. Therefore, the aim of this review was to attempt to gain a better understanding of how acute and short-term vibration exercise may impact on warm-up, flexibility and sprint speed. The importance of warming up for sporting performance has been well documented and vibration exercise has the capability to be included or used as a standalone warm-up modality to increase intramuscular temperature at a faster rate compared to other conventional warm-up modalities. However, vibration exercise does not provide any additional neurogenic benefits compared to conventional dynamic and passive warm-up interventions. Vibration exercise appears to be a safe modality that does not produce any adverse affects causing injury or harm and could be used during interval and substitution breaks, as it would incur a low metabolic cost and be time-efficient compared to conventional warm-up modalities. Acute or short-term vibration exercise can enhance flexibility and range of motion without having a detrimental effect on muscle power, however it is less clear which mechanisms may be responsible for this enhancement. It appears that vibration exercise is not capable of improving sprint speed performance; this could be due to the complex and dynamic nature of sprinting where the purported increase in muscle power from vibration exercise is probably lost on repeated actions of high force generation. Vibration exercise is a safe modality that produces no adverse side effects for injury or harm. It has the time-efficient capability of providing coaches, trainers, and exercise specialists with an alternative modality that can be implemented for warm-up and flexibility either in isolation or in conjunction with other conventional training methods.  相似文献   


Mobile power meters provide a valid means of measuring cyclists’ power output in the field. These field measurements can be performed with very good accuracy and reliability making the power meter a useful tool for monitoring and evaluating training and race demands. This review presents power meter data from a Grand Tour cyclist’s training and racing and explores the inherent complications created by its stochastic nature. Simple summary methods cannot reflect a session’s variable distribution of power output or indicate its likely metabolic stress. Binning power output data, into training zones for example, provides information on the detail but not the length of efforts within a session. An alternative approach is to track changes in cyclists’ modelled training and racing performances. Both critical power and record power profiles have been used for monitoring training-induced changes in this manner. Due to the inadequacy of current methods, the review highlights the need for new methods to be established which quantify the effects of training loads and models their implications for performance.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of completing additional warm-up strategies in the transition phase between the pool warm up and the start of a race on elite sprint swimming performance. Twenty-five elite swimmers (12 men, 20 ± 3 years; 13 women, 20 ± 2 years, performance standard ~807 FINA2014 points) completed a standardised pool warm up followed by a 30-min transition phase and a 100-m freestyle time trial. During the transition phase, swimmers wore a tracksuit jacket with integrated heating elements and performed a dry land-based exercise routine (Combo), or a conventional tracksuit and remained seated (Control). Start (1.5% ± 1.0%, P = 0.02; mean ± 90% confidence limits) and 100-m time trial (0.8% ± 0.4%, P < 0.01) performances were improved in Combo. Core temperature declined less (?0.2°C ± 0.1°C versus ?0.5°C ± 0.1°C, P = 0.02) during the transition phase and total local (trapezius) haemoglobin concentration was greater before the time trial in Combo (81 µM ± 25 µM versus 30 µM ± 18 µM, P < 0.01; mean ± standard deviation) than in Control. Combining swimmers traditional pool warm up with passive heating via heated jackets and completion of dry land-based exercises in the transition phase improves elite sprint swimming performance by ~0.8%.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the acute effects of two barbell hip thrust-based (BHT) post-activation potentiation (PAP) protocols on subsequent sprint performance. Using a crossover design, eighteen handball athletes performed maximal 15-m sprints before and 15s, 4min and 8min after two experimental protocols consisting of BHT loaded with either 50% or 85% 1RM (50PAP and 85PAP, respectively), in order to profile the transient PAP effects. The resulting sprint performances were significantly impaired at 15s only after the 85PAP protocol, which induced likely and very likely greater decreases compared to the 50PAP. At 4min and 8min, significant improvements and very likely beneficial effects were observed in the 10m and 15m performances following both protocols. Significant differences were found when comparing the two PAPs over time; the results suggested very likely greater performance improvements in 10m following the 85PAP after 4min and 8min, and possible greater performance improvements in 15m after 4min. Positive correlations between BHT 1RMs values and the greatest individual PAP responses on sprint performance were found. This investigation showed that both moderate and intensive BHT exercises can induce a PAP response, but the effects may differ according to the recovery following the potentiating stimulus and the individual`s strength level.  相似文献   

It is unknown whether a passive warm-up or an active warm-up performed at an intensity based on lactate thresholds could improve prolonged intermittent-sprint performance either in thermoneutral or hot environmental conditions. To investigate this issue, 11 male athletes performed three trials that consisted of 80 min of intermittent-sprinting performed on a cycle ergometer, preceded by either an active or a passive warm-up. Active warm-up and intermittent-sprint performance were performed in both hot and thermoneutral environmental conditions, while passive warm-up and intermittent-sprint performance were performed in hot conditions only. First sprint performance was also assessed. Results showed no significant interaction effects between any of the trials for total work (J · kg(-1)), work decrement, and power decrement (P = 0.10, P = 0.42, P = 0.10, respectively). While there were no significant differences between trials for work done for first sprint performance (P = 0.22), peak power was significantly higher after passive warm-up compared with active warm-up performed in either thermoneutral (P = 0.03) or in hot conditions (P = 0.02). Results suggest that the main benefits of warm-up for first sprint performance are derived from temperature-related effects. Active warm-up did not impair prolonged intermittent-sprint performance in the heat compared with thermoneutral conditions.  相似文献   

目的:研究4 000 m场地自行车运动VO2反应,及前15 s高功率起动对运动成绩的影响。方法:11名男子自行车运动员在功率车上进行递增负荷试验和两种不同起动强度的4 000 m运动。首先进行前60 s平均功率(128±2)%MAP即(501.7±41.9)w强度对照模式运动;5 h后进行模拟模式运动,强度在第8~10 s达到最高值235%MAP(928.3±77.6)w,后逐步下降,15 s时至平均功率(421.9±40.1)w,维持15~60 s。60 s之后两组均进行自由速度模式,强度控制在380~420 w之间。结果:整个测试过程模拟组较对照组平均功率高19 w左右,有统计学差异。模拟组15~60 sVO2高于对照组,模拟组15s~60sVO2高于对照组,而AOD却低于对照组,对整个运动表现有促进作用。结论:4 000 m场地自行车运动前15 s高输出功率可伴随着更快的VO2反应而不是单一归于节省时间理论,并可促进中等距离自行车计时运动员的摄氧动员能力。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of time of day on a cycling time trial with and without a prolonged warm-up, among cyclists who tended towards being high in “morningness”. Eight male cyclists (mean?±?s: age = 24.9?±?3.5 years, peak power output = 319?±?34?W, chronotype = 39?±?6 units) completed a 16.1-km time trial without a substantial warm-up at both 07:30 and 17:30?h. The time trial was also completed at both times of day after a 25-min warm-up at 60% of peak power. Power output, heart rate, intra-aural temperature and category ratings of perceived exertion (CR-10) were measured throughout the time trial. Post-test blood lactate concentration was also recorded. Warm-up generally improved time trial performance at both times of day (95% CI for improvement = 0 to 30?s), but mean cycling time was still significantly slower at 07:30?h than at 17:30?h after the warm-up (95% CI for difference = 33 to 66?s). Intra-aural temperature increased as the time trial progressed (P <?0.0005) and was significantly higher throughout the time trials at 17:30?h (P = 0.001), irrespective of whether the cyclists performed a warm-up or not. Blood lactate concentration after the time trial was lowest at 07:30?h without a warm-up (P = 0.02). No effects of time of day or warm-up were found for CR-10 or heart rate responses during the time trial. These results suggest that 16.1-km cycling performance is worse in the morning than in the afternoon, even with athletes who tend towards ‘morningness’, and who perform a vigorous 25-min warm-up. Diurnal variation in cycling performance is, therefore, relatively robust to some external and behavioural factors.  相似文献   

This investigation assessed whether prior heavy resistance exercise would improve the repeated sprint performance of 16 trained youth soccer players (Age 17.05 ± 0.65 years; height 182.6 ± 8.9 cm; body mass 77.8 ± 8.2 kg). In session 1, individual 1 repetition max was measured utilising a squat movement. In sessions 2 and 3, participants performed a running-based repeated anaerobic sprint test with and without prior heavy resistance exercise of 91% of their 1 repetition max. Times were recorded for each of the 6 sprints performed in the repeated sprint test and summed to provide total time. T-tests compared the two exercise conditions via differences in corresponding sprint times and total time. Analysis revealed significantly reduced total time with use of heavy resistance exercise (33.48 (±1.27) vs. 33.59 (±1.27); P = 0.01). Sprints 1 (P = 0.05) and 2 (P = 0.02) were also faster in the heavy resistance exercise condition (5.09 (±0.16) vs. 5.11 (±0.16) and 5.36 (±0.24) vs. 5.45 (±0.26) seconds respectively) although no other differences were shown. Findings demonstrate improved sprint times of trained adolescent soccer players after heavy resistance exercise although benefits appear not as sustained as in adult participants.  相似文献   

This study aims to describe the intensity and load demands of different stage types within a cycling Grand Tour. Nine professional cyclists, whom are all part of the same World-Tour professional cycling team, participated in this investigation. Competition data were collected during the 2016 Giro d’Italia. Stages within the Grand Tour were classified into four categories: flat stages (FLAT), semi-mountainous stages (SMT), mountain stages (MT) and individual time trials (TT). Exercise intensity, measured with different heart rate and power output based variables, was highest in the TT compared to other stage types. During TT’s the main proportion of time was spent at the high-intensity zone, whilst the main proportion of time was spent at low intensity for the mass start stage types (FLAT, SMT, MT). Exercise load, quantified using Training Stress Score and Training Impulse, was highest in the mass start stage types with exercise load being highest in MT (329, 359?AU) followed by SMT (280, 311?AU) and FLAT (217, 298?AU). Substantial between-stage type differences were observed in maximal mean power outputs over different durations. FLAT and SMT were characterised by higher short-duration maximal power outputs (5–30?s for FLAT, 30 s–2?min for SMT) whilst TT and MT are characterised by high longer duration maximal power outputs (>10?min). The results of this study contribute to the growing body of evidence on the physical demands of stage types within a cycling Grand Tour.  相似文献   


Carbohydrate (CHO) mouth rinse has been shown to improve time trial performance. Although the exact mechanism remains un-established, research postulates that there are oral cavity receptors which increase neural drive. Increasing the duration of the mouth rinse could potentially increase stimulation of these receptors. The aim of the current investigation was to determine whether the duration of mouth rinse with 6.4% CHO affected 30-min self-selected cycling performance. Eleven male participants (age =24.1±3.9 years) performed three 30-min self-paced trials. On one occasion water was given as a mouth rinse for 5 s without being ingested placebo (PLA), on the other two occasions a 6.4% CHO solution was given for 5 and 10 s. Distance cycled, heart rate, ratings of perceived exertion, cadence, speed and power were recorded throughout all trials. The main findings were that distance cycled during the 10-s mouth rinse trial (20.4±2.3 km) was significantly greater compared to the PLA trial (19.2±2.2 km; P<0.01). There was no difference between the 5- and 10-s trials (P=0.15). However, 10 out of 11 participants cycled further during the 5-s trial compared to PLA, and eight cycled further during the 10-s trial compared to the 5 s. In conclusion, although there was an improvement in distance cycled with the 5-s mouth rinse compared to the PLA it was only significant with 10 s suggesting a dose response to the duration of mouth rinse.  相似文献   

This study analysed the evolution of the physical potential of a twice top-10 Grand Tour cycling finisher (Tour de France and Vuelta a España) whose training was monitored between the ages of 18 and 23 years. The world-class cyclist’s power output (PO) data and training indices were analysed over six years to determine the evolution of his record power profile and training load (TL), which were estimated by using the session rating of perceived exertion (RPE) method. The total annual duration and TL increased through six seasons by 79% and 83%, respectively. The record POs in all exercise intensity zones improved over the six years. The increases in TL, monotony (+34%) and strain (+162%) from the junior category to the world-class level significantly correlated with an improvement in his aerobic potential, which was characterised by an increase in the record POs between 5 min and 4 h. This case study of the performance level and training parameters of a world-class cyclist provides comprehensive insight into the evolution of a cyclist to the top level. Furthermore, determining the record power profile of this athlete over six competitive seasons illuminates the maturation of the physical potential of a top-10 Grand Tour finisher.  相似文献   

To assess the effect of carbohydrate and caffeine on gross efficiency (GE), 14 cyclists (V?O2max 57.6 ± 6.3 ml.kg?1.min?1) completed 4 × 2-hour tests at a submaximal exercise intensity (60% Maximal Minute Power). Using a randomized, counter-balanced crossover design, participants consumed a standardised diet in the 3-days preceding each test and subsequently ingested either caffeine (CAF), carbohydrate (CHO), caffeine+carbohydrate (CAF+CHO) or water (W) during exercise whilst GE and plasma glucose were assessed at regular intervals (~30 mins). GE progressively decreased in the W condition but, whilst caffeine had no effect, this was significantly attenuated in both trials that involved carbohydrate feedings (W = ?1.78 ± 0.31%; CHO = ?0.70 ± 0.25%, p = 0.008; CAF+CHO = ?0.63 ± 0.27%, p = 0.023; CAF = ?1.12 ± 0.24%, p = 0.077). Blood glucose levels were significantly higher in carbohydrate ingestion conditions (CHO = 4.79 ± 0.67 mmol·L?1, p < 0.001; CAF+CHO = 5.05 ± 0.81 mmol·L?1, p < 0.001; CAF = 4.46 ± 0.75 mmol·L?1; W = 4.20 ± 0.53 mmol·L?1). Carbohydrate ingestion has a small but significant effect on exercise-induced reductions in GE, indicating that cyclists’ feeding strategy should be carefully monitored prior to and during assessment.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to compare the physiological demands of laboratory- and road-based time-trial cycling and to examine the importance of body position during laboratory cycling. Nine male competitive but non-elite cyclists completed two 40.23-km time-trials on an air-braked ergometer (Kingcycle) in the laboratory and one 40.23-km time-trial (RD) on a local road course. One laboratory time-trial was conducted in an aerodynamic position (AP), while the second was conducted in an upright position (UP). Mean performance speed was significantly higher during laboratory trials (UP and AP) compared with the RD trial (P < 0.001). Although there was no difference in power output between the RD and UP trials (P > 0.05), power output was significantly lower during the AP trial than during both the RD (P = 0.013) and UP trials (P = 0.003). Similar correlations were found between AP power output and RD power output (r = 0.85, P = 0.003) and between UP power output and RD power output (r = 0.87, P = 0.003). Despite a significantly lower power output in the laboratory AP condition, these results suggest that body position does not affect the ecological validity of laboratory-based time-trial cycling.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to examine the use of the critical velocity test as a means of predicting 2000-m rowing ergometer performance in female collegiate rowers, and to study the relationship of selected physiological variables on performance times. Thirty-five female collegiate rowers (mean ± s: age 19.3 ± 1.3 years; height 1.70 ± 0.06 m; weight 69.5 ± 7.2 kg) volunteered to participate in the study. Rowers were divided into two categories based on rowing experience: varsity (more than 1 year collegiate experience) and novice (less than 1 year collegiate experience). All rowers performed two continuous graded maximal oxygen consumption tests (familiarization and baseline) to establish maximal oxygen uptake ([Vdot]O2max), peak power output, and power output at ventilatory threshold. Rowers then completed a critical velocity test, consisting of four time-trials at various distances (400 m, 600 m, 800 m, and 1000 m) on two separate days, with 15 min rest between trials. Following the critical velocity test, rowers completed a 2000-m time-trial. Absolute [Vdot]O2max was the strongest predictor of 2000-m performance (r = 0.923) in varsity rowers, with significant correlations also observed for peak power output and critical velocity (r = 0.866 and r = 0.856, respectively). In contrast, critical velocity was the strongest predictor of 2000-m performance in novice rowers (r = 0.733), explaining 54% of the variability in performance. These findings suggest the critical velocity test may be more appropriate for evaluating performance in novice rowers.  相似文献   

This study examined the long-term effects of the 11+ on physical performance in adolescent male football (soccer) players. Eighty-two 14- to 16-year-old male football players (11+ = 42 players, control = 40 players) participated. Teams were randomised to control (CON) and intervention (INT) groups. INT applied the 11+ injury prevention programme for 30 weeks at least twice a week as a warm-up. CON performed their standard warm-up. Motor performance tests were conducted 1 week prior and 1 week after the competition season. We used magnitude-based inferences and linear mixed-effects models to analyse performance test results. INT showed superior results compared to CON in the vertical jump height 7.5% (95%-CI 4.4%, 10.7%), the Bosco 15-s-jump test 7.2% (95%-CI 2.2%, 12.4%), and the Illinois agility test ?2.6% (95%-CI ?4.1%, ?1.1%). Possibly beneficial effects in favour of INT were found in the 9.1 m sprint test ?3.1% (95%-CI ?6.1%, 0.1%). Possibly harmful effects (i.e. in favour of CON) were observed in the dribbling test 2.8% (95%-CI ?0.8%, 6.4%). The 11+ warm-up programme can improve different performance measures in football players. Coaches might implement additional dribbling drills next to the 11+ to achieve improvements observed in dribbling ability when using a regular warm-up programme.  相似文献   


Cerebral palsy is known to generally limit range of motion and force producing capability during movement. It also limits sprint performance, but the exact mechanisms underpinning this are not well known. One elite male T36 multiple-Paralympic sprint medallist (T36) and 16 well-trained able-bodied (AB) sprinters each performed 5–6 maximal sprints from starting blocks. Whole-body kinematics (250 Hz) in the block phase and first two steps, and synchronised external forces (1,000 Hz) in the first stance phase after block exit were combined to quantify lower limb joint kinetics. Sprint performance (normalised average horizontal external power in the first stance after block exit) was lower in T36 compared to AB. T36 had lower extensor range of motion and peak extensor angular velocity at all lower limb joints in the first stance after block exit. Positive work produced at the knee and hip joints in the first stance was lower in T36 than AB, and the ratio of positive:negative ankle work produced was lower in T36 than AB. These novel results directly demonstrate the manner in which cerebral palsy limits performance in a competition-specific sprint acceleration movement, thereby improving understanding of the factors that may limit performance in elite sprinters with cerebral palsy.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to determine whether an exogenous sodium lactate infusion increases blood lactate concentration and decreases performance during a 20-km time-trial. Highly trained male cyclists performed a 20-km time-trial with a saline (control) or sodium lactate infusion. Sodium lactate was infused at rates previously observed to raise blood lactate concentration by 2 mmol·l?1 in trained individuals cycling at 65% of maximum oxygen uptake. Blood lactate concentration increased (P≤0.0001) during both the control and sodium lactate trials compared with rest, with peak values of 9.6 and 10.6 mmol·l?1, respectively. The increase in sodium lactate over time was not significantly different from the control (P=0.34). Time to complete the time-trial and average power for the time-trial were not significantly different between the control (25.72±0.80 min; 348.0±32.4 W) and sodium lactate trials (25.58±0.93 min; 352.6±39.3 W). In addition, rating of perceived exertion, heart rate, and respiratory parameters did not differ between trials. In conclusion, when exogenous lactate is infused during a 20-km cycling time-trial, an exercise bout performed above the maximal lactate steady state, blood lactate concentration did not increase. Furthermore, exogenous lactate infusion did not decrease exercise performance, increase perceived exertion, or change respiratory parameters. Because lactate per se did not change performance outcomes or measured perceived exertion, we suggest that alternative objective measures of exercise intensity and performance be explored.  相似文献   

目的探究不同力量水平运动员激活后增强效应(post-activation potentiation,PAP)的时域特征。方法 PAP诱导练习采用90%1 RM重复3次杠铃半蹲,使用三维测力台对13名受试者静态半蹲跳前测值和跳后(15 s、3min、6 min、9 min、12 min)测值进行采集。采用双变量重复测量设计,运用重复测量方差分析和成对比较对腾空高度、峰值冲量和峰值功率进行分析。结果①腾空高度(P<0.01)和峰值冲量(P<0.05)在3、6和9 min时较基线值显著增加,峰值功率3 min(P<0.01)和6 min(P<0.05)时较基线值显著增加,组间均无显著差异(P>0.05)。②普通组各指标峰值出现在3 min,强壮组各指标峰值出现在6 min,且强壮组各指标峰值均大于普通组。结论不同力量水平运动员经90%1 RM强度重复3次杠铃半蹲诱导练习后,腾空高度和峰值冲量显著增加的时域均为3~9 min,峰值功率显著增加的时域均为3~6 min;但其PAP表现出不同时域特征相关,通常力量水平较高者腾空高度、峰值冲量和峰值功率的增长速率高于力量...  相似文献   

Pacing strategies in cross-country skiing have been investigated in several studies. However, none of the previous studies have been verified by collected skiing data giving the skiing velocities along a measured track. These can be used to calculate the propulsive power output. Collected real-time positioning data from a cross-country sprint skiing race were used to estimate the propulsive power by applying a power balance model. Analyses were made for the time-trial and the final for one female and one male skier. The average propulsive power over the whole race times were 311 and 296 W during the time trial and 400 and 386 W during the final, for the female and male skier, respectively. Compared to the average propulsive power over the whole race, the average active propulsive phases were calculated as 33 and 44% higher in the time trials and 36 and 37% higher in the finals for the female and male, respectively. The current study presents a novel approach to use real-time positioning data to estimate continuous propulsive power during cross-country sprint skiing, enabling in-depth analyses of power output and pacing strategies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the effects of mouth rinsing with a 6% and 16% carbohydrate solution (CHO) on time trial performance when compared to a 0% control (PLA) when in a fed state. Twelve recreationally active males underwent three trials by which they had to complete a set workload (600?±?65?W) in a fed state. Throughout each trial, participants rinsed their mouths with a 25?ml bolus of a 0% PLA, 6% or 16% CHO (maltodextrin) for every 12.5% of work completed. Rating of perceived exertion (RPE) and heart rate were recorded every 12.5% of total work. Performance times and power output improved significantly when using the 6% and 16% CHO versus the PLA trial (6% versus PLA, p?=?.002 and 16% versus PLA, p?=?.001). When comparing the performance times of the 6% to 16% CHO, no significance was observed (p?=?.244). There was no significant difference between heart rate levels or RPE values across the three trials. In conclusion, mouth rinsing with a 6% or 16% CHO solution has a positive effect on a cycling time trial performance undertaken in a fed state.  相似文献   

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